Spider-Man X Pokimane. The Gi...

By Mexican_TanQr

22.7K 247 115

Hello my name is Peter Parker and I'm just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, but really I'm just an ordi... More

Wish me luck Bois( Not a chapter update)
1k??? (Not a Chapter Update)
Chapter 1: The Raft
Chapter 2: Arriving to LA
Chapter 3: First Meet up
Chapter 4: Love?
Chapter 5: Conffesion
Chapter 6: Who?
Chapter 7:OTV
Chapter 8: My Fault
Chapter 9: Tragedy
Chapter 10: The End
For Now
(Season 2) Chapter 1: New Life style same old me!
(Season 2) Chapter 2: Intense Heat!
(Season 2) Chapter 4: Sonii
(Season 2) Chapter 5: The Lizard Strikes
(Season 2) Chapter 6: The message
(Season 2) Chapter 7: Back to LA
Season 2) Chapter 8: Taskmaster
Just a lil break ❤️
Have a great New years!!!
(Season 2) Chapter 9: Christmas!!
(Season 2) Chapter 10: Sonii why?
(Season 2) Chapter 11: My Powers?
(Season 2) Chapter 12: Im just Peter Parker
(Season 2) Chapter 13: Old habits.
Not a chapter update. More so an apology
New book

(Season 2) Chapter 3: New York

642 10 3
By Mexican_TanQr

Its been a day since we packed our stuff for New York. Currently we are all in a Hotel in New York we rented out 6 rooms and everyone shares a room with three people. I'm Sharing with Imane and Celine, then there's Toast, Yvonnie, and Janet, then there's Brooke, Symfuhny, and Scarra, then there's, Micheal, Lily, and Ninja, and then its Nade, Rae, and Sykkuno and finally Courage, Jackcepticeye, and Dr. Lupo.

Imane: Finally.... we're done.

Peter: You tired?

Imane: Yep, I'm gonna go take a quick nap.

Peter: Ok, well I'm gonna check on Celine.

Imane: Okie dokie! Love you!


Peter: Love you too!!

I leave the room and go to the living room where I see Celine in the kitchen.

Peter: What's up!

Celine: Hey Pete! Is Imane sleeping.

Peter: Yep, so anyways what you doing.

Celine: Just eating, I didn't have much to eat so yeah!

Peter: Cool well, I'm gonna go check on the others.

Celine: Alright.

I leave the room and head to Rae's room.

Peter: Hey Rae!

Rae: Hey Pete! Where's Imane?

Peter: Oh she's sleeping. Just taking a little break. What about Nade and Sykkuno, how they doing.

Rae: There fine, I do have a question for you.

Peter: Sure what is it.

Rae: But just keep it between us ok?

Peter: Ok! Just tell me.

Rae: Ok well I've been thinking and I think that, I've developed feelings for Sykkuno.

Peter: Wow! That's great. Does he know?

Rae: No!! That's why I'm telling you to keep it between us.

Peter: Of course no problem.

Rae: Pinky Promise.

I wrap my pinky around hers.

Peter: Pinky promise. Well anyways I've-

Police radar: Attention officers I've got a 10-79 possible bomb threat at city bank. I need a bomb squad ASAP.

Peter: Welp that my call.

Rae: Careful!

Peter: You know it.

I put on my suit and and head to the city bank.

(Time skip)
(Imane POV)
I wake up feeling well and energized, I look around and look at the time. It's 6:47 pm I get out of bed and look for Peter and see that he's not here. I head over to Rae's room and see if Peter was there but then I run into Celine.

Imane: Oh, sorry I wasn't looking were I was going.

Celine: It's fine.

Imane: Hey do you by any chance know where Peter might be?

Celine: No, last time I saw him was about a few hours ago he said he was gonna check on the others.

Imane: Ok, thanks anyways oh and again sorry for bumping into you.

Celine: No problem.

I head towards the the door and go to the hallway to find Rae and see if she knows where Peter could have gone. After a bit I find Rae.

Imane: Hey Rae.

Rae: Oh hey Imane, did you just wake up.

