It Started With A Bullet - Da...

By Yennie-Fer

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Co-writer: @Banunu ~Warm blood trickled down her shoulder while shielding him. There were spots onto the grou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 (After-Story Arc)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Shigaraki's Route - Chapter 1
Shigaraki's Route - Chapter 2
Shigaraki's Route - Chapter 3
Chapter 4 - Shigaraki's Route
Shigaraki's Route - Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - Shigaraki's Route (Ending 1)
Chapter 1 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 2 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 3 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 4 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 5 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 6 - Another Shiggy Route (Ending)
Hawks Route - Chapter 1
Hawks Route - Chapter 2
Hawks Route - Chapter 3
Hawks Route - Chapter 4
Misfortune Route - Chapter 1
Misfortune Route - Chapter 2
Misfortune Route - Chapter 3
Misfortune Route - Chapter 4
Misfortune Route - Chapter 5
Misfortune Route - Chapter 6
Misfortune Route - Chapter 7
Misfortune Route - Chapter 8
Memory Route - Chapter 1
Memory Route - Chapter 2
Secret Route
Dabi's Route - Alternative Bad Ending
New Dabi x OC Story
(Deleting Later) We need your help!

Chapter 10

514 10 1
By Yennie-Fer

Shoto was unable to be healed by Recovery Girl right away. It had to be gradual so that he didn't lose too much stamina too quickly. Because of that, he was stuck in the bed in Recovery Girl's room for at least a few days. There was a good chance that it would be longer.

Recovery Girl was worried for him. He hadn't shown much emotion at all since the attack other than when his father visited him. He was always a quiet student, but he didn't usually seem so distant. He didn't seem to snap out of it until she mentioned his friends.

She had been administering the pain medications from the hospital through his IV. He still didn't say anything to her, so she spoke up. "I know I said that it was family only for you right now, but you look exhausted, dearie. I might have to make a few exceptions."

Shoto furrowed his eyebrows. "It was a difficult fight. I could have done more."

"I meant emotionally exhausted." She stepped back away from the IV stand. "It might do you some good to have your close friends in here right now. I'll have to limit you to five though since you're still recovering and this is a small room."

Shoto thought for a moment. "Yaoyorozu. Midoriya. Melissa too. I don't know her that well, but Midoriya seems to like her. Bakugo and Uraraka as well. Has Bakugo been healed yet?"

Recovery Girl shook her head. "Not yet. I can check to see if he's awake. If he is, I will just heal him while he's in here."

Shoto nodded to signal that he thought that was a good idea. With that, Recovery Girl left to gather up his friends.

Shortly afterwards, his friends had arrived. They exchanged greetings along with how are you's. In the background, Recovery Girl was healing a grouchy Katsuki in the room while Ochako was watching.

Izuku and Melissa sat down to keep everyone company.

Momo sat in a chair next to Shoto's bed. She placed a bento box in front of him on his food tray, and a thermos that had some tea in it.

"These should help you with your recovery." She smiled sadly. "I wish I could do more."

Shoto sat up straighter. "...Thanks."

He didn't feel like his stomach could handle much solid food. It was possible that the medicine was making him nauseous. He had only ever had pain medication one other time in his life and he could recall finding it difficult to eat for a few hours.

He took a sip of the tea first. When his stomach kept it down, he drank a little more. He did the same with taking small bites of food at first.

"Take your time." Momo reassured. She took a napkin to help wipe off his mouth extremely gently. "You don't need to eat it all."

She didn't think anything of it with how close she was to him. Her heart was hurting too much from the fact that this even happened at all.

When the League of Villains had dispersed, Shoto fainted. It scared her to death. She kept replaying those moments in her mind. It was awful.

Shoto had a look of surprise on his face. Momo was so gentle and caring. His eyes met hers. "I haven't had a chance to look. How bad is it?"

Receiving burns such as the ones he got would definitely cause permanent scars. Even after being healed, he would have those reminders for the rest of his life. He didn't want to think about that too much though. It made him feel more emotionally exhausted.

Momo studied his face. Aside from the usual scar over his one eye, there were multiple scars on his face. One over the bridge of his nose. Another on the other side of his cheek. Additional one on his chin.

