Chapter 4: Love?

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I'm on top of a building ready to start a patrol in my New suit around LA.

I started swinging around the city enjoying life and looking for crime.

Spider-Man: Alright LA what you got for me today.

(Imane POV)
I come back from the cafe and I need to tell Rae everything that happened.

Imane: Rae you will not believe who I hung out with today.

Rae: Um idk tell me, who did you hung out with today.

Imane: Well remember the guy we saw at the park when we were taking a walk to the park last time.

Rae: Yeah. Wait! You crossed paths with him again.

Imane: Yeah!

Rae: Wait where tho.

Imane: At the cafe shop just a few minutes away from here.

Rae: Oh, that's nice. So what happened, tell me everything. Is he nice, is he single.

Imane: Well I walked into the cafe and started ordering my drink and then I took a look around the place, then after a few seconds of looking around I noticed he was here in the cafe and was alone.

Rae: Ok, and then what happened.

Imane: Well, there was no other place to sit so I asked if I could sit across from him. And he looked sooo cute when he looked up.

Rae: Ok ok jeez , you just met the guy and your already starting to fall in love with him. I get he's cute but don't you think your moving a little to fast.

Imane: Mabey, but heart can't take it. He even gave me his phone number!

Rae: Wow. Well.... call him.

Imane: What! Now!

Rae: Yeah! See if he picks up! Mabey also ask him out.

Imane: Weren't you the one telling me. "Don't you think your moving a little to fast"

Rae: Well yeah,but am still curious on what he's like. Why don't you invite him over to our house.

Imane: Ok I'll give it a shot.

(Spider-Man POV)
I was out in the city when I received a call from an unknown number. I took a break on a rooftop and answered the call.

Peter: Hello?

???: Hi again!

Peter: Uumm? sorry who is this?

???: Oh sorry, it's me Imane.

Peter: Oohh! Hi again, sorry I didn't recognize you.

Imane: No, sorry for not introducing myself at the beginning of the call. Anyways what you up to.

Peter: Really nothing. Just roaming around LA, why do you ask.

Imane: No reason, just wanted to know if you wanted to come by my house later. That is if you want to.

She said nervously.

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