Forever Yours

By FonzFan

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Sequel. Follow Severus and Katherine and their family and friends, through their complicated lives after the... More

Prologue 1: Fallen Soldiers
Prologue 2: A Young Man Dreams
Chapter 1: Home At Last
Chapter 2: Tell Me Everything
Chapter 3: Reunion
Chapter 4: Becoming a Real Prince
Chapter 5: The Prophet's Report, Part 1
Chapter 6: The Prophet's Report, Part 2
Chapter 7: Mr. Prince Goes to Town
Chapter 8: Union Station
Chapter 9: This is Who You Are
Chapter 10: Father & Son
Chapter 11: OWLs
Chapter 12: St. Augustine's
Chapter 13: Potions, Snitches & Nightmares
Chapter 14: Wakanda
Chapter 15: Birthday Kisses
Chapter 16: The Green Steam Engine
Chapter 17: Wounds We Keep Hidden From View
Chapter 18: Spoofhounds vs. Sidewinders
Chapter 19: All Hallows Eve
Chapter 20: A Peaceful Moon
Chapter 21: A Letter, A Bond and the Witch
Chapter 22: Christmas Shopping Chaos
Chapter 23: A Family Christmas Part 1
Chapter 24: A Family Christmas Part 2
Chapter 25: A Family Christmas Part 3
Chapter 26: Starting A New Year
Chapter 27: Re-Bonding & Re-Healing
Chapter 28: Forgiveness Begins the Healing
Chapter 29: A Big Decision
Chapter 30: "Coming of Age"
Chapter 31: I Remember You
Chapter 32: Training Days
Chapter 34: Dodging Hogwarts, Part 2
Chapter 35: Dodging Hogwarts, Part 3
Chapter 36: Her First
Chapter 37: The Final Journey
Chapter 38: Turning One
Chapter 39: Sev's Fortieth
Chapter 40: "Something Unexpected"
Chapter 41: "Life Decisions"
Chapter 42: The Greatest Game Ever Played, Part 1
Chapter 43: The Greatest Game Ever Played Part 2
Chapter 44: The Greatest Game Ever Played Part 3
Chapter 45: Graduation Day
Chapter 46: Draft Day

Chapter 33: Dodging Hogwarts, Part 1

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By FonzFan

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the people or places that belong to the wonderful world of Harry Potter, as they belong to J.K. Rowling. The OCs (Katherine, Septimus, Serenity, Helena, Christoph, Elisa, Henry, Nick and any name you don't recognize and isn't from the HP universe) are entirely my own.


June 12, 1999

Dear Helena:

Today is our last day here in Venaco and I'm kind of sorry for leaving. The mountains are amazing, and there are so many small towns hidden within them. We've been staying with Potions Mistress Concetta Fiore and her family just outside of the village. Her home is incredible! They have a small stone house with a huge balcony that overlooks the valley. We've spent every night out on it, sitting around a fire and eating real Italian food. The island may belong to the French, but there are several Old Italian families living in the area.

Nearly every morning we've spent in the mountains harvesting Hellebore. I think we harvested about a hundred plants just on the first day! The afternoons were mainly devoted to exacting the syrup, seeds and drying the plants. I know, I know, you're not into this as much as I am, but it is really amazing!

Mistress Fiore told us that we were only going to harvest in the morning because of hot temperature during the afternoons. Yesterday it was 94 degrees, and it's been that way most of the week! But it does drop down in the fifties at night.

Well, I have to get going; I still have to finish packing before our portkey leaves for Germany. Love you and miss you.



June 17, 1999

Dear Helena:

These past five days we've spent most our time in the Black Forest, here in Germany. Potions Master Wolfgang Weiss has been kind enough to us, but most of his conversations steer towards Professor Prescott alone; so Zach and I have spent most of our nights mainly playing wizards' chess or reading.

Master Weiss lives near the small town of Seebach in the district of Ortenau in Baden-Wurttemberg in Germany. I know, it's confusing, but I think I got that right. He lives on the Acher River in a small white-washed wooden beamed house. It's been in the 70s for most of the week, dropping down into the low fifties to high forties at night.

The area is very beautiful, but rather creepy at night. Master Weiss told us that the forest it home to bears, wolves, foxes, as well as magical creatures like Bowtruckles, Erklings and even Werewolves. I'm kind of glad that we only venture out during the day to collect the Death-Caps.

Well, that's all for now. We leave in about an hour for Scotland. I got to tell you that I'm a bit nervous about it. I love you, and I'll see you on the 23rd.



