Fate grand order maxus

By TheWolfsFury1420

6.8K 89 132

This is fate grand order, but with the Right of the King universe being a cannon existence to summon servants... More

Begining a new way
Alcaeus's status as a servant within fare lore ( think of Zero or strange fake)
Alcaeus Dialogue
Quotes of Alcaeus
Changes and Upgrades
The Orleans Singularity
The Orleans Singularity part 2
The Orleans Singularity part 3
The Septem Singularity part 1
The Septem Singularity part 2
The Septem Singularity part 3
Alcaeus's Interlude 1
The Okeanos Singularity
The Orleans Singularity 2
The Orleans Singularity part 3
The Big 5 Support Casters part 1
The Big 5 Support Casters part 2
Alcaeus Valentines day return gift
Buying your Soul (break the 4th Wall)
London Singularity part 1
London Singularity part 2
London Singularity part 3
Camalot Singularity part 1
Camalot Singularity part 2
Camelot Singularity part 3
Confrontation with the Lion King
Interlude Artoria (Saber)
Dream 1
Artoria (Lancer) Interlude 1, round table meeting
Waifu Situation
Dinning of the Kings and Queens
Another Day in Chaldea
Weekly and Daily Rewards
Who to Grail
What do you think of him
Alcaeus's Interlude 2
Master's training (romance advice)
E Pluribus Unum part 1
E Pluribus Unum part 2
E Pluribus Unum part 3
Alcaeus's Dungeon (event run)
Alcaeus's Dungeon Part 2
Alcaeus's Dungeon part 3
Alcaeus's Dungeon part 4
Babylonian soldier's (Enemies)
How to be a Proper King
Las Vegas part 1
Las Vegas Part 2
Alcaeus's Dialogue 2
Alcaeus's wish for the Grail
the Lacedaemon Singularity
the Lacedaemon Singularity part 2
Alcaeus's prank
Babylonia Singularity part 1
Mystic Codes

Artoria's Redemption

65 2 0
By TheWolfsFury1420

Alcaeus:" with everything as it... it's time, time to give the final push to Artoria and all her counterparts... and make them see once and for all, what they truly are, whether they make it or not is up to them, but if she fails... she's broken"

Alcaeus then gathered all the Artoria's in a plane that was nothing but black, they were only able to see a few feet in front of them, and it seemed as if they were in space as there seemed to be no up or done, but that wasn't the most shocking part, they say her, the lion king.


Lion King:" I was dragged here by that man"

Artoria (Alter):"... I see, he's going to test us"

Alcaeus:" correct, I'm going to finally push you to humanity, all of you, especially you, Lion King"

Lion King:" no matter what you do, I will not apologize, even though humanity was saved, I believed in what I did, even if it were doomed to fail, I still did what I believed would save humanity, a utopia where the is no evil or greed"

Alcaeus:" but tell me this, how can there be good without evil, and what is the point of living if you can't do anything"

Lion King:" trivial thing's that needed to be sacrificed"

Alcaeus:"... it's time to test you all, have you all noticed you all can't blink or look in another direction yet"

they then tried to blink and look away, but couldn't, they also discovered they also couldn't cover their eyes, they were thinking, but then, Alcaeus's eye's started to glow, and they knew what was coming.

Artoria (Lancer):" no... NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

Alcaeus:" yes, I'm going to show you all the weight of your sin's, and the harm you have done, now, lets' begin with one eye"

as each look into his eye, they feel like they are in a trance, and a voice comes to wake them up, telling them to get up, and Artoria wake's up from her bed and finds it was her father, Uther, who was their.

Artoria:" father, where... how... what is-"

Uther:" calm down Artoria, you were having a bad dream"

Morgan:" hey dad, is Artoria okay"

Artoria:" MORGAN, what are you doing here, and... why do you look so young"

Morgan:" umm... I live here, like you, and come on, I'm not that old even if I am in my teen's, I mean, you're a child after all"

Artoria then looked at herself and found she seemed to be at least 7 years old now, and she was confused about what was going on.

