We are one - HTTYD FanFic (Th...

By ZombieBeheader

56K 1.6K 6.1K

I turn to the boy as he thrusts his flaming sword towards me. I dodge and I kick the sword out of his hands a... More

Chapter 1 - Blood bruises and scars
Chapter 2 - Getting to know my friends...and foes
Chapter 4 - Hiccup actually cries
Chapter 5 - Wildsouls
Chapter 6 - Talking about the perks of puberty
Chapter 7 - How does whips and chains sound?
Chapter 8 - Shirtless
Chapter 9 - Hugger
Chapter 10 - Banished
Chapter 11 - The pain of love
Chapter 12 - Vigilantes
Chapter 13 - Take a leap of Faith or a fall of Fear
Chapter 14 - A trail of kisses
Chapter 15 - The fall of the Night Fury
Chapter 16 - Blue Tattoo?
Chapter 17 - Pain...it hurts
Chapter 18 - Splitting skin
Chapter 19 - Dragon Racing with style
Chapter 20 - Take my heart
Chapter 21 - Burning skin
Chapter 22 - The Heart of a Chief and the Soul of a Dragon
Chapter 23 - Shirtless...again
Chapter 25 - Teeth and claws
A/N - Writing Tips
Chapter 25 - Rogue and Blind
Chapter 26 - Finding a cure
Chapter 27 - The missing Harmony
Chapter 28 - Snoggletog
Chapter 29 - ...Uh?
Chapter 30 - Stolen Child

Chapter 3 - Meeting the Chiefs mother

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By ZombieBeheader

Chapter 3 - Meeting the Chiefs mother

"Well...that went well."

"She hates me."

"Nah she doesn't."

"She tried to hit me with her axe."

"She's a Viking."

"One with Jealousy issues."

Hiccup looks at me confused and I sigh, not bothering to explain it to him.

Looks like Astrid sees me as a threat to her little Hiccup...well...he isn't entirely little.

Hiccup is taking me to his place to meet his mother. His mother. Why in Thors name is he taking me to see his mom? Maybe its a compulsory. Maybe she wants to know the backstory of every single girl that makes eye contact with Hiccup. Im worried, i'll admit that. My palms are sweating and Ruthless licks one, to comfort me.

"Ruthless" I say, cringing.

Then she springs on top of me and starts licking my face.


She stands and I scramble up and I brush the excess saliva off me and I glare at her. "You know that doesn't wash out."

She stands up and laughs, a gurgly laugh.

"They do that" says Hiccup and we keep walking. "Its like they do that to purposely annoy you!"

I laugh. "Yeah..she's a little she-devil, she is."

We walk in silence for a minute. The sun is starting to set and my skin prickles with excitement. I can't wait till everyone is asleep. When everyone is not around, looking at me.

"So" says Hiccup, clasping his hands together. "W-What was with Stormfly?"

Oh. That.

"Um...It happens."

"Happens? One minute dragons nearly claw you to pieces, then they suddenly want to protect you?"

"I guess...I don't know why."


"Are you sure?" he asks.

"Yeah, I really don't know."

You're Lying.

"Well, it is really strange."

"Yeah, It's never happened before."


"Anyway" says Hiccup. "You said your village was burnt to a giant crisp. What was the name of the village?"

"Byte. The place was called Byte. Strange, but that was what it was."

"And...dragons attacked?"

They roared, baring their teeth. Their slit pupils were so thin, you hardly saw them. They attacked everyone and everything, even their own kind...

I clench my fists to stop myself from crying. Ruthless nudges my hand with her nose, like she's trying to comfort me.


"Wow. When the dragons attacked us, it wasn't that extreme. Yeah, people died, but what you're describing...is...its--"


He nods. "Im sorry, I truly am."

I shrug. "Nothing you could of done to stop it."

He sighs and scratches the back of his head. "I know but...I just feel sorry."

I laugh. "Okay, if you wanna feel sorry, then be my guest."

He smiles. "Thanks."

Toothless grunts, confused. 'Where will you be staying?'

Yeah. Where will I be staying.



"Where will I be staying?"

"Oh, my place of course."

I gulp. "Y-Your place?"

He sighs. "Well, you can stay with the twins, you know, Tuffnut has a bigger house. Fishlegs maybe, Snotlout--ooh, you should definitely stay with Astrid. You guys can have a slumber party with pillow fights!"

"Really? You go there."

He smirks, lifting his hands up in surrender. "Im just saying, there isn't any good options so you have to stick with me."

"Oh, what a shame."