Yes, Recovery Girl did a good job healing him, but scars do remain unfortunately. She can't get rid of those even when they do heal a bit more by themselves.

It made her want to cry again, but she shook her head. She stopped wiping his mouth, put the napkin down and placed her hand on one cheek that wasn't damaged. "You'll never look bad to me no matter what."

He pressed his hand against hers, feeling the warmth of her touch increase. Never before had he felt someone care for him so tenderly. At least not that he remembered. "Are you sure?"

On cue, her face flushed a little bit. Especially how he was gazing at her. "I am. Because no matter how you look, I-"

She cut her voice off. (Eh?! What am I doing? There's people in the room!)

She recalled how Denki and Mina were teasing her. She isn't sure if Shoto actually feels that way about her. He is very hard to read. But his kindness and words are what really grabbed her heart.

What she was going to say prior was that she still thinks he's handsome. Despite his scars. It doesn't change who he is for her.

"Yaoyorozu?" He tilted his head a little. He kept holding her hand against his face as he did so.

"Eh?" Momo blinked. "Yes, Todoroki?"

"You were saying something," he stated. "What was it?"

"It's nothing." She shook her head, worsening her blush. "Um... Is this making you uncomfortable? I apologize for doing this without permission."

"No. It's fine." His lips upturned into a tiny smile that lasted for only a few seconds. It was strange to smile at such a time. After he had gotten so badly injured. But Momo's presence was helping to soothe his worries. With his nerves being calmed down, the physical pain was becoming less intense as well. The medications were also starting to kick in.

'You can take it.'

'You'll be fine. Stop crying.'

'I could have hurt you a lot worse, but I didn't. Stop complaining.'

Why didn't he say those things to him again? He was trying to change, yes, but how was it possible that he acted so caring all of a sudden? Did he actually feel sympathy over the fact that Shoto was hurt or did he just feel like he HAD to help?

Momo noticed the sudden change of his expression.

"Are you in pain?" She asked in concern. Her thumb subconsciously rubbed against his cheek for a moment.

"No." He focused on Momo again. "I'm thinking. That's all."

"Would you like to talk about it?" She questioned. "You don't have to if you don't wish to."

Could he really talk about it? Would she believe him if he told her all the details of the abuse?

He also felt a hint of guilt. If Endeavor really was changing, it would feel wrong of him to be honest about it. It could make things worse for him. Worse for Endeavor.

He didn't know why he cared. If he was going to treat someone terribly, wasn't it only natural that they would tell someone about it?

"I can't. I'm sorry." His eyes looked sadder when he said that.

"Oh, it's no trouble." She put on a fake smile. Looking away, she's wondering if she's making things worse.

Momo has always struggled with confidence with herself. Shoto was someone who had helped her with her own confidence when it came to her quick thinking with using her quirk. She wishes she could assist him too in his time of need.

But is this an actual area she is lacking? It kind of hurts her a bit where he feels closed off to her.

(I'm just being ludicrous.) She pushed away those feelings. But it was hard to. Since she cares a lot. The fact she became recently aware of her feelings towards Shoto was just making things worse.

Removing her hand, she did it to close the bento box so the food wouldn't get cold. She nervously laughed to make herself not cry. "I'll put this away for you to have for later."

(Crying would just make things worse. I'm here to comfort him, yet...) She's been such a mess since he got hurt.

"Hey, Todoroki. Yaoyorozu." Izuku spoke up. "That lady that Hawks was defending the other day. I know her."

"Pardon?" Momo looked over towards him. Katsuki and Ochako was listening in on the conversation.

"I do too!" Melissa said in shock. "I don't know her very well though. I only ran into her at the hospital with Uncle Might."

"Was that the lady you mentioned who was upset?" Izuku gasped.

"Wait, but isn't she a villain?" Momo asked.

Izuku shook his head. "I don't think so. From my impression, it seemed like she was worried about something."

"I think she tried to stop that villain- Dabi- from hurting me," Shoto stated. "It's hard for me to remember exactly what happened with her, but...she seemed like she was yelling at him when it happened."

