Elizabeth Harrison's Hope For...

بواسطة symhere

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BOOK FOUR OF HARRISON SERIES. Elizabeth has been looking after her alcoholic and pathological liar mother for... المزيد

1: Mourning For Mother's Death
2: Forgiveness Is Hard To Give
3: The Things She Left For Them
4: His Everyday Life
5: Doctors Are Not Gods
6: An Awkward Interaction
7: Her Savior
8: An Apology And A Slap
9: A Secret To Keep
10: The Pain He Is In
11: Like Mother, Like Daughter
12: Too Drunk To Think
13: The First Kiss
14: A Favor To Ask
15: The Key They Both Didn't Have
16: People Change
17: New Neighbors, Old Feelings
18: Slapped
19: Is It Too Hard To Get?
20: The Kiss They Shared Again
21: Elizabeth's Crush
22: A New Friend, Maybe?
23: The Housewarming Party
24: Just Him And Her
25: The Morning After
26: Breakfast
27: Asked On A Date
28: The Help Fay Needs
29: He Can't Resist Her
30: So Close
31: Screw The Rules
32: Can We Talk?
33: Who Is Mia?
34: I Like You.
35: Don't Be Sorry For How You Feel.
36: Mia And Elizabeth.
37: Suspicion.
38: Date Night.
39: Eliza.
40: In The Name Of Love.
41: A Bloody Night.
42: All Hell Broke Loose.
43: The One They Lost.
44: You Do.
45: Blur.
46: The Funeral.
47: An Unexpected Visitor.
48: The Truth.
49: Lost Her.
50: Moving On.
51: The Complete Truth.
52: Yet You Know.
53: The News.
54: Something To Remember Me By.
55: A Unique Friendship.
56: Leo Is Here.
57: Leo Knows.
58: Drunken Leo.
59: The Cold Night.
60: Leo Meets Fred.
61: The Unexpected Guest.
62: A Surprise Visit.
63: Ice Cream.
64: Elizabeth's Visitor.
65: Tattoos and Realization.
66: Unwanted Interruption.
67: Missing You.
68: Jen's Confession.
69: Wedding Planner.
70: Elizabeth's Realization.
71: Deal.
72: The Unexpected Guest.
73: Bonding.
75: Jealousy.
76: Pain of the Past.
77: Breakfast And Kisses.
78: Ruby's Gift.
79: The Last One.

74: Confession.

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بواسطة symhere

After Sharon and Liam left – Elizabeth didn't have a dress to wear for the event, so she decided to go buy one – she wasn't sure if Leo wanted to come with her but when she asked – he didn't decline and told her that he will drive her around since she didn't have a car. While Leo was showering before they left – Elizabeth had thought of seeing Jennifer before she leaves. She wasn't going to confront her or degrade her – but ask her to keep on the work she is supposed to do for the wedding.

Elizabeth wasn't the girl who was going to mess up Maria's wedding and Jennifer's opportunity just because Jen tried to kiss her boyfriend – she way passes the phase when she made issues of such matters. Leo made it clear that he was not interested in Jen and that he didn't kiss her back and even Jennifer said so. Elizabeth doesn't think that there is any need to make a fuss of this anymore – it has been done. She is moving on and she believes that Jennifer deserves the same.

"Let's go," Leo said as he walked out of his room – his hair still wet from the shower but he had brushed them back slickly. Elizabeth smiled, "At least dry your hair – we don't want you to catch a cold," She said. Leo chuckled, "I always keep them wet – I never caught a cold. Don't worry, I am good. Shall we?" He asked and waved his hand towards the front door. Elizabeth – who was already waiting for Leo to come out – grabbed her handbag and nodded before she and Leo exited his apartment.

"What kind of dress do you want to wear?" Leo asked as they made their way towards the elevator. Elizabeth sighed, "Something sexy," She grinned. Leo glanced at her and clear his throat. There was a small pause before, "You will rock it," He said and winked at her as they went down. Elizabeth was surprised by his response – she honestly thought that he would act all jealous and weird – even if he was feeling like it – or not – Elizabeth couldn't tell. Leo was good at masking his emotions and that was one thing that bothers Elizabeth.

As they were driving to the mall Elizabeth bit her lip before she spoke, "Hey, I was wondering if I could visit Jennifer sometime today or maybe tomorrow morning?" She asked – trying to act casual. Leo glanced at her before he brought his eyebrows together and slowly nodded his head, "Uh – yes, sure. I can drive you there before I go for work – her bakery is near my apartment." He replied. Elizabeth narrowed her eyes, "Tomorrow is Sunday – you have work tomorrow?" She asked. Leo sighed, "I am a doctor – I don't have specific days off. It is my off day today so, I have to show up for work tomorrow." He shrugged. Elizabeth nodded her head before she went silent – she will be leaving tomorrow for New York. She wanted to spend each moment with him before that – maybe it wasn't happening.

