(Season 2) Chapter 4: Sonii

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It was 5:34 am, I woke up an hour ago but I couldn't go back to sleep. Imane was still cuddling me. She looked peacefully comfortable, she felt so warm, I didn't want to wake her so I just stayed in bed. But while I was laying there, I began to think. What's gonna happen if I do have kids. What should I do. Should I stop being Spider-Man, should I not? Who knows, anyways I felt Imane move and she turned to the other side. This gave me a chance to move carefully and get up. I got up and walked over to the living room. I got bored since no one was awake so I decided to see what was happening in the city. I put my suit on and went off.

It was a calm swing. Nothing crazy was happening. After a while of swinging I came across the Twitch Rivals arena. I just sat across from it and saw how big it was, and poki is playing In front of what looks like thousands of people are going to be at.

Peter: Oh Boy.

(Imane POV)
I wake up to no sign of Peter. I check the time. It was currently 6:37 in the morning. I think to myself, we're could he have gone too this early. Then I remembered, today is The Twitch Rivals event. It starts at 5:00 pm so I've got a lot of time. I pick up my phone and call Peter.

After a few seconds he answers.

Peter: Hey babe?

Imane: Pete where are you i wake up and your not here?

Peter: Yeah, sorry. I just wanted to clear my mind a bit. Sorry I wasn't there.

Imane: Babe it's ok, if you needed to clear your mind then it's fine. I just wish you tell me, before you leave, so I don't have to wonder and worry we're you could be.

Peter: Yeah, I understand. Welp you getting now for Rivals?

Imane: Unfortunately yes. I wish I could stay in bed longer tho. But oh well.

Peter: Ok well. Se you at Twitch Rivals?

Imane: Yep, bye love!

Peter: Byee!

I hang up the phone and start to get ready for twitch rivals.

(Time skip)
(Peter POV)
It's been a few hours. It's now 3:34 pm and and people started to roll in into the stadium. Soon afterwards the content creators start to roll in buses. In one bus came out came out Poki and her team which consisted of BrookeAB, Sykkuno, and Valkyrae. I later found out that they are competing in a Fortnite Tournament. I noticed the look on Imane's face when she was being interviewed, she's nervous.
I decided to go to her back room where she would get ready and talk to her.

Spider-Man: Hello stranger.

She jolts up and giggles.

Imane: Hey stalker boy!

Peter: You nervous?

Imane: What? No!

I stare at her then she brakes.

Imane: Ugh! Fine yes! I'm Nervous, I'm anxious!

Peter: Hey hey, it's ok to be nervous. Just calm your self.

Imane: Baby, it's not that simple. I get sweaty palms and my legs start shuttering and start to get cold and stutter over my words.

I quickly pull her into a hug, hoping to calm her down.

Peter: Look just, know that I'm always here with you. Just pretend no one else is here. Just you and your friends playing. Sometimes what helps me with nerves is, I start to think about nice thoughts, and warm thoughts.

Imane: Sigh* Ok.

She hugs me closer to her and I hold her tighter. Shortly after Rae comes in and so does the rest of Pokis team, they also joined in on the hug.

Spider-Man X Pokimane. The Girl I needed.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang