Look At Me // Jenlisa

By ratedjnls

562K 12.2K 5.6K

[ COMPLETE ✅ // smut 🔞 ] After her sophomore year, Jennie Kim comes home for the summer and finds herself ha... More

1: New Neighbor
2: Lisa's Penance
3: Next Time
4: If You Want To
5: Interrogations
6: Can't Sleep
7: First Date
8: Between Agony And Ecstasy
9: Shut Up And F*ck Me
10: Ceaselessly
11: Break Her Heart And We'll Break Your Face
12: Time Apart
13: I've Missed You
14: Worked Up
16: Punishment and Reward
17: Back Off
18: Sweet Revenge
19: Blind, Stupid Luck
20: Corset On The Floor
21: Fantasy Come To Life
22: Merry Christmas
Bonus Chapter: Coming Home
Bonus Chapter: A Little Surprise
Bonus Chapter: Warmth

15: I Trust You

16.7K 428 136
By ratedjnls

Since Jennie only had a morning class on Wednesday, she arranged to meet Lisa at Columbia that afternoon once Lisa's last class was out. As she hopped off the train and followed Lisa's directions to the campus and then to her dorm, she felt herself getting more and more giddy at the thought of finally seeing where Lisa was living. And she kind of hated that she would even use the term giddy to describe how she was feeling, but there was no other word for it.

Once she found the right address, she headed up and looked for her dorm number. Before knocking, she opened her backpack and grabbed the small canvas artwork she painted as a gift for Lisa. She gave it one last glance-over before knocking on the door and holding it behind her back.

When the door opened, Jennie didn't exactly get the greeting she had anticipated. Instead, a scowling, but very pretty brunette opened the door. A brunette that wasn't her girlfriend.

"Can I help you?"

Jennie looked at the number on the door to make sure she had the right place.

"Um...I'm here to see Lisa."

The girl opened the door wider as a signal for Jennie to come in.

"She must still be at class. You can wait in here if you want."

Jennie stepped in and immediately knew which side of the room was Lisa's. There wasn't much decorating her walls, but her soccer gear, cleats and workout bag were hung up on a hook near the foot of her bed. There was a photo of her team framed on her desk. Out of both nervousness and curiosity, she opened the desk drawer and found a photo of Lisa and Jennie inside, along with another photo of Lisa, Jennie, Somi, Jisoo and Seulgi taken the night they all went out together. Jennie smiled upon seeing them.

"What's that?"

Jennie turned around and saw Nancy gesturing at the painting.

"Oh. It's just a little something for Lisa." Jennie held onto it protectively while showing it to her. Nancy didn't really seem that interested. She merely scoffed and Jennie knew right then that there were more reasons to hate her than just the fact that she was constantly trying to get with Lisa.

"That's cute. You brought her a little present."

"I painted it."

"Even cuter."

Jennie wanted to throw something at her, but instead, she tried to be civil and reached out her hand.

"You must be her roommate. I'm Jennie."

"You must be Lisa's current conquest. I'm Nancy." She took Jennie's hand haphazardly.

"Excuse me?" Jennie looked her up and down, trying to maintain a tough exterior, but she was a little intimidated by just how hot this girl was.

"Look, you seem like a really nice girl so I'm gonna give you a little warning. Whatever little tryst you had with her is just that. She has a bit of a reputation and never sleeps with the same girl twice. Good luck trying to get into her bed more than once."

Jennie was torn between feeling a little smug having very obviously been in Lisa's bed more than once and wanting to punch this girl in her pretty little face for talking shit on her girlfriend. Even if it was true, Nancy was talking about her like she knew her. She wanted to, but very clearly didn't know her at all.

Jennie opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. She tightened her grip on the painting and looked over at Lisa's bed.

"You really think you'll be the only one she brings into her bed? That's very cute, but also very naïve of you."

Jennie kept her mouth shut. She knew for a fact Nancy was full of shit. Lisa wasn't like that anymore. Not since she met Jennie. But still, something inside her began to feel uneasy as she let Nancy's words invade her psyche. Where was Lisa? She just needed to see her face.

As if on cue, Lisa came rushing in out of breath. She saw Jennie and smiled.

"Sorry. My class ran way later than I thought it would and I tried rushing back as fast as I could."

She then noticed Nancy was in the room, as well, and looked back and forth between the two.

"Uh...I see you two have met."

Jennie nodded. "Yeah."

Lisa stood there slightly uncomfortable, rubbing the back of her neck and Jennie's heart melted. She smiled wide and ran up to her, throwing her arms around her and greeting her with a very open-mouthed kiss. Lisa kissed back happily as Nancy, clearly annoyed, huffed loudly, grabbed her backpack and walked out the door.