Surprisingly for Leo, it didn't take Elizabeth too long before she selected an elegant tea-pink dress that landed to her knees. It was beautiful and it looked extra good on her. After buying the dress, Leo bought blueberry ice cream for Elizabeth before he decided to take her to her hotel room – it was already late and they were supposed to go to a party and he was sure that Elizabeth was supposed to get ready. Elizabeth was enjoying her ice cream when she realized that they weren't going to Leo's place. She brought her eyebrows together, "Where are we going?" She asked. Leo glanced at her, "To the hotel, you are staying in," he answered. "Why?" She asked. Leo looked at her before his eyes went back on the road, "Aren't you supposed to get ready for the gathering? Isn't all your stuff in your hotel room?" He asked slowly. Elizabeth's eyes widened – she completely forgot about it, "Oh my God, yes!" she laughed. "Wow, I did not think of that," She playfully slapped her forehead. Leo chuckled, "Don't worry – I got your covered," he replied.

Elizabeth smiled appreciatively and bit her lip before she offered Leo a bite of her ice cream by stretching the ice cream cone close to his mouth so he could take a bite while he drove. Leo glanced at her before he smiled and gladly had some of it. The car stopped at the traffic signal just at the time he took a bite – causing some of the ice cream to get on the corner of his mouth as well. Elizabeth and Leo chuckled at the same time. The car wasn't moving so Leo brought his hand to the corner of his lip to remove the ice cream off his skin but Elizabeth stopped him by grabbing his hand.

Confused – Leo looked at Elizabeth just when she undid her seatbelt and leaned forward until she was merely away from him. Leo stopped breathing – he didn't expect her to do this. She moved closer and slowly licked the ice cream off his skin before she said back in her place and put on the seatbelt – leaving Leo surprised. He looked at her but she kept grinning and looking forward. A loud honk made him realize that he was supposed to drive now – so he did. As he slowly caught speed – a small smile stretched on his lips. That was completely unexpected and he loved it.

Leo believed that Elizabeth will stay at her hotel to get ready but instead she brought all her things back to his house. She didn't want to spend the little time she had before she leaves again with Leo – so, she was going to make the most of it. The weather was still very gloomy when they came back – they hardly had two hours before they leave for the party. Leo took all her stuff to his room while Elizabeth crashed on the couch, "I am so tired. I just want to sleep," she complained as Leo chuckled and walked closer to her. He sat on the floor right in front of the couch and push the hair away from her face – her eyes on his, "Then maybe we should stay in and sleep the rest of the day off," Leo suggested as he wiggled his eyebrows. Elizabeth snickered, "I wish I could – but I don't want to miss this opportunity either," she replied. "I don't know if I will ever get one again." She added. Leo smiled, "I get it, so no more laziness – get your butt out of this couch and get in the shower," He said as he got on his feet. He holds her hand and made her sit – she didn't protest either – she knew that he was right.

Elizabeth had brought her luggage with her – she had her clean clothes with her. So, after the shower, she changed into a plain t-shirt and jeans. She came out to see that Leo had taken the hairdryer out for her. She chuckled – remembering when she was visiting Chicago and got sick and Leo dried her hair and then everything got a lot steamy for them. She was lost in the memories of that day when Leo walked in the room – only to halt near the door, "Oh, I shouldn't have walked in without knocking," He said. Elizabeth laughed and looked down at her clothed body, "Don't worry – I am fully clothed and also, it is your room – you have every right to walk in whenever you want," she shrugged. Leo smiled and nodded, "Yes, but still – I should have knocked." He said. Elizabeth loved how chivalrous he was.

Elizabeth smelled the bitter and rich smell of coffee before she noticed that Leo had a cup of coffee in his hand – he saw her looking at it, "Oh yes, since you said that you were tired. I made some coffee to freshen you up – you don't want to feel tired when you meet such an important person tonight," He said and walked closer to her to hand her over the cup. Elizabeth was in awe – she couldn't stop looking at him. She never expects such grace in the form of a partner – of course, she always wanted the best but she didn't think that she would ever meet someone like him. She was looking at the handsome and pure man through the mirror. She often dreads if this is a dream – because if it is – she never wants to wake up. Leo smiled when she didn't get the coffee from his hand or turned around to face him, "Are you okay?" He asked softly.

She sighed, "Yes," she replied and turned around. She took the coffee from him and licked her lips, "You know, I am afraid to tell anyone about you," She spoke her heart. She didn't feel hesitant to do so, in fact, she liked it. Leo knitted his eyebrows together, "Why is that?" He asked. She exhaled, "I am just scared that someone will take you away from me," She said. The creases on Leo's forehead slowly disappeared as Elizabeth continued, "You are too good, Leo – I have lost you once – I don't want that to happen again," She added. Leo slowly stepped closer to her before he places his hand on her waist – gently pulling her closer, "Hey, I have the same fear," He slowly pushed her wet hair off her face, "When you woke up in the hospital after the incident – the void look that you held for me in your eyes – I swear, it hurt so bad because I believed that it was it – I thought that I had lost you forever. You have no idea how happy I am now that I got you back and I promise – whatever happens, I will not let you go – ever." He said.

