Ben 10 and the Ultimatrix user

By Seansyt8

68.1K 1.2K 1.2K

(This story is how I would write Alien Heroes by @Sovereign343 the credit for the idea goes to him I just wan... More

Beginning of Summer
Rin's Transformations
Ben's Transformations
Part 2
Part 3 Washington B.C.
Part 4 Permanent Retirement
Part 5 Hunted
Part 6 Tourist Trap
Part 7 Kevin 11
Part 8 The Alliance
Part 9 Lucky Girl
Part 10 A tiny problem
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Rin's Transformations Updated
Part 17
Part 18
The negative 10
Part 19 Rin 10 vs the Negative 10
Rin 10 vs the Negative 10- Part 2
Series 2 Part 1 Ben 10 Returns
Series 2 part 2 Everybody Talks About the Weather
Series 2 part 3
Series 2 Part 4
Series 2 part 5 All that glitters
Series 2 Chapter 6 The imperfect replication.
Not a chapter
Last one
Series 2 part 7 Acceptance and Moving on
Series 2 part 8 Alien X-Tinction
Series 2 part 9 Max Out
Series 2 part 10 The Plumbers' Helpers
Celebration 2
Series 2 part 12 The News
Series 2 part 13 The Battle on Khoros
Series 2 part 14 The Return Part 1
Series 2 part 15 The Return Part 2
Alien Swarm Part 1
An Alternate View
Alien Swarm Part 2
2nd Anniversary Bonus Chapter
Alien Swarm Part 3

X = Rin + 2 x Ben + 2 x Albedo + 2

527 13 7
By Seansyt8

(A/N: Hey guys I'm so sorry this chapter took so long to be written, I've just been feeling a lot of writer block and I've been taking most of the hiatus time to recover from the series fatigue I've been feeling. The updates should return to a more normal pace but there are no guarantees. This book will not end until I've covered through Omniverse or until I've reached the maximum chapter count.)

Kevin, Ben, and Gwen were sitting in Kevin's car in the Mr. Smoothie parking lot around 8 p.m. and were drinking smoothies while debating where they should go.

"Can we please decide on where to go?" Ben asking the other two pleadingly.

"I'm only saying it once," Kevin said, "Auto Show."

"Keven, we're going to the lake," Gwen said, "Right Ben?"

"We've kind of done the lake Gwen," Ben said.

Gwen was about to protest when they heard the squealing of tires in the parking lot. They saw Rin and Albedo's cars pull into the parking lot and stop at breakneck speeds. They threw open the doors and ran to Kevin's car as he rolled down the windows.

"What's going on?" Kevin asked them.

"We've got a massive problem." They said at the same time.

"What's the problem?" Ben asked.

Before Rin or Albedo could answer,  multiple human-sized groups of silver light appeared around the car and materialized into six humanoid frogs, all holding plasma rifles.

"That." Albedo said, "That's the problem."

A silver robot-like man with an exposed brain appeared behind the frogmen and ordered them to stand down.

"Sorry, Kevin." The alien man said, "You know Incurseans."

"Raff!" Kevin said excitedly, "Guys, meet Raff, the number two guy in like forty star systems."

"Hey Raff," Rin said exasperated, "Tell Milleous we didn't do it."

"I know for a fact you did," Raff said accusingly as the Incursions pointed their laser rifles at Rin.

"I'm going to put this in simple terms so your minuscule brain can comprehend it," Rin began, "Why the hell would I kidnap the daughter if someone like Milleous and keep her on my home planet. Much less, why would I add any loose ends by hiring Seven-Seven when I could easily do the job myself?"

"I-I don't know," Raff said.

"Exactly," Rin said, "Now go tell that idiot that-"

Rin got cut off as a message was picked up on Kevin's radio.

"People of Earth!" The message was from a male who had a Brooklyn accent, "This is Lord Emperor Milleous. Your errand boy, SevenSeven has one Decarotation to return Princess Attea to me, Before I blow your pathetic planet to dust."

"Crapbaskets," Rin said before letting out a sigh, "Do you have anything she's won or touched in the last ten hours or so?"

Raff rummages around in his pocket and hands Rin a small scrap of purple cloth. He closes his eyes and is surrounded with a very light grey aura and the cloth floats off his palm. After a few seconds, the aura vanishes and he opened his eyes.

"She at Grand Madre Dam, and she's fighting back a lot," Rin said.

"You know how to use mana?" Gwen asked.

"I dated a sorceress for like, five years, how could I not?" Rin asked sarcastically, "Beam us up, Raff."

"By the way," Ben started, "How long is a Decarotation?"

"Two hours," Albedo answered, "So we've got to hurry."