Lisa pulled away and rested her forehead against Jennie's.



"So that kiss...not that I'm complaining, but that was for Nancy's sake, wasn't it?"

Jennie shrugged. "Yeah. But I also missed you."

"My God, you are so fucking adorable." She kissed Jennie once more before noticing what Jennie had in her hand. "What's this?"

Jennie could feel her cheeks turning pink. "Oh, I brought this for you. I thought maybe you could hang it on your wall if you want. Or not. I just wanted you to have it."

Lisa took the artwork and studied it. It was a painting of two girls, two brunettes, kissing under the night sky. Their faces were obscured but it was obvious what it represented.

"You painted this?"

Jennie nodded shyly. "I wanted to recreate the kiss from our first date. I still feel it whenever I think about it. And while you were here and I was still at home, I couldn't get it out of my head. So I started painting it. I just didn't know the right time to give it to you."

Lisa couldn't stop staring at the painting. "This is beautiful. It's perfect. Wow. Thank you. Thank you so much."

She walked over and stood on her bed to hold the painting on the wall.

"What do you think? Right here? That way I can look at it before I go to bed every night."

"Um...if that's what you want."

Lisa looked back at her and smiled. "That's what I want. Just need to find a nail and a hammer." She stepped down and placed the painting on her desk so it was standing up. "I'll keep it here until then."

She gave Jennie another kiss. "I'm sorry you had to meet Nancy. Especially while I wasn't here. I thought she would have left for class by the time you got here."

"It's fine. I can safely say I don't like her, but it was fine. I think I held my own."

"Still, I should have been here. I'm sorry."

Jennie sat down on Lisa's bed, trying hard to make her next words sound as casual as possible.

"So...that's the girl who prances around in her underwear in front of you?"


"She's really pretty."

Lisa took a deep breath and sat down next to her.

"Do you want to talk about this?"

Jennie couldn't bring herself to look at her. "I don't know."

"She's my roommate. Nothing more. Not even a friend. I would consider her an enemy if I even considered her anything at all."

"And you don't feel...tempted?" Jennie's heart was pounding. What she just asked Lisa could very well be taken as an insult and she knew that. Especially with how amazing of a girlfriend she's been.

"Are you really asking me that, Jennie?"

Jennie's hands started fidgeting. "I'm sorry. I just know that in the past you've been with a lot of girls. And I don't judge you and I really think I'm okay with it. I just worry that maybe down the line I won't be enough."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want you to get bored with me. What if you'll want to be with other girls like you used to be?"

Lisa sighed and scooted closer to Jennie so their arms were touching.

"Did Nancy say something to you?"

"She may have gotten in my head a little," replied Jennie quietly.

Jennie felt Lisa take her hand, then turned to look at her, waiting for Lisa's response.

"Jen, I'm going to make this very clear. And the fact that you would even have these thoughts shows that I'm not doing a very good job of telling you how I feel. You are all I could ever want. I was so stupid before. I really thought that all I needed from someone was physical contact and nothing more. And after meeting you, I can see how wrong I was. Because with you, I do have that. And my God is it ever good. But I also get so much more with you. I've never been a cuddler, but I can't stop cuddling with you. I've never shared parts of my life with anyone, except maybe Seulgi. And I've never been with anyone longer than one night, but since I met you, I can't imagine a single night with anyone else but you."

She reached up to touch Jennie's cheek.

Jennie could feel her eyes welling up. How could she have been so stupid as to question Lisa's motives?

"I'm so sorry," Jennie choked out.

"Don't be. I want you to be able to talk to me about anything. Even if it's difficult." Her thumb swiped across Jennie's cheek, catching a tear.

Jennie kissed Lisa's hand. "Thank you."

"Feel better?"

Jennie nodded. "Yeah."

"Good. Because I'm crazy about you. I really, really need you to know that. I crave you. Like all the time."

Jennie smiled and leaned in to kiss her. Her lips captured Lisa's plump lower lip. She ran her tongue along it and Lisa whimpered at the contact. Jennie pulled back and gazed at her with hooded eyes.

"Show me."

Lisa's eyebrows raised. "Show you?"

Jennie bit her lower lip and nodded. "Unless your roommate is coming back any time soon."

"She has class until seven."

Lisa wasted no time in kissing Jennie once again. She lay her down onto her bed and deepened the kiss, her tongue meeting Jennie's. Jennie indulged in the way Lisa's mouth tasted. She loved the feel of Lisa's weight on her as her hands explored the skin underneath her shirt. She loved making out with Lisa. There was something to be said about being felt up by her girlfriend who had the most magical hands she had ever experienced. She loved every moment of this and was excited about where it was going to go. After all, she had challenged to show how much Jennie means to her. She was pretty sure sex with Lisa couldn't possibly get any better, but she was willing to test that theory.

