Camp Cretaceous x Reader

By MintPm

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Oc fic (cause I couldn't resist drawing fan art but im not editing out the y/n inserts) just a 13 year old gi... More

πŸ¦–The Day πŸ¦–
Camp Cretaceous
Goodnight Campers
Gyrosphere Adventure
And So It Begins
Not Safe
Hello Again
Happy Birthday Eddie!
Welcome To Jurassic World


736 17 3
By MintPm

Once arriving back at camp everyone gets out of the jeep and Roxie points to the elevator "you two sit in the lobby and wait for us." Roxie orders the boys. They go inside and Dave and Roxie immediately shoot you with disproving looks.

Dave looks back and forth between you and Brooklynn "you guys messed up." Roxie puts her hands on her hips "i can't Believe you two went along with this! you  could have gotten seriously hurt!" she lectures with Dave nodding in agreement "you two are just getting a warning. but if this happens again you'll have to pay."

Roxie facepalms at Dave's wording "Just tell me what happened!" she demands with an exasperated sigh. You look at Brooklynn, you're unwilling to tell and try to tell her to stay quiet but either she doesn't understand your eye communication or she just doesn't care but it doesn't take her long to spill.

After Brooklynn begins to explain what happened Dave shoos you inside "take our warning and get back to bed, you're no help here. And no more slip ups mkay?" he says with a smile patting your back then shoves you into the elevator. You're taken back by this but definitely wont be complaining. Once you get inside and up to the cabins you climb your bunk and fall asleep after maybe an hour of thinking about the events of the night.

You awake at 6am to the sound of the girls getting ready. you get off your bunk and take your hair down to brush all the knots out of it then tie it back into your usual bun. You slide your hoodie on and take your glasses off to wash your face then apply your usual face of makeup putting your glasses back on and make your way downstairs for breakfast.

After you all eat you get into the jeep, Dave and Roxie have said you're going the genetics lab today so you're super excited. on your way to the lab you stop in front of..oh ew its Dino droppings- Roxie tosses shovels to Kenji and Darius "Enjoy cleaning this up boys." Roxie says leading the rest of you back to the jeep.

The rest of you begin on your way to the genetics lab, you look over to Brooklynn as she groans "Ugh, im still dropping followers-" as rude as it may be after she says that you tune her out and look over at Ben who is sitting next to you humming as he rubs in his hand sanitizer.

You look at Yasmina who is sitting on the other side of Ben and she seems to think its odd as well.
Ben looks up at you then to Yasmina then back and forth between you both "Sanitizer. who knows what kind of creepy dino goo is at that lab? gotta be ready for anything." he says squeezing some out on his leg then sitting it down beside him as he continues to rub it in "the world is a grab bag of gross, and we're all just along for the moist, sticky rollercoaster ride called life."

You and Yasmina exchange looks, you're not sure weather their of worry shock or just confusion. But the boy's not wrong. Yasmina picks up the sanitizer putting some on her hands. You pick the sanitizer up after her and usw it as well setting it back next to Ben who begins humming while rubbing it in on his neck.

Once you all arrive at the genetics lab you are the last one to get out of the jeep. Brooklynn begins recording as you make your way up to the doors and in the building "What's good Brooklanders? today im coming to you from one of Jurassic World's coolest remote genetics labs" she says just before the doors open for you all to step into the lab.

Sammy gasps as soon as the doors are open "its so shiny in here" she says happily. You all look around "this is a rare window into the parks inner workings, not just anyone can come here you know?" Roxie states and Dave nods "yup, this is where the magic happens." He does a double take when he see's Dr.wu

The first thing he calls him is "Doc wu-wu!" while walking up to him which is enough to get you to walk away, by now you've figured this is just normal Dave behaviour. As you look around the lab you see Sammy pick up a preserved mosquito and walk up to her nervously to view it alongside her.

Dr.Wu walks up with Roxie following, he looks back at her as they walk into hearing range you hear him say "im sorry, but Mr. Masrani has accelerated the timetable for our newest exhibit yet again" he takes the mosquito from Sammy's hands and she gasps, you both look up at him as he continues talking to Roxie "I simply don't have time to spend the afternoon babysitting children."

