The Chalk Portals-chapter 1

By winged21

611 13 20

For a science project on hypnotism, Margaret Lisman and Sydney Welhounse draw black and white spirals on Prof... More

The Chalk Portals
TCP-chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
TCP- Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
TCP-chapter 12

TCP-chapter 2

65 4 6
By winged21

Ah, Friday. Pizza for dinner, voice lesson, watching How to Train your Dragon and uploading another chapter!! I have up to chapter 4 written out, and it's gonna be gooooood. I also resolved to have a cliff-hanger at the end of each chapter.


Chapter 2

"Sir, Margaret and I would like to present only to you." Sydney requested. For your science project, you (and your partner, if you had one) could present in front of the class or just in front of him. Sydney was shy, so we opted just for Professor Hartwick.

He was at his desk, grading papers. From where I was standing, I could see an A, a D, a B, and an F. "Go ahead, girls." He said in his British accent.

Sydney and I were both sophmores at Morley College in yes, London. Both she and her cousin, Anthony, were born and raised here and decided to go to school close to home. She and I have been pen-pals since third grade. Our friendship was based on Harry Potter. The first letter I wrote to her wasn't about myself, but my thoughts and views on The Prisoner of Askaban. Sydney wrote back telling me her opinion on the series. We have been best friends since that day. She became my constant compainion through her letters. When Sam began teasing me halfway through the year, she comforted. When I bawled tears over Sirius's death in the Order of the Pheonix, Sydney made me smile again. When it was time to got to college, she recommended me to the college she was applying to. Both of us got in, but unfortunetly, when I arrived, Sam was on campus. I pretty much avoided her, which was easy because she was one grade above me.

I pushed the thoughts out of my head. My grade isn't so hot in science, so we have to excel in this project.

As we got started, Professor Hartwick put a cigar in his mouth, a disgusiting habit if you ask me, but it isn't my place to judge.

I drew a spiral on the board the best I could. You see, I can't draw. Our project was on hypnotism, so the spiral had to show how the eyes and brain could be bamboozled.

Sydeny started her speech as Hartwick gave us his full attention. "Hypnotism has been along for a long time and has been mentioned in countless books and movies."

The brown cigar jumped out of Hartwick's mouth as it formed an O. It landed on a D paper, so I raced over and smacked it with my hand before the ashes could light a fire.

"Girls, erase that now. You get an A. Erase it!" He commanded as he slowly backed out of the room.

Sydney leaned against the board, her black hair reacing out to my pathetic drawing. "I wonder what's got him so worried."

"I don't know, but it might have something to do with-" I stopped. My head slowly turned to the left, and my mouth released a blood- curdling scream.

Sydney was gone. Vanished into thin air.

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