The Yandere Cooks for the Vil...

By Desert_S

942K 51.5K 9.9K

After joining the Villain system, the Villain was forced to do world upon world growing emotionless from the... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 1
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 2
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 3
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 4
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 5
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 6
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 7
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 8
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 9
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 10
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 11
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 12
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 13
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 14
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 15
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 16
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 17
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 18
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 19
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 20
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 21
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 22
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 23
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 24
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 25
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 26
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 27 (End Of Arc 1)
Arc 2 Chapter 1: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 2: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 3: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 4: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 5: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 6: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 7: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 8: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 9: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 10: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 11: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 12: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 13: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 14: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 15: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 16: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 17: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 18: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 19: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 20: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 21: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 22: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 23: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 24: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 25: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 26: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 27: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 28 (End of Arc 2): The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 3 chapter 1: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 2: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 3: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 4: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 5: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 6: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 7: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 8: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 9: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 10: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 11: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 12: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 13: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 14: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 15: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 16: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 17: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 18: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 19: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 20: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 21: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 22: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 23: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 24: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 25: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 26: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 27: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 28: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 29 (End of Arc 3): Royal Knight
Arc 4 Chapter 1: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 2: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 3: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 4: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 5: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 6: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 7: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 8: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 9: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 10: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 11: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 12: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 13: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 14: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 15: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 16: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 17: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 18: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 19: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 20: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 21: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 22: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 23: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 24: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 25: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 26: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 27: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 28: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 29: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 30: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 31: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 32: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 33: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 34: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 35: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 36: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 37: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 38: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 39: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 40: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 41: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 42: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 43: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 44: (End Of Arc 4) Undying Love

Questions and Answers!

8.4K 241 199
By Desert_S

Before we start I'd like to thank everyone for the fun questions! I tried to tag everyone who asked a question but if I accidentally missed anyone's question please private message me and I will try to edit in the question later.

The questions are labelled 1-40, the Q: in front signifies that it is a question, and the A: in front signifies my answer to the question. For anyone's questions that were the same/similar I tried to group them together while still tagging everyone. Also I will mostly be referring to Sun as the Villain in this to keep things simple.

~Now let's begin!



Q:Weird question but since I've been reading to many Chinese novels if the villain ever gets pregnant will Jun be jealous of the baby or like it ? This is a very irrelevant question I am sorry

A: Haha no problem, this is a fun Question! Jun would at first be overwhelmingly happy (especially since he can bind the Villain closer to his side) But he would also be slightly anxious. He would of course pamper the Villain in her pregnancy stage as long as the child is his but if he believed the child wasn't he would completely reject it! (yandere)

After the child is born he would be jealous (but not angry/scary jealous), he would simply be cautious of the kid taking away his wife's affections and jealous of the kid's time with the Villain. Overall he would try to be a good and supporting father, cooking for the child, growing to love it and trying to teach it to be independent as soon as possible so that he can once again dominate most of his wife's time.



Q:If Jun had the chance would he have a child with his beloved?

A: Yes but his motives probably wouldn't be completely pure, if it was intentional he would likely do it in order to create another opportunity for the Villain to stay by his side forever. Knowing the Villain though it probably wouldn't work out as Jun intended and this would later lead to the two talking it out and understanding one another better. If it was a surprise Jun would be overjoyed and slightly anxious later on.



Q: What was the inspiration behind making being a chef or "cooking" as a defining trait of our little crazy lover boy Jun?


Q: Like the others, I'm also curious as to what inspired' you to write this tale and Jun's SS: Cooking.

A: To be honest, I'm just sick of stories where the role is solely given to the females (or uke in BL), so I thought it would be fun to switch it up and make a yandere be the sole cook and to see how they would react to cooking. (for example if a yandere was a cook, in what different ways would they use cooking to their advantage in order to trap their loved one? :})



Q: where did you get the inspiration for this story?


Q:What inspired you to write this story? cause it is amazing and well written

A: Ehem, why thank you >/////<. I was inspired a few years ago after I finished reading "Quickly Wear the Face Of The Devil" or better known as "FOD." Fun read, you should check it out!

