It Started With A Bullet - Da...

By Yennie-Fer

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Co-writer: @Banunu ~Warm blood trickled down her shoulder while shielding him. There were spots onto the grou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 (After-Story Arc)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Shigaraki's Route - Chapter 1
Shigaraki's Route - Chapter 2
Shigaraki's Route - Chapter 3
Chapter 4 - Shigaraki's Route
Shigaraki's Route - Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - Shigaraki's Route (Ending 1)
Chapter 1 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 2 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 3 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 4 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 5 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 6 - Another Shiggy Route (Ending)
Hawks Route - Chapter 1
Hawks Route - Chapter 2
Hawks Route - Chapter 3
Hawks Route - Chapter 4
Misfortune Route - Chapter 1
Misfortune Route - Chapter 2
Misfortune Route - Chapter 3
Misfortune Route - Chapter 4
Misfortune Route - Chapter 5
Misfortune Route - Chapter 6
Misfortune Route - Chapter 7
Misfortune Route - Chapter 8
Memory Route - Chapter 1
Memory Route - Chapter 2
Secret Route
Dabi's Route - Alternative Bad Ending
New Dabi x OC Story
(Deleting Later) We need your help!

Chapter 9

532 17 14
By Yennie-Fer

Back at the League of Villains's Headquarters, Hawks was already waiting inside there for their arrival. He knew he couldn't be seen accompanying them so he went separately. There was first aid equipment he had in his one hand. He saw Satoko was making herself walk, despite Dabi trying to help her. She really was a stubborn woman. Of course, Dabi was extremely peeved to even see Hawks there.

Hawks walked forward towards Satoko. "I'll be the one taking care of her wounds. You'll just make it worse for her, Dabi." He glared at Dabi.

Dabi wouldn't give up so easily. He didn't want Hawks anywhere near Satoko. "I'll handle it. She belongs to me now."

Satoko lightly smacked Dabi's hand away from her. She knew he was also hurt too so she didn't want to give an impact on him. She grumbled. "I don't belong to anyone. And I can take care of it myself."

Her eyes averted away from him. "You take care of yourself too." That thumping in her heart wouldn't go away. She was thinking about earlier. She made Dabi let go of her since it was getting too much.

Dabi looked frustrated at her words. Satoko clearly had the heart of a hero still. After everything that she had been through; how did she manage to stay in that state of mind?

She was too kind to fit into either category. She didn't seem to want revenge. She couldn't even handle seeing Dabi almost kill someone that she didn't even know. Heck, she took a bullet for him without knowing his name.

Then again, she hated heroes. She saw the corruption, recognized it, and wanted to change it.

She was different than anyone that Dabi had ever met. She didn't fit in anywhere because she had such strong morals. She didn't bend or change to satisfy others. People like that don't fit in, because human beings are cruel enough to hate anyone who is different.

It made him feel jealous. So jealous. How could someone live a life like that and then end up surrounded by people who need them?

"I will," he grumbled. "I still have a goal to accomplish, so I won't let myself die yet."

Satoko grabbed the first aid from Hawks. Avoiding eye contact with him, she went to go sit on the couch. She started to put lotion on her burns, trying not to hiss from the pain.

(I need to treat myself before I could help others.) Still thinking of others regardless how she actually feels. But she knows better than to push herself. It would hinder her to helping treat anyone else and might make their own wounds worse for infections. Her fingers are kind of blistered from burning them earlier too.

Dabi quietly took some supplies as well. He didn't stay near her though. He moved to another area to tend to his own wounds.

Shigaraki sat on the couch next to Satoko. "I can't believe that we failed again!" He was digging his fingernails into his neck again.

Satoko glimpsed over towards Shigaraki. The marks on his neck were noticeable. Self-harming himself? Not only that, it was really hard.

"Stop doing that." She stopped what she was doing for a moment. "You're making it worse!"

Shigaraki turned his head away from her. "Leave me alone. I'm so frustrated! How does this always happen?!"