"Come to think of it..." Momo pondered and then clapped her hands together. "I think she was trying to tell me something. But.. I wouldn't listen... I was too upset seeing you hurt, Todoroki..." She lowered her head. "I fought her, but she knocked me out without trying to hurt me."

Shoto reached over to her and rested his hand on her shoulder. His touch was so soft. It was barely even noticeable. "If someone was hurting you...I think I would have done the same. Fought without thinking, I mean."

"Todoroki..." Momo looked over at him in surprise.

"There's something going on then." Izuku added. He looked over towards Melissa for a moment and then towards everyone. He waited until Recovery Girl left.

(All Might trusts Takahashi. We will do the same.)

Then he continued. "We should do something about this. Hawks even knows her as well. But... I'm not sure how much he'll even tell us or if he'd say anything at all."

Katsuki scoffed while listening. But he didn't yell or anything since Ochako was near him. He wanted to listen further. Hard to tell with the scowl on his face.

Shoto moved his hand back. "I want to help too. I don't know why I'm being targeted, but I get the feeling that it has something to do with her. I might be partially responsible for whatever they're doing to her."

"Don't blame yourself, Todoroki." Momo looked back at him. "We don't know the real reason why. Also, you need to rest... please. You're in no condition to fight. May I suggest you to wait it out until you have properly recovered?"

When he saw the sadness in Momo's eyes, he felt himself become sadder too. "I'll wait, but please tell me if anything happens."

Ochako was deep in thought. That girl's hair's description familiar to her. Suddenly, the pieces of the puzzle came together. She gasped and looked towards Katsuki. "Do you remember how I said that I saw a woman in an alleyway that was being attacked? That was her! And those bodies...they looked burnt. Like Dabi's quirk. Do you think that he killed the men who were attacking her?"

"It's likely." Katsuki grunted. He paused a moment. "That idiot bird brain didn't want us involved. Tch. Stupid of him to think we're gonna stand back any longer!"

"That's right." Izuku agreed.

"Shut up, you nerd!" Katsuki yelled. "I'll beat you at this!!"

"It's not a competition." Izuku pointed out with a smile. "We need to work together with this once again." He looked towards Melissa, with a determined smile. They were smiling at each other.

Whatever it takes, they all wanted to take upon these matters in their own hands. Something big must be coming once again. They all felt it deep within their core.

Satoko Takahashi was just a big piece of what's to come.


Hours had passed. Satoko would just by lying in bed. Her thoughts were racing. It was keeping her wide awake. No matter how much she closed her eyes, insomnia kept her up.

Dabi was on her mind. How he was brutally attacking that one student: Shoto Todoroki. The crazed look in his eyes. The way he really was trying to kill him.


These are just kids. Why do they have to go that far? They're not even heroes. Sure, they WANT to be heroes. But they don't even seem corrupt.

That other girl, Momo, was actually caring towards Shoto. It must have broken her heart seeing her friend in that condition.

(I don't blame her for not wanting to listen to me....)

Innocent youth. They might not realize how messed up the hero system is. Satoko assumes they all had a nice upbringing with nice parents.

How could someone with a hero as a parent still want to be one?


Hawks... He's also a hero too, but...

Satoko hates to admit it, he doesn't seem half bad. He doesn't seem to care about money or fame. He seems very secretive and laid back. Just doing his own thing.

Wouldn't even mind his own business with butting into her life. Caring for her. Flirting with her even.

That stupid grinning face of his keeps popping up in her mind. What happened when she fainted earlier?

She didn't even as anyone. Especially not Dabi. She didn't want to make it a problem since they aren't on good terms. It's so confusing.

Everything is complex.

(Ha... I'm such a hypocrite.)

Working with villains is not what she wanted. She hated it, but she realized they all aren't that bad. Well, aside from Toga being a weirdo. Shigaraki is surprisingly funny. He reminds her of a helpless kid. Man-child.

(Can I really change things?)

Feeling frustrated over the fact she isn't capable of fixing the world on her own. Like what she is doing....does it even matter?

Villains kill people. Heroes use and abuse people.

Yet when Satoko fights, she uses measures to not ever kill someone. Just to cripple them enough for them to escape or her to leave. That is her mercy. But not everyone is merciful.