Imane: I woke up a few minutes ago. I'm just wondering do know where Peter is.

Rae: Oh yeah. He had to go stop a bomb threat.

Imane: Oh.

I've never told Peter but, I don't like it when he goes on crazy missions like this. It gets me nervous. I really don't want to lose him, I just love him too much too see him get hurt.

Rae: Imane it's gonna be alright. Im sure Peter is going to be as safe as he can.

Imane: I hope so. Let me call hi- OMG! Why didn't I just call him.

Rae: I mean you did just wake a few minutes ago, maybe your still not fully awake yet.

Anyways I call Peter in hopes that he answers.

Peter: Hey babe!

Imane: Hey Pete, where are you currently.

Peter: I'm just out here exploring the city.

Imane: Rae said something about a Bomb threat?

Peter: Oh yeah I did that too.

Imane: Pls tell me your ok.

Peter: Yes babe I'm fine, I know how you get when I do missions like this.

Imane: Im sorry. I just really love you and I don't want you getting hurt so much.

Peter: Aw, well if it makes you feel any better im actually on my way home right now.

Imane: Ok just be careful on the way back.

Peter: Yep, just let me look around bit more and I'll be heading back home.

Imane: Ok, well bye I love you so much.

Peter: I love you more.

I giggle and hang up the phone. I'm just glad he's ok.

(Time skip)
(Peter POV)
I make it back home it was 12:57 am, I stayed out longer than I needed to but at least I'm home. I crawled in through the window not trying to deal with the front desk. I take off my suit and get changed into something comfortable, I walk in the bedroom and see Imane sleeping, I crawl in next to her and wrap my arms around her. She then turns around wraps her arms around me and cuddles closer to me.

Imane: What took you so long?

She said in a tired voice.

Peter: It was a longer night than expected. First  I was looking around making sure everything was good then next thing I knew I was stopping a truck with a bomb in it, stopping 2 bank robbery's, chasing 4 get away cars, and fighting 16 guys at the same time.

Imane: Jeeeez, and I got tired from unpacking.

Peter: Chuckles* yeah, but hey at least I'm home.

Imane: Yes, your home safe in my arms.

I give her a kiss Goodnight and we both fall asleep in each other's arms.

(Next Morning)
(Peter POV)
I wake up and it's 9:43 am, Imane is still sleeping hugging me tight. I try'd my best to sneak out but obviously she woke up.

Imane: Where are you going?

She asks in a tired voice.

Peter: Just need to get up and stretch.

Imane: Are you getting up now?

Peter: Yep.

Imane: Nooo, not yet.

Peter: Babe it's about to be 10.

Imane: I don't care, I just want to stay in bed a little bit longer.

Imane: Like 20 more minutes.

Peter: 15 minutes.

Imane: 18 minutes.

Peter: 13 Minutes.

Imane: 17 Minutes.

Peter: 10 minutes.

Imane: 15 minutes take it or leave it.

Peter: Uh bruh, never mind, Deal.

We both shake hands and then she proceeds to cuddle closer.

Peter: Your adorable, you know that right?

Imane: You never stop telling me.

Peter: I just can't tell you enough how adorable you are. You really are special to me, and I want you to know that.

Imane: You mean a lot to me. I can't imagine a life without you.

We both just lay there thinking about life. Enjoying each other's company. What was supposed to be 15 minutes ended up being an hour. So we got up and ate.

A few minutes later Rae bursts into our apartment room.

Rae: Hey guys.

Peter: Sup.

Imane: Hey Rae.

Celine: Hi Rae.

Rae: We're all going out, you guys wanna come.

Peter: Where are you guys going?

Rae: Well, we're going to the mall and then just go out and eat. So is that a yes or no?

Imane: Sure.

Celine: Why not.

Peter: Alright.

Rae: Ok we will wait for you downstairs.

After Rae left we all started getting ready. After a few minutes we were all ready and went downstairs to join the others.

Rae: Pete you got your suit right?

Peter: Rae, are you ever going to stop asking me that. Of course I have my suit.

Rae: Just making sure.

We all get in separate cars and make our way to the mall first.

