A Demon's Blood Oath (Grandso...

By StardustMaster

55.3K 1.5K 326

"Do you promise...?" "I promise..." Y/n, less than a quater demon, and more human then not, has been alone mo... More

A Demon's Blood Oath
You Lead The Way
You Create Something New
You Help Kill A Fatty
You Avoid The Swamp
You Become Priority #1
You Play Ball & Follow The Arrows
You Get Stuck With A Crybaby
You And Tanjiro Squash A Spider
You Prepare To Destroy Some Pillars
You Learn Gains Come With Losses
You Search For Something
You Become MJ
You Fight Daki
You Become A Tsuguko
Ablities Recap
You Visit A Swordsmith Village
You Complete Part Of The Oath
You Noticed The Calm Before The Storm
Who Are You?
You Say Goodbye
You See It Through To Complete The Blood Oath [Finale]

Prologue: You Just Made An Enemy Out Of A Demon...

7K 158 57
By StardustMaster

(A/n: Hey, Stardust here! Just wanted to say, thank you Royal-of-the-Loyal for inspiring me to make a Demon Slayer story, for helping me with the planning, forms, etc! Definitely check out his stories! They're so good! Also thanks Royal, I can't get the op 1 out of my head for at least a month. Note: Not everything in this story will follow up/ or be the same as Inuyasha so don't expect everything from there to be in here. With that out of the way, let's begin!)

Life...if I had to say anything about it... it's would have to be unknown. The twists and turns it holds, death doesn't discriminate....

"How did this happen?" Tanjiro is seen carrying Nezuko, but she was bleeding. A man with black hair was following behind him. This was you, but at the moment... you didn't feel like it.

"Nezuko... You're gonna be okay!" You shouted and held your sword, the Tessaiga. "I'll find a way... I'll find a way to save you."

Between the sinners and the saints.

"Your big brother will save you! Open your eyes, Nezuko! Look, Y/n's right here, your best friend is with you! So please, don't die on us!" You looked at Tanjiro, to muttering the same thing over and over again. You wanted so badly to tell him everything's gonna be fine. But you would be lying to him and yourself. And you, were above that. "We'll definitely save you! Nezuko...Nezuko....!"

"Tanjiro... make sure you stay behind me..." You said as you took another step in front of Tanjiro, making foot prints in the snow. Your face spelled guilt and was written all over. Your heart was sinking every time you looked at Nezuko...Everytime you remember what happened. "Nezuko...Tanjiro...I'm sorry. If only... If only I was a bit sooner..."
"Tanjiro! Y/n!" You and Tanjiro looked up to see Tanjiro's mother calling to you two. "Your faces are pitch black, come here."

You just smiled at her.

"No, I'm okay." You said and wiped the soot off on your red robe, I bet if your grandma saw this now she'd have a few words for you. "See, it's all gone."

Tanjiro looked at his own before raising his arm. His mother gave him a stone look. "Don't even think about it, Young Man."

She pulled him closer as she smiled. "You both don't have to go. Y/n came over to visit. Plus, It's snowing and it's dangerous."

"We want us to have a great New Year's feast, so we'll go seek as much charcoal as we can." Tanjiro said and you nodded.

"Even if it's just a little, a little goes a long ways." You said as his mother smiles once more.

"Thank you." She then stood up. "Well then, Y/n, you better explain to Nezuko why her favorite person is leaving her behind."

You immediately started getting worried. "E-E-Eh? D-D-Do I have to?"

The two started laughing. "What makes you so scared of her?"

"It's not that...hm...." You blushed as little as Tanjiro looked at his mom, who gave a knowing smile. Tanjiro's siblings came rushing towards you both.

"Tanjiro, Y/n, are you going again today?!" The boy shouted with a question.

"I wanna go too! It's not fair that Y/n gets to go all the time!" The girl complained, you smirked and looked at your side.