We get to his house and he stops. He stares at the door for a second before taking a deep breath in. He turns to me. "You know, this is my mother so...so she could be a bit..well...--"

"Oh...you mean she'll be acting strange since I'm a girl...and you're a guy?"

His face reddens slightly and he makes a hand gesture and shrugs his shoulders. "Yep, exactly."

I roll my eyes and Hiccup slightly smiles and then pushes the large double doors open. Toothless bounds inside like a happy puppy and Ruthless just stands next to me, unsure.

"Mom!" calls Hiccup as he walks in. "I'm home!"

I hear a bang and a clatter. "Oh sweetie! How was being chief today?" his mother calls out from another room.

"Like every other day" replies Hiccup with a sigh.

A lady comes around the corner. She has brown hair with streaks of grey, and she isn't like most ladies on Berk. Her frame is thin and she is not the size of a Gronkle.

She sees Hiccups injuries. "Oh my" she smiles. "You had a rough day didn't you."

She then sees me and she almost bumps into the table.

"Hiccup my dear, w-who is this?" she asks, coming closer to me.

"Oh, this is--"

"Your new girlfriend?"

I blush, same with Hiccup.

Why does everyone think that when they see us together?

"N-No Val...er, I mean mom" says Hiccup, awkwardly. "Actually, this is--"

"Wait" she says and holds a hand up to stop Hiccup. "I know her."

"You do?" Hiccup and I say in unsion.

"Hmm" she says, peering closer at me and cupping my cheeks. "I have seen you before."

"How?" Hiccup asks.

Her eyes widen and she releases her hands from me and steps back, bumping in to the table. She looks like she has seen a ghost. "Ember" she says. "Daughter of Hiccup and Winter."

"Wait--what?!?" says Hiccup and I close my eyes briefly.

His mother clears her throat. "When I was younger Hiccup, I met a young couple. They were very young. I first met them when they were nineteen. The mans name was Hiccup, since he was...well, a Hiccup. And his wife, Winter. When they were twenty, they had a daughter on the same day I had you. I named you after him, even though you were...technically classed as a hiccup. And you did have relatives called Hiccup, but my main intentions were to call you after him because...because he was such a great man. You grew up to be like him too" she says to him, then she looks back to me. "After, when I was living with dragons, I visited their Island called Byte. They had a little girl with red hair and violet eyes, and their elders fore-told that she would do great things, they called her Ember."


"They also fore-told of the danger she would bring."

Ah, there it is.

"Her father was the chief" she sighs.

"What? Another Chief called Hiccup?" says Hiccup, confused.

The lady smiles as she sits down on the table and she looks to me, grabbing my hand in hers. "I thought you were dead" she whispers. "You were such a gorgeous thing." She smiles again and looks to Hiccup. "You were born on the same day, you know what that means?"

"Er..."I have no idea.

"It means that you guys will become best of friends by an unbreakable bond."

Hiccup snorts. "Thats magic. Its just a coincidence. Its not like fate brought us together or anything."

She sighs. "Listen, Hiccup. I know you are mature, but you are at that age where you might be attracted to--"

"Whoa!" says Hiccup, raising his hands up in the air. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Whoa. W-Where did this come from? Seriously m-mom."

She sighs again. "Hiccup. I am your mother and I have to say, Ember is very good looking for her age and you might--"

"Oh Thor, please make it stop" says Hiccup, covering his face with his hands.

"Hiccup, sweetie, I just don't want Astrid to kick the living daylights out of you. You are my son"--Hiccup winces but she doesn't notice--"and I don't want to see you get hurt. I mean...if you ever had an affai--"

"OH MY GODS!" says Hiccup, his face red and embarrassed. He rakes his hair. "Mom, it's not like that."

"I know. But you will never know what will happen. You guys could get drunk, then bam, there is a baby--"

"MOM?!?!" shrieks Hiccup. "Seriously! I'll be a good chief. Don't worry about me, do you not trust me?!?!"

I stand there, my face red and hot.

"I do" she says, grabbing Hiccups hand and mine with the other. "Both of you. That's what I'm afraid off."

"Huh?" I ask.

She laughs, letting go of our hands and she smiles.

Okay then, don't tell us what you meant.

"The names Valka by the way."

I open my mouth to say something but I close it again, unsure of what to say.

"Well, I'll cook some bread. I don't think we have any" says Hiccup, blowing out a deep breath. He walks out of the room and in to the kitchen. I think he kinda used that as an excuse to get out of here.

Jerk. He ditched me.

Valka turns to me, slightly smiling.

I hear a small snort and I turn and Ruthless is there, looking unsure.

"A NIGHT FURY!" says Valka, shaking her hands in excitement. "And a female!"