(Time skip)
After like an hour we are stuck in traffic. Imane looking through her phone same with Rae and Celine and Janet.

Peter: I wonder how the others are doing?

Rae: Oh yeah, let me text Ninja really quick.

My phone starts buzzing. I take it out and see what up.

Police radar: Attention officers I got a 11-71, shooting in progress, we need back up.

Peter: Oh shoot. How am I gonna get out!

Without thinking I open the door and run to the side walk. Since the cars weren't moving because of the traffic it was easy for me to move.

Imane: Be careful!!

Peter: I will!!

I go to a dark alley and change. After I got my suit on I make my way towards the shooting. After a few minutes I figured out what was causing the traffic jam. It was the shooting, I had to take them out quickly before they hurt anyone.

Spider-Man: Hey guys.

Criminal: Shoot the bug!!!

They started to shoot me.

Spider-Man: Wow!! Not cool guys!

I started to fight them off. Some of the police officers were being attacked so I turned my attention to the criminals shooting the cops. I took them out. One managed to get a shot on my leg.

Spider-Man: Ow!! What the!!

I grabbed the criminals gun and threw it at him knocking him out. There will still plenty of criminals and everything was getting out of control until..... Miles showed up taking out a few guys.

Miles: Hey Pete!

Peter: Miles! Just in time for the party.

Miles: Couldn't miss it.

We both jump into action and take out the criminals. Miles uses his electrical venom to stun some of the enemies. I web up a few of the enemies. After a while all the enemies were webbed up and ready to be taken back to prison.

Peter: Ouch.

Miles: What's wrong?

Peter: Argh* I got shot on the leg.

Miles: Yeah. Been there before. It does not feel good.

Police officer: Thanks again Spider-Man's, but we got it from here.

Spider-Man: Alright.

Me and Miles both swing towards a tall building and rest there for a bit.

Peter: Jesus, is it me or is this job getting harder and harder to do.

Miles: Your telling me man.

Friday: Incoming call from Imane, should I pick up?

Peter: Umm, yeah.

Miles: Who's Imane?

Peter: Hold up Miles. Hey babe what's up?

Miles: Babe?

Imane: Hey I'm just checking in. Seeing if your ok.

Peter: No yeah. Everything is fine. I'm just hanging with a friend.

Imane: Oh. So your not coming back with us.

Peter: No no no, I am, I'm just having a little talk that's all.

Imane: Ok, well I'm just letting you know we're we are. We are just about arriving at the mall so I'll see you here then?

Peter: Yeah for sure. Later. Love you lots.

Imane: Love you too. Be safe ok.

Peter: You got it.

She hangs up.

Miles: Wait a minute! You have girlfriend!!??

Peter: Uhhh, sigh* here let me explain.

(Time skip)
After a few minutes of explaining everything. Miles was caught up with everything that had happened, with me for the last few months since I left New York.

Miles: Wait so let me get this straight. Your dating one of the hottest streamers of all time and live with her and her other friends. And at some point the sinister six came to LA and almost ruined your life by taking them away from you but then you fought back took down the sinister six and saved everyone in LA. Then just a few months later after the attack from the sinister six you came on a trip back to New York with a whole bunch of streamers that also know who you are and what you do. And now we're here.

Peter: Yeah. Basically everything just in a nutshell.

Miles: Wow. That's so cool.

Peter: Oh shoot. I gotta run. I have to meet up with Imane and the rest back at the Mall. You wanna come?

Miles: Oh. Umm yeah sure.

Peter: Cool then let's go.

We both swing and make our way towards the Mall.

(Imane POV)
Me and the others were having just hanging out with each other at the mall. I soon get text from Peter.

Imane: Hey guys, Peter's on his way back, and he's bringing a friend.

Everyone: Alright.

(Time skip)
I few minutes Peter arrives.

Imane: Hey Pete!

Peter: Hey Imane!


Imane: So how'd it go with the shooting stuff.

Peter: Oh, um I got shot in the leg.

Imane: What!

Peter: Don't worry. I mean it hurts still but I can walk.

Imane: Babe I told you to be careful.

Peter: yeah I'm sorry.

