Look At Me // Jenlisa

By ratedjnls

562K 12.2K 5.6K

[ COMPLETE โœ… // smut ๐Ÿ”ž ] After her sophomore year, Jennie Kim comes home for the summer and finds herself ha... More

2: Lisa's Penance
3: Next Time
4: If You Want To
5: Interrogations
6: Can't Sleep
7: First Date
8: Between Agony And Ecstasy
9: Shut Up And F*ck Me
10: Ceaselessly
11: Break Her Heart And We'll Break Your Face
12: Time Apart
13: I've Missed You
14: Worked Up
15: I Trust You
16: Punishment and Reward
17: Back Off
18: Sweet Revenge
19: Blind, Stupid Luck
20: Corset On The Floor
21: Fantasy Come To Life
22: Merry Christmas
Bonus Chapter: Coming Home
Bonus Chapter: A Little Surprise
Bonus Chapter: Warmth

1: New Neighbor

71K 921 796
By ratedjnls

A/N: hello there!! this is sshlalisa on a new acc intended for just smutty AUs 😉. and as promised, here's a new adaptation. have fun reading!! and tell me your thoughts in the comments. ❤️



The taxi pulled up to the Kim house around 5pm. Jennie—exhausted and nearly delirious from the stress of finals—paid the driver, grabbed her bags and dragged them up to the front door. Part of her just wanted to leave them on the porch. The thought of lugging them upstairs to her room was too difficult for her to wrap her head around.

She paused for a minute to prepare for the bombardment of questions from her mom. That's when she heard the front door slam at the house next to hers. She looked over and saw a girl about her age carrying a workout bag and a soccer ball and tossing them into a car. She was in baggy sweats and a hoodie with the hood pulled up over her head. Jennie didn't have the best view of her, but couldn't pull her eyes away. As if sensing she was being watched, the girl looked up at Jennie. She gave her a quick nod before getting into her car and driving off.

Jennie nodded back, but it was way too late before she even registered the girl had acknowledged her. She smiled at her own foolishness and opened the front door.

"Mom?" She swung the front door open and immediately felt at home with the smell of pancakes hitting her nose.

"Jennie?" Amy Kim appeared from the kitchen holding a spatula. "You're home!"

She wrapped her daughter in a hug and helped bring her bags inside the house.

"Breakfast for dinner?" Jennie asked excitedly.

"Your favorite," confirmed Amy, as she headed back into the kitchen to flip the last pancake. "I know you're probably tired. So we'll have a quick dinner and I'll only grill you for a few minutes before you can get settled in. We do have all summer to catch up, after all. When I'm not at the hospital, that is."

Jennie nodded and went through her bags trying to find her phone.

"Have you talked to Jisoo yet? I know she was looking forward to seeing you." Amy was just finishing adding the syrup to the pancakes.

"Not yet. I'll text her tomorrow. When Somi gets back, we'll probably all go out. Tonight, I just need sleep."

Jennie sat down as Amy placed the pancakes on the table. She immediately shoved as much as she could into her mouth. She had forgotten to eat this morning and was just now reminded of how much she loved her mom's pancakes.

"So, anything new and exciting going on around here?" asked Jennie, with her mouth full.

"Simply stunning, Jennie." Her mom had to laugh at how ill-mannered her child was being.

"What?" Jennie shoved even more in her mouth. "I wath juth athking a questhion."

Amy laughed. "No, not much since Christmas. We got new neighbors, though. I've said hi a few times. They seem nice, but they kind of keep to themselves for the most part and they don't seem to be home too often. I think they have a daughter around your age. Or someone visiting. I only just saw her last week."

"Yeah, I think I saw her when I got here." Jennie wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and got up. "Thanks for dinner, mom. I'm in desperate need of a forty-hour nap." She gave her mom a kiss on the cheek. "Good night."

Amy sighed and muttered to herself. "No, that's fine. I'll clean up. And don't worry about that napkin next to your plate. Yeah, just use the back of your hand like a barbarian."