Now slight ~spoiler for that story. I really loved it! But I got slightly frustrated from the ending of it (It was definitely a happy ending but it just slightly frustrated me that the big reveal was completely different from what it seemed to be hinting at)

It's dumb but at the time I felt slightly betrayed by the ending. I feel like the ML/Seme in that story was setting up to be someone completely different at the beginning but the author changed their mind mid way since I don't remember any major hints or foreshadowing given to justify the ML's identity at the end or even the final bosses.

Anyways the frustration I felt got me thinking, what if it had ended with the ML being the sort of character I had believed the story to be hinting at, what scenarios would have had to unfold for that to happen? That got me thinking on a long tangent till I formulated an outline for a completely different story, and that's the beginning of the story you all get today.

Because I had once tried to write a long story without the ending in mind and it failing, I first made sure to completely plan out my story with a coherent beginning and end before attempting to write. After I was satisfied with the outline and ending, I began writing. I wrote and wrote till I formed 2.5 arcs, after that due to school and work I ended up taking a two year long break. It wasn't another two years until I came back to this story with a few different tweaks and changes. That is the story you get today :}



Q: Who was Song Shai/Sage/Sylvia before she was bound to the system?

A: She was a normal soul, a simple human. Sorry if this answer is disappointing but she isn't meant to be anyone particularly powerful/special, she was relatively normal until being bound to the system and learning to become stronger. I wanted to make her human since she's not meant to be inherently powerful, rather her strength comes from experience and trial and error. Despite being human she shows that humans are capable of growing stronger.

Growing stronger despite being human is especially important later on when dealing with another character, so her human identity is important to the story. She may seem inhuman from her behavior but that's simply because she's had to learn to adapt and put up walls. As the story progresses it will show more of her vulnerable side, her happy side, her extreme side, and her content side. As for the type of person she was before being bound to the system, that will be mildly explored, but more so through other characters rather than through her own insight.



Q:How did you imagine Jun to look like?

A: I hope I am answering this correctly, I wanted him to be tall, taller than the Villain because he's like a cute doting lover, also just my personal preference. He is handsome and muscular because it fits with his ~undisclosed character and also why not? As for his darker toned skin, I think darker skin is really beautiful and not always portrayed in stories so once again it was just my personal preference. I didn't particularly have any influences for his appearance, it's simply how I imagined his character since the beginning when I initially came up with the story concept.



Q: For the Villain: if you had to choose between food and Jun who or what would it be?

A: *Later on

System: "Ding, task has been initiated."

The Villain: "I refuse to do another task-"

System: *Silently clicks accept"

The Villain: "...."

System: "Ehem, if you had to choose between food and Jun, who or what would it be?"

The Villain: "Simple."

The System grew surprised by its host's swift answer. "Really?"

The Villain: "Jun, then he can cook for me."

System: "...."

The Villain: "...."

System: "no... No! That's not... If he couldn't cook! If he couldn't cook, who would you choose?!"

"Well food only tastes good when it's cooked by Jun, so without Jun food becomes tasteless... In this equation if I were to choose food and only food, food becomes useless to me so I guess I'd be left choosing Jun *tch." The Villain looked dissatisfied after choosing such an answer.

The system: "I don't... I don't think that's the answer anyone wants to hear..."

"Then don't go accepting hypothetical tasks!" The Villain began swiftly walking away.

System: "Wait, come back!"




Q:What is the villain's actual name?


Q:"Is the villain's original name Sun?, if not will we ever know?"

A: Sun wasn't her original name, it's the name Jun gave her, much like how we don't know Jun's original name, only the name the Villain gave him.

Since the Villain doesn't want to remember her original name it will never be known, however it did start with an S, Jun knew this, that's why he decided to give her a name starting with S, the name Sun.



Q: What is her relationship with Jun's soul? Is there any backstory?

A: ~Mahaha that's for me to know and you to find out!







1)Is there a chance that Jun know the Villain in her original world?

A: Yes, kind of.



Q: Does the villain and jun know each other in the villain's original world?"

A: They have never really "officially met" however they do have a connection that goes further back. 



