Part 11

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(I'm going to skip the bug chapter because nothing changes except that at the reacter Ben, Rin, and Kevin cool down the actor instead of Ben by himself. I just really wanted to do the Vilgax episode I will not skip another episode until the start of Alien Force.)

"An armored car was stolen from the Denver Federal Reserve and the robbers are believed to have a hostage!" A news report said as the armored car was flying down the freeway.

The car was going faster than all of the cops but was stopped when 3 spires of diamond were erected in front of their car. They got out and help the hostage at gunpoint, pretty soon Ben, Rin, and Kevin were revealed all using Diamondhead/Ice. They all transformed one hand into a diamond sword while transforming the other one to fire shards at the robbers. They shot crystals at the ground and used their powers to contain the robbers in cages of diamonds before the boys ran off.

"There were 3 more alien sightings today, we don't know how they're here but they seem to want to help!" The news report said on Vilgax's ship.

"Should we send more drones to retrieve the Omnitrix and Ultimatrix?" An assistant asked.

"No.," Vilgax said, "I will see to it that this job is done successfully myself."

Vilgax's pod opened up and he crushed a medical drone as he exited the pod.

The entire group was woken up by a scream by Rin. Hope sat next to him hugged him and said, "Another nightmare?"

"Yes, it was the alien in my vision and this time he said he was coming for me," Rin said,

Max heard this and went to the driver's seat and worriedly said, "We're hitting the road early today."

"But it's 3 A.M." Kevin complained.

"That's how you beat all of the traffic," Max said before driving off.

It was 11 A.M. and they had been driving since 3 and they were passing through South Dakota and Rin was prompted to ask, "Why the lead foot Max?"

"I'm trying to get us to Rushmore by nightfall," Max answered.

Ben was getting bored so he decided to play with the Omnitrix and turned into Upgrade unknowingly telling Vilgax where they were. Ben took over Gwen's computer and started to read her diary from it aloud.

"Dear diary, my cousin Ben IS SUCH A-" Ben started to say before being interrupted by Max saying, "Ben stop messing with Gwen's things!"

Ben timed out and stopped messing with Gwen and he timed out. After a while, they were passing a city with a large fire going on. Rin was starting to say that they should help but Max interrupted him, "I'm sure the local authorities can handle it."

Just after saying that a giant explosion went off startling Max into stopping. Rin and Ben used this opportunity to get out and they transformed into Chromastone and Heatblast respectively before flying to the city with the others close behind them. When they got there they noticed dozens of the alien drones they had been accustomed to fighting. They started blasting the drones with UV energy and fire but more surrounded them.

"I have a feeling they were waiting for us," Rin said.

Just as they finished off the last of the Drones a giant spike ball rolled in and opened up with a large amount of steam and an alien coming out. When Rin was able to see through the mist he froze and yelled, "You're the alien from my vision and my dreams!"

"Yes, I am Vilgax and I will retrieve the Omnitrix and Ultimatrix myself this time!" He yelled before slamming the ground causing a minor tremor. 

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