Lisa put her arm under Jennie's back and pulled her up completely on the bed so her feet were comfortable at the foot of the bed. Jennie was impressed and even more turned on by Lisa's strength. She moved her like it was nothing. Jennie kicked off her shoes and Lisa followed suit. One by one, each article of clothing was removed until they were each in their bra and underwear.

Jennie was in awe looking up at Lisa. She had never seen anyone more gorgeous than her girlfriend and being in such close proximity with so little clothing made her all the more aroused.

Lisa's mouth trailed from Jennie's lips, down to her neck before she stopped and giggled.


"I forgot how carried away I got last time. You're all bruised."

"Oh yeah. My whole shoulder and lower neck were completely red with marks. I got a few stares. I don't really feel them as much anymore, but I guess they're a little black and blue now."


"Don't ever apologize for that. It was hot. It hurt, but in the best way possible."

Lisa leaned down and traced her mouth along the marks, gently nipping at each one, then soothing it with her tongue and Jennie could feel it in her toes.

"Fuck, that feels good."

Lisa continued sucking and nipping her neck as she brought her hand down between Jennie's legs, running her finger along the very noticeable wet spot on her lace panties. Her finger grazed along her clit through the material and Jennie gasped. She moved her hips upward to help Lisa take them off, then unclasped her bra and threw it on the floor, too impatient to wait for Lisa to finally get there. Not wanting this torture to go on much longer, she tugged at Lisa's underwear.


"If you insist."

She pulled down Lisa's bra strap.

"This too."

Lisa obeyed her requests until she was fully naked. Her hands were all over Jennie's body, exploring every inch of skin that was available to her from her position on top of Jennie. Jennie moved her hands down from Lisa's shoulders to the small over her back, finally landing on her ass, squeezing it firmly and pulling her closer.

"I really like your ass."

"I think that's a more obvious statement than me saying I like your boobs."

Jennie spread her legs enough for Lisa's thigh to grind down into her center. She shuddered at the feeling, goosebumps running up and down her legs. Lisa's hands never let up. They were everywhere, taking time with each smooth part of Jennie's flesh as her mouth covered what her hands missed. She was getting overwhelmed. When Jennie looked up at her, there was a look in her eyes she hadn't seen before. It was gone before she could even place what it was.

Lisa leaned down and kissed her. "You. Are. So. Sexy," she exclaimed between kisses. "I'm so wet for you."

"Me too," breathed Jennie.

"I kind of want to try something. If that's okay."

Jennie couldn't suppress the look of intrigue on her face. "And what would that be?"

"Um..." Lisa's face turned red.

"Are you embarrassed?"

"Shut up! I am not."

"You are so cute."

"No, I'm not. I'm sexy as fuck and you are putty in my hands."

"Well, you're right about that."

Lisa hesitated as she looked down at her girlfriend.

"Lis? You don't have to be scared. If you want to try something with me, try it. If I don't like it, I'll tell you."

"I'm pretty sure you'll like it."

"I'm sure I will, too. I trust you. Completely." Jennie leaned up to capture Lisa's lips, moaning into her mouth.

Lisa readjusted herself on top of Jennie. She grazed Jennie's thigh and on instinct, Jennie spread her legs wider for her.

Lisa smiled.

"Good girl."

She maneuvered her legs at just the right angle on top of Jennie, using her arms on either side of Jennie's head to hold up her own weight. It didn't take Jennie long to figure out what she had in mind. She had always heard about it, but didn't know if it was actually a thing. She assumed Lisa was rather skilled in this department, so it was obviously something that not only existed, but something Lisa had thought about trying with her. That excited her to no end.

As Lisa lowered her center down against Jennie's, they both moaned simultaneously at the contact. Jennie's hips jolted up and she had never felt anything so electric.

"Are you okay?" Lisa whispered.

All Jennie could do was nod enthusiastically.

Lisa smiled and nodded back as she started moving her center against Jennie's, creating a friction Jennie had never felt before. But she knew she never wanted the feeling to end. She could feel just how soaked Lisa was and the fact that it was combining with Jennie's juices was almost too much for her brain to comprehend. She had to stop thinking about it or she was going to come right then and there. And she wasn't ready for this to end. Lisa started grinding even harder.

"Lis, this feels so good," Jennie panted. She wondered how this girl was so damn flexible. There was no way she could attempt the position Lisa was in.

"Good. I just want to make you feel good," Lisa replied, breathing heavily and gazing down at Jennie. "Fuck, this is so hot. You're so hot."