Q: Is Jun someone from the villain's original life?

A: Sorry, but Jun was not from the Villain's original life/world... But he did see her around the time she was bound to the system :} 



Q: What genres do you have planned?

A:I don't want to spoil too much but some arcs I have finished writing or partially started include a modern arc, an apocalypse arc, a vampire arc, a general arc and another xian type arc (but more extreme).



Q: This book is quite invested on what Jun's psychological issues are but I'm curious about the villain's 🤔 To some degree I can understand what's going on now (she doesn't trust people and I don't think she likes others touching her?... if I remember correctly) and the symptoms of the trauma that's she's been through are quite mild cos she's emotionally numbed herself. But are these symptoms gonna become worse in later chapters? - with her slowly regaining emotions through Jun. How would this affect their dynamic and how the Villain treats others.

A: The short answer is "yes."

The long answer is a bit more complex.

I'm not sure how much or to what depth I'll explore the Villains psyche in the literal form through the story, it will be addressed but not as much as Jun. Also it won't always be addressed literally but more so through undertones, after all she is a very layered character. Since a lot of her character will go unsaid I will give you guys a long rant of her character analysis so far. If you don't want to read it all feel free to skip.

The Villain is quite a complex character, she hides behind a lot of her trauma by repressing her feelings, but her trauma will come out at a few key moments. Since the Villain has numbed herself to her emotions, when her emotions do erupt they will be strong enough to break her cold outer shell since she can no longer repress them (like at the end of arc 4).

Although she hates being the Villain, she also likes to hide behind this fact like a mask. She uses it as a way to identify herself, as well as a way to cope with any evil deeds she has to do. In the fourth arc this is especially apparent, she uses the fact that she is the Villain to convince herself she is unfit for Jun, that she is unredeemable and deserves to die at the end by taking her orb. This is especially apparent by how she still mentally refers to herself as the Villain, (even in endnotes).

In the first few arcs she was somewhat depressed, this is shown by her wanting and trying to die, but the more time she spends with Jun the weaker her resolve grows. 

Due to her Villain status she believes no one could ever truly love her, even if she knows Jun has fallen in love she doesn't believe he could ever truly love her for her. That's why the first few arcs are so important, they are the prologue to their love, the Villain isn't really acting around Jun but he still falls in love with her making the Villain's connection to him unconsciously grow deeper.

However she believes she can never be with Jun, this is important because this is also why she suppresses his actions of love from her mind for the first few arcs. She understands that they can never be together in the long run so she chooses to suppress things she doesn't like or can't change. (i.e. she knows they will be separated after the fourth world due to the contract ending, plus she intends to die so it's easier for her to simply pretend she doesn't notice Jun's growing feelings for her) So in arc four she tries to be cruel not only to make him forget her once she leaves, but also to prove that he doesn't unconditionally love her, that he wouldn't fall in love with her again if she were cruel, her villainous self, but once gain he does. (this idea of unconditional love show up again later)

Another detail to her character so far is that she may act arrogant but overall she feels pretty weak from continually having to follow the plot in each world, this is shown by how she never digs too deep into things like Jun's past, she doesn't believe she has the ability to help him or change things so she doesn't intentionally attempt to uncover secrets, she feels weak and overall powerless in the grand scheme of things. She knows that even if she uncovers a secret she can't change anything so it's better to focus on things in front of her. This is also why she doesn't often think to deeply into why she was bound to the system in the first place, she spent endless worlds wondering only to never get any answers.

She doesn't mind touching others but her body unconsciously has an aversion to kissing or anything deeper since she was never in a relationship in her original world so she wants to keep a small sliver of herself from her original world the same. As the Villain she also remembers being repeatedly betrayed by those who claimed to love or protect her so this adds onto her aversion to being kissed.

However going back to your original question, the Villain will slowly regain emotion! She has already started to. She will still be cold but she will learn to laugh more and be more happy/relaxed. She will slowly learn to trust more people and open her heart, this will slightly shift her dynamic with Jun. He will grow more anxious and possessive (especially in certain arcs) but he will eventually become more accepting to a "certain degree" as long as his "wife" is happy and he still remains number 1 on her list. 