He never learned any healthy ways to deal with his emotions. The only thing that he knew was to inflict pain as a release.

"No, I won't leave you alone." She finished taking care of the burns on her fingers by bandaging them. (Whatever, I can take care of the rest of my wounds later.)

Ignoring the pain, she took a q-tip from her share of supplies. Applying ointment onto it, she motioned herself towards him. "Let me put this on your neck. It'll help heal it. You shouldn't do that to yourself. It's sad to see, actually..."

Shigaraki didn't budge to move towards her. "Why do you care? No one has cared before. Why you?"

"Because that's just who I am." She answered. "I care about you, so deal with it. Now, can I? I don't want to lose my arm over this." She joked with a coughing fit.

"Fine. Do whatever." Shigaraki moved his hand away from his neck. He put his hand down and grabbed it with his other hand as though making sure that it didn't get anywhere near Satoko.

Delicately, she applied the ointment onto his neck. It felt very cool. Her eyes focused as she put it on. Despite being tired and being wounded, she kept giving him treatment. She was close, but not too close to him.

Shigaraki wasn't used to that type of treatment. She was so gentle and caring. Never once did she try to hurt him. He was strangely quiet as she did that. He was actually starting to relax.

He rested back against the couch. Never had anyone treated him with such care. Somehow, he knew that she was being genuine.

"Done." Finishing up, she moved her hand away. She's glad he cooperated.

"Now don't let my treatment go to waste." She nagged kindly. "Or I'll get mad."

"I'm not promising anything," he replied. "I'll do what I want."

His voice didn't sound as angry as one would expect when he said that. It was almost like he was teasing her. But he had to remind himself of something. (Don't get too comfortable around her. We're just in the same league, so we have to work together.)

A thought that had never even crossed his mind finally occurred to him. There was the possibility that they would fail. The league might be temporary. Satoko might be temporary.

"I'm not promising anything," he replied. "I'll do what I want."

His voice didn't sound as angry as one would expect when he said that. It was almost like he was teasing her. But he had to remind himself of something. (Don't get too comfortable around her. We're just in the same league, so we have to work together.)

A thought that had never even crossed his mind finally occurred to him. There was the possibility that they would fail. The league might be temporary. Satoko might be temporary.

"If you scratch your neck again, I'll just do the same to myself too." She snorted. "Since my throat is so important anyways."

"Don't you dare," Shigaraki grumbled. "We need you. YOU can't be hurt. Especially not your neck."

"Then don't you dare either." Satoko remarked. "Can't win this one, huh?"

"I guess not." He turned so that his back was facing her. His hand went up to his neck out of instinct, but he quickly moved it away again.

Meanwhile, Dabi was glaring at Hawks. "She's staying here. Now leave. I know that you're working with us, but I can still kill you if I want to."

"Oh yeah? Let me see you try it then." Hawks leered right back at him. A vein popped out of his neck due to him suppressing his anger. He had to keep reminding himself that he still has a job to do. "You're lucky that I'm holding everything back right now, but I do keep my promises."

The last part was a lie. He knows this act won't be forever. Satoko's situation is making this very hard for him to think straight. He's a bit frustrated that he's even like this.

"How about you stop holding everything back?" Dabi's voice sounded threatening. "Why would you need to if you aren't hiding anything?"

His expression was unchanging; serious and cold. There was no hidden mercy. He was dead serious about everything that he was saying. "You're not hiding things from me, are you? From us? We were generous enough to let your sorry self join. Don't tell me you're going to turn on us now. And Takahashi? She is fitting in fine. She doesn't need to be rescued by the likes of you. We're taking care of her, so stop trying to take her away."

"I'm holding back because I'm keeping my word to work with you all." Hawks argued. "I'm not turning on you, but I think- No. I KNOW Sunset would be better in my care."

There he goes with that nickname again.

"Taking care of her?! Every time I see her, she's in this terrible state. The most beat up out of ALL of you. You're to blame for getting her this way. You're going to get her killed at this rate!" Hawks practically hissed. He couldn't really contain his anger with his voice raising. He was livid.