Artoria:" wait, am I a child, but, I was a king, a knight, then the holy grail war's and-"

Uther:" wow wow, look's like you had quite the dream"

Artoria:" dream, but... weren't you king before and-"

Uther:" what are you talking about, we're just celt's here in Britain, and we're far from any kind of nobility"

Morgan:" here, it should help with your bad dream"

Artoria:"... is this real"

Uther:" yes, this is real, now rest up dear"

Artoria then went on to sleep, over the year's she found she was having a normal life, and while she doubted if this was real, over the year's, she was convinced that all that happened never did and it was only a bad dream, and she pushed away those memories, many thing's don't exist here, magic didn't exist, nobody heard of anyone named Merlin, and the kingdom they were in was strong and their were no war's to draw too much attention, soon, Artoria was convinced this was her life, she played with her sibling's, helped with their families farming, and after she was old enough, she got married, she then had a child she named Mordred as she played with her and raised her to be a splendid child, she was happy, but then, some people were attacking and killing everyone in the gaming village, knight's in armor were killing people Artoria held dear as she saw her husband and child killed in front of her eye's as she was dragged off somewhere, and she was heartbroken, everything she loved was destroyed and taken from her, then, she was in a room.


Lion King:" We are doing this for the sake of humanity, thus, it is a necessary sacrifice for all of humanity"

Artoria heard a voice, and hearing it made her choke as she knew this voice, she was scared to turn around, but by some force, she was turning her head to see the one talking, and once she did, she saw herself, she saw the knight's of the round table, and she then saw herself as the Lion King, standing in front of her now was a crying woman, greaving the loss of her family as she was forced to come to a room for the selection of the 500 people who would be made into the next humanity as Artoria was then presented with the courses of her loved ones and everyone in the village, saying the holy selection was a complete success, and this broke her, she then dropped her spear as she ran, but came to a battle field where she saw herself willingly abandoned people do die as she saw they couldn't be saved, she tried to run from this, but was stopped as she saw she was stabbing her child in the stomach with rhongomyniad as she asked why she hated him, it was at this, she was experiencing all the pain, suffering, and agony she inflicted on everyone now as she was now experiencing them within second's apart, but the experience of each was dragged out for as long as possible, but not only that, she also experience all the indirect sin's she committed, as she was then pined down as she saw Agravain and the knight's he was leading ready to violate her with Agravains permission so long as they hurry as she suffered that pain and agony over and over again, all in front of her husband and child as she asked to die, but that wasn't the end of it, she went through this cycle over and over again, and in the end, each of the Artoria's fell on the floor, they were crying so hard they were suffocating on their tear's, vomiting so much that it turned white after some time, snot ran through their noses in what seemed like a focite pushing out water, they all wet and soiled themselves with no acception, and were shivering to uncontrollably, they were hopping off the ground and even popping some of their bones in the process, even the Lion King was in this state.

Alcaeus:" that's a month of pain, so... how was it"

the Artoria's upon hearing this were pissed beyond anything, even when Alaceus broke their bones, ripped their muscles, and ruptured some of their organs, their rage, and anger towards him was so great, they didn't stop no matter how much it hurt them.


Alcaeus:" showed you all who you all really are"

their anger was quenched s they all returned to crying as Alcaeus then asked them a question.

Alcaeus:" are you proud of your life, can you say you never made any mistakes, can you say you were never wrong like before, can you say you did what was best for everyone"

each of them were silent as they continued to cry, but then Alcaeus asked them another question.

Alcaeus:" okay, let me ask another question... are you done lying to everyone by saying you know what to do when you have no clue how to help anyone or anything"

they then look up as Alcaeus sit's down to comfort them.