Oh Boy.

She carefully rushes to it and holds out her hand to touch her snout. Ruthless looks unsure, and she looks to me.

"Go on girl" I say.

Ruthless grumbles. 'Okay.'

She leans her head forward and her nose touches Valka's. Valka squeals slightly in excitement and she runs her hands down Ruthless back. "She's absolutely gorgeous." She looks at her tail fin, picking it up. "Probably the only Night Fury left with two tail fins" she say, but more to herself. She trails her fingertips up Ruthless body and she starts to look at some tiny fins under her chin. "My my, she's the same age as you and Hiccup...and Toothless?"

As if summoned, a crash sounds as Toothless comes bounding into the room with a big smile on his face. He stops next to Valka, showing us his Toothless smile, which is probably the reason for his name. Ruthless rolls her eyes, and in a flash, she's on top of Toothless. They start to chase each other and tackling each other. It's quite a beautiful thing to see, really. Maybe there is hope for the Night Fury race.

"You see this?" says Valka. "If they mated, they could hatch an egg, and the Night Fury species will hopefully live again."

I don't know why, but I cringe when she says Ruthless getting together with Toothless. Their only twenty one for Thors sake.

"Mom...d-did I hear you correctly?" calls Hiccup from the Kitchen.

Valka laughs. "Of course Hiccup. You don't like the idea?"

Hiccup comes out of the kitchen, brushing the flour from his hands. He tries to brush it off his pants, but its not working very well. He must be making twenty loafs of bread. He's covered in flour. "He's like...twenty one. I don't know what they do in the dragon world, but that's pretty young. Maybe we'll wait a decade or two."

Valka rolls her eyes. "Now you sound like a mother."

Something dark passes over Hiccups face, but he clears his throat and it's gone.

What was that?

"Do I?" he says, gesturing to his flour covered legs. "I certainly don't look like it."

Valka sighs and she puts a hand on my shoulder and whispers in my ear. "Keep him in line, especially with that Astrid girl. Who knows what trouble they do. Even if he does try something, I trust that you will put an end to it before it goes too far. Or you will take it down a notch. You parents had you when they were twenty; and you and Hiccup are twenty one."

I feel my face getting hot and I imagine myself blushing to a bright red.

Hiccup looks distressed. "Mom...w-what did you say to her?"

Valka laughs and pats me on the shoulder.

A dragon comes out from a bedroom and sees me, coming over and sniffing me out. It's a Stormcutter, a light orangey pink one with yellow eyes. I reach my hand out and it places it's snout in my hand.

"That's Cloudjumper" says Valka. "My dragon."

She smiles again and Cloudjumper snorts, bowing his head.

'Hello Ember' snorts Cloudjumper.

"You remember me?" I ask softly.

He nods. 'I can never forget a face like yours' he says, walking back into Valka's room.

Valka rolls her eyes before walking into the kitchen, calling "I'll bake the bread. I think you were cooking soup. What is that?"

"Very funny" says Hiccup. "You're just hilarious mom."

"I know. You inherited your humour from me."

I slightly laugh. Hiccup looks to me and rolls his eyes at his mom and he shrugs his shoulders.

Ruthless spots Hiccup and she bounds over and knocks him down, knocking the wind out of him. She starts licking his flour covered hands.

"Ruthless!" shouts Hiccup, trying to get her off him. Then Toothless bounds into the room, crashing into Ruthless and he starts licking the flour off Hiccups legs. "Seriously Toothless? Oh come on!"

I grab the harness around Ruthless and I pull her off Hiccup with ease. I grab Toothless and I pull him off Hiccup, a bit too easily. But Hiccup doesn't notice.

Toothless grunts and Ruthless pouts.

"Stop whining" I reply.

Hiccup stands and wipes the excess saliva off him and he grimaces. "Told you they do it on purpose just to annoy you."

I sigh, but I can't get the smile off of my face.

Hiccup clasps his hands together. "Well, I'll show you to your room, M'lady."

I slightly laugh when he calls me M'lady and I bow. "Why thank you kind sir" I say in a posh accent.

He smiles and he walks up the wooden stairs and I follow, the Night Furies behind me. He opens a door and we walk into a small room with a bed and a fireplace. Next to the bed is a small, chesterdraws and in the far corner is a desk with a stool.

"Well" he sighs, shrugging his shoulders. "This is it."

The room has that nice home feeling to it.

I smile and I run my hand across the wall until I get to the bed. I sit down on it, and I resist the urge to wrap myself up in the blankets and fall asleep this instant.

Hiccup does his shoulder shrug and blows out a deep breath. "So, you hungry?"

