Camp Cretaceous x Reader

By MintPm

9.1K 161 84

Oc fic (cause I couldn't resist drawing fan art but im not editing out the y/n inserts) just a 13 year old gi... More

🦖The Day 🦖
Camp Cretaceous
Gyrosphere Adventure
And So It Begins
Not Safe
Hello Again
Happy Birthday Eddie!
Welcome To Jurassic World

Goodnight Campers

826 19 0
By MintPm

When you get back to camp Dave and Roxie direct you all to the dining hall where they have all of you sit at the same table to eat. You get your tray with what you want on it and sit joining the others, its pretty awkward. While everyone begins somehow managing conversation Brooklynn looks up at you "so y/n, how'd you get here?" she asks

you glance up at her from your tray and push up your glasses "uh..well im not too sure." she gives you a confused look and awkward giggle, Sammy who is sitting next to you turns to give you the same look. You tilt your head giving a single nervous laugh"well I got the tickets from my mom." you explain "I heard they're pretty hard to get" Brooklynn says and Sammy nods "We're the lucky ones aren't we!" she says referring to all of us really
'some of us.'

once everyone finishes eating and putting everything away Dave and Roxie send you all to bed "go get yourselves some rest! we got big plans for tomorrow!" Dave says happily, you all passively agree to sleep but you are pretty tired anyways
"goodnight campers" Roxie waves you all off.

You all go up to your bunks, others go to shower but at this point you are far too tired, you climb to the top of your bunk and almost instantly fall asleep. You wake up unsure of the time, it feels like a midnight fever dream on account of the day you had. You sit up and look around seeing the other girls are still asleep before pulling your phone out of your suitcase and take this time to tell your dad you made it to camp. After putting your phone back you climb off your bunk, you're exhausted but you can't sleep, a dilemma you face most often times but it really sucks at camp. You decide to go snack, maybe it'll help you sleep.

Once you get to the main lobby you walk up to the snack bar and open the cabinet that stands next to it, it only has plastic bags and paper cups so you grab a bag and begin to stuff it full of pink frosted animal crackers and close it up stuffing it in your hoodie pocket. You grab a paper cup and fill it with flower shaped cookies then walk over to a small table and shove one after the other in, you can't help iit this frosting is magical.

After eating three cookies you hear soft footsteps from across the room and quickly wipe the crumbs off your face before you turn to see Darius, you look between him and different corners with your eyes shifting nervously, he is just as surprised to see you and freezes as soon as he sees you, you both stand emitting nervous energy and it's extremely awkward, you are both up after curfew..
and you were also stuffing your face. .so... Darius is about to say something before the light suddenly comes on.

You and Darius both turn to see Kenji leaning in the elevator doorway having just turned the light on "Glasses, Dino-nerd.." while he acknowledges your presence he keeps his eyes on Darius and begins to walk up to him "whatcha doin?" he asks "uh! nothing! i was just..uh.. heading out cause- thirsty" Darius answers pointing to himself clearly lying which raises a bit of curiosity in you as well. Kenji points to a water cooler and Darius tries once again to cover up for whatever he is up afterhours for "oh! yeah, i meant um.. Hungry" Darius answers trying to sound more convincing this time.

Kenji points to you "sweet-tooth over there didn't stand out to you any?" he asks which makes you blush embarrassed and fills Darius with nervous laughter "oh- uh.." Darius fails to come up with some other excuse so Kenji then steps beside him him putting an arm around his shoulder "look, Bro" he begins while walking Darius out of your hearing range.

You set the cookie cup down and re-tie your hair nicely then walk up to them just ontime to hear Darius say "i think you best get your arm off me..friend." "why don't you make me, Friend" Kenji says with a grin which sets you off. You are just about to speak making them turn to you at the sound of your sharp breath of irritation before a flash which is from Brooklynn's phone blinds them
'she knows there's a way to turn that off right?'

You turn to face her a bit annoyed as she says "so That's what toxic masculinity looks like" looking down at the picture she just took then up at the boys.
You let out a frustrated sigh taking your glare away from Brooklynn.

Darius furrows his brows "sorry we woke you. i-" Kenji steps away from him cutting Darius off "He was sneaking out. but i set him straight. Look, i try to look out for the younger kids, its who i am!" he says walking over to Brooklynn giving her a grin.