Elizabeth smiled and circled her arms around his waist before she placed her head on his chest and inhaled his musky scent. She closed her eyes when she felt him embracing her as well. His hands slowly rubbing her back and arm, "I love you," she softly mumbled. Leo stiffed and his hands stopped moving as well. Elizabeth opened her eyes at his sudden motionlessness – she slowly pulled her away from him while her eyes were on his face. His eyes were widened and her lips parted. She placed her hand on his chest to feel the loud thudding on his heart. She slowly blinked, "Leo, I love you." She said as she placed her hand on each side of his face.

Leo couldn't move. She said it – she told him that she loved him. It was the first time that she said so. Not even when they were together before the incident did she said it to him but today – he finally heard what he has been dying to hear. She loved him. He gulped, "What?" He managed to speak. He still couldn't believe his ears – maybe he misheard it. He didn't want to get his hopes high so had to ask again, "What did you say?" Elizabeth smiled softly before she mashed her lips together and proudly said the magical words again, "Leo Wayne, I love you," she confessed. Leo's eyes glossed as he chuckled. He placed his hands on her cheeks – bring her face closer to his, "Did I hear you right – did you just say that you love me?" He asked. Elizabeth bit her lower lip, "I did and this is when you say it back," She said. Leo let out a gleeful laugh before least to Elizabeth's expectation – he picked her up and span around – causing Elizabeth to shriek following a laugh, "Leo!" she laughed. Leo finally put her down and was about to kiss her when she stopped him.

She placed a hand on his chest, "Wait, you didn't say it back," she complained. Leo grinned, "God, yes! I love you too! I love you so fucking much! I love you the most!" He said as he held her face in his palm. Leo looked into her glossy yet sparking eyes – his mind wandered when he saw her after the incident in the hospital – he remembers the look in her eyes and it all still haunts him. He couldn't believe that he got her back – and she finally said it. It was the first time that she had confessed to him. "You know," he spoke – his thumb softly brushing her warm cheek, "Even before the incident – we never said that to each other," he informed her. Elizabeth brought her eyebrows together, "We didn't?" she asked to which Leo shook his head softly.

Elizabeth didn't want to believe him – how could they didn't. She came to know Leo all over again and it didn't take her long to fall in love with him – at least not as long as she thought it would take. After Fred, she had completely given hope but thanks to Leo – she believed in love again. She didn't want to go back to the past – it wasn't too joyous for either of them, so she completely ignored the fact that she didn't get to express her feeling for him because deep down she refused to believe that she didn't love this amazing person. "Well, that is all in past – we are not going to think about it," she said and circled her arms around his neck, "understood?" She asked. He chuckled and placed his forehead again hers before he nodded his head, "Understood," he replied. She grinned and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, "Good, now kiss me, you fool." She said and pulled him closer until his lips were pressed again hers.

Leo was driving to the venue where the party was – they already got late – they didn't want to leave but Leo knew how important it was for Elizabeth so, he didn't even mention how much he didn't want to go. Leo hated the ideas of parties – especially where there would only be rich snobs talking about their businesses – Leo would always feel like an outsider among them – although he has never been to any party where all the important people gather. But Elizabeth belonged to the elite class and he wouldn't want to make her feel bad by trashing talking about such parties. He didn't want to make her feel bad by telling her how much he hated fancy parties.

He glanced at Elizabeth when he parked his car right in front of the entrance of the venue – the party was actually on the yacht – of course, it was – Leo wasn't even surprised. He sighed when he saw the beauty sitting next to him. He still couldn't believe that he was lucky enough to have her in her life. She looked breathtakingly beautiful in her simple dress. She didn't wear much makeup and she wore an elegant low bun – Leo loved it. He smiled and looked at the valet guy – they had to give the car and walk a bit to get to the yacht. He had to bring a shawl along with him for Elizabeth – he didn't buy it – Elizabeth already had it but she didn't think that she will feel cold but Leo knew that she would. He grabbed the shawl and stepped out of the car before he walked to the other side and opened the door for Elizabeth.

Elizabeth took a little longer to come out. He smiled as he held her cold hand in his before he placed a soft kiss on her cheek, "You look so beautiful," he mumbled to her. She chuckled and looked at Leo dressed up in a plain black suit with a dark green tie and replied, "You look hot yourself," She replied to which Leo chuckled. "Shall we?" He asked her.

She looked behind his shoulder before she nodded and sighed, "I hate fancy parties," her words made him smile.

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