Aizawa's new student

By lifeisabitch234

65.1K 1.7K 473

Ivy is a new student in class 1-A she has two quirks that make her very valuable. Ivy is a telepath and has t... More

Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
1k reads
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Important notice
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
So this is goodbye... nah f**k that
Chapter 40
Hey guys

Chapter 17

1.4K 46 1
By lifeisabitch234

We get called to enter one by one, when it's finally my turn I feel all eyes on me as I walk down the stairs. Everyone's thoughts are so loud I have to try twice as hard to keep them out of my head. I look around and see aizawa, his mouth is opened slightly with a look that says fuck me. I see joke next to him and roll my eyes as I walk over to Hizashi.

"Wow ivy you look breathtaking." He says with a light blush across his cheeks.
"Awe thank you Ashi!" I say smiling. His face breaks into a deeper blush at the nickname.
"What's with the nickname ivy." He says scratching the back of his head.
"Your name is so long, and Ashi sounds cute so." I say. We talk for a while longer until I decide to go get a drink from the bar."
"I'd like a glass of Chardonnay please." I say with a smile.
"Of course." The bar tender says with a light smile. "And what's a beautiful girl like your self not doing on the dance floor."
"Oh you know just waiting for someone to ask."I say while taking a sip of my wine.
"Well if no ones asks you soon I'm going to have to hop over this counter and dance with you myself." She says with a light smile and a wink.
"My my I do hope no one asks me then." I say with a smirk and a wink back.
"My names juvia, my I asks your sweet heart?" Juvia asked.
"It's ivy, nice to meet you." I say taking her hand giving it a light kiss.
A blush creeps up her face before she turns cocky again. "Well, keep acting like that and I might just take you home."
"Haha, is that so." I say, I feel a tap on my shoulder.
"May i interrupt?" Ida says.
"Of course you may." I respond.
"I would like to ask if you wanted to dance." He says a little less robotic than usual.
"I would love too." I wave good bye to the bartender and walk off with Ida.
Once we are on the floor, we start to waltz. "My Ida I didn't know you could dance." I say a little shocked.
"Well yes, there are many things you don't know about me." He says.  "My mother taught me how when I was very young. Where did you learn?" He asked.
"My father put me in ballroom dance classes till about a year ago when I stopped going." I say.
"Well you are a remarkable dancer, so I do think they paid off." He says with a smile.
We dance for one more song then bug eyes asked to cut in, and I excused myself and went back to the bar.
"Back already? Miss me or something?" Juvia asked with a playful smirk.
"Oh of course, as soo as I left I was just filled with sorrow." I say putting one hand on my heart and another on my forehead dramatically.
"Haha I think we are going to be great friends may I have your number?" Juvia asked.
"How about you give me yours and I'll text you?" I say. I can't be to carefree my father is still out there.
"Sounds great." Juvia said writing down her number. "And here's another Chardonnay." I thank her and say good bye as I walk around looking for some quite. I walk out to the balcony and over hear a conversation.
"Aizawaaaa why can't I call you by your first name." It's joke and Aizawa I hide and listen.
"Because I don't want you too." He said board.
"But that slut of a student of yours did." Joke said.
"Watch your fucking mouth, don't you dare talk about her like that." He snapped at her.
"I mean it's true did you see what she was wearing a desperate call for attention."joke said.
"Joke Im fucking warning you." Aizawa hissed.
"Why are you defending her, I'm sure she lets her self be passed around." Joke says laughing.
I hear a muffled ow.
"Like you have any room to fucking talk joke you are the rebound, the useless bitch I fuck when I'm bored. You are a distraction, don't get things twisted. Also how many guys have you slept with hmm." He said angrily. "That's what I thought, don't come out here and talk to me all high and mighty. Just because I was screwing you."
"Why are you defending her she broke up with you and flirted with your best friend. On top of that why would you want a broken toy when you have me." She said I could tell her face was smirking.
"Get. The. Fuck. Out." He said with hostility. "We are done I don't ever want to see you again."
"We will see." Joke says then walks off.
I stay there for a moment then walk out from my hiding spot. "Well that was quite the conversation."
"Oh shit Ivy i didn't know you were here." He says rubbing his face.
"Are you okay Aizawa?" I ask.
"I should be asking you that." He says with a light chuckle. "But yes I'm fine."
"Well thanks for standing up for me." I say walking over to him leaning on the ledge.
"Why wouldn't I." He asks looking up at me.
"Well she was your girlfriend right?" I say taking a sip of my wine.
"Haha no she wasn't, she was.. never mind it doesn't matter." He says staring at the lights of the court yard. I turn around and look at them as well.
"Looks like they finally finished reconstitution on the damage I did." I say with a light chuckle.
"Looks that way." He said. "Hey Im sorry for being an ass."
I look at him surprised. I wasn't expecting that. "I should say the same." I say.
He looks at me and stands up. "Well I guess we both deserve an apology." He says looking into my eyes.
"I'm sorry for telling you I didn't love you, and breaking up with you." I say.
"I know.. but can I ask why?" He said kind of tearing up.
I turn my back towards him and look up at the stars. "Because I.. wanted to keep you safe." I say quietly.
He grabs me by my shoulders and makes me face him. "And you couldn't figure out another way?" He yells a little.
"NO. I couldn't figure out another way, I watched someone I love die right in front of me. I couldn't let that happen again." I say tears coming out of my eyes. He looks at me and pulls me into a hug, he hugs me for a minute before pulling away.
"Do you want to get out of here?" He asks.
"Obviously." I respond.

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