Dabi scoffed at the nickname. It was so disgustingly sweet. The way he said it was full of care and compassion too. It made Dabi's anger rise as well as Hawks's. "What's it to you? Just go back to spying on the heroes."

Hawks put on a fake smile. It looked also a bit aggressive. "Since I'm so good at exchanging info with you. I'll tell you. I like her. I CARE for her unlike you do, 'buddy.'"

He was surprised he was even letting these words come out himself. His words are obviously making things worse for convincing Dabi. Maybe it was to spite him a bit.

Dabi's eyes had a look of pure hatred. He lowered his chin slightly. "Like her, huh? Then why don't you make it easier for her? We won't give up, so you might as well let her go. Keep her from being thrown around back and forth again. I'm sure she probably hated that."

"If she didn't come with me those other times, she would have died." Hawks angrily pointed out. "She would have been humiliated and not get what she needed for her feminine needs. I have the resources."

It was obvious that Hawks was unaware that Satoko has a quirk.

"The heroes will be after her now too." He continued. "I could hide her better. I treat her like a human. Not some kind of animal like you do."

"It's not like we're neglecting her needs or anything. We even got her stuff to take care of her throat when she lost her voice," Dabi argued. "If she needs more pads or whatever, we can get that for her too. So stop your worrying. It sounds to me like you just want her to yourself."

"I'm not convinced." Hawks retorted.

Satoko heard Dabi and Hawks yelling at each other in the other room. She sighed.

(This is annoying. Why can't anyone get along around here?) She didn't even finish giving herself treatment. With Shigaraki watching her at the corner of his eye, she got up to go defuse the argument.

It definitely was getting pretty heated. As Satoko was heading towards the other room, she felt a surge of dizziness.

The pain was widespread throughout her body. (I never took such a powerful hit like that before...)

Vision was starting to get blurry. Taking a step forward while seeing Dabi and Hawks into view, she was struggling to stay conscious.

"Knock it off-" Her voice trailed off. Everything was going black. A resounding thud made her presence near the room known. She had collapsed and fainted.

Shigaraki could hear the thud from the other room. He ran in the direction of the sound only to see Satoko collapsed onto the floor.

He felt an urge to reach out to help her. His hands twitched. (Don't scratch. Don't touch her.)

For the first time in a while, he didn't want to do something destructive. He actually wanted to help. But he couldn't.

He looked towards Dabi and Hawks. "Well?! Someone, help her up!"

Hawks didn't hesitate and moved quickly towards her. That feeling came again. Wanting to be close to her. Wanting her away from this awful place.

If it weren't for him being a spy, he would attack everyone here just to take her away.

Blue flames entered Hawks's vision. They weren't close enough to burn him this time, but he was forced to dodge. It caused his hold on Satoko to become clumsy.

Dabi slammed his foot into Hawks's shoulder as hard as he could, causing him to lose his balance. Dabi stabbed the heel of his foot into one of the hero's wings to pin him down. "There. That's your warning. Get out of here. I don't want to have to kill a member of the league."

Hawks gritted his teeth. He couldn't stand this.

But he won't grab her out of his arms. He didn't want to further her injuries. It looked like even her burn marks were bleeding.

Fists shaking to the side, he actually felt powerless for once. (I swear, after I'm done being a spy... This will end.)

Along with frustration, he felt a deep sorrow and ache. Without exchanging anymore words, he left.

Toga walks in afterwards. "What did I miss? Darn." She giggled like there was nothing wrong.

"Don't worry about it," Dabi stated. "We need to help take care of her wounds since she can't seem to do it by herself."

His words would typically be said in a more irritated tone. He seemed strangely calm though.

Shigaraki's breathing was uneven like he was in physical pain from not being able to do anything. He hated feeling helpless. "Pick her up. Now!"

"Calm down." Dabi glared at him "We aren't going to let her die."