"You don't have a sword to use, I'm glad Mr. Kamado taught me before..." You started to say remembering some of your training. Then you remember your katana, Tessaiga, A gift from your grandfather, not that you knew the guy. Still, you felt close to him, a bond to family. Is that weird? Having a bond with someone you've never met. The katana was in its sheath, the blade itself looked beaten and battered around. You didn't know a single thing about your family, and your sister never said a peep about them.

"No." The mother said to her children. "You can't walk fast like Tanjiro and Y/n."

"But Mom!" "No." The mother refused. "They aren't taking the cart today... so they can't pull you when you're tired."

The girl hugged you as she and the boy tried to weight you down. "Don't go Y/n! Nezuko will miss you!"

"Are you saying you won't miss me?" You teased them as they put more weight on you.

"We'll definitely miss you! Come on!! Take us with you!" They shouted and jumped on you. You tried to shake them all off.

"RAAAAAAAAH! Get off me you little twerps!" You said with a smile as they stuck their tongue out on you. You began chasing them around the house and Tanjiro couldn't help but smile. He looked at his other sibling.

"Takeo... I know you can't do a lot, but cut a little wood today. Okay?" He asked him.

"I will, but..." Takeo looked away. "...I was hoping we'd do it together."

Soon you both were on your way. You looked at Tanjiro. "You ready for your personal bodyguard?"

He shoved you lightly with a smile. "Please, even with my dad's training, I'm not sure you know how to use that. Remember the hunt?"

"I messed up one time!" You shouted in disbelief that he kept bringing up the one time.

"Hurry back, you two! Okay?" The children said.

"Be careful!" The girl shouted.

"We will!" You said as you both waved to them.

"Y/n! Tanjiro!" Nezuko came up to you holding a boy on her back. You saw her and couldn't help but blush.

"N-Nezuko..." You said as Tanjiro bumped his shoulder sending you tumbling forward a bit. "Whoa! Sorry!"

"I-It's okay." Nezuko started blushing as she shook it off. You quickly glared with your blush at Tanjiro who gave you a smug smile. "I was just putting Rokuta to sleep..."

Tanjiro patted Rokuta's head.

"They've been so lonely since father died... so they've started clinging to you two." Nezuko explained but then pouted at you. "And Y/n, I thought you said you weren't going anywhere this time?"

"It's nothing too big, just helping out Tanjiro for a while." You said tried to not make Nezuko mad or worried.

"Still, last time your senses were acting up." She reminded you. That was a weird thing, your senses have been getting better, like significantly. Tanjiro grabbed your shoulders.

"It's okay, Nezuko. He's got me with him. You mind if I borrow your best friend for a bit?" He asked as she smiled.

"Yeah. Just as long as you guys stay safe." She then gestured for you to crouch down a bit. You sighed a smile and did so. You weren't even that much taller than her. She cupped her hand around your cheek like always. "Promise?"

You gave her your necklace like always, it was a promise for you to come back for it. "I promise."

Tanjiro let out a fake cough with a smirk, you and Nezuko looked at the family smirking at your displays and both of you started freaking out. Started stuttering and waving your hands all over the place with blushed. "I-Uh-you, um...."

"See you later, C/n." Nezuko said with a bright smile and a light blush as you stood up straight again.

"Y-Yeah." You regained your composure. "See you later, Nez."

You and Tanjiro started to walk down the mountain, with Tanjiro still teasing you. "You still can't tell her...?"

"Shut it." You said and smiled. "Let's just focus on selling coal."

Tanjiro smiled and you thought about some things. "Demons... smell is obvious... but it's usually followed with blood."

"Oh, Tanjiro, Y/n!" A woman said as the two of you held your baskets. "You came down the mountain on a day like this? You both work so hard! You'll catch a cold!"

"Hey, sell me some charcoal!"

"Thanks for fixing my shouji door the other day!"

"Give me some charcoal too!"

You then saw a boy with a bloody nose being thrown out of a house by a woman. He held something and looked at you. "Y/N! TANJIRO!! YOU'RE JUST IN TIME!!!"

"What did you do now?" You asked mildly annoyed already smelling the object from afar.