A slamming door jolted Jennie awake. She looked at her phone: 6am. Who the hell would dare wake her up at 6am? She got out of bed and walked to her window. She craned her neck and spotted the same girl from yesterday stretching on her porch. Jennie watched as she moved from one side to the other, loosening the muscles in her legs. After a few minutes, she took off running down the street in her baggy sweats and light gray hoodie. Jennie inhaled deeply, annoyed by the girl who woke her up, yet simultaneously curious about her.


The next morning Jennie was awoken the exact same way at the exact same time. She threw the covers off her bed and stormed toward the window. She wanted to throw it open and yell at the girl below, but instead, she just watched her once again. This time, she was wearing tight black leggings and a white tank top. The sun wasn't fully up yet, so it was a little dark, but Jennie was able to see more of the girl than she had before. Her arms were toned and those leggings fit her perfectly. Jennie swallowed as she watched the girl stretch and pick out a song on her iPhone. Then, she clipped the iPhone onto her workout pants and took off running once again.

Jennie watched until the girl was no longer in sight, then climbed back into bed. Unfortunately, sleep never found her. She spent the rest of the morning thinking about her mysterious new neighbor.


Her alarm squealed in her ear at 5:45am the next morning. She slammed her hand down and lay back down, seriously contemplating going back to sleep. But her curiosity outweighed her laziness and she was up and dressed to go running within five minutes.

She paced downstairs by her front door for a few minutes until it was 5:59am. Then she opened the door and slowly walked out. She looked around for the girl, but saw no sign of her. So she started to stretch. Or at least she pretended to. She hadn't worked out in ages and her idea of a stretch was trying to hang a painting or reaching for something on a top shelf. She didn't always have time to work out during the school year. Not that she really needed it. She was proud of her body and knew she was in decent enough shape. But for some reason, she suddenly had the urge to take up running. Hmm...weird.

When the door to the house next door slammed shut, Jennie looked over and saw the girl. This time, she was in blue running shorts and a long sleeve dark green shirt.

Jennie panicked slightly. She had not thought this through. What was she supposed to do? Go up to her and say 'Hi. You run. I run. We run together, yes?'

Shit. Shit. Shit. Jennie was starting to regret this. What did she think would happen? The girl's eyes caught Jennie's and they stared at each other for a moment. Jennie was paralyzed. Say something, Kim. Say something! Anything! Words!

There was nothing but silence. And Jennie wanted to die. The girl watched her carefully for a few more moments, looking her up and down. She then stepped off the porch and nodded at Jennie, signaling her to join her. Jennie nodded back and they both started jogging down the street.

Jennie was proud of herself. She managed to keep the pace with the other brunette. At least for the first five minutes. That's around when her body started betraying her. She fell behind a bit and could tell the girl slowed her pace way down just for Jennie. She pumped her legs as hard as she could to catch up. Jennie didn't want the other girl to change her routine just for her.

They still hadn't spoken a word to each other. The only noise either of them could hear was Jennie's heavy breathing and coughing. She watched as the taller girl looked over her shoulder behind her and gave Jennie a small smile, shook her head and slowed down a bit more so Jennie could catch up.

By the time they came back to their block, Jennie's lungs were burning. Her legs were on fire and she wanted to collapse. Once they reached Jennie's house, the other girl slowed her pace down to a walk and turned to Jennie.

"This is where I leave you. I have another four miles to go. You should probably take a rest." She gave Jennie a little smirk before she slowly started jogging backwards. "Thanks for the company. I'm Lisa, by the way."

Before Jennie could respond, Lisa was off and running again. Even if she wanted to respond, she couldn't. She was hacking up too much mucus and saliva to even be able to speak. She closed her eyes and dropped her head thinking this was probably the least sexy thing Lisa had ever seen.