Q:Will you be doing any more books when this one is done

A: For when this book is done I likely will! I already have a few story outlines written down so I am pretty sure I will have more stories in the future but I won't release a story until I have a sufficient amount of chapters written so that I can release at a steady pace (Oh and they will all be yandere (๑・ω-)~♥"))

One in particular I almost have the outline finished and will probably start writing chapters in between my time off when I'm not writing this story (or the other one... *Cough *Cough  ᵇᵉ ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ˡᵒᵒᵏᵒᵘᵗ)



Q: Would you teach me your ways of making a yandere, senpai-author-san?!? *bows on her knees begging*

A: To master the yandere first you must bathe in the waterfall of serenity for 100 days and obtain enlightenment-

In all seriousness to make a good yandere with a happy ending, I would say to start off don't make them abusive a**holes who enjoy torturing the one they love- (*Cough, of course this is just my personal preference) I would also say although yandere's are usually overpowered, in order to make a good one allow them to either not start off OP (so they can meet the person they fall in love with before becoming OP), or allow their love interest to be fairly strong as well. 

In my opinion, in order to create an interesting character (not even a yandere character, but simply any character) give them some interesting quirks (not mha), some defining weaknesses or laughable qualities that make sense for their character. It's fun to have OP characters, but it can become boring if they have no interesting characterizations.

For example this is simply a very minor trait for Jun but although he is a yandere he can be quite gullible (especially in the earlier arcs) towards the Villain, and the Villain having lived as a villain for so long is sly and willing to lie to a gullible Jun... these are personality quirks that make sense for their characters and give them a bit more depth, they are also opposite traits that are interesting when paired with each other.



Q:Just why is it that everytime villain is in a world, it starts with a letter S? Does that mean shes reliving her past self?

A: Haha observant guess but not quite, it's simply used as a clue to show the readers that her name will start with an S later on. I saw another story do this and thought it was a very cool  idea/detail. :D



Q: Do you like to draw? Would you ever consider turning this story into a webcomic (if you would ever consider the second thing I'm an artist and i would do for free)

A: Yes, I very much enjoy drawing, I am still learning digital art though so covers and such are a work in progress. I actually did consider it being a webtoon awhile back (2018) and drew out a few character comps/panels before realizing that it would be a very long story and it would be best to write it down first. I am not sure if I will ever turn it into a webcomic due to length and other issues but I am not closed off to the idea. If you really wanted to work on making it into a webtoon, message me and I'd love to discuss the idea further.



Q: Author, I honestly have a personal request here. Can you please, please give a punch in the face of Jupiter? Just because he's literally the mastermind and has no screen time since the beginning, so I thought of him to appear in the Q&A chapter. Of course, you can decline to avoid any spoilers of any kind.

A: Punch Jupiter hmmm... that's an interestingly complicated task (;ಠ⌣ಠ) However it might be possible! Or it might not be... let's...let's give it a go...

Readers what will you use?

【Punch】 【Block】

【Reload】 【Run】

*Readers have chosen Punch.

Readers: 👊👊👊

【A certain powerful being feels nothing but a slight breeze of air.】

*Punch ineffective

Readers: "...."

*Angry Readers initiate punch again!!!

Readers: 👊👊👊

【This time a certain celestial feels a strong force approaching but easily brushes it off...】

*Once again, punch ineffective... (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)

Desert: Sorry readers, it just can't be done T^T



Q: What was your biggest inspiration for the names Song Shai/Sage/Sylvia, and the inspiration for the Villain's character?

A: For names I try to do some research into one's I think would fit the character and mood for certain arcs. So unfortunately they aren't based on anything specific, but more so their meaning and whether I feel they match a character and arc. 

For example, in the first arc the Villain went by the name song shai (which was actually meant to be Shài, but I took out the little stroke so as not to confuse new readers), song being the last name, shai being the first. Although Song wasn't particularly important the first name Shài was, as the meaning is (of the sun) to shine on. I was leaving in a little hint on what the Villain would be later named by Jun. (However I don't speak Chinese so I'm sorry if the definition was wrong and lost context, Shài was simply a name I felt fit)

For the second arc, the name Sage was used since I felt it greatly matched the Villain's cool, relaxed, CEO  type character. 