"Oooh. It looks like she's bleeding." Toga giggled while peering at Satoko. She finds this rather fun. "She probably will die. Heehee! I want some of her blood. Don't want it to go to waste-"

"Shut up! She's not going to die." Dabi knelt down beside Satoko. He gently ran the back of his hand along her cheek. "She's breathing fine, mostly. Both of you are useless."

Those burns of hers...when he looked at her, he saw a bit of himself only for a moment. Burns were no joke. They were excruciatingly painful.

He could remember collapsing onto his knees when he was a child. He would hunch over and scream from the pain until his lungs wouldn't support him anymore. His sobs and wails could be heard throughout the entire house. Sometimes, Endeavor would cause further harm to his frail body just to get him to stop pushing himself.

If he saw Shoto in that state of distress, he would be happy. He would enjoy each of his screams and cries for someone- anyone- to help him. The thought even made the numbness in Dabi's heart start to fade away into a sick version of joy and satisfaction. He would feel accomplished.

Yet seeing Satoko with burns on her body didn't make him feel any better. It didn't make the cloud of emptiness go away any faster. If anything, it made him angry.

Satoko was burnt because of Endeavor. Just like Dabi was as a child. Shoto was probably burnt by Endeavor many times in the past too though. Just like Dabi was as a child.

But, for some reason, he resented one and was taking care of the other.

"I don't know if you realize this," Shigaraki started, "But I could kill her if I try to help."

"That would be so cute if you helped her, Tomura!" Toga got all giddy. "I can see her flesh melting in your hands. The beautiful display of blood!"

Shigaraki glared at her. "If I decay anyone, it will be you. I'm not going to harm Takahashi."

"Can you have her do something to get her out of here?" Dabi grumbled.

"I can." Shigaraki motioned to the door. "Go get some nicer blankets for her and something to eat."

"That's no fun." Toga pouted and left to do what she was told.


Stirring in her sleep, Satoko felt a twinge of pain. It wasn't as bad prior to what she felt earlier.

There was a fresh scent of green tea filling the air. Opening her eyes, she saw hot tea on the table in front of her.

She was covered with a blanket on the couch. To her surprise, all her wounds were bandaged and treated with care.

Adjusting herself to sit up, she noticed Shigaraki was there. Dabi was on the other end of the room.

"I didn't think you'd be the types to treat your captives with gifts this way." She awkwardly commented after taking a sip of the tea. She didn't know how to actually feel. This was strange and all new.

Shigaraki gave a shaky laugh. "We stole those gifts from innocent people. Of course, this society is so flawed that we couldn't get any food for free. People like us have no choice but to steal, and then are treated like criminals for it!"

Shigaraki made a lot of good points about why society was flawed. The argument of poor people being treated as less was a good one, but there was one issue with it coming from him. He was going to be treated like a criminal regardless. He was a serial killer. What did he expect?

That was the first time Satoko heard him laugh. It was actually nice to see his laidback side. Not only that, she could relate to stealing too.

"I hated being a thief, but I had to do it in order to survive." She mumbled. "The poor get no help at all. We're treated like dirt. Even kids. I would only try to help them the most, but I saw many die on the streets..."

Shigaraki seemed surprised that she agreed without any extra remarks. "That's right! Anyone who stands by as that happens deserves to be decayed. That's why we have to change the world so that 'heroes' can't choose to ignore what they don't want to see."

She shook her head. "I don't believe killing anyone solves anything. It makes things worse. I want to solve it another way...somehow." Her tone wasn't grouchy like it usually is.

It's really odd, how she is warming up to these people. It's a feeling that she's getting afraid of all over again. "...And thanks. For treating me." Her eyes looked down towards her cup of tea.

"You're one of us now." He avoided eye contact. It seemed like he was embarrassed by the fact that he was warming up to her too. "You're important to us, so we have to make sure you're ok. It's not like we actually care about you personally."

"Right..." She replied. Her tone was kind of hard to read.

It was like this strange shadow of anxiety was darkening her thoughts.

Care? No one actually cares.

(They're just using you.)

Always will.