"SHE SAYS I BROKE HER DISH! HELP ME!! SMELL IT!" He pleased as Tanjiro looked at you.

"You wanna do this one?" He asked and you shook your head. Tanjiro put his head down and sniffed. "I smell a cat."

"A cat? Oh dear." The woman said as the man was angry.

"SEE!! I TOLD YOU IT WASN'T ME!!" He shouted as someone called you over.

"Y/N! Will you help me carry some bundles?" Someone asked you.

"Tanjiro, can you help me find my cat?!" A lady asked. You and Tanjiro looked at each other and sighed with smiles.

"Meet you back here?" He said looking at you.

"Like always." You smirked at him and both of you split up. The sun started to fall and you both made your way back up to the house. "I didn't think it would take so long."

"Yeah, it's getting late. We should pick up the pace." Tanjiro suggested and you were about to until...

"HEY! Tanjiro, Y/n! You aren't... going back up the mountains, are you?!" You looked to see the old man. "It's too dangerous!"

"I've got a good nose for trouble." Tanjiro said and you waved around your sword.

"And I've got my sword in case anything, so we should be fine." You said but the man wasn't having it.

"You can stay here, please. Come back, it's all right. You're both welcome here!" He said as he started to get worried. "I don't want you two to run into any demons."

You both eventually agreed to stay the night. "For ages... man-eating demons have roamed these woods after dark. So you shouldn't walk around at night. Eat then sleep. You can get up and go home early tomorrow."

"But... can't the demons come inside the house?" Tanjiro asked and the man nodded.

"Yes... they can..." He said as Tanjiro got drowsy.

"But... then... why don't they eat everyone?" He asked as the man started smoking his pipe.

"Becasue Demon Slayers cut them down... have for ages." He said and you heard Tanjiro fall asleep. You smiled at him but were curious about these demons. Just then, you remembered something.

"The...bl—od... of your gran...wil-...guid-ou! The will to protect-will...aw...!"

"Huh?" You said as the man looked at you.

"Are you alright?" He asked and you nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just remembered something." You curled up in the futon as you asked another thing. "Do... demons have a certain smell?"

"Yes, no matter how small they are. But skilled ones can sniff them out...." He said and you nodded.

"Do you think... Demons and humans could get along?" You asked him and he shook his head.

"I doubt it... nothing good comes out of those monsters." He said and you nodded. You slept and in the morning, you and Tanjiro got up and said goodbye. But then, you pricked yourself with a thorn.

"Ahh! Man, that hurt!" You said as you looked at your hand.

"You okay?" Tanjiro asked and smiled. "Oh that small thing? We can get that fixed at the house."

He walked forward as you looked at your palm with blood. You felt your body pulse in and out, like something was awakening. But then it suddenly stopped. "What was that-?...?!?"

You immediately sped forward up the mountain after sniffing the air. Tanjiro was confused. "WAIT, Y/N!!"

Tanjiro then sniffed the air and started running up with you. Albeit, you were moving faster. When he got to the top, he saw you on your knees, crying near Nezuko. "Y/N?! What's-?!"

Then... he saw it.. the bodies.

"Agh!!! What the...? WHAT HAPPENED?!" Tanjiro said and he tried to pick up Nezuko and Rokuta. Tanjiro then saw blood through this house with the bodies of his family. "Mom... Hanako... Takeo... Shigeru.... Nezuko... Rokuta..."

"TANJIRO!!!" You shouted and he looked at you. "IT'S NEZUKO!! SHE'S STILL WARM!"

You and Tanjiro ran through the snow as you started getting worn out. "Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! If only I was there faster! I could have saved them from the bear! O-Or person! I could have done something!! Don't worry, Nezuko! I'll make sure you-!"


"?!" You heard a crack behind you to see Tanjiro falling off the cliff. "TANJIRO!!!"

You leapt at Tanjiro and threw your sword away to grab his arm. But, you were too late. You both went off the cliff and into the snow.