Janet: Wait you got shot in leg.

Dr. lupo: Who's your friend?

We all turn our attention to Peter's friend.

Peter: Oh, right. Guys this is Miles. The other Spider-Man.

Ninja: Wait a minute, there's two.

Miles: Hey guys, I'm Miles Morales, very nice to meet you all.

Everyone: Hello Miles.

Miles: Im a real big fan of all you. You guys are such amazing people.

Rae: Wait so you just have all the same powers as Peter.

Miles: Yes and No.

Courage: What do you mean Yes and no?

Miles: I mean I can do everything Peter can do.
It's just I have a two more tricks up my sleeve.

Imane: Like what?

Miles: Well, I can stun my enemies with my Electrical venom charges.

Jack: That sounds cool.

Miles: I can also camouflage.

Celine: So like go invisible?

Miles: Yeah.

Rae: Damn ok! Miles might seem a little bit better than you Peter.

Peter: Ok ok. He might have all that but he can't beat me in combat.

Miles: Is that a challenge?

Peter: No. it's the truth.

Miles: Ok then. Rematch! You and me.

Peter: Hmm, Ok, Sure. But maybe some other time.

Imane: Ooo~ spicy!

We all continue our little shopping spree and just look around. After the mall we all went to a  restaurant and ate until..

Miles: So anyways- Oh hold up.

Miles phone went off and so did Peter's

Miles: Oh shoot. Fire at west side of Harlem.

Peter: Bomb threat at Central Park. We gotta go. Sorry guys.

Rae: It's fine.

Imane: Just be safe, ok Pete.

Peter: Yep. Love you

Imane: Love you too.

And just like that they got up and left.

Sykkuno: You think they'll be ok?

Rae: Yeah. I know they will. But we should probably head home.

Everyone agrees and gets up. We pay for the food and leave the restaurant and make our way back home.

(Time skip)
(Peter POV)
It's been almost a few hours since we left to go stop the emergencies we got. It was already 8:45 pm, me and Miles we're headed back to our homes. Well he was headed back home. I was heading back to the hotel.

Miles: Well nice too be working with you again Pete.

Peter: Yeah same here Miles. Take care.

Miles: You too.

He swings off and I crawl in through my apartment window. I crawl in and see that everyone turns their attention towards me.

Peter: Uhh, hey everyone.

Rae: Hey Peter?

Jack: Why are you crawling through the window.

Peter: Oh, I don't feel like dealing with the staff downstairs so I want to get a more direct approach.

Jack: Ah I see.

Peter: Anyways I'm tired.

Celine: Yeah we know.

Janet: We say on the news. You and Miles are really working your asses off out there.

Peter: Yeah. That just goes to show that a hero's job is never done.

Imane: I can see why you wanted a change of scenery.

Peter: Yeah well, I was getting bored of the same old thing every day.

Peter: Well anyways what are you all doing here?

Ninja: Oh we're discussing strategy for Twitch rivals.

Peter: Oh right! I forgot it's tomorrow.

Imane: Pls tell me your gonna watch me play.

Peter: Yeah of course.

Micheal: Simp!

Lily hits his arm.

Peter: Well that is if crime could just calm down a little bit.

Lily: Let's hope so.

Imane: Well anyways I'm tired. I'm heading off to bed Goodnight guys.

Everyone: Goodnight.

Everyone had the same idea and just headed of to bed. Rae stuck around for a bit then headed to bed as well. I walked into the bedroom and saw Imane getting in bed.

Imane: You gonna come join me or what?

Peter: Yep. I'm coming.

I lay down, Imane proceeds to cuddle closer to me and I wrap my arms around her. I then give her a kiss on the forehead and we both drift of to sleep. Let's hope tomorrow goes smoothly.

(Sonii POV)
Sonii: He won't keep me away from you. Your mine Rae. Forever.

Sonii: Be careful nerd. You get in my way of me and my girl. Your dead. You understand. Your dead.

Wow. That took longer to write than it should it have. Sorry for not being active as much. I'll try to get the next chapter out earlier. But who knows what could happen anyways. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and see in the next one.!!

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