You and Sammy exchange glances before wandering off as does Dr.Wu from Roxie. You continue to wander around the lab looking at a few different things. You stray away from Sammy walking up to ' one of the incubators. You turn around to see Brooklynn filming Dr.Wu and walk nearer to them.

Sammy walks up to a Dinosaur eye  "woah! eyeball, ooh" She says cutting off Dr.Wu's interview, Brooklynn points her phone to Ben when he shudders at the sight of it disgustedly, she points the camera your way as you walk up to the woman poking the eyeball "so do you dissect from a naturally deceased one orr..-" you ask.

Sammy puts her hand on a screen wall and you direct your attention to her when she asks "Dr.Wu, what's this?"  "Tree frog DNA. Unfortunately I-" Dr.Wu begins to answer before Sammy cuts him off with a gasp "what's that?" she asks as bones are wheeled past her on a cart  "Siberian mammoth remains, extracted for-" he is cut off Again by Sammy leaning against a tinted window "Ooh! what's down that hall?" Dr.Wu walks up putting a hand on the glass "My private office, it's restricted."

You turn away from the still eye poking woman who never answered your question about the Dino eye and look around the lab
then you hear Dave say "You guys, look" You all look over at Dave as he nears the incubator leaning next to an egg with slight movement "Oh, i think one of these eggs is about to hatch" Dave whispers and you all begin to crowd around the incubator. "That's not possible" Dr.Wu says turning away from the glass.

You stand between Ben and Brooklynn around the incubator. The egg begins to  crack "is that a tail?" Yasmina whispers as a part of the shell breaks off, apparently it was because it falls out out and with it amniotic fluid that flies onto Ben who begins to freak out wiping it off his shirt "Oh! ew, ew, ew!" he whines. Brooklynn takes a picture of Ben's reaction and you too turn to him before looking back at the egg

or the now little mostly hatched Ankylosaurus with half the shell covering its head. The little Dino looks around and tries to shake the shell off its head causing it to fall back almost rolling off the table, Ben stops freaking out to catch the baby before it falls. As Ben sets the Dino back on the table he keeps it in his hand and hesitantly goes to pull the shell off of its head, it opens its eyes and squeals at Ben who chuckles "Aw"
'A h she is so cute!'

"Sweet" Brooklynn says continuing to record the whole event "One of its head bumps are bigger than the other" she points out as Ben begins to coo over the Dino, Dr.Wu hearing Brooklynn's statement walks over "Asymmetry? In my lab?" he looks over your shoulders at the little Dino and Ben picks her up ",she's so...tiny" he says softly, you smile down at her as Brooklynn hovers her phone over her, Roxie looks down at her then back at Dr.Wu "but she won't stay tiny for long, right?" she asks him

"That's the idea" He replies leaning down to look at her and Brooklynn backs up to make room for him. "All the dinosaurs go through an accelerated growth cycle. They're supposed to incubate for 13 weeks with no noticeable defects, but apparently this one slipped through." Dr.Wu explains which isn't quite 'to your interest' you give him a dirty look without even thinking, he just stands up and straightens his coat walking off.

This leaves you Yasmina and Roxie watching Ben coo over the small dinosaur. You look down at her then back at him "you think you should give her a name?" you ask which makes him tense up, you just look back down at the dino. Despite you being able to make Ben nervous by just speaking to him you still want to talk to him for some reason, surely he'll warm up.

It takes a moment but Ben nods at your suggestion and stands straight looking down at her, you cant tell if he is thinking of a name or just got distracted by her cuteness. "what about Bumpy?" you ask,  he smiles looking down at her "Bumpy" he says officiating the name which makes you smile. You pet Bumpys little head "hii Bumpy" you coo and she squeals which gets another awe out of Ben, you pull your hand back and just watch as he talks to her with her occasional squeal at him.