"W-Wha-?" You rose from the snow. "It...it protected the fall..? WAIT! NEZUKO?!"

"NEZUKO?!?" Tanjiro shouted as well as you both saw her... standing up. "NEZUKO!! ARE YOU ALL RIGHT!?"

"WAIT, TANJIRO!!" You shouted as you looked for your sheath to your sword. Tanjiro ran up to her.

"You shouldn't be up! Let us carry you into town!" He said but Nezuko gained fangs and tried to bite Tanjiro. Before she could, you took the sheath of your blade and tried to pull her off of him.

"NEZUKO!! YOU CAN FIGHT IT!!!" You shouted as you got her off of Tanjiro.

Nezuko headbutts you and you got taken off guard. Nezuko immediately tackled you to the ground and started chocking you still trying to bite you. You used your sheath to stop the bite but you couldn't do anything about your throat. "Y/N!!! NEZUKO!! DON'T TURN INTO A DEMON!!"

You felt the blood trickle down your throat and tried to smile at her. Tanjiro tried to take her off but she grew bigger. You raised your hand to cup her face. Nezuko was shocked and you smiled with tears in your eyes. "I'm sorry... it's okay... but don't... lose... yourself...you...can do...it, Nez...."

You started to see black but felt a drop on your face. You opened your eyes again to see Nezuko was crying. You then felt more of your face feel Nezuko's tears as she looked at you with sadness. You couldn't help but cry a little as well. Then...You felt your body pulse in and out and immediately threw Nezuko at Tanjiro. "Y/N?!"

You immediately drew your sword and blocked a strike from someone, but the force of that swing sent you to the side of the cliff. "GAH-!?"

"Y/N?!" Tanjiro shouted as Nezuko started to shake in anger and go after the man. "NEZUKO! NO! STOP!"

"Why do you protect them?" The man, Giyu, asked Tanjiro.

"Sister!! She's my sister!!" Tanjiro shouted and he frowned.

"And the other demon?" He asked but Tanjiro was confused.

"The other...? Y/n? He's my best friend!!" He shouted as you rose from the cliff and gripped your katana as it was full of blood. "Y/N! YOU'RE OKAY!"

"Yeah! And I'm gonna kick his ass!!" You shouted as you dashed towards him after than normal. Giyu sniffed the air to smell you as you raised your sword. "RAHGGGGGH!!!"

"...?!" He was confused because he smelt that you were human. He evaded your first strike and kicked you back to Tanjiro. "You're a demon, less than a quarter but still a demon. Still...You should have gone crazy years ago."

"D-Demon? I don't have no clue what bullshit you're spitting!" You shouted with annoyance. What the hell is this dude saying? "I've been a human my whole life! Don't give yourself an excuse to try and kill me!"

"No, I smell the demon blood all around you. It's embedded in your blood and it's old." Giyu said and steadied his sword. "How would he not know he's a demon? How is he even alive..? A demon... and a human... had a child...not only that but they had children...? What's going on...? He should've died from the sun the minute he was born... And he's protecting humans...?"

"GRAAAAAH!!" Nezuko shouted as Giyu glared at her.

"So that your little sister?" He dashed for her and you immediately got in the way only for him to pass you entirely and take Nezuko.

"Huh? NEZUKO!!" Tanjiro was in disbelief.

"YOU BASTARD! GIVE HER BACK!!" You shouted as Giyu shook his head.

"Don't you move, half of half." He said and you froze. "Killing demons is my job. So of course, I'll be taking your friends and little sister's head too."


"NEZUKO IS ACTING THIS WAY BECAUSE SHE FELL FROM A HIGH PLACE!! THAT'S ALL!!" You shouted as Giyu shook his head. He knew that you weren't lying and knew nothing about demons.

"He might be... different. That's wrong, demon blood got in her wound, so she's transformed into a demon." Giyu explained and looked that you. "That is how Man-eating demons multiply."

"NEZUKO WOULD NEVER EAT ANYONE!!" You shouted and he glared at you.