In the third world I felt Sylvia matched her character, especially since she was playing royalty, so it had to be a royal sounding name. (which to me Sylvia was).

And as for S in arc 4, I wanted a name that didn't really define her in that arc so that Jun could still give her a name. I thought about giving her no name at all and actually did, but quickly I found it increasingly hard to describe her, or have any character think about her without using a name. Therefore I settled with S.

The inspiration for the Villain's character mainly had to do with her circumstances and role as Villain, a happy go lucky damsel in distress wouldn't really match with all she'd been through nor would it fit her Villain status. I knew I wanted to make a character that hadn't done simply one or two worlds but hundreds, so I knew I had to make her a somewhat emotionless cold character. I thought, "What kind of person would you be after experiencing such things?" And after thinking it through I felt like she had to be this type of character. 



Q:How do they break the loop? cus Jun keeps falling in love with her, only for her to die, and he goes mad. Will there come a time where they can finally be together in peace???

A: ~Spoiler

(It will take awhile...)

Even though Jun has gained power he is still quite weak in terms of what he could be, like this he still doesn't have enough power to stop the world from killing the Villain, she is still in a contract that demands her death.

There will definitely come a time when the loop will end and they can be together ( again it will take awhile...) but it will definitely happen! However although death separates them, the Villain's feelings are also meant to be a representation of what separates them.

Until she actually feels like she can be with him for an entire arc the cycle will continue. The Villain slipped up with Jun on the fourth world by opening her heart but she won't make the same mistake again, so in a sense the Villain dying isn't the only thing separating them. It's also has to do with her emotional willingness, even if she slightly cracked to accept him it will take more then four arcs to fully break the wall she's built up around her heart.



Q: Is there a chance that Jupiter will take pity on the villainess for once?? ;v;

A: Hmm that's a difficult question, but the simple answer is probably not ;-;



Q:What made you do this story? Was it dedicated to someone? To share your story?

A: It wasn't dedicated to anyone in particular, I simply enjoy writing so I wanted to try this story out on an audience and share it with those who love yandere's. I find it hard to find both fun stories with yandere characters to my liking so that's one of the reasons why I initially began thinking up this story and writing it. I guess I wanted to share my story with those who also have trouble trying to find fun extreme yandere stories they enjoy.



Q: What will happen if she decides to disintegrate her soul? Would there be a chance that her final plan will fail?

A: ~Ohh interesting question, if in the end the Villain had been the one to take the orb it still wouldn't have worked like she intended (^ _-) a certain someone already quickly put in "precautions" for that in case she had. So in the end she still would have lived and ended up in her original world, however she wouldn't have saved Jun.



Q: Is the passage of time all go forwards or can something from the future come back to the past to change something.[Reason I ask this is because if the system is not working and if it does start to work someone had to cause that to happen. And we all know yanderes tend to do anything and sometimes in some stories become god like.)

A: Well how the world's timelines work is that one event can change the outcome of an event in another world. For example, the system fully waking up at the end of arc 4 in the Villain's original world was originally triggered by an event in the Xian world. The system was already slightly triggered "by something/someone" before she left the Xian world, this was evident by how the old "system" was glitching and not responding, however the real system had yet to fully wake up until reaching her original world.



Q: Would there be gore in the future since our main character is going to become more crazy and more yandere like. I love reading your story and like to make theories on how the story going to go. So I hope you keep giving hints to us to help with little theories. Either way have a nice day.

A: There will be more gore in the future but not by a huge amount. Although a lot of yandere stories like to focus on simply killing, blood, and knives this story delves more into the characters psychological states and interactions with other characters. So although Jun may kill more, or death might happen more in certain arcs it won't be explained in crazy detail, it will probably be used as a passing detail to exemplify how crazy Jun has become. But again I probably won't be going into detail about a character brutally murdering another since that's not the stories main focus. Also I definitely intend to keep giving little hints, sneaking little hints in is one of the things I really enjoy doing when writing XD and I love seeing everyone theorize and wonder what's going to happen next!