(It's hilarious. They'll just move on after you're dead.)

The only person who actually gave a crap was grandpa.

Or did he actually care either?

(Why am I like this...?) She tried to push away any sad thoughts. Something about that last statement caused a trigger of hers. She just stayed completely silent while masking a poker face.

Satoko didn't say anything for a while. Eventually, Shigaraki got up and walked away.

Dabi wouldn't make eye contact with her. His head was turned away. He also felt embarrassed. Even though she didn't know what was going through his head, he felt pity when he saw her wounds. He was the one who took care of them.

Maybe he had triggers that he was unaware of as well. He dealt with his trauma very differently than Satoko did though. To him, reminders of his past usually just made him feel numb.

Sometimes, though, he responded to memories in more violent ways. He wouldn't think before acting. A thought popped into his head, and he immediately acted on it. It was a feeling of being so empty yet full at the same time. He couldn't help but smile as the pain overwhelmed him. Smile as he brought destruction to others.

But he was having so much fun, right? He was smiling. He was laughing. So he had to be happy, correct?

He told himself over and over again that it didn't matter. Nothing mattered. The nights when his mind played tricks on him and he had nightmares didn't matter. The lives of the people who he killed didn't matter. The suffering of the people who he hated made him so happy, and that was the only thing that mattered to him.

At least, that's what he told himself.

He lowered his head, pressed his wrists together, and lifted his hands slightly above his head. It was a habit that he created for himself when he was younger to soothe himself when he had a particularly draining day. Little did he know that a tiny Shoto had been watching him and subconsciously picked up the habit as well.

Satoko looked towards Dabi. It's hard for her to read these people. She can't tell from truth to lies.

Yet she's a liar herself, but she used her lying how she's feeling as a defensive mechanism.

"Hey, Dabi?"

But yet. Even if no one cares for her.

She can't stop caring for others.

"Are you ok?" Her voice sounded genuinely concerned. A bit odd coming from a woman who has a harsh mouth.

"Just stop." He sucked in a breath through his teeth. It turned into a bitter laugh. "You're always sticking your nose where it doesn't belong."

"Says the guy who kept pushing his way into my life." She shook her head. "No. I won't stop." She stood up and went towards him. It's even a surprise she's still able to move.

"You're not ok." She continued. Her eyes wandered towards his scars. "Your makes your scars grow. Does it hurt?"

Her tone was a mixture of reprimanding but still had a kind touch to it. Her eyes had a slight hint of sadness to it, but it was still hard to tell.

It made Dabi's skin feel like it was crawling for someone to stare at his scars in such a way. There wasn't a hint of disgust or fear. He was so used to those things that a neutral reaction felt odd.

Without thinking, he stood up from where he was sitting. He took a step closer to her to try to intimidate her, but she didn't budge.

"I know you won't stop being stubborn, so I'll tell you...Doll."

He thought back on how Hawks used that silly nickname for her. Sunset. Her hair did look a sunset, and she was certainly impactful enough in their lives to be called that. The sunset is something that no one can live without. The sun has to rise every day, but it has to set as well. That light has to die in order to bring forth the night. Before it dies, though, the sunset lights up the sky and shocks everyone with its beauty. She truly was the halfway point between a hero and a villain. The time of day that doesn't fit in with the rest, but is the most beautiful. She was their sunset. But...

'You lost your voice, didn't you?'

He had asked that question when he killed those horrible men who attacked her.

'When you're like this it's almost like you're a doll.'

She was their sunset, yes. But she was his doll. A tool to be used for his own personal gain. But lately, he was starting to appreciate the beauty of her existence as well. Maybe he was growing too attached to his doll.

After all, he was bound to lose his hold on her someday. His ability to hold on would crumble away with his weak and dying hand. If he wasn't there to need her, then who was to say that she wouldn't be taken from the other villains and destroyed?

He had subconsciously started touching a piece of her hair again like he had done before. He was running it along his fingers; memorizing the texture. He sighed.

"It doesn't hurt as much as it did at first," he finally said. "But the damage to my body is the same."