Despite her pushing many people away growing up, she couldn't help but want to assist others. She's even doing that now. Especially to those who don't even feel like they're not even cared for.

(I want to help. Perhaps move on to bigger chances to making to my goal.)

A better place. Better laws.

But it all seems like just an unrealistic dream. The frustration built stronger.


He was the most complicated out of everyone. His words and actions conflict each other. So threatening, yet at the same time, there was that sense of protection over her.

Hawks would protect her too, but it would be obvious.

(Ugh! Why am I thinking about these men like this?!)

She sat up in irritation. There's no way she could sleep. Not with her heart feeling like it's knocking in the corners of her ribcage.

Satoko sighed. (Might as well get up. I doubt I can even sleep throughout the night.)

Perhaps walking around will tire her out. She is injured still after-all. (Passing out earlier must have ruined me being able to sleep now.)

But that was a lie to herself. She kept thinking how Dabi looked earlier. About how his quirk is killing him. That's bothering her so much.

Stepping out of bed, she walked out of the bedroom to stroll around a bit until she's fatigued enough to slumber.

"What are you doing up?" Dabi's voice caught her attention. He was sitting down on a chair in front of the window. The room was mostly dark. The only thing that illuminated the room was the moonlight streaming in from behind Dabi.

"Can't sleep because of my burns." Satoko lied.

Yeah, the pain was annoying, but she could always sleep through it.

She went over towards where he was. She doesn't want to raise her voice talking. "What about you?"

"Can't sleep because of my burns." He repeated her exact words, but with a more obvious sarcastic tone. "Do you hear how ridiculous that sounds?"

He knew that the pain was something she could sleep through. Without even realizing it, he had a certain level of expectations for her. He had started to see her as someone who was strong.

"Tch." She scoffed. "Whatever. Mock me all you want. I don't really care."

She took it the wrong way anyway, not knowing what he really meant.

(And not only that, he always ignores my questions.) She thought with a sigh.

He had an amused smile. "I won't waste too much energy on something like that. Not to you. There are too many other perfectly good people to mock."

'Not to you.'

Those words stood out to her. It made her feel a bit strange. Is he... being nice in his own way?

When did he get so....?

"Well," She started. "Fine. I'll be honest. I was thinking about you."

Oh my gosh, that sounded so weird. To salvage what she actually meant, she rambled on. "I know Shigaraki's past. You know my past. I'm just really curious to why are you doing the things you're doing?"

(I want to understand you better.)

"You said before that you aren't that different than me. You were also a result of a quirk marriage." She pressed on. "I think it would be beneficial for you to talk about it with someone like me who may understand."

Not only that. His father... A famous hero. Satoko put the pieces together. She never really cared for hero names, but she can be smart figuring things out sometimes. "Was that fiery man your father?"

"Sure is. Yet he still managed to become a pro hero even after what he's done. I guess it makes sense with no one else knowing yet. Aside from Shoto." He paused. "I'm sure you probably put the pieces of the puzzle together concerning him too, didn't you?"

"What has your father and this 'Shoto' boy done?" Satoko asked. "I can only piece together so much, but there are things that I don't understand without you telling me your past. Tell me."

That wasn't an order from her quirk. She wants to know. Everything he could tell her. It's only fair since Dabi knows about her upbringing.

But perhaps she just needs to hear it herself to feel less alone. At this point, she knows that he probably won't lie about what he's about to say. She can only hope that he could be completely honest with her.

"I'll just tell you everything." Dabi sighed. "My REAL Toya Todoroki. Shoto is my brother."

He started to tell her his story. Endeavor had wanted a child with a fire and ice quirk so that child could be stronger than him. There was a woman named Rei who came from a family known for having powerful ice quirks. Of course, he turned to a quirk marriage.

Dabi was the first one to be born. After he was born, Rei decided that she wanted to have more kids so that he could have siblings to cheer him on with his training. He ended up with two siblings, and then his quirk manifested.

Fire and ice don't usually balance each other out perfectly. His body was weak and suited for an ice quirk. Yet he received a powerful fire quirk.

He wanted to continue his training more than anything else. Endeavor had convinced him that his goal was the only reason he was alive. When that goal was taken away from him, he didn't know what he was living for anymore. It scared him more than anything else.

