Part 4 Permanent Retirement

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(I skipped The Krakken because Rin's only alien that can survive underwater is Big Chill and I didn't want to overuse him. The episode stays the same.)

Rin, Ben, and Gwen were in a gas station ordering ice cream while Max was outside.

"What do you have that's non-fat and less than 3 percent sugar?" Gwen asked

"Napkins!" The clerk replied, "What about you six-footer?"

"I'll take sherbet if you have it," Rin said

The clerk scooped the ice cream into a to-go cup and handed it to Rin.

"Anything for you white shirt?"The clerk asked Ben.

Ben was about to order when he saw some hillbilly thugs attaching a hook to an ATM to steal the money. Ben told Rin what was happening and they both rushed outside and transformed. The robber in the truck the hook was attached to tried to drive off to open the ATM but the pedal wouldn't go. He got angry and slammed his hand against the steering wheel.

The steering wheel morphed into two semi-liquid heads. One of the heads was black with green lines and the other one had blue lines. They both morphed part of the car into an arm and they punched the guy through the car's window. They both fully materialized next to the truck. The guy next to the ATM removed the hook and threw it at the blue creature which happened to be Rin as Upgrade. Rin caught the hook and pulled the guy forward and punched him into the ground.

Both Ben and Rin started to say "Whose the Man? We are!"

After gloating for a minute the two of them timed out. "We're ready for anything!" Ben said, "What's next grandpa?"

"We're going to see your aunt Veera," Max said happily.

"Boring old aunt Veera." Ben said, "NOOOOOOO!!!."

"Veera?" Rin said, "Was she the one who put wasabi in Max's nose when he fell asleep?"

Gwen and Ben started to laugh remembering that and just shivered in disgust not wanting to remember the sensation wasabi in your nasal cavities.

"Oh. I haven't seemed Max and the kids in years. I don't know if I'll even recognize them. You wouldn't mind stopping by to meet them, would you Eugene?" Veera asked a man.

"I'd love to meet them!" said her neighbor.

Eugene walked into his house and started to watch TV. He grabbed a bowl of mixed nuts and started eating them. When he was reaching for his bowl a weird slime grabbed onto his hand and swallowed him in suspended animation.

The group of heroes was driving to Veera's house through her neighborhood and Ben said, "I bet people's idea of fun around here is watching grass grow!"

Ben was looking out the window bored and noticed an old man sliding on his roof. Ben was about to reach for the Omnitrix when he saw the man do a back-flip off of his roof.

"Whoa did you guys see that!!?" Ben shouted in awe.

Rin and Gwen looked out of the window and they just saw normal old people going about their days.

"I guess the heat is frying your pea-sized brain!" Gwen said snidely.

Max parked the Rustbucket in a driveway. Ben was the first one to leave the RV and he immediately complained about the heat, "Seriously why do old people always live where it's so hot.

Ben looked around and saw an old man looking through his window cracking his neck in an inhuman manner and hissing. "They really make you feel welcome here," Ben said sarcastically.

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