Part 10 A tiny problem

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Our hexad was at a waterpark going on a giant waterslide.

"200 ft drop, twists and turns every half a second, and speeds over 25mph! You've entered the RIPTIDE RAPIDS!!" The kids shouted together.

They went to the line to get on the water slide but something happened.

"You're too short." The lifeguard said to Ben.

Rin just started laughing at Ben but the lifeguard said to him, "You're too tall. No one above 5'8."

Both Ben and Rin went to the back of the queue dejected but they had an idea.

"I bet they won't tell RipJaws no!" Ben said as he activated the Omnitrix.

"And I bet they won't tell Fasttrack no either," Rin said activating the Ultimatrix.

They tried to transform but their watches were stuck in display mode. They both got frustrated and idiotically in Rin's opinion, they slammed the faceplates against a nearby pole causing a surge in power in their watches. They both transformed but neither of them got what they wanted. Instead of getting Ripjaws and Fasttrack, they both got Grey Matter.

They both decided to run past the lifeguard but a scientist talking to the lifeguard saw them and said, "Did you see those aliens!?"

"Dude, you've been in the sun too long." said the lifeguard.

The man ran past the lifeguard and got on a slide going down before Rin and Ben. The two got to the waterslide and were noticed by the other 3 before going down. The two of them stumbled and flipped around while going down the slide but jumped into the water with graceful swan dives. 

After they surfaced their friend came down and Gwen said, "Grandpa is going to be steamed when he finds out that you two used the watches to sneak onto a waterslide."

"Yeah, but you're not going to tell him," Ben said.

"We should go towel off," Kevin said, "Well, in your guys' case napkin off."

The three got out of the pool when Ben and Rin were grabbed by the scientist.

"Oh hello, my little alien friends." He said holding them.

"GWEN/HOPE!!" Ben and Rin yelled respectively getting their attention.

They looked and saw the scientist running away with the Grey Matters. The group took chase and the man put the boys in a cooler and ran off. The kids ran past Max and he joined them in their chase after finding out. The man put the cooler in his car trunk and drove off.

The man reached his house and set his cooler on his granite counters while his autonomous cleaners went to work. His cat started swiping at the cooler but he said, "Stop girl these are all mine. He grabbed the two and put them in glass jars in a room decorated in alien-like merchandise. 

"So what galaxy are you two from?" The man asked.

"We aren't aliens, we're humans who have the ability to turn into aliens," Rin said.

"Yeah, right." The man said sarcastically.

"If you don't believe me press the badge on my chest."

The man grabbed Rin from the jar and pressed the Ultimatrix turning him back to humans.

"H-HOW DID YOU DO THAT!??!" The man said freaked out.

Rin held up his left wrist and said, "With this, the Ultimatrix."

"D-Does the other one has that device?!"

"No, his is less advanced and is called the Omnitrix, our watches are DNA warpers," Rin said.

"How long do they last?" He asked intrigued.

"Normally for 10 minutes but we slammed them into a post causing us to be stuck in those forms, luckily I have a manual release." Rin answered, "We use our watches to save people from disasters and evil aliens."

"The world needs to know about you guys and your watches!" The man says.

"NO!!" Rin yelled, "They already know some of our aliens as individual beings but they don't know about our human forms and we don't want them to."

"Why not? You deserve credit. I thought I would get credit when I thought you two were born aliens and I thought that I Howell would be rich and famous." The man known as Howell said.

Suddenly some people came into the room dressed as knights.

"They came here sooner than I thought!" Howell said.

Rin and Howell tried to stop the knights from grabbing Ben but they were overpowered, handcuffed, and thrown into a car with Ben causing Howell to drop his phone and the knights drove off. Max, Gwen, Hope, and Kevin were walking around the neighborhood using a device that can trace the energy outputted by the watches when concentrated at a point. They walked to Howell's house and saw his cellphone with a picture of the Grey Matters.

"They look so sad," Hope said.

Max looked through the phone and found the last called number and said, "If we can get a trace on this number we can find out where they might have taken the boys."

The car pulled up at a castle-like mansion and the knights grabbed Howell and Rin and took them into a dungeon cuffing their hands together all the way up their arms. They were locked in a cell together and were chained by their legs to the bars of the cell.

"Hey, Howell." Rin said, "Press the button on my watch and close the faceplate after it pops up."

Howell does as instructed and Rin transforms into Rath. Rath notices his arm cuffs and says, "LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING METAL DESIGNED TO INHIBIT MY ARM'S FUNCTIONALITY, NO ONE INHIBITS RATH!!!"

Rin rips his arm cuffs off and rips the shackle off of his foot. Howell just looked in awe which seemed to annoy Rath.


"I find you interesting in the way that you talk and your immense strength," Howell said.


"Can you help me with my cuffs and shackles?" Howell asked.

RIn grunted and ripped Howell's cuffs and ripped through their cell door prompting a guard to check it out. RIn punched the guard throwing him into a wall and making an indentation. The ran out of the basement and Rin turned back into his human form. They ran into a room that said on the door, "Dissection room"

They ran in and knocked the scientists out and freed Ben from the shackles they had him in. Rin grabbed Ben and they were about to leave when Ben said, "We need to destroy this place for good."

They ran to where the door to a technology room was and they saw the other 4 members of the hexad.

"Why are you guys still with that guy?" Hope asked.

"He didn't know that we are humans but after I showed him we were all kidnapped. Ben wants to blow this place up with their technology." Rin said.

They walked into the room and they went to a weapon in the center of the room. Ben jumped into the glass case and said, "Hand me the neutrino power cube and the exploding spheroid."

Rin grabbed them and handed them to Ben who plugged different wires into them causing the weapon to start to overload just as the nights came into the room.

"The action will cause the mansion to be destroyed." The one with a golden mask said.

The knights left and ben was about to get out of there but he timed out and got his hand caught in the access hatch. Rin noticed and ran back to help him and they were able to get Ben's hand out and they all ran out of the mansion just before it exploded.

"Well, I'm going to take a break from alien-related stuff." Howell said.

Our hexad got into the Rustbucket and started to drive off with Hope hugging Rin tightly, not wanting to lose him again.

Ben 10 and the Ultimatrix userWhere stories live. Discover now