He smiled that careless smile that he usually did. His eyes became unfocused as if his mind was elsewhere. "I'm dying."

"Dying...?" Satoko repeated, to process what he was saying. The feeling of his touch strangely didn't feel threatening. It was the same feeling in her heart again when he held her closely prior.

And that nickname too. What's with her getting these nicknames lately?

The expression on his face while he was saying it like it was a careless truth. It somehow made her feel pain in her chest.

Thinking about how he was using his quirk. What it was doing to his body. How it burned her fingers trying to stop him. With her bandaged hand, she placed it on his hand that was touching her hair. It didn't push him away, but remained in place.

She looked at him straight in the eyes. "Your quirk is slowly killing you, is that it?"

It was obvious by the amounts of scars she's able to see.

"You got it!" He exclaimed. His eyes had a look of sadness hidden deep within them. He did his best to mask it. "I ended up with a quirk more powerful than any fire type known right now, but it's going to be the thing that kills me. Ironic, right?"

She didn't let go of his hand. "Aren't you... afraid?"

It was like she was also asking herself the same question. Throughout her living in poverty, she was fighting to survive. In the back of her mind, she didn't care to be reckless. That's why she has so many injuries.

Pushing herself to the limits. Not caring if she dies in the process of it all. Yet fear holds her back like and instinct. It's a bit conflicting with how she feels. (It could be the same for him...)

Who is she to ask?

It's like she's talking to herself. To not do these things anymore.

"You can't do this to yourself." Like she's any better. She felt confused and sad. Her facial expression she masked it to look like she was putting on a tough act.

Dabi's hand squeezed hers tightly. His smile became wider, but the pain became clearer as well. "I'll do whatever I want. The only thing I care about is my goal, so once I accomplish that...I'll have no reason to continue living anyway! What better way to die than to die while doing what you live for?"

Satoko flinched since it hurt the burns on her fingers. "Stop it."

It wasn't the pain that was bothering her the most. It was the way he was talking. "Don't you dare even say that."

Maybe it wasn't annoyance towards him. She can feel that he's suffering too.

Dabi let go of her hand. He turned his back to her. "It doesn't matter anyway. It especially shouldn't matter to you. Well, get some sleep. Don't want those burns of yours to get worse after I spent so much time taking care of them."

He didn't mean to say that last part. He didn't really care though. Any embarrassment that he felt was completely gone. His emotions and thoughts were going out of control again.

The way he let go of her hand was almost..careful? Like he realized it hurt her hand that he did that? It must be her imagination. It didn't seem likely.

The fact that he was the one that took care of her wounds shown the amount of effort put into it. Confused to how to even comprehend any of this, she went to go to bed. She needed more rest anyway to heal.


As Hawks landed near the dorms, he ruffled his hair in frustration. He didn't want to leave Satoko.

Not there.


Getting all worked up over a woman. Feelings are strange. They don't make you think clearly in certain situations.

He remembered how she looked eating food. The warmth of her sleeping against his shoulder. Those long lashes on her resting, pretty face.

Why of all women, did he fall for Satoko? She wasn't exactly charming. But her willpower and words just stood out to him. It actually moved his heart to see someone, who he still thinks, is quirkless.

(She really is strong.) He thought in admiration. What he would do to keep her by his side. To gain her trust.

But he's afraid of losing her completely to Dabi. That scumbag. He made up scenarios in his head that Dabi was actually abusing her.


The way he held onto Satoko was something that was surprising to him. Like Dabi was actually caring for someone?


This was jealousy Hawks was feeling. Dabi was right. He does want Satoko. But not for bad motives.

Just to be with her.

Not wasting anymore time with his thoughts, he put on his fake, laidback expression while heading back to Endeavor.

Endeavor was outside with the chatting students. Mirko was there as well. Endeavor brought his attention to Hawks, with a firm expression.

"Where were you?" Endeavor asked.