Endeavor became more forceful towards Rei. He became more selfish and cruel. He wouldn't give up until he got what he wanted.

Then Shoto was born.

Endeavor wouldn't even look at Dabi anymore. Shoto was all he cared about. When they had their training sessions, Fuyumi and Natsu would huddle together and hide in another room. Dabi would work on his own training.

He did everything that he could just to be seen by his father. He destroyed his body just to be recognized.

Endeavor sometimes got rough with him to get him to stop training. He told him that he would die if he didn't stop. Dabi didn't care about that anymore though. If he couldn't prove himself then why was he still alive?

He hardly ever encountered Shoto. He did once or twice in between training sessions. The younger brother once followed him around the house for a few minutes, crying for him to help him. He was covered with deep purple and black bruises all over his arms and face. Dabi had simply kicked him to the side to get him to leave him alone.

In his eyes, Shoto ruined his life. So why should he care if the brat got a little beat up? Dabi was glad that he suffered so much.

Then there was the day that he 'died'. He had enough of the treatment that he received at home. He had enough of his siblings crying and sniffling over their own treatment when he thought that he had it far worse. He was angry. He was bitter. He wanted to kill them all.

Dabi was smiling insanely. "And if I kill that THING...guess what?! My 'dear old dad' would be in so much agony! I was originally going to wait until Shoto was all grown up and the number one hero, but now I don't think that I can wait that long to see the look on Endeavor's face when I burn up his greatest masterpiece! If his goal is his only reason for living, and he still wants Shoto to be number one, then why don't I steal away HIS reason for living? Let's see how he likes it."

Dabi stood up from his chair. The gentle glow of the moon outlined his figure as he laughed. Smiled like it was his favorite thing in the world to think about. "And let's see how Shoto likes it too. Let's see how it feels to be the greatest success in the family and still get taken down by the greatest failure!"

Satoko took a few moments to absorb everything. Dabi was just an alias. Not only that, there's one thing she can't relate to.

Killing her family.

"Dabi..." She wasn't sure what to call him, but caught his attention. She would feel kind of weird calling him by his actual first name at this point. "I understand your pain. It isn't fair."

'We don't need you.'

'Waste of time and money.'

'Now that ____ is born, she would succeed your failure.'

She can recall all of her own pain too. "I hate my parents as well, but one thing that I just cannot do... Is kill them for that. Especially my sibling who hadn't done anything wrong towards me. Would that really make me better than them?"

The moonlight lit upon her face as she looked straight towards him. "Murder doesn't erase the damage done. It's wrong and not the right way you should approach this. You won't feel better doing it this way."

His face got closer to hers. His smile didn't go away. "You're talking to a notorious killer about morality. Don't expect to accomplish much."

Usually, a chill would go down her spine. But it didn't. In fact, she didn't know how to really feel.

"And you don't feel any guilt killing anyone?" She questioned. "Not even one person?"

"And why should I?" He asked. "It's not my fault I turned out this way."

"You chose to kill." She looked away. "We have similarities, but I would never want to kill someone. It doesn't help you. What would you do after you accomplished killing them? Then what?" She looked towards him once more. "You won't feel happy."

Dabi's smile got a little bit smaller at that. His eyes became a little sadder. "I don't have to worry about what I'll do afterwards. I'll be dead."

"Don't you dare say that." She glared. "Why would you even do that to yourself?! It isn't worth your own life!"

He returned a glare. "My life isn't worth ANYTHING if I can't do this. This is all there is for me."

"Oh yeah?" She started using hand gestures as she was talking to make a point. "Is that what you really wanted ME for? To assist the death of your family AND yourself?!"

Her hands started to shake as she was furious. "Is that really all there is?!"

"I feel so idiotic attempting to befriend you!" She wanted to look passed his faults. To think he could be good too. Somehow.

She felt something wet pour down her cheeks. It was her own tears due to her frustration. Along with that, her own heart was hurting. The moonlight was making her eyes glisten.

Dabi's hands grabbed the sides of her face. The action was so sudden that she had to take a few steps back to avoid falling. "Don't look at me like that, Doll. It's annoying."