Jennie spent the rest of the day reliving her humiliation from the comfort of her bedroom. She texted back and forth with Jisoo to try to get her mind off of it, but it really didn't help much.


The next morning, Jennie was up again at 5:45am. But this time, she just lay in her bed until she heard the door slamming. At that, she got up and went to the window to watch Lisa do her pre-running stretched. She noticed Lisa looking around a bit and Jennie wondered if maybe she was looking for her. She watched as Lisa took a little longer than usual to stretch before she finally took off. Jennie almost regretted not going, but she couldn't risk the defeat she experienced yesterday.

Jennie spent the rest of the morning unpacking. It was weird being in her childhood bedroom again, but she liked that it still smelled the same. Like old paint and vanilla. Her sophomore year at NYU proved to be way more stressful than her freshman year and she was glad for the break. Plus, she missed her friends and couldn't wait to see them again.

It was around 8:30am when Jennie heard her neighbor's front door close. She figured Lisa must be back from her run. She looked out her window and noticed a figure appearing in the upstairs window next door. It only took a moment to realize it was her new neighbor. Jennie hadn't realized her window looked directly into Lisa's. She had only watched the girl coming out of her front door. Jennie stepped back, debating on going back to unpacking. Instead, she moved closer to the window and watched as Lisa came into full view.

Jennie felt her heart rate speed up as she watched Lisa remove her sweaty workout shirt to reveal her insanely toned abs glistening with sweat. Her sports bra still hugged her chest, making Jennie feel a little less creepy. Still, there was no way she could justify watching her neighbor. But for some reason she simply couldn't look away. She swallowed hard as Lisa then removed her pants and threw them, basketball-style, into her laundry basket, fist-pumping after they landed perfectly in the basket. Jennie chuckled to herself, then felt her breath hitch as she realized how cute Lisa looked in just boyshorts and a sports bra. When Lisa fully had her back to her, Jennie took notice of an intricate tattoo on her back peeking out of the sports bra.

She could feel herself getting warmer, her face flush as her breathing became more erratic. She didn't know if it was the fact that she was watching Lisa or the fact that she could easily get caught. All it took was for the other girl to realize their windows were right across from each other. Jennie wasn't exactly making herself hidden.

The brunette was practically licking the window once she saw what Lisa did next. She watched as Lisa started doing pull ups on the bar attached to her bedroom door. Jennie's face grew hotter as she watched the girl's muscles flexing with each pull up.

Jennie finally pulled her eyes away from the scene. Get it together, Kim! This is sick.

She chastised herself and started to move away, but not before peeking one last time. Now, Lisa was on the floor, doing stretches Jennie didn't even know was possible. How could one person be so limber? She continued watching until Lisa was done stretching and went to her closet to grab a towel and tossed it on the bed. She then went to remove her sports bra, slowly pulling it up over her head.

Jennie gasped and immediately turned away. The guilt she felt plagued her. She shook her head, truly disappointed in herself. What the hell was wrong with her?

She decided that now would be the best time for a shower.


The next morning, Lisa woke up in the exact same fashion she did every morning since she got back home for the summer. Just because it was summer break didn't mean she could slack off on her training. At 5:30, she woke up, ate some oatmeal with strawberries, then got ready for her morning run.

This morning was a little different, though. This morning, she moved just a little bit slower. Like she did yesterday. She didn't know why, but yesterday she had hoped the brunette girl from next door would join her on her run again. Granted, it was a disaster the first time. The girl had slowed her down tremendously and while she hated losing time on her run, she couldn't bring herself to leave the brunette behind. She thought it was kind of adorable that she wanted to run with her. Also...a little weird. But she overlooked that part. Mainly because the girl was gorgeous. And she wasn't one to deny a gorgeous woman.

She made her way out the front door and started stretching. She looked toward the front door of her neighbor's house. She understood why the brunette didn't come yesterday. She figured half of it was a pride thing and the other half was a need to physically recover. But this morning, she was disappointed yet again to see the brunette still hadn't made an appearance.