Mirko's nose twitched slightly. One of her eyebrows raised. "You smell like burnt flesh. Did ya have a run in with Dabi again or something?"

"Yeah." Hawks waved his hand dismissively. "I tried to stop him from taking that woman. But he escaped from my grasp." He lied.

"Why are you after that girl?" Endeavor frowned. "Not only that, you protected her."

"She's a victim. She was forced against her will to join the League of Villains." Hawks tried not spilling too much information. "Not only that, she's quirkless."

"Quirkless?" Endeavor folded his arms. "Are you serious, Hawks?"

"Huh?" Hawks tilted his head.

"That woman has some sort of quirk that made me go into a trance." Endeavor scowled. Hawks couldn't even believe what he was hearing.

Sunset? Having a quirk? There's no way Endeavor is lying to him either. He wouldn't have a reason to.

"Are you sure she isn't tricking you?" Mirko asked towards Hawks. "Villains can be good at deceiving. That's why we gotta defeat them all!"

"No," Hawks defended. "She's not a villain. I rescued her before from them. There must be more to it."

"She should at least try to resist." Endeavor harshly pointed out.

"She tried to!" Hawks retorted. Endeavor was a bit surprised from how Hawks was talking. "Did you even see her hurt anyone?"

Endeavor paused a moment. The only person who was doing severe damage was Dabi. Momo was knocked out, but she didn't get hurt. "It doesn't take away the fact she was targeting me. Open your eyes."

"Don't you think she was trying to stop the fight in her own way?" Hawks shook his head. "Would you have listened to her?"

"I'm sorry that I couldn't be there this time around, but I think I'll take Hawks's word for it," Mirko commented. She smirked as she shifted her balance from her heels to her toes and back again. "Why don't we go beat those other villains up first when the time comes and then see where she stands?"

Endeavor grumbled.

Hawks was trying to conjure up why Satoko has a quirk now. There's more secrets with villains that he needs to unfold.

But then again, Satoko is a whole mystery itself. Not on public records or anything. Her whole existence is suspicious.

Not that she is to blame, but someone is.

"We should make it a priority to have her back safely." Hawks stated. "No matter what the case is."

"Hawks, you better be right about this." Endeavor growled. "I can't take you seriously half the time."

It was strange to Endeavor how Hawks, who is usually carefree and sarcastic, was acting.

"Hoo boy." Hawks put on his goofy smile. "I sure am causing you a bunch of trouble, huh?"

Never mind. He's the same.

Endeavor grabbed Hawks's collar angrily. Hawks kept his smile on his face. "Mind telling me what's going on, boy?"

"That's not good for your blood pressure." Hawks kept his act up. Endeavor growled. He can't win with Hawks acting like that.


"Oh yeah." Hawks removed Endeavor's hand from his shirt. "Are all the students ok?"

"While you were away, I checked up on Bakugo because I heard that he was injured." Mirko spoke before Endeavor had a chance to. Sometimes, she liked to do things that she knew would annoy him just because it was funny to her. "I did a team up mission with him once. He's a fun kid. Murderous. We get along pretty well, so he didn't mind me paying him a visit."

Of course those two would get along. That didn't come as a surprise to anyone.

Mirko continued. "His injury was due to the 'villain' inside the building which they found out was just a clone. He lost a large chunk of skin from his hand. The way he was attacked with that decay quirk made it almost seem like the clone was trying to skin him alive. I personally think it was just a stupid, clumsy mistake on the clone's part." She shrugged.

"Recovery Girl said that she will heal him after he gets some rest and he will be his normal angry self again." She nodded towards Endeavor. "And your son?"

Endeavor averted his eyes away. "I talked to Shoto about his recovery process."

Shoto didn't seem too keen with him visiting him. Usually, Endeavor would tell him to suck it up. To just take it. That he would be fine.

Endeavor doesn't know what Shoto was thinking though. "Shoto has medications being transferred from the hospital. He'll be ok due to that fact."

He turned his back in thought. This is just a minor thing he can do. Even if Shoto never forgives him, this is all that matters to him now.

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