"Also, what does she look like?" Gwen asked.

Raff held a hologram of the princess in his hand to show the group.

Raff pressed a button and all of the people there were surrounded by a shimmering light and they disappeared.


When they appeared on the dam they saw a green teenage girl fighting an alien in purple armor. When they surveyed the situation further they noticed holes in the dam likely caused by energy blasts.

"Alright," Rin said while stretching, "I got this."

He slapped the Ultimatrix and became his own version of an Incursean called Bullfrag.

He used his enhanced limbs and shot like a rocket at SevenSeven. He shot his tongue at SevenSeven and wrapped it around his neck as he flew by, yanking SevenSeven away from the Princess. Rin landed and SevenSeven was still coming towards him at high speed due to Rin retracting his tongue. He shifted into his Higbreed form, Moot, and grabbed SevenSeven by the face before planting him into the ground with his monstrous strength, cracking SevenSeven's helmet and knocking him out.

"Thank you." The princess said with a slight blush.

"You're welcome," Rin said to the Princess after returning to his normal form

"Who are you?" The princess asked.

"My name is Rin Allen, the third smartest being in five galaxies. Nice to meet you Princess Attea." Rin said.

Attea looked down at SevenSeven with contempt and started telling Rin a few things.

"Hey, I was gonna hire SevenSeven to help stage a little coup against my father so I could take over as Empress. Since you handily dispatched him, would you like to take his job? I can pay any price you want." Attea says as she holds her hand out in a handshake gesture.

Rin thinks this over for a few seconds before responding.

"Agree to never invade or destroy this Solar System, Khoros, or Galvan Prime and we have a deal. Plus I get the chance to mess with Milleous." Rin said as he held his hand out to shake Attea's hand.

Before he could shake Attea's hand SevenSeven woke up and fired his guns around them and he ends up hitting the dam causing it to break. The water began flowing out of the broken dam and rushed towards Rin and Attea. He thinks fast and with a few quick hand waves he surrounds himself and Attea in a bubble of mana allowing them to be safe for the moment as the water begins to push the bubble against a stone wall, slightly cracking it.

Rin looks around himself to see if his friends were safe because he knew he could hold the bubble for a while. He looked around and saw Ben looking at his aliens before selecting one and slamming down the dial on the Omnitrix. When the flash of green light from the transformation died down he could see Ben had turned into Alien X and Rin cursed under his breath. Ben waved his hand in a circle in the air before throwing the circle forward.

The water's current reversed and the broken pieces of the dam began floating to their proper positions and everyone who was on the dam before the rupture was standing safely on the reconstructed roadway. Rin dropped his bubble and transformed into Big Chill and grabbing onto Attea before flying onto the repaired bridge. He returned to his human form and whispered his agreement with Attea to Albedo who agreed with the plan.

"Has he ever turned into that guy before?" Kevin asked in amazement at Alien X.

"No," Gwen began, "But with all that power he's got to be the default alien from now on."

"You guys don't know this Alien's drawback, do you?" Albedo asked.

"What drawback?" Kevin asked, thinking there would be no downside to being as powerful as Alien X.

Rin sighs and demonstrates by transforming into MonKi and punching Ben in the face, instantly knocking him over the horizon and back to them from the opposite side of the world. Rin catches Ben and sets him back on his feet.

"What was the point of that exactly?" Gwen asked confused.

Rin sighed again and said, "One, he's still alive, two he did not react whatsoever to being thrown twenty-four thousand miles across the planet."

"I understand that he's powerful but what does it mean exactly?" Kevin asked.

"There are two other personalities that debate with Ben to figure out all of Alien X's actions." Albedo said.

"And without the approval of at least one of the other two personalities, nothing can be done with Alien X's power. Before Ben transformed they were likely sticking in an eternal deadlock so it's not going to be easy for him to convince them to allow him to return to his human form." Albedo said.

Before they could ask any more questions, everyone except Rin, Albedo, and Attea was covered in a shimmering light before disappearing.

The Incursions, Raff, Ben, Gwen, and Kevin appeared in front of a fat toad-like man on a golden throne.

"Raff, your career prospects are dimming." The man said.

"I almost drowned!" Raff said before realizing he should hold his tongue.

"I mean, Lord Emperor Milleous, Light of the Incersean Empire-" Raff was about to continue when Milleous held a hand up to silence him.

"Hand me the transmitter," Milleous said before being handed a microphone-like device.

A hologram of Earth appeared on a side table next to Milleous as he began speaking.

"People of Earth, your time is up." He said, "Bring me the royal detonator."

He held the microphone out and a servant took it, replacing its position in his hand with a golden box with a red button on it.