Q: where did you get the inspiration for this story?

A: I got inspiration for this story from a few reads actually, mostly from translated light novels. The main stories would have to be "Quickly Wear The Face Of The Devil," "Quick Transmigration System: Male God, Come Here," "Sansheng, Wangchuan Wu Shang," and even "Pick The Second Male Lead" here on wattpad. 

Those are the four main influences, all great reads!



Q: how long have you've been planning to write this story?

A: I think the initial idea came to me sometime in 2017, I believe that's when I first started writing or thinking about the initial outline. Although a lot of details or arcs weren't set yet I planned the general idea from the beginning to the end as well as how I wanted a few arcs to go. The first two arcs were actually written between late 2017 and 2018 I believe (with a lot of editing and add ons done later on).



Q: how long do u estimate this book will be?"


Q: About how many arc do you think this book will have?"


Q: Will there be more upcoming arcs? Or will this be the last?


Q: You mentioned that arc 4 isn't going to be the last, so how many arcs do you have planned for the series?


Q: So do you have an exact/approximate number of arcs for this story or are you figuring it out as you go along? I'm on both sides of that fence with writing and am curious as to how you do it (at least with this fic) (*^▽^*)

A: I don't have an exact number yet but I do have a google docs with multiple outlines of different arcs I plan to do. For every arc I have planned I try to write all the details down in order of how the events will progress (which usually ends up being a few pages long), when I'm done with the outline I start a new separate doc for the official arc. So for each arc I have a different doc (since I've found keeping the arcs in one big doc usually takes super long to load and slows down my laptop).

It's kind of fun, whenever I feel tired of writing a specific arc I switch to a different one on a different doc and then when I get tired again I can simply switch back, it's like working on multiple stories at once so I don't get bored but at the same time I'm able to progress one story, it also helps me keep track of the direction I want the story to go but it can be hard to remember writing down all the continuous details between all the different arcs.

I don't have the exact number planned out yet, I have outlines of different arcs written out so I know it will be quite a few, my story is laid out in 3 parts. Part 1 was arc 1-4, part 2 is the longest, and part 3 will probably be the same length or shorter then part 1.

The story was always intended to be long so don't worry, I'm not just making it longer or shorter on a whim, arc 4 was never meant to be the last arc but more so an ending to the repetition seen so far in arc 1-3. The beginning arcs were important as they were meant to show the developing chemistry between Jun and the Villain while arc 4 is introducing the ending of part 1 and the beginning of part 2.



Q: Are you gonna include a school arc? Hehe :3 I love you sooo much Desert-san♡

A: Haha I have considered it, I don't have an outline for it yet so I'm not sure but it is something I've considered and I wouldn't say it's off the table. And thanks so much you're gonna make me blush >/////< ♡



Q: Q and A "Other than rhyming(Sun and Jun) what was your reasoning behind the villain's name becoming sun?"

A: A bit of that answer is somewhat a spoiler in the sense that I will allude to my reasoning more but probably not blatantly state my personal reasoning as that's somewhat left to the reader's interpretation as the story goes on. But what I will say is Jun has a bit of an unhealthy ideal towards the Villain, he sees her as pure but not to the point where he's deluded, he simply see's the best in her when the Villain sees the worst.

Although this is never outright stated, their character designs are actually meant to reflect Yin and Yang, the Villain represents Yin being almost completely black with a bit of white while Jun represents yang, being almost completely white with a bit of black. Jun sees only the good in the Villain while the Villain sees only the bad in herself, Jun sees her closer to something pure/bright when in reality he's the one that's actually more pure/bright/cheerful. But Jun's ideals on the Villain will help her break free from the vicious cycle of continually personifying herself as the Villain in the future.

Although the name is subtle it carries a lot of meaning, it's a name the Villain would never pick for herself because she doesn't believe the name suits her, it's too "pure" for her but Jun picking such a name is his silent way of saying "No it suits you, you're not evil, I see the good in you." It's a simple name but it actually holds a lot of meaning, it's meant to be simple so that the general meaning behind it is easily conveyed (not only to the Villain but also to the readers).

