(Season 2) Chapter 3: New York

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Its been a day since we packed our stuff for New York. Currently we are all in a Hotel in New York we rented out 6 rooms and everyone shares a room with three people. I'm Sharing with Imane and Celine, then there's Toast, Yvonnie, and Janet, then there's Brooke, Symfuhny, and Scarra, then there's, Micheal, Lily, and Ninja, and then its Nade, Rae, and Sykkuno and finally Courage, Jackcepticeye, and Dr. Lupo.

Imane: Finally.... we're done.

Peter: You tired?

Imane: Yep, I'm gonna go take a quick nap.

Peter: Ok, well I'm gonna check on Celine.

Imane: Okie dokie! Love you!


Peter: Love you too!!

I leave the room and go to the living room where I see Celine in the kitchen.

Peter: What's up!

Celine: Hey Pete! Is Imane sleeping.

Peter: Yep, so anyways what you doing.

Celine: Just eating, I didn't have much to eat so yeah!

Peter: Cool well, I'm gonna go check on the others.

Celine: Alright.

I leave the room and head to Rae's room.

Peter: Hey Rae!

Rae: Hey Pete! Where's Imane?

Peter: Oh she's sleeping. Just taking a little break. What about Nade and Sykkuno, how they doing.

Rae: There fine, I do have a question for you.

Peter: Sure what is it.

Rae: But just keep it between us ok?

Peter: Ok! Just tell me.

Rae: Ok well I've been thinking and I think that, I've developed feelings for Sykkuno.

Peter: Wow! That's great. Does he know?

Rae: No!! That's why I'm telling you to keep it between us.

Peter: Of course no problem.

Rae: Pinky Promise.

I wrap my pinky around hers.

Peter: Pinky promise. Well anyways I've-

Police radar: Attention officers I've got a 10-79 possible bomb threat at city bank. I need a bomb squad ASAP.

Peter: Welp that my call.

Rae: Careful!

Peter: You know it.

I put on my suit and and head to the city bank.

(Time skip)
(Imane POV)
I wake up feeling well and energized, I look around and look at the time. It's 6:47 pm I get out of bed and look for Peter and see that he's not here. I head over to Rae's room and see if Peter was there but then I run into Celine.

Imane: Oh, sorry I wasn't looking were I was going.

Celine: It's fine.

Imane: Hey do you by any chance know where Peter might be?

Celine: No, last time I saw him was about a few hours ago he said he was gonna check on the others.

Imane: Ok, thanks anyways oh and again sorry for bumping into you.

Celine: No problem.

I head towards the the door and go to the hallway to find Rae and see if she knows where Peter could have gone. After a bit I find Rae.

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