Darius turn his back to all of you. walking up to the balcony  "you guys don't understand. I've been waiting my whole life to get here, and im gonna make the most of it." he says looking up out the window "those lights must be coming from the Compy enclosure, I gotta check it out!"
You look over at Kenji and Brooklynn before stepping next to Darius "im with Darius." you state crossing your arms, this isn't usually your thing but it sounds like he's been waiting for this moment as long as you have. "what else are we here for?" you ask, Darius turns to you with a surprised smile.

Darius turns to Brooklynn as she begins to speak "Sneaking out to see Dinosaurs in the dead of night-" you huff annoyed and Darius furrows his brows disappointed "Mad danger of getting caught... great mood lighting.." you loosen up as she seems to become more considerate "i guess that means.. We're goin' rouge Kapow" she says holding up her phone.

You all make it out of camp and the walk there consists of paranoia and you having to shush Brooklynn while she records for her 'Brooklanders'. "Shut up." you whisper to Kenji as he keeps trying to be the center of Brooklynns video, Kenji gives you an annoyed look and Darius shushes all of you. Darius reaches the tree line and moves a few of the jungle leaves which makes the large enclosure visible through the shrubbery.

Darius spots a truck then motioning for you all to follow as he runs up to it and crouches behind it. you Brooklynn and Kenji follow closely behind. "I think this is it, the truck definitely headed this direction." Darius whispers "Of course this is it! why else would they have-" Kenji is cut off by Brooklynn slapping her hand over his mouth and shushing him. You  look up as the truck starts and you hear someone shift to the passenger side where you guys are hiding so you all take this opportunity to run to the stairs and climb up them quickly while the driver is faced away from you.

Once you see the truck drive off you all stand and begin walking along the edge of the enclosure. you look out into the pen, you can't really see anything which is a bit of a disappointment but hopefully you will before you guys head back to camp. Darius begins to lag behind a bit and you walk ahead of all the others scouting for any sight of a dinosaur.
Your head snaps back to the others as you hear Kenji call for Brooklynn "Hey Brooklynn! you can get a good shot from over here."

You walk closer to them as he begins to try and take Brooklynn's phone "Allow me" he says as she pulls it back "No thanks. I can-" she begins but Kenji pulls it back into his hand and they start fighting over the phone. in the middle of the fight for the phone Kenji manages to rip it from her hands, you watch as Brooklynn's phone is flung in the air flying over the railing and falls into the gated side of the enclosure

Brooklynn gasps then crosses her arms "Thanks Kenji. Real smooth" she says sarcastically. "Relax, I'll get it." Kenji says as he begins to climb over the railing "You better hope it's not cracked." Brooklynn states. Darius runs over to Kenji "wait! what're you-" "I got it kid." Kenji says in that all knowing  "Don't-" you begin before he climbs down and slides through an opening in the gate.

You hear him grunt hitting the ground and wait in anticipation till you hear him say "Ha! good as new" which may be a tiny bit relieving but we wouldn't need to worry if he just knew how to leave things alone. "Greaat" Brooklynn says sarcastically "now just climb back up and Gently hand it to me." she says. You look over at Darius who steps away from the railing to look at..
'a sign?'

"Sure sure, Right after I get a sweet Dino pic for your followers, no need to thank me." Kenji says walking up to the gate. You look down and gasp as you see a pile of bones, then hear a rustling in the bushes, you and Darius look at each other as he turns from the.. warning sign and you both turn towards Brooklynn with frightened looks. Darius whispers shakily "guys.. this isn't the compy pen."

"quiet junior! the grown ups are talking." Kenji says which you should probably be upset about but you're too shocked, too worried. "ah your followers are gonna love this. here Compy, Compy, Compy" Kenji begins to call, you snap out of your frozen state and grip the railing looking down at him and shout "this isn't the Compy pen!!"

"Uh, what's she babbling on about?" Kenji asks looking up towards Brooklynn paying no attention to the Velociraptor approaching him with his arm still sticking through one of the metal bars into the pen, when he turns back to see the Dinosaur he freezes in fear. You exchange worried and frightened looks with Brooklynn and Darius before you all look down watching the raptor continue to make its way up to Kenji who begins to tremble as it growls.