"She was about to kill and eat you both a minute ago. What about you, would you eat them?" He threw shade at you as you glared at him.


"WE WON'T LET HER HURT ANYONE!! WE'LL FIND A WAY TO CURE HER!! WE'LL MAKE HER HUMAN AGAIN!!!" Tanjiro shouted as Giyu gripped Nezuko arm harder.

"She won't get any better. A human who becomes a demon cannot go back." He said as you started to get desperate.

"WE'LL FIND A WAY! I'LL FIND THE ONE WHO KILLED THEIR FAMILY!! I'LL DO ALL THAT!! YOU SAY I'M A DEMON So... please..." You got on your knees and bowed your head. "You can kill me...just please...please let her go."

Nezuko stopped trying to shake off and looked at you in shock, but with a hint of fear. Giyu looked at her expression before Tanjiro bowed in the snow as well. "Please stop... please don't kill them..."

"NEVER LEAVE YOURSELVES SO DEFENSELESS IN FRONT OF AN ENEMY!!!" Giyu shouted as you were confused and rose your head long with Tanjiro. "Stop bowing down pitifully! If that worked, your family would still be alive! How can a weakling like you and a hybrid monster like him, who bow down when it's time to fight, to kill or be killed... how can such men... cure his little sister?! Or save his best friend!!?! Or even find their enemy!?! If you want something... you just fight for it!!! The weak have no power and no options!!! The strong will crush them in every way! Demons might know how to save your sister and they might even know how that boy came into existence... but NO DEMON WILL RESPECT YOUR WHINING AND BEGGING! And got that matter, I don't respect you both either!!!"

"W-What...?" This guy was delusional. You looked to your right and started to make your way to it.


"GYAAAGH!!!" Nezuko screamed in pain.

"NOOOOO!!!" Tanjiro shouted as you grabbed Tessaiga and your blood flowed into it.


"The blood of your grandfather will guide you! The will to protect will break the seal!"

"Grandma...Kagome...?" You asked as soon you felt your body pulse in and out. Your hair turned platinum white as dog ears appeared on the top of your head. You could feel yourself getting stronger. You glared at the surprised Giyu.

"That look... could it be...?!" Giyu started to figure it out.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!" You shouted and the Tessaiga started to transform into its true form.

You dashed forward as Tanjiro snapped out of his shock and threw a rock at Giyu and Giyu blocked it with his hand. You appeared in front of him at quick speeds but Giyu blocked the first overhead strike and saw the rage in your eyes. "Those eyes... that rage will keep you alive."

Giyu saw another rock being thrown at him after he knocked you back with the hilt of his sword, he dodged it as Tanjiro charged forward.  "AAAAAAHH!!!"

"TAKE THIS!!!" You appeared on the tree above Giyu and soared down on the tree at him.

"These fools, head on attacks relying on pure emotions. What fools!!" Giyu took your head in his hand and slammed it on Tanjiro's before he slammed the end of his hilt on the back of your head and Tanjiro's back in quick, fluid motions, like a wave of water. Your vision went black as you and Tanjiro laid in the snow. Nezuko looked at you two and her heartbeat increased and she got angry. Giyu looked at your hands. "Wait, where's the sword and the hatchet?"

Giyu looked straight up to see your sword coming straight down at him. He immediately moved to the left only to notice the hatchet spinning at him. Giyu quickly moved out of the way, just barely. "When the boys threw his first rock, the hybrid charged at me to strike, knowing I would block the rock. Just before passing the tree, the boy threw a rock... and while hidden by the tree, he threw his hatchet. All attacks were to get me to where the sword would have killed me. And the hatchet was the back up option in case it failed. The hybrid and the boy charged at me, both hiding their hands so I wouldn't see they were unarmed. They knew they couldn't win against me, so their plan.... Was to strike me down after I killed them. They communicated that without even saying a word to each other.... Building off each other's instincts... these kids....maybe this kid is the grandson of the legendary-"

"GAAAR!!" Nezuko kicked Giyu back. Giyu looked worried.