Jennie swallowed hard and moved her center up to meet Lisa's with every grind. The moment she felt her swollen, aching clit come into contact with Lisa's, she cried out in both shock and ecstasy. When it happened again, she threw her head back and bit her lip, trying to suppress the moans and attempting to focus on not coming. It was getting increasingly difficult. The sound of their wetness mixing together combined with the feeling of Lisa's clit rubbing against hers as the friction increased more and more caused her to moan out her girlfriends name before officially giving up on trying to make it last.

"Shit. I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum. Fuck Lis, don't stop!"

Lisa increased the speed and the amount of friction upon hearing those words. She grabbed Jennie's hand and intertwined it with hers, then whispered to her.

"I'm close, too, baby. Cum with me."

Jennie saw stars behind her eyes, then everything went white. And then black. And then a flash of every color appeared before her as her entire body exploded against Lisa. Her clit spasmed uncontrollably as she shook and writhed underneath the other girl. She was pretty sure someone was screaming and was almost certain it was her. But she wasn't aware her voice was capable of reaching that decibel. Her orgasm was prolonged when she could feel Lisa's release all over pussy, feeling an increase of wetness between them. Lisa convulsed on top of her, moaning out Jennie's name in the process. Jennie felt Lisa's body continue to jerk on top of her as she rode out the rest of her high, using Jennie's body as an anchor as their hands squeezed together even tighter.

Lisa collapsed to the side of Jennie, letting go of her hand only to use it to cuddle into her, resting her head on the blonde's chest.

Her breathing was shaky and Jennie could feel her heart beating against her skin. She turned to her.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. It's just...that was intense."

"Yeah, it was," Jennie laughed.

"I almost came the second I started. It took everything in me to hold off."

"Oh, thank God! Me too. I felt so bad for coming so fast," replied Jennie.

"So it wasn't just me that found it incredibly hot and stimulating."

"No." Jennie ran her fingers through Lisa's sweaty hair. "It definitely wasn't just you."

They were naked and sweaty and exhausted, but that didn't stop them from starting another makeout session. Jennie craved her girlfriend's lips. They were just too tempting. Red and full and ready to be taken into her mouth. Jennie rolled them over so she was on top of Lisa and continued kissing her deeply. They intertwined their hands once more and Jennie rocked herself back and forth on top of Lisa, their breasts and nipples grazing against each other.

Lisa leaned up.

"Fuck, Jen! I need you. I need to fuck you. Right now."

She sat up, grabbed Jennie's legs so she was straddling her and moved so she was sitting on the edge of the bed with her feet on the floor. Jennie's legs were wrapped around her.

Lisa kept her eyes trained on Jennie as she entered her and started fucking her with two fingers. Jennie lurched forward and grabbed Lisa's hair, holding on for dear life. She felt so full, loving that Lisa was reaching so deep inside of her. She craved more, so she started bouncing up and down, fucking Lisa's fingers. Her hands were still gripping Lisa's hair as she pulled her in for a bruising kiss.

Jennie pulled away and started bouncing harder, begging Lisa to match her.

"Fuck me harder. Please...I need...I need more. Fuck."

Lisa inserted a third finger and Jennie could feel her go even deeper and harder as she ran her thumb over Jennie's clit. She watched as Lisa became enamored by her breasts bouncing up and down in her face and she would have laughed if she wasn't so close to coming.

It didn't take long for Lisa to latch on to Jennie's heaving breasts, moving her tongue from one nipple to the other while sucking each boob into her mouth. That's all it took for Jennie to fall over the edge. She moaned and cursed her way through her orgasm, no doubt alerting Lisa's neighbors to exactly what they were doing. She really didn't care, however, because her orgasm was taking on a life of its own. She could feel pussy tighten around her girlfriend's fingers and a fresh gush of slickness that was no doubt all over Lisa's fingers. Her gyrating slowed down as Lisa's fingers stilled inside of her. Jennie pulled her in for a kiss, feeling the sweat in Lisa's hair.

She looked down adoringly at her girlfriend and was thrown by the look in Lisa's eyes. The brunette looked up at her with something so pure and beautiful behind her eyes. She watched as Lisa struggled to say whatever was going on inside her head. She was shaking, searching Jennie's face for something. She opened her mouth a few times, but nothing would come out. Jennie placed her hands on Lisa's cheeks and nodded slowly, telling the girl that it's okay. That she understood. And that nothing needed to be said at this moment. They held each other like that for a while, breathing in each other, placing lazy kisses along each other's jaws, necks and lips. They were in no rush to leave this moment. So they stayed like this in each other's arms.


A/N: hiiii i hope u liked this chapter! btw i posted a new adaptation, "Head Over Boots For You", on my other acc: sshlalisa. go check it outttt 🥰❤️

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