It has been a few minutes of this but you hardly noticed the time passing, its pretty cute to watch
'i mean who doesn't love a baby Dinosaur?'
you let out a small nervous laugh "heh.." You look up seeing Sammy and Dave walk over who also start to awe over Bumpy. Roxie looks up smiling at you then looks down at Bumpy from over Bens shoulder "Well, that's it Ben, Looks like you live here now" she says playfully

You all turn around to the sound of Dr.Wu's voice "Time for you all to leave." he says sternly "Hey!" Brooklynn says as he lets go of her arm from just dragging her over to all of you "Clearly, this group has no respect for my lab." Dr.Wu finishes and Ben frowns stepping forward with Bumpy in his hands "But what about Bumpy?" he asks and Dave takes a step behind him putting a hand on his shoulder "Aw, Bumpy! you gave it a name. that's precious"

You step beside him as Dr.Wu takes Bumpy from Ben's hands, Ben reaches out for her before pulling his hand back sheepishly "The asset will soon be released into a herd of Ankylosauruses. Then she'll be their problem, just like you all will cease to be my problem when you leave." Dr.Wu says, Bens look of disappointment saddens which causes you to look up at Wu with a look of disapproval.

Dave puts a hand on both yours and Ben's shoulders "Alright! bup-bup-bup-bup-bup! Hit the road, we are not wanted here." he says beginning to walk you both out with the others. You and Ben stop on your way out as everyone walks ahead of you both making their way out to the jeep.

you look back at Bumpy who is squealing and whining which makes you pierce your lips, you're concerned Maybe even a bit sad. Ben is about to step in as people inside get in the way blocking your view of Bumpy but the doors close inches away from his face. You look away sighing sadly.

You look back at Ben who sniffles blinking back tears. You place a hand on his shoulder "She's gonna be okay Ben." He jumps when you first touch him so you pull your hand back. Ben turns to you with a single tear falling "I know." he replies wiping it away, you nod in response knowing he is lying but he is probably just doing it so he won't have to hear you try to reassure him any longer "i'm sure we will see her again." with this he just gives a nod drying his tears and you both walk in silence to the jeep where you sit with the girls.

The trip to go check on Darius and Kenji is pretty quiet, it takes a few minutes and everyone is a bit tense. When you arrive you see the two boys out of breath and panting. "Hey guys!" Darius says through his pants as you park next to them. Roxie pokes her head out the window "why are you two so out of breath?" she asks to which Darius replies walking up to the jeep with his shovel in hand "just doing the job we're told."

Roxie looks at him sceptically "How was the field trip?" Darius asks turning to the back of the jeep looking at all of you and Yasmina replies "Oh, well um, y'know, Ben fell in love with a dinosaur, and Superstar here got us booted from the lab." she says turning to Brooklynn with the last part.

Brooklynn turns away from her phone getting defensive "That is Not what happen-" Sammy cuts her off at the sign of potential tension "How'd poop patrol go?" she asks Darius who smiles nervously "Uh..." Darius hesitates but Kenji stands answering for him "Awesome!You all should've seen how i owned-" Darius cuts him off quickly bumping into him "This valuable experience! learned a lot about ourselves and, uh..yep!" you quirk a brow and turn to Yasmina who also seems to be sceptical of these events

But as soon as Roxie sniffs she turns back in the van disgusted not wanting to stick around to question them "Oh! well, then, hit the showers. And maybe stay in there for a while?" she says and begins to drive off. As the jeep begins to pull out Ben adds "and use soap, Lots of soap." and with that you are on your way back to camp.

Once you reach camp you are all taken to eat where most conversation comes from Sammy and Brooklynn chatting with each other. You all eat and talk until Darius and Kenji come down, they walked back earlier but they took long showers and good thing too, they smelled awful. They sit and begin eating with all of you getting it a bit more lively, Dave and Roxie turn in a bit early for the night so that leaves just you guys.

When you all finish eating You head up to the main lobby and lounge around before Darius points outside while sliding his jacket on "lets go down on the deck" Its already dark out so you think that's a great idea "i'll light the fire" you say softly "Perfect story telling opportunity" Sammy says happily as you all walk out.