"No! I'm too late! She's about to eat them!!" Giyu then saw Nezuko check Tanjiro's wounds and then lifting your head to see if you had many injures. She then put your head down softly on the ground before putting out her arms, to Giyu's surprise.


Nezuko dashed for Giyu. "They wouldn't be... the first to say that and then get eaten anyway. Starving demons will kill and eat their own parents and siblings. Because they need the energy, I've seen it countless times. This girl and that hybrid both are injured. It cost their strength to heal those wounds... not to mention the strength it took to transform into a demon. They must be starved right now... and must want it eat human flesh as soon as possible. But that boy didn't even know he was a demon until now, and that girl is protecting them, and focusing her anger on me."

Giyu put his sword away. "These three may be different."

Giyu chopped Nezuko's neck and you were seen in a black void. All around you were seen with people around you. A girl that looked like a teenager, but seemed much older than she looked. A red eyed woman, and a silver haired male. They all looked at you with sadness and worry.

"Y/n, I'm sorry we couldn't save you in time." One woman said.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. If you find your sister, no, I know she knows that her mom is watching her." The red eyed woman said.

"Please stay out of trouble, Y/n." She said and started to tear up. "I wish... I could hold you both again..."

"Come on! Get up already!" The white haired male shouted at your body. As the woman slapped his shoulder.


"You are less than a quarter demon, so using your demonic energy will take too much out of you." He said and crouched down to pet your dog ears. "I hope you can use the Tessaiga well, learn to harness your demonic energy to bring it out. Otherwise, you won't live long in this world."
You immediately open your eyes to see Nezuko on your right. You had tears in your eyes but soon heard footsteps as the top ears twitched. You immediately sprang up and held your sword as it transformed on its own. Giyu stepped out from a tree. "You're awake."

You gripped your sword as Tanjiro quickly held Nezuko. Giyu gave a normal stare. "Go see an old man named Sakonji Urokodaki who lives at the door of Mount Sagiri. Tell him that Giyu Tomioka sent you. Your sister should be fine because the sun isn't out today... but don't let her into direct sunlight."

He was gone in an instant and you and Tanjiro looked at each other.
And nodded. You all went back to the house and buried the Kamados. You and Tanjiro were on your knees, praying with your hands together. Soon, you all got up and started to walk away and Tanjiro grabbed Nezuko's hand. "Let's go."

Tanjiro and you took one last look before rushing forward. You looked at Tanjiro, he hasn't said anything to you. "Tanjiro..."

"You're not what he says you are." Tanjiro said as you were confused. "The reason I probably didn't smell that you were a demon was because of you being in my life most the time. But, because that, I know that you aren't a monster like he says you are. Your my best friend, and I'll protect you as well."

You felt a tear come down as you looked away. "EH?! SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO MAKE YOU CRY!"

"Who's crying?! I'm not crying! It's raining!" You shouted and wiped your eyes as Tanjiro smiled. "Besides, it's me who'll protect you."

"Not if I do it more." Tanjiro argued as you glared at him.

"What are you trying to say!? Don't argue with me, Tanjiro!" You said as he smiled at you.

"I'm going to protect you and Nezuko!" He claimed as you pointed at him.

"No, I will!" You shouted at him as Tanjir was taken back but stood his ground.

"No, it's gonna be me!" Tanjiro said as Nezuko look unamused but then seemed happy a little after seeing your smile. She gave you your necklace back.

"Ah, thank you." You smiled and she nodded. You both started rushing with Tanjiro again.

What lies ahead...?
"Man, things just aren't going our way, huh?" You asked Tanjiro. He nods and clenched his fist. "That jerk is off sending us to some old man!!"

"Yes, but that just means we gotta get stronger, for Nezuko, and our families." He said and you looked up.

"...For our families." You said and looked at someone. "Now, Taisho Whispered Rumors. It's heard that Royal and Star were discussing forms, but then it turned into a battle of rocks, demons, and planning. What numbskulls!"

"We'll see you all next time!" Tanjiro waved goodbye.

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