In the blink of an eye, they had left the dark damp forests of Germany and popped into existence amidst a cool sea breeze and warm, setting sun. Their chipped dinner plate portkey was shrunk and placed within the traveling cloak of Professor Prescott; who turned himself towards two large iron-rod gates flanked with winged boars.

Septimus looked around him, taking in the vast forest off in the distance and the large flowing valley sweeping up towards the surrounding mountains. The great lake simmered brightly in the sun and he could see the winding path that lead down towards a small town.

"Hello there! Hello!" a voice called out, causing the three to turn towards the gates. A large, balding old chap making his way towards them, with an enormous giant of a man followed closely behind him.

"Hello Horace!" Prescott shouted back, as the other wizard waved his wand, opening the large entrance. "Good to see you again!" The two men shook hands vigorously, slapping each other on the back lightly.

"Good to see you too! Good to see you!" the walrus of a man laughed merrily. "Oh, this is Rubeus Hagrid. He's our professor for Care of Magical Creatures and also the Keeper of Keys and Grounds here at Hogwarts."

"Nice to meet you Professor Hagrid," Prescott said, shaking the large hand of the huge man.

"Don' 'ave ta call me professor sir," he said, clasping the small hand of the potion professor and shaking excitedly. "Jus' call me Hagrid!"

"Will do," Prescott replied, before turning towards his students. "Horace, Hagrid...I'd like you to meet my students. This is Mr. Zach Winters." Zach stepped forward and warmly shook the hands of the two Hogwarts' professors.

"And this is Mr..." Prescott began as he placed a hand on Septimus' shoulder, but was cut off quickly by Horace.

"Severus..." the man gasped. The sudden outburst caused both Prescott and Septimus to stop in the tracks and the Hogwarts' professor's eyes to widen. Prescott gripped his student's shoulder tightly in warning not to speak, as he collected his thoughts of what had just occurred.

" Horace," Prescott started, regaining his composure. "This is Mr. Septimus Prince."

"Oh," Horace said, deflating a bit as he reached out for Septimus' hand. "Forgive me, my boy. It's just that you look an awful bit like a former student of mine. Uncanny really."

"Boys...this is Horace Slughorn," Prescott said softly, as Septimus' stepped back for the professor. "He's Hogwarts' resident Potions Master and Professor of Potions. We've known each other for about twenty-five years."

"Merlin's beard," Slughorn exclaimed quietly, as he still watched Septimus closely. "Has it been that long? Well...I suppose it has. Time always keeps marching forward, doesn't it?"

"I suppose it does," Prescott smiled softly.

"Yes, well..." Slughorn sighed, before gesturing them inside the gates. "Come along...we'll show you where your quarters are and then we'll retire to the Great Hall for dinner. The house elves have prepared a special meal for tonight, in honor of your arrival."

"Thank you Horace," Prescott said, as he and the boys followed Slughorn and Hagrid up the winding path.


The small group spent most of their hike in silence, with the professors leading the way. The sun had sunk below the horizon, casing pinks, purples and gold across the few clouds that littered the heavens. Tiny stars began to peek out in the black velvet that was beginning to consume the eastern skies, as the group stopped in the clearing just outside of the tall pines.

Septimus' eyes widened at the sight before him; a large castle with many towers and turrets stood magnificence before them. Windows filled with glittering lights and a bell striking seven, washed over the valley.

"Mr. Prince, Mr. Winters...welcome to Hogwarts," Slughorn said, smiling lightly at the boys' reactions.

"Whoa," Zach whispered next to Septimus, as they began walking forward with the professors.

"The castle, itself, was built in the late Early Middle Ages," Slughorn boasted, seeming to forget his early deflation. "It has seven floors, excluding the ground floor, the basement and the dungeons of course. The castle is supported by magic and is protected by numerous ancient spells and incantations. It's unplottable and bewitched so that, if Muggles approach the fortress, all they will see is a mouldering ruin with a sign warning them to keep out.

"To our south you can see the Black Lake," Slughorn continued. "It is home to a giant squid, Grindylows and a colony of Merpeople. And to the west is the Forbidden Forest."

"Yeh don' wan' ter go inter there without a professor," Hagrid said, lighting his giant lantern. "Mighty strange t'ings in there I tell ya."

"What...what kind of things, sir?" Zach stuttered, eyeing the forest cautiously.

"Acromantulas, there are," Hagrid continued on. "Blood-Suckin' Bugbears,' o' course Fluffy."

"What's Fluffy?" Zach asked hesitantly.