And a fun little fact to add onto that, the simplicity of the name is also a play (and small inside joke) on Jun's character and how little he understands about humans. He sees names from the perspective of a kid, for example if a kid were to pick a name usually it would be something like rainbow, purple, rain, etc. it would be simplistic. That's not to say Jun's a child, but his mindset is simplistic and childlike in terms of certain human things, in this example naming.

There were a few other reasons behind the Villain's name becoming Sun, but those were a few of the more major reasons. I definitely gave the name a lot of thought before ultimately deciding on Sun. Although the name may not seem to suit her right now, it will start to suit her more as the arcs go on.



Q: What inspired you to write this book and what kept you going forward?"

A: My inspiration initially came from reading light novels with kinda fun/crazy plots. And half of the continued dedication comes from wanting to finish something and not letting myself stop and get in a funk. It helps that the story has different arcs with different genres so when I get tired of writing one I can just switch things up a bit and have fun.

The other half of my dedication comes from simply seeing all you readers enjoy this story by voting and posting comments. It really helps motivate me when I see the continued support. I love watching how you all react when I post a new crazy chapter, and it's encouraging when you're as invested in the story as much as I am writing it! (๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)



Q: Which character do you personally feel aligned with?"

A: Haha in real life I definitely align with the Villain's character the most. In the future I intend to write more fun quirky MC's but for this story I really wanted to write a more emotionally cold, serious, strong willed female lead that I could personally relate to.

Although I can enjoy the sweet, overly kind or bubbly FL's in other stories, I think I would personally hate having to write one. I have a lot of fun thinking through a scenario and problem solving on how the Villain would approach said problem. I can envision ways she would handle a problem while maintaining character where with an overlay bubbly FL I think I would find it very difficult.

Other than the Villain's character I'd say I don't necessarily align with the others but I do really like all of them! Especially the fun future banter between the system and the Villain as it brings out a more cheeky side to her.



Q: What should we, readers, expect from the next arc?"

A: Tears T^T Haha but more specifically it will be a bit of a change up. As the story progresses it will continue to have new and interesting twists, plus the next arc is a modern world \(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ ) so hopefully it won't be too confusing, and a bit more of the overall plot/secrets will be revealed in that arc too.



Q: Does villain really go back to her real world, is it so then why the thin- system is still there"

A: Since she didn't personally swallow her orb the contract isn't broken and still in effect, so even though its a new system or rather the real system, it can't break the strong contract she's already bound to. And yes she really did go back to her original world, it may feel like a surprising development and rushed but trust me as the story progresses you will be eased more into her original world.



Q: how long do u think it will take to complete this book?

A: That's a good question! I'm not sure... (; ¬_¬)

I have a few arcs started and a few finished but I can't release them yet because they occur further on in the story while closer arcs have yet to be finished. The story isn't at the halfway point tho, so it will still be awhile.



Q: Who is god jupiter? and what is relation between villain and god. Did once villain was also a god?????"

A:That is a difficult question (T▽T ;;) Jupiter is an evil god from the Villain's perspective, he is the one who bound her to the Villain system in the first place. She doesn't know how strong Jupiter is, she knows very little about him, only that she hates him. For some reason Jupiter chose to bind her specifically to the Villain system. This has always puzzled the Villain since she never understood why a god would choose her specifically, from her memories of the voice that bound her she is certain that it held some sort of malice in it as if the god despised her but the Villain could never be certain. She only met the god Jupiter once and from there her hatred grew. So the relationship between Jupiter and the Villain is a complicated one shrouded in mystery. `(^▼^)'↑

What the Villain doesn't know is that Jupiter is actually a REALLY strong god. Long long ago he was characterized as an extremely apathetic/impartial god, and one more random fact, he is related to two other powerful gods.

