Chapter 3: First Meet up

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Before I start the story I want you all to know that In this universe for Spider-Man and Poki and her friends crimes in LA aren't common that why I won't be including too much crime fights. I will only involve like only big boss fights. Anyways back to the story.

After I leave the crime scene I go to the highest point in LA and admire the view. I think back an hour ago and think.

Peter: I could've taken a picture with Pokimane, but Nooooo! I had think about it and be a shy loser what are the chances I see her again.

(Poki POV)
After me Rae, Celine, and Janet left the park we just all hung out in the city I get a lot of notifications in Instagram. I open the app and so many posted stories. I look at one of my friends stories. After that I realized why they all posted on their stories and I left In shock.

Imane: OMG! Spider-Man is in LA.

Rae, Janet, Celine: What!

Rae: No Way!

Imane: Am serious look!

I show the the post of someone who was at the car chase and it shows Spider-Man taking down all 4 criminals.

Janet: WOW!

Celine: Holy

Rae: Holy Shit!

Imane: I know right!

After those news we wondered where he could be, but we didn't bother too much about it. We didn't want to be that creepy. After we were on our way back home we got a lot of people taking pictures with us and it was just another regular Thursday night. But we had left the crowd 5 other dudes started to follow us and we knew that they where following us so we avoided going home and try to lose these guys.

(Spider-Man POV)
After about a few hours of chilling it was already 7 pm it was starting to get late so I started swinging my way back home and i noticed a giant crowd I wanted to see what all the fuss was about and now I knew why there was crowd. Pokimane, Valkyrae, xChocobars, and StarMitten. I decided that I'll be there body guard even tho they don't know it I'll just out of sight.

After a few minutes of them singing and taking pictures with their fans they start to I guess make there way back home, I didn't want to be a creep and follow them all the way back so I departed from them but a soon as I did I heard a scream.

(Poki POV)
As we try a final turn to try and lose the 5 dudes we run into a blocked alleyway. I turn around and yell at them.

Poki: What do you guys want!!!

Stranger 1: Shhhhhhh baby girl they will hear you and I don't think you want that do you.

He pulls out a knife and the other dudes pull out there guns and aim it at Rae, Janet, and Celine.

Poki: HEEEELP!!!

(Spider-Man POV)
I hear Poki call out for help and I rush back to them and when I got there, 4 dudes had guns pointed at Valkyrae, xChocobars, and StarMitten, and one dude was putting his hands on poki with the knife in his pocket I quickly jump into action and take them out.

(Poki POV)
As I scream for help the dude with the Knife runs at me and covers my mouth to stop from anyone hearing me. The dude proceeded to try and take of my clothes but a struggled and didn't let him but then Spider-Man out of nowhere take down two of the dude with the guns. Then the dude holding turns around and noticed who it was. He takes them all out except for the dude still holding me this time he had a gun pointed at my head.

Stranger 1: Hey! Get out now or I'll shoot her.

Spider-Man: Ok! Ok! ok. Just pls put the gun down and don't kill the girl.

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