The way her tears glistened in the light of the moon made him feel something. Tears were truly a beautiful thing. They brought forth a release from pent up emotions. No one really appreciated how good it felt to cry until they couldn't do it anymore.

Her tears were particularly beautiful. The way that the light danced off of her yellow eyes was mesmerizing. What was even more mesmerizing to him was the expression on her face. It was a look of utter torment. How was it possible that she had ever wanted to befriend him?

He was a killer. His heart was as cold as the ice that his body was made for. He couldn't hold any warmth inside for long.

Why would a person like her want anything to do with a person like him? She was so warm. Her skin was soft. Her eyes produced tears. Her heart produced kindness.

So why? What did she possibly have to gain from befriending a person like him?

"No. I'm not looking-" Satoko forced herself to stop from anymore droplets coming out of her eyes. She did a breathing technique to inhale and exhale.

She thinks of shedding any sign of tears is a form of weakness. Cursing under her breath, she wiped her eyes roughly. "No one said you could look at me. Nothing happened. Forget it."

She couldn't look him in the eyes. She felt too ashamed to be even seen like this. "I get it was annoying. It annoys me even."

Why was he touching her face like that? It was making her emotional state worse. The fact that it made her want to cry even more. It made her even more confused to why this made her care about him even more.

"You're unbelievably kind for someone who doesn't have anyone." His tone was hard to read. He smiled bitterly. "I'm jealous of people who have the ability to feel kindness. Especially your kind of kindness. Wanting to reach out to villains? I don't understand it at all. If I were you, I would have just killed everyone. I must admit that it's entertaining to watch you try at this though."

"It's funny, right?" She frowned. "I must be putting on a greaaaatt show then. You're out of luck because I won't kill anyone. Especially not you."

Why did she even say that last part? She feels more idiotic than before.

As for kindness...

What about the times he had held onto her? Even right now, he's touching her face. But it doesn't feel rough.

Treating her wounds, he could have done a sloppy job. But he didn't.

No. He isn't as rough with her as he was when she was first getting to know him.

This may be one of these events where she's being stupid all over again. She despises the fact she cares for this jerk at all.

(He's probably right.. I may just be wasting my time...)

Dabi scoffed. "I didn't expect you to. That's part of makes you so interesting. But we can still use you regardless."

"Use me...?" Satoko noticed the look in his eyes. Especially when he said that statement. "Why is it when you talk, your eyes contradict themselves? Like they're sad and suffering?"

She only just noticed it within every time he had spoke. It is like he doesn't mean what he's actually saying. Or something else even.

Maybe she's always noticed, but hasn't said anything up until this point of time.

"Because you're thinking too much." He let go of her face and took a step back. "I mean everything that I say."

That wasn't exactly a lie. He really did mean everything that he said. But maybe there were some feelings that he kept buried deep down.

"Right. That's just it, then?" Satoko bitterly smiled. "I'm always thinking too much. I never learn. I'm a fool. A fool for even considering people, but no matter what I do... It doesn't matter. Heh."

(Gosh, what's wrong with me? I'm being too sensitive. Stop it.)

There was that feeling again of self-hatred. The feeling of anything she does is futile. Nothing matters.

"You don't know us. I don't know how you saw a soft side to any of us, but it's not there. We're villains for a reason." His eye contact didn't falter.

"You don't know me very well either." She retorted. "Whatever. I don't care then."

(I care.)

That's the sad part. She didn't let him say anything else and started walking back to her room. She felt her eyes burning again.

(Control it. Stop it.)

She kept repeating herself to suppress her emotions.

(He's a jerk. He's no good. Everyone is the same. Everyone will hurt me. What's the big deal anyway?)

He's going to die anyway... but she doesn't want that. But is she any different?

Every day, she would risk her life. Reckless with her own body like she didn't even care to die either. Satoko has suicidal tendencies. She had struggled with that for many years, but doesn't go through with it. Hearing Dabi talking like that just triggered something to set her off once more.

All Dabi could see was her back as she was heading back to her room. The moonlight hit her shoulder at one point to see that blatantly obvious bullet scar.

He watched as she disappeared from view. He was honestly surprised that she didn't try to leave again. It would make sense for her to with everything that had happened to her.