Also I did toy with the idea of making the Villain a god but no she is human, she isn't a god... ⁽ᵃᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᵒᵐᵉⁿᵗ⁾ *EHEM 



Q: What are their ages? I'm a bit curious hehe😁

A: That will be answered very soon! She was actually in a coma for a lot of years so her age differs a lot from how old she was when she was first bound to the system. I will tell you that she was in her early 20's when she was originally bound to the system, at that time she was young and naive. As for Jun's age... that's a tough one haha ( ' ͡ . ͜ ʖ ͡ . )? He was also in a coma though so his current age (in the Villain's original world) will be revealed soon along with the Villains.



Q: It keeps on bugging me, was jun a transmigrator/reincarnator? In the past villains life before the arc was Jun also their??

A: The Villain originally assumed Jun must have lived at least a few lifetimes (because his eyes were so bleak) however since she realizes he has no memory she can't ask him. She asked the robotic system in arc one if more then one person could be bound to a system in a world but the system said that that was impossible. So instead of thinking about it endlessly without answers the Villain decided to simply not think about it any deeper. 

Like the Villain assumed he did actually live multiple lives before meeting her, I would compare him to a reincarnator since he actually lives the lives while the Villain just ends up in the body, she's a transmigrator he's a reincarnator. BUT that doesn't really mean much in terms of his undisclosed identity. He's not simply a reincarnator.



Q: "What was your favorite moment/scene/arc so far?"

A: I'd have to say arc 4 or 3, I love writing more dramatic moments. I liked the chemistry in arc 3 but also the development in arc 4. There is some parts in arc 4 I feel I probably could have done better/explained better. But overall I really like the development in that arc and the ending with the orb! I literally wrote chapter 38/39 and a bit more of the ending before writing the first chapter of arc 4 because I was so inspired to write that scene, I obviously edited the chapters a lot after the initial version but I love the intensity with that ending as well as all the other intense scenes in arc 4.

I really like the concept of arc 3 too, I liked the genre of it and had a lot of fun with the writing. It felt more complete then arc 4 but I knew Jun couldn't go too crazy yet so I had to hold back a bit.

As for specific scenes, one of my favorite scenes has yet to be released :} but my favorite scene so far can't be limited to one, I'd say I really like the scene where the Villain realizes Jun's heart has stopped, it's an intense scene that better defines her personality and let's the readers better understand her feelings towards him. 

I also like the scene on arc 3 chapter 20 where the Villain plans to escape but realizes the guard right outside her door is Jun. It's a short scene but a fun one in which I had to problem solve on how the Villain would react to seeing Jun. 

Another one of my favorite scenes from arc 4  is when Jun confesses to the Villain, it holds subtle clues towards future spoilers :} and is overall maybe slightly cheesy but a good confession. No matter what rebuttal the Villain gives Jun he confronts it. He let's the Villain know his true feelings while also giving her a name. 

Oh and also when the Villain left Jun for the first time in arc 4 and when Jun captured her quickly after!

Honestly I just generally love any scene in which Jun goes crazy or the Villain get's more intense. 



Q: Will they ever have a happy and peaceful ending together?

Q: The villain and jun will be end together?

A: Haha definitely! I personally hate stories that begin and end in tragedy, I can't handle the sadness, it's too bitter! I don't think I could ever write a full on tragedy! So this story will definitely have a happy ending with them ending up together! The Villain won't get a happy ending without Jun and Jun won't be happy without the Villain so don't worry, they will definitely have a happy/peaceful ending together!

Desert Note: Thanks for everyone who participated in the Q and A! I had a lot of fun with each and every question! And thanks for everyone for reading this story so far and being so invested!

Now here's a question to ALL you readers~ I already asked what your favorite arc has been so far and I really enjoyed all the responses! But Now I'm curious, what has been your favorite moment or scene so far??? You don't need to go into much detail, I'd just love to know!

Also here's a special treat~

(*takes place at the end of arc 4)

A certain celestial suddenly felt the existence of the green jewel shatter into nothingness... it... IT WAS GONE! The celestial wasn't sure what this meant.

"Is he dead or alive..."

The celestial wracked his brain, he tried to use his vast energy again but now the trail was completely lost, gone cold, it was like searching for a needle in a universe. 

It was impossible.

The celestial grew enraged!

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