"A Cerberus," Hagrid smiled widely, beaming with pride. "Bough' 'im meself fer Dumbledore 'bout eigh' years ago."

"A Cerberus," Septimus stated, speaking for the first time since they arrived. "You mean a large, vicious, three-headed dog lives in there."

"Aye," Hagrid confirmed as they reached the large woodened entrance doors. "But I haven' seen 'im in ages, plus I knowns 'ow ter calm 'im. Jus' play 'im a bit o' music, an' he goes righ' ter sleep!"

"Don't worry boys, don't worry," Slughorn said, waving them into the hall. "Professor Prescott, Hagrid and I will be with you in the forest. So not to worry."

"We're going in there?" Zach squeaked, his eyes widening.

"Of course!" Slughorn exclaimed, as he began leading them down the hallway towards a grand staircase. "Where did you think Aconite grew?" Bidding Hagrid farewell, Slughorn lead them up a massive staircase to the first platform; hundreds of portraits surrounded them, covering the walls in the towering room.

"Look sharply now," Slughorn said, pointing upwards from where they stood. "The staircases like to change, so if you go wandering about, be in mind that they move from platform to platform every few minutes. Most first years get lost the first couple of weeks because of them."

He led them up two more moving staircases to the third floor, and then proceeded along a corridor to his left. They passed classrooms, the clock tower and even a trophy room, before coming to a stop in front of another wooden door.

"Here we are," Slughorn said gleefully, opening the door wide. "Boys, this is your room and Darius, yours is opposite of theirs.

"My quarters on the sixth floor unfortunately," Slughorn continued. "And these are the only available guest quarters right now."

Zach, who hated heights, immediately flopped down on the bed closest to the door. Septimus cautiously entered the room, and dropped his bag on the other bed. But his sights weren't on the comfy mattress, but rather the large picture window in front of him. From it he could see the mountains and forest clearly, along with the Quidditch pitch near the lake.

"Wow," Septimus breathed, as he stepped closer to the window.

"Magnificent isn't it," Slughorn said. "There isn't a more beautiful view than that at Hogwarts. Well boys, you best get washed up. We'll meet with the Headmistress just before going to the Great Hall for dinner."


Slughorn led the three of them back down the winding staircases to a small hallway; before stopping in front of a door marked 'Staffroom.' Ushering them all inside, they were greeted to the sight of a tall, severe-looking woman wearing emerald-green robes and a pointed hat that was cocked to one side. Her graying black hair was done up tightly in a bun; small squared frames outlined her green eyes and her mouth was set in a firm line. She wore a face that reminded Septimus of his mother.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," she said, as she stepped forward to shake each of their hands. "My name is Minerva McGonagall and I am the Headmistress of the school."

"Professor Darius Prescott," Prescott said, before turning towards the boys. "My students, Mr. Zach Winters and Mr. Septimus Prince." As McGonagall turned to shake Septimus' hand, she paused quickly and stared intently at the young man's face.

She was a few inches shorter that himself; but as he took in the shape of her eyes and nose, and the thin lips parted slightly, he definitely saw his mother in this woman.

'She must be mom's aunt,' Septimus thought as he smiled lightly at the elder witch. "Nice to meet you Headmistress," he said, startling the Headmistress out of her train of thought.

"Oh, yes...forgive Mr. umm..." McGonagall stuttered slightly. "Prince, did you say?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"You're not related to an Eileen Prince are you? Or any of the Princes from here in the UK?" she asked, with a hopeful glimmer in her eyes.

"No ma'am," Septimus lied. "At least not that I'm aware of. My family is all in the U.S."

"Oh, of course," McGonagall said, clearing her throat a bit before turning back to the group. "I hope you all enjoy your stay here, and that the rooms are satisfactory to your needs?"

"The rooms are wonderful Headmistress," Prescott said, smiling lightly. "And the view from them is incredible."

"Why thank you Professor," McGonagall exclaimed, finally smiling for the first time. "Before we retire to the Great Hall for dinner, I would like to go over a few things for your students, if you don't mind?"

"Of course not, Headmistress."

"First off boys," McGonagall addressed Zach and Septimus. "Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds, unless with a professor. This Saturday, though, is a Hogsmeade weekend, and you will be permitted to go into the village with the older students if you wish. The visit starts after breakfast and last until curfew, which is at ten o'clock at night; but you are not permitted to leave Hogsmeade, except to return to Hogwarts.

"Second," she continued sternly. "Students are forbidden from faculty areas, such as the kitchens, staffroom and offices, unless granted permissions to be here. This also includes classrooms when a class