"Don't do it!" Gwen said.

Milleous laughed maniacally and pressed the red button.

"No!" Gwen yelled.

"Of course not!" Milleous said while laughing, "My daughter is still there. But, the conquest ray did fire. Put the little pretty one up on the screen."

A screen above his throne changed from showing Earth and switched to a live feed to Pluto.

"Pluto?" Gwen asked, "It's a barren, frozen, wasteland."

A green laser comes from out of the camera's focus and when it collides with Pluto the Dwarf Planet was destroyed and turned into an asteroid field.

"Was a barren, frozen, wasteland." Milleous corrected.

"On the bright side, this should smooth out Neptune's orbit," Kevin said.

"Yes, and Earth will be in even smaller pieces if Princess Attea isn't returned to me!" Milleous said.

"That makes no sense!" Gwen yelled.

"Gwen," Kevin whispered somewhat forcefully, "Evil dictator."

"Earth can't even communicate with you." Gwen continued not dissuaded by what Kevin said.

Just as she finished her sentence an alert from the ship's AI said, "Incoming Message from Earth."

Milleous looked at Gwen like she was an idiot and she said sarcastically, "What do I know?"

A live video feed from Earth appeared on the screen above the throne and they saw Albedo and Rin next to a tied-up Attea with the camera primarily focused on Rin. Gwen and Kevin were shocked and Milleous looked unimpressed.

"Hey, Millie," Rin said with a grin on his face.

"Rin, why am I not surprised?" Milleous asked sarcastically.

'"I'm going to make this real simple, you have two options if you want your daughter to live," Rin began, "Abdicate as King of the Incuseans or, 'show mercy' to yourself."

The Incursions, Raff, and Kevin were shocked when they heard the second option, and Gwen was left clueless as to why their reaction was so extreme until Kevin let her know that "Showing Mercy" to Incursions meant to kill someone.

"The third option," Milleous said, "I hit your planet with the Conquest Ray and make a new daughter."

He clutched the Detonator and pressed the button, launching the conquest ray. causing Gwen and Kevin to shout in horror. Rin predicted this and transformed it into MonKi. He flew towards the blast and caught it in his hands. He focused and condensed the beam into a tiny ball surrounded by a shield of Ki. He held the ball in one hand as he placed his opposite hand's middle and index fingers on his forehead, causing him to teleport onto Milleous's mothership.

"I think this is yours, Millie," Rin said as he sat the orb on the ground with Incursian soldiers pointing their rifles at him.

"When I drop this shield the ball made from the energy of the conquest ray will explode and destroy this ship and everyone on it." Rin said, "So I'll give you another chance, abdicate or die."

Milleous thought for a second and relented.

"Fine," Milleous said, "The crown is yours."

Milleous picked up a golden crown with precious gems embedded into it and tossed it to Rin.

"Good," Rin said as he caught the crown.

He picked up the orb and crushed the power from the conquest ray and the shield it was in with his bare hands, nullifying the blast and leaving everyone safe. He then pressed a combination on his Ultimatrix badge before a beam of energy surrounded Milleous and teleported him somewhere else. 

"W-what did you do to him?" Raff asked fearfully.

"I sent him to the Null-Void so he can be punished for his crimes," Rin said

Rin nodded to Albedo through the video call and he nodded back. The call was cut and Albedo as his version of MonKi teleported into the ship with an unbound Attea. Attea walked up to the throne and sat down as Rin stood next to her.

"As my first action as King, I relinquish my power to Attea, making her the new queen," Rin said.

He placed the crown on her head and shook her hand.

"You heard the man!" Attea yelled to her new subjects, "I'm your queen now."

Rin walked over to his friends and Gwen was shocked by the turn of events while Kevin was impressed.

"Nice job Rin," Kevin said, "I've never seen someone perform a successful coup that fasts."

"I did it because she agreed to leave Earth, Khoros, and Galvan Prime alone if I did," Rin said.

He walked over to Ben, standing upright and still stuck as Alien X. He transformed into FeedBack and absorbed energy from the Omnitrix, forcing Ben to return to his normal form. He waved bye to Attea and she pressed a button that teleported them back to Earth.

"See you later guys," Rin said, "I'm going to go spend some time with Looma since we haven't done anything together in a while."

Rin turned into Jetray and flew away as the others watched on and shortly after Albedo transformed and flew home too.


"Is everything ready?" a cloaked man asked a familiar cloaked woman.

"Yes, it is my love." The woman said as her eyes' irises glowed goldenly and her silver hair shimmered.

(Hey guys, sorry it took so long to get out. As always thanks to @BenCowden.)

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