I nod, then shake my head, then nod, then shake my head.

He raises an expectant eyebrow. "Well?"

I shrug. "Sure."

"I'll see If mom has finished my bread."

He turns to walk out but I call "Wasn't it a soup?"

He turns to me and rolls his eyes. "Hardy-har-har. You're hilarious. Why don't we officially make today, 'Make fun of Hiccup's Cooking Skills' day, that way, I can enjoy the lovely comments about my cooking, all day long."

I grin. "Good, cause I have some more cooking in my mind. Don't think you'll have a good come-back though since you can't cook up something in your own head."

"T-that...that's just rude."

I smile and all seriousness washes off his face and he laughs, walking down the stairs and out of sight. Yawning, I lay down on the bed and I close my eyes. I hear a snort and I sit up to see Toothless sitting right next to me, eyes boring into me.

"What?" I ask.

'Are you really a Wildsoul?'

I close my eyes, then when I open them, Toothless jumps back, shock plastered on his face.

'Wow' he snorts.

Ruthless snorts. 'She is my Rider and she's a Wildsoul, seems strange doesn't it.'

I shake my head. "It doesn't" I say as Toothless says 'it does.'

Ruthless sighs and plonks her head down in front of the fireplace. She shoots a small green plasma blast and it hits the logs, making the place illuminate with the eerie, orange glow of the flames.

Getting up, I strip off my katana sword and staff and I lean them up against the wall. I notice my mask that I wore the day I met Hiccup....which was this morning, still attached to Ruthless's harness. It's a normal, red mask with a thick black strip through the middle. It has a black, metal part on the bottom that covers my mouth and nose.

I made it.

I pick it up and lean it against the wall with my weapons. I pass a full-length mirror on the way back to the bed. Curious, I take a few steps back and look at my reflection.

Slightly curly, bright, blood red hair and smooth, fine, pale skin. Wide, violet eyes with eyelashes so thick, it looks like I wear eyeliner. Scars travel all across my body and I have three, thin ones across the end of my left eyebrow that are quite noticeable, but my hair always covers it. I wear a thick, leather skirt with grey leggings and black boots. I wear a brown strap-up corset like shirt with a v-neck and a coat that stops at the bottom of my ribcage, and the end of the sleeves, and the collar have fur. I also wear a thick belt with small pockets for where I keep my daggers and knives.

It isn't really my style, but you get what you get when you can't make, or buy clothes. I might of stolen these...maybe.

Hiccup walks in with two plates with two pieces of bread with butter on them. "Here we go, Home-made bread with home made Yak butter. My specialty."

"Really, that's your specialty?"

He stops halfway from giving the plate to me and he gives me a fake cold look.

It's fake, I can easily tell.

He puts the plate on the floor and kicks it with his foot so it slides over to where Toothless is sitting. In one big sweep of his tongue, Toothless gobbles up my dinner.

My. Dinner.

I stand there, shocked and Hiccup fights off a smile.

Then, surprising Hiccup, I bring my foot up, kicking the plate out of his hands and I catch the two pieces of bread with my hands while the wooden plate clatters to the floor.

I grin at Hiccups shocked expression and I take a deep bite into my bread and I hand him the other. He slowly takes it and takes a small nibble.

Toothless starts laughing.

Hiccup then starts to laugh and I join in. Then, I am knocked to the ground, my tailbone smacking the wooden floor and Ruthless is licking my face again.

"Ruthless!--ARE YOU DAMN SERIOUS!" I kick her off me and stand, flicking the excess saliva off me. "Do you have brain damage?"

She grins.


Ruthless smirks, so I flick some saliva off me and on to her face, making her cringe and wipe it off, pulling an unimpressed face. I turn to Hiccup who has a big grin on his face. "What?"

He sighs, the grin not leaving his face. "Are you sure I cant cook? Cause I just cooked up some pretty sweet comments to say about you and dragon saliva."

I glare. "It's not funny."

He looks to his feet, biting his lip to stop himself from laughing.


He laughs and taps a hand on my shoulder, making warmth ripple through me. He lifts his hand off my shoulder, a trail of saliva stuck to it. I grin whilst he cringes.

"Enough with the jokes?" asks Hiccup.

I pout. "Fine, I'll accept your surrender."

He's the first person whose surrender I have accepted.



That's strange...Hiccup winced when Valka called him son...hm... interesting...

It's sad that Ember won't meet Stoick... **cries**

OVER THREE HUNDRED VIEWS ALREADY!!!! OVER A HUNDRED ON EACH CHAPTER!! Thx for y'all's support! It means a lot to me!



<---------PIC on side is Ruthless

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