Kenji snaps a picture and there goes that stupid flash and camera sound causing the raptor to lunge at him but luckily he pulls his arm in, he falls back with a scream as it grips the gate with a screech. "come on!" Brooklynn yells running over to some sort of control panel with buttons lined on it, you and Darius quickly rush to her side. Kenji stands against the door leading to the outside of the enclosure and yells "open the gate!"

Brooklynn begins pressing random buttons confusedly which causes the lights to turn red and and alarm starts blaring. Your jaw drops when you see the gate separating Kenji from the Raptor slowly start to rise. You cover your mouth and run to the edge of the railing above Kenji as the raptor comes closer to him, he is still very panicked, you all are. The raptor snarls and hisses, Kenji turns away from the doors after trying to no avail to pry them open, he presses his back against them and whimpers.

You turn to Darius seeing him stomping on one of the pipes, when it breaks steam starts coming out of it, he jumps into the pen and you are taken back by this and can only stammer frustratedly can't manage to form any complete words
'awesome! another one!!'
you let out a frustrated groan.
"Dude, please tell me you have a plan" Kenji says and Darius turns towards him as steam clouds them and the raptor "Lets move! the steam should keep him busy" Darius states looking back at Kenji

Darius turns around when he hears the steam stop hissing and looks up to see its no longer coming from the pipe, your attention is directed towards the raptor who had now called three others that are standing by its side, you freeze looking at them
'oh no..'
They all screech "oh, crud.." Darius whispers, Kenji starts whimpering again freaking out even more as the raptors snarl. "it's okay, we're all okay" Darius says with a shaken voice trying to convince himself just as much as Kenji,he slowly begins to step back away from the raptors.

"Kenji, those bones" Darius points over to the pile while still keeping his eyes on the raptors "check for a raptor skull." he orders and Kenji just looks from the bones to Darius confused "what-" Darius then looks back at him "in the video game, I-" Darius starts but Kenji whisper yells cutting him off "You wanna talk about video games now?" The raptors all screech and Darius yelps tripping over a bone falling onto his back.

You cover your face as the raptors begin to approach the boys, you can't stand the sight, you feel sick. You feel a large hand on your shoulder, you look up to see Roxie running past you with large slabs of beef and look behind you to see Dave who puts his other hand on Brooklynns shoulder and practically drags you both down the stairs letting go of you when you're both beside the jeep.

You and Brooklynn exchange worried glances while Dave walks over to the doors from the outside of the enclosure. The lights turn back to normal and you hear Roxie scream "Hey! Come and get it!" from the top of the enclosure you then hear her scream "Get out of there!" It's too high for you to be able to see but you are relieved when the doors open and Dave quickly pulls both of the boys out by their shoulders, the inner gate closing just before the raptors charge at them.

They all pant tiredly, the guys hunched over with their hands on their knees trying to catch their breath. You and Brooklynn walk up to them as three trucks speed up to the enclosure and men dressed in black uniforms get out entering the pen from different angles most likely to control the raptors even though its more or less okay now."Dave, that was..Thank you so much." Darius says causing Dave to stand again and put his hands on his hips "oh that's standard procedure, Darius. I do that kinda stuff all the time." he says sounding a bit sick

"Gimme a second." Dave says hunching over with a hand on his stomach and vomits, the boys stand straight and you all turn your heads away with disgusted looks on your faces. "That's better." he says standing straight again. Roxie comes running up to Dave and shoving him back leaving a hand on his chest "Are you hurt?" she asks then turns to all of you "is everyone alright?" as she asks this Kenji steps aside and tries to sneak off

Roxie grabs Kenji's shoulder "woah, woah, woah! where do you think you're going?" she asks "You and Darius are in Big trouble." she states "-I-I but he- he was-" Darius begins but Roxie cuts him off "Save it!" she says turning away from Kenji to look at Darius "we'll decide what to do with you later. if you even get to remain here after a stunt like this." Roxie hisses then walking back to the jeep slamming the door behind her

Brooklynn and Kenji get into the back of the jeep and Dave puts a hand on Darius's shoulder giving him a sympathetic look before going to join Roxie in the front. You look back at Darius who looks at the raptor full of spite as the gate closes, you look for something to say wishing to comfort him but you can't, Of course you can't. You join the others in the back of the jeep.

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