You light up the fire as Darius sits on one side of the bench "I go first." he says. You sit next to Sammy at the end, beside her is Brooklynn then Kenji and Ben on the other bench. You sit at the edge as you listen to Darius's story but it doesn't take long for it to get more frightening, after a few minutes Ben is clung to Kenjis arm, Kenji is on the edge of his seat and so is Sammy. Darius goes on "We thought it'd be fun. We thought we'd be safe, but...we didn't realize the horror awaiting us on the island.."

At this point Ben is deathly clung to Kenji and you are on the edge of your seat as well, you love the eerie atmosphere. you grip the edge of the bench leaning forward as Darius continues "Claws, Teeth..Screaming" Sammy gasps softly at this "So much screaming" Darius says. leaning in Ben whispers "How much screaming?" Kenji shushes him "He's getting to the good part." Kenji says focusing back on Darius.

"The T.rex stalked closer, Her jaws opened wide..." Darius begins leaning further in as he tells the story and is in a stalking position, you are listening intently leaning in ready for this strike. the atmosphere is ruined when you hear the sound of Brooklynn's damn phone cam and a flash that blinds Darius.

Ben lets go of Kenji's arm and you and Sammy loosen up. You all look at Brooklynn confused or annoyed and she looks around at all of you "for the vlog" she explains
'yeah because we totally had no idea.'
"Keep telling your little story." she tells Darius who sighs and puts his hood back up getting ready to continue "Oh here we go." Kenji whispers in anticipation and Ben grips his arm again. You look back at Darius and lean in intently

Darius begins again "The T.rex sta-"
"Damn!" Brooklynn cuts him off again causing Kenji to groan and Darius to pull his hood down. "Out of space" Brooklynn continues "wait, im sorry, hold on." she says then leaning towards you and Sammy "I just don't wanna delete my selfie on Everest y'know?" Sammy looks over at it "ooo" you just turn away with a sigh.

"Maybe i should start over" Darius says putting his hood back up you nod but Ben shouts "No! In fact, You can just stop." Kenji turns to him "Dude, chill. he's not even telling the story right now. and How is your grip this strong?" he asks trying to pull his arm out of Bens grip. Darius continues his story "So, the T.rex stalked-"

Darius is cut off by Sammy "Shouldn't we call Yasmina over? I bet she'd love this story." Sammy says looking back at Yasmina, you finally let out a frustrated groan and Darius falls back on the bench. "Maybe she wants to be by herself" Brooklynn says looking back at Yasmina then turning back to the rest of you
"....i don't understand." Sammy says plainly

"you know how sometimes people just wanna be left alone?" Kenji says looking down at Ben who is still clung to his arm Sammy giggles in response "Kenji you're hilarious! I think she's just shy and doesn't know how to make camp friends." After Sammy says this thunder crashes and lighting strikes near causing you and Sammy to let out small yelps.

It then begins to rain and you all let out screams standing from your seats "Maybe we should go inside" Sammy says and Ben shouts from half way up the steps "Way ahead of you!" everyone follows behind with Darius lagging "It's comin' down fast!" Sammy says headed up, "well that was a waste of time." Brooklynn says with a scoff
"You're a waste of time." you say annoyed "Fuck off y/n" she says playfully with a grin as if she thought you were joking.

You step inside behind Ben Kenji and Brooklynn with Darius behind you. Yasmina and Sammy walk off as the rest of you continue in line behind the sofa "Darius, it wasn't that great of a story. I wasn't engrossed or anything" Ben says over Kenji and Brooklynn's chatting "oh yeah, sure, You were Clinging to kenji" you say with a grin and Ben crosses his arms "mm nope I don't think so" he says returning a grin which makes you giggle

"Yeah i could get something they would Actually enjoy" Kenji says continuing his conversation with Brooklynn about her followers "Just don't touch my phone. how does that sound?" Brooklynn replies and Kenji smirks "Let's decide this with a game of foose."

You all make your way up to the foosball table and Brooklynn and Kenji stand across from Ben and Darius ready to play "make way for the lady" Kenji says to Ben but you shush him "you guys go ahead." you say and after a few quiet complaints and trying to get you to play they let you go. You snack on some sweets and go to brush your teeth then head up to the cabin for bed.

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