Series 2 part 14 The Return Part 1

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The cloaked woman and the Cloaked Man were in the Null Void. They were in the deepest pits of the hellish prison, looking for something.

"What the hell are we here for?" The man asked in his very deep voice.

The woman conjured a tentacle of Mana which wrapped around the man's throat, draining his energy slightly.

"I thought your payment for having your life saved was to not question me?" She said rhetorically.

She released the tentacle and they kept looking, a healthy dose of fear being put into the man. They tossed rubble around recklessly until they found what the woman was looking for.

"Over here!" She said.

She lifted another piece of rubble to reveal a dark orb that was pulsating with red light. Maniacal laughter was emanating from the orb, it was mechanical and distorted.

"What is it?" The man asked, his baritone voice shaking.

"It is what we need for our revenge. Pick it up." She said.

The man bent down to pick up the sphere, but he couldn't. He struggled until the woman cut in.

"I meant for you to transform and carry it back with us, it's as heavy as eighty-nine tons of steel. Use your brain next time Benji."

He slapped his wrist and with a bright green light, he transformed into a bulkier version of Humungosaur. He heaved the dense sphere onto his shoulder like it was nothing and the two of them walked into a pink portal that led to Ledgerdomain.

Rin was in a small office with a woman. All around the room were bookshelves filled to the brim with self-help books.

"So, what did you want to talk about Mister Allen?" The woman asked, she was a therapist.

Rin inhaled deeply and released his breath after a few seconds.

"I'm just going to say what caused my problems. Is that okay Doctor Martin?" Rin asked, he had never done therapy before.

"Yes, it is." Doctor Martin replied.

"Due to 'unfortunate' circumstances, I have been put in multiple situations where I have had to kill in self-defense." Rin said, "I was cleared of all charges for the deaths by courts of law but their faces still haunt me."

The doctor took a moment to process this.

"What do you mean by 'Their faces still haunt you?'" She asked.

"Well, first was a sheriff who attacked me because he mistook me for a criminal who was on the run, I stabbed him in the chest." Rin said, "Next, was the one who started the issues, her name was Lamia. She attacked me and my friends and hurt them both, they nearly died. I stabbed her through her stomach and when I look at my right arm in stressful situations, I can still see the red liquid as if it was tattooed to my skin."

She wrote some notes down and leaned in closer to listen better.

"Recently," Rin continued, "Five people attacked me and my pregnant girlfriend, four men and one woman. They came at us and I killed them, I stabbed one in the chest, and I brutalized the others. I popped one of their heads like a grape."

The doctor was scared but maintained her professional composure.

"Could you double back to what you said about your girlfriend being pregnant?" Doctor Martin asked.

"Oh, yeah," He said, "We got the news from her doctor a few days ago."

"How does the news make you feel?" She asked.

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