Alcaeus:" listen Arotira, you've pretended to know what to do because everyone pressured you into being the one to save Camalot, you tried to give people hope since saying you can't save Camalot would make people lose hope in you, so instead, you shut off your emotion's to better lie to everyone that you could have saved them... you didn't want to make anyone upset... and because of that, you didn't have anything to lose because you can't honestly say you ever truly loved anything, not out of obligation, but out of real love... and I'm guessing you experienced that in that vision, and then you lost everything you did love... how'd that feel, tell me, and to make this clearer, you're all speaking from the Lion King's voice now"

Lion King:"... it hurt, it hurt so much, I wanted to die so many times, the pain was... I never felt pain like that, seeing everyone I love die, my husband died, my daughter died, and then killing them myself... I... I'm a monster, no, I'm worse than a monster... everything, everything I suffered, people suffered while I laid pretty on my throne... I turned a blind eye to it, I turned a blind eye to it all"

Alcaeus:"... I'm separating the voices now, so tell me, will you stand to be this, or will you change"

they all looked at him as he got them now in a land that seemed like a grassy plain and asked them all.

Alcaeus:" you never wanted anything to change because you were scared of the future so you intentionally made sure to stagnate everything to ensure you'd never come face to face with that, you were scared of a future you couldn't hide your flaw's, but tell me, will you let that be your legacy, or will you move forward from now on as a human, tell me now, what do you want for yourself Artoria, a king must sacrifice himself for his kingdom, but that does not mean he cannot find his own joy and happiness, in fact, it's because he is in such a position he must find what makes him happy to have the motivation to run his kingdom in the first place, now tell me, are you finally ready to grow up and start acting like a king should"

they all stopped crying and then breathed in some before they all stood and said yes, but the Lion King has to tell Alcaeus something first.

Lion King:" before we go, I just want to say... I was wrong, experiencing what it's like to be a normal person, a normal human, it made me see what I did... I'm sorry, but don't forgive me, I'm beyond forgiveness... but thank you... for teaching me what it is to be human"

Alcaeus:" tell me this, why do you think I included you as well"

Lion King:" love, you did it out of love"

Alcaeus:" their we go, that's the right answer, now you're more human... rest in peace, as I change your saint graph to make you all remain human no matter what happens from now on"

as he changed, they all were back in Chaldea as it seemed no time has passed, each Artoria also found themselves in bed, but the event's still played out, they utterly ruined their bed's as they were wondering what to do as golem's brought new one's in and replace them, and in breakfast, Alcaeus was serving some breakfast as some servants were ready for any of Alcaeus's harm to them, but Alcaeus gave each of the Artoria's some extra pancakes while patting them all on the head, and everyone was confused.

Ritsuka:" did something happen"

Artoria (prototype):" he is done torturing us and helped us finally become human through and through... even though it hurt more than anything else"

Gawain:" well, all's well that end's well"

Artoria (Alter):"... Gawain... in your service to me as my knight in life, did you allow your men to rape and kill people in our villages like Agravain did, same for you Triston"

Triston:" we would never-"

Artoria (Archer):" his eye also showed us our indirect sin's, so we saw, and even experienced what you did"

the 2 were then sweating as they ran away, and each Artoria was going to give them what for as Alcaeus saw this and giggled.

Alcaeus:" finally, she's acting like anyone would in normal situation's, screw forgiveness and all that crap, just beat the crap out of someone to teach them a lesson like any normal person would do, she's come a long way from where she was before, and now... she seems happy, before, she was holding in her emotion's, so it's good to see her like this"

Emiya:" how did you do this in one day"

Alcaeus:" I created a world where time was frozen for all but us, and spent a month making them see the error of their way's"

Emiya:" why did you go that far"

Alcaeus:" because Emiya, their family, and no matter how thick-headed or stubborn they are, you shouldn't I've up on them, now, if Morgan is ever summoned, I'll need to talk to her, but I think this so far is as much as I would do, and let me tell you, it was honestly exhausting"

he then went to his room as he pulled a treasure out from his treasury, a book he made before he got his eye's of clairvoyance, it was filled with his ancestor Arthur Pendragon as he idolized him as a hero, but upon seeing what he actually was, his image of him was destroyed, but as it stands now, he can see this book with a bit more pride knowing that the person he idolized before now fits more to the image he had of him, a kind heart with a warm embrace to him, now, he was happy he helped them all out, and then rested as if he was awake longer than usual, and he had a dream of his family as he was having dinner with them, nothing special, but lovely indeed as he wished to see his family again.

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