Chapter 8: My Fault

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(Peter POV)
I wake up to Imane laying right next to me, she was peacefully sleeping and I didn't want to wake her up so I try my best to get up and try not to wake her up, I successfully managed to get up and not wake Imane up, I look in the mirror and notice that my wounds were almost already healed, looks like having enhanced healing is pretty handy.

I head downstairs only to find Rae awake, she looked tired.

Peter: Morning Rae

Rae: Morning Pete, your looking a lot more better than yesterday.

Peter: I'm feeling better than yesterday. But you looked tired, what happened last night.

Rae: Ok well, I was too busy packing for Twitch con.

Peter: Oh yeah! Twitch Con is in two weeks. Wait, so then why are you packing so early.

Rae: I like to get an early head start. Besides I don't want to worry about packing last minute and be all stressed out.

Peter: Ok, I guess that's pretty smart.

As I say that I hear footsteps from the stairs I turn around to see that Imane had woken up.

Imane: Morning Pete, Morning Rae. Rae why do you look so tired?

Rae: I was up all night packing for twitch con.

Imane: This early! We're still like two weeks away Rae.

Peter: That's what I said too, but she gave a very valid point.

Imane: Wow! Pete your wounds are already almost healed.

Peter: Really, I didn't even notice.

Imane: Well anyways I have a free day from steaming so you wanna hang out today.

Peter: Sure but what are we doing.

Imane: Idk, maybe just go out on walk and eat. Let's just have fun today.

Peter: Ok! Sounds like date.

Imane: Great just let me go and get ready.

Peter: Ok take your time.


She leaves to her room so she can get ready as I  go to my room to just fix up a bit. I comeback to the living room still waiting on Imane, I see that Rae had went back to her room and fell asleep, I take the opportunity to take a look at web shooters and see that only one of them had been damaged so I go back to my room and start working on my web shooter.

After a few minutes of just fixing my web shooter I see Imane come down the stairs.

Peter: Ready to go?

Imane: Yep! Let's go!

We leave on our little walk and explore the city, we went to a restaurant and ate, then we just chilled at a park, Imane got recognized my some fans but I didn't mind luckily they didn't think that we were dating, Imane is still trying to keep our relationship a secret so we had to be careful.

At some point there was a criminal running away from police, luckily I had trip mine that fires a web when the laser was disturbed, the web would then pull the victim on to the wall.
(For Example)

I gotta say best gadget I've ever made but anyways it worked. The police caught the bad guy with Spider-Mans help without me actually leaving Imane and stop the guy from running.

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