Thinking like that made him feel a nagging feeling of distress in the back of his mind. What was he doing? How did he get there? How did he end up so pitifully lonely?

A part of him wanted her to stay. She was the only person who tried so hard to get along with him for a reason other than her own survival. He didn't believe that she would stay though.

He couldn't believe that someone as kind as her would want to stick around for long. Her kindness had to have a limit, and that line was probably drawn with someone like Dabi. It would be more kind for her to abandon him. He was a horrible person. Her sticking around willingly would make it seem like she was alright with his actions.

It was as though anything that he touched was destined to burn up in his flames. Nothing good could last for long with him. He could destroy a world of goodness and feel nothing, because that's what he did. His ability to feel guilt was so suppressed within himself that he probably wouldn't be able to identify the feeling if it did happen to appear.

Being neglected as a child took a major toll on his mind. He didn't know how to cope with his emotions other than pushing them down. He couldn't trust that people- especially kind ones- wouldn't leave him. He felt like he had to force people to stay against their will or they would leave as soon as the opportunity presented itself.

His eyes started to burn. A single drop of blood slipped out from underneath one of his burns. If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't know how to unlock his emotions, he would probably be in such agony inside of his mind. He physically couldn't cry anymore, but the only thing that came close was even small.

He could hardly feel anything. Yet Satoko's tears bothered him, of all things.

He didn't understand why she wanted to befriend him. He was probably the absolute worst choice when it came to friends.

His feet were moving towards her door. He didn't know why he cared. He had no idea why he even felt the need to check. He was dying anyway. Nothing mattered except for his goal. Everything else would be lost in the fire.

He stopped outside of her room. He could hear the pain in the way that she struggled to take deep breaths. He could feel it in his chest with every whimper as she tried to deal with her emotions all on her own.

Why? Why did he feel pain from her pain?

(Calm down.) Satoko heaved. It was hard to not sob loudly. It was useless. She was starting to tremble from trying to hold back her eyes from flooding.

Cursing in her head, she hated feeling like this. She hated that he helped her. A simple act as giving her water. Holding her close to his body. Tending to her wounds. Why?

Since she's being used, he should be crueler. He shouldn't act like this. It made her fall into this trap to becoming this way.

And now he talks about dying? Like none of it matters?

Burying her face in her pillow, she made her sobs muffled. It was extremely hard that she couldn't hold back her emotions much longer.


Telling herself she would always push people away. This is why she wanted to live alone for the rest of her life. A bit contradictory from her own goal, she knows it. She's just terrified due to her own trauma getting close to people.

It makes her weak. It makes her not think. The reality of it is, having to shed tears or care for someone doesn't make a person fragile. It's ok to cry every once in a while.

But Satoko doesn't believe that. It makes her hate herself even more. She even thinks Dabi would look down upon her. Probably is. Maybe he's even laughing at how stupid and ridiculous she is in another room.

But a part of her doesn't believe that. There's something there. The look in his eyes when he talks make her heart breaking. She can't understand any of this. She can't explain why she's feeling so burdened for this person.

They relate to each other so much, but the fact he wants to murder his family along with dying in the process... There's that difference.

(I don't want him to die...) Her thoughts were becoming truer. If he were to die, what would become of her?

He was the first person to make her feel something. Like she wasn't alone with her issues involving a quirk marriage. Someone who has a similar background, but became more broken than she has.

(You stupid coward...!) She sobbed more. Cursing his name that he would just want to throw away his life just for some petty revenge!! Perhaps, she was also talking about herself too.

(I hate myself. I hate that I can't do anything.) She had her hand placed against her hair. Remembering how he touched it. Then saying he's just going to die. It was too cruel.

Satoko always had a front to show she has sheer confidence. It was all an act. Despite it all, she uses her pain as her greatest strength. This very moment, that strength has shattered to pieces. No one can be strong for so long.

Of all people, Dabi was the one to break it. Her breath was shaking. At some points, she was coughing from crying a lot. These tears won't falter.

Dabi eventually walked away from her room and went back to the chair. Being in the moonlight filled him with a strange emotion after their conversation. The image of her face soaked with tears kept repeating itself in his mind. One thing was for sure. He wasn't going to sleep.

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