For some reason, she couldn't stop thinking about her. From the moment she saw the feline-eyed girl pull up in the taxi, she knew she was in trouble. And after they went running together, it only made things worse. She started to grow frustrated. Her constant training for soccer, combined with classes left her very little time for relationships. Which means she often had to rely on one night stands to fill her needs, but they never quite left her feeling satisfied. Probably because she was never with anyone long enough for them to really know how her body works and what she likes. So she decided to use this summer to solely focus on training. No distractions.

Well, that was now shot to shit because her new neighbor certainly stirred something in her and she hated it. But she also loved it. After fifteen minutes of stretching—ten minutes more than she normally does—Lisa gave up on the brunette and started her run. She was only five minutes in when she heard the heavy breathing and wheezing behind her. She smiled to herself when she realized it was the other girl trying to catch up to her.

She looked over her shoulder. "Good morning. Back for more torture?"

"I live for torture," the girl replied.

If only she knew how much she tortured Lisa. The brunette felt a wet heat at her center upon hearing her response. She increased her pace, trying to get her mind off of what this girl was doing to her body.

"Wait up!"

"Come on."


"Excuse me?"

"My name is Jennie. Jennie Kim."

Lisa committed that name to her memory and gave a little smirk to Jennie.

"Well, you're slowing me down, Kim. I can't have a repeat of the other morning. My time was pathetic."

"I'm not the best runner," wheezed Jennie.

"I can see that. But you're young and mobile. No excuses."

"Well, we can't all have abs for days and a perfectly toned and tattooed back."

Lisa slowed her pace and looked at Jennie. "How do you know I have a tattoo?"

She could see the other girl turn white and couldn't tell if it was because of the running or because of what she had just said.

"Umm, you were wearing a tank top the other day. I saw you as you were coming in from your run. I thought I saw part of a tattoo."

Lisa didn't say anything. She just nodded. Interesting. She didn't recall seeing Jennie after her run, but then again, she gets pretty focused when she works out.

She pulled ahead of Jennie and couldn't see the tint of red on the other girl's face.

She realized she was leaving Jennie behind again, so slowed her pace once more to match hers.

"So, you're home for the summer, too?"

"Yeah," replied Jennie. "I'm an art student at NYU."

"Impressive. I'm afraid I have zero artistic ability. But I respect those that do."

"What about you?"

"I go to Columbia. Soccer scholarship. Starting as captain junior year in the fall."

Jennie nodded. "Even more impressive."

"My parents just moved here while I was at school. It's weird coming home to a place that was never really your home. But I'm making the most of it." She looked over and smiled at Jennie. "Can't say I mind it all that much."

Lisa took Jennie's blushing as a sign that her little flirtatious line wasn't completely unwanted. But she mentally berated herself for flirting. This was her neighbor. A girl she just met. A girl who probably didn't need her drooling all over her. A girl who looked insanely hot while running...particularly due to her ample chest, which just so happened to bounce perfectly with every step.

Lisa tried not to stare, but it was difficult. That's why she tried to stay just a little bit ahead of Jennie at all times. However at this moment, Jennie managed to catch up with her as their arms brushed against each other.

"So, I guess we're close to each other."

"What?" Lisa didn't know if she heard right.

"We're close. NYU and Columbia. It'll be nice to know someone else in New York."

Lisa laughed nervously. "Oh...yeah. I guess so."

The rest of the run was pretty quiet, but neither girl minded. When they arrived back on their street, Lisa gave Jennie a quick goodbye and ran into her house. She felt bad for leaving the girl, but she needed to take a cold shower very quickly.


After her shower, Lisa emerged from her bathroom wearing boxers and a tank top. She was cleaner and certainly colder, but no less turned on than she was before. She thought about taking care of herself in the shower, but refused to be reduced to such a horny college girl cliche. She would simply have to get her mind off of Jennie by any means necessary. Mind over matter. Mind over matter. She just had to keep repeating those words.

Her bedroom felt stifling, so she went to open her window. She struggled a minute to get it open and once it was open, she heard music blasting from across the way. She looked over to see Jennie dancing around her bedroom in just her bra and underwear. Lisa instantly felt a wetness pooling between her legs. This wasn't happening. Nope. It wasn't happening. The hot girl next door was not dancing around in her underwear right in plain sight of Lisa. The universe couldn't possibly be this cruel.

Lisa watched just a bit longer, enjoying Jennie's goofy dancing. As sexy as she found the girl, there was also something really charming and adorable about her. Her silly moves made Lisa laugh. And now, she felt like a predator watching the brunette like this. So she decided to go downstairs and make an omelet for herself.

Twenty minutes. That's how long it took her to cook and eat her omelet. She lingered in the kitchen a bit and took in the emptiness of the big house. Her parents were rarely ever home, so she was used to the silence. Unfortunately, with no one else in the house to distract her, it made it difficult to try to get a certain brunette off her mind.

She figured she had banished herself from her room long enough and went back upstairs to watch some Netflix on her computer. She chanced a glance over to Jennie's room and didn't see her anymore. The music wasn't playing anymore, either. With a sigh of relief, Lisa fell to her bed and screamed out a bit of frustration into her pillow. Then, she grabbed her laptop and before opening, cast one more look over to Jennie's window. This time, the girl was there. Still in her bra and underwear. Lisa could see she was sorting through clothes that were on her bed. The brunette got up from her bed and moved closer to the window. She watched as Jennie held up a shirt to her chest and put it back down.

The brunette then started to unclasp her bra and Lisa froze. She wanted to move. She tried to move. She tried to close her eyes, but she couldn't. She stared wide-eyed as Jennie removed her bra, freeing her perfect breasts. And in that moment, Lisa knew she was going to hell. And she deserved it. Hell was a place for someone like her. Someone with no self-control. With no decency. With no regard for someone else's privacy. Especially someone as cool and sweet as Jennie Kim. She knew all this, yet Jennie's breasts were hypnotizing her, daring her to keep looking. So she did. It wasn't her fault. The boobs had spoken. And Lisa had always been a boob girl.

At this point, her underwear was already ruined and she regretted not taking care of herself earlier in the shower. Her breathing was heavy and her conscience was scolding her, but she had already made her choice. She was going to look. There was no going back now. May God have mercy on her soul.

Jennie's hands moved down to remove her underwear and Lisa could swear all the air had been sucked out of her lungs and the room and the entire atmosphere. As Jennie's fingers pulled down the lace garment, Lisa covered her eyes. She couldn't do this.

At that moment, Lisa's phone went off, scaring the shit out of her. She ducked down from the window onto the floor with a thud and army-crawled over to her phone.

"Hello," she whispered. "Seulgi? I can't talk right now. What? I'm not whispering...No I'm not. Okay, fine. I am. But I can't talk now. Bye."

She stayed on the floor with her face in the carpet. She was a bad, bad person and if Seulgi hadn't called her at that moment, she might very well have opened her eyes again and she would have crossed the line into full-fledged pervert.

After pulling herself up, she resolved to close her curtains and to keep them closed for the remainder of the summer. It was the only logical thing to do. Plus, it was the right thing to do. Jennie didn't deserve some sexually frustrated stranger ogling her body. She grabbed one side of the curtains to close them, but not before her eyes, which apparently didn't have the conscience her brain had, glanced over into Jennie's room one last time.

That was it. The nail in her coffin. Her eyes should be gouged out and left for the buzzards to feed on. Because in that split second, her eyes caught the most beautiful and sinful sight Lisa had ever seen: Jennie Kim completely naked and looking right back at Lisa with a rather shocked look in her feline eyes.

All the brunette could do was stare with her mouth wide open, unable to think of a single thing do to or say to explain herself.

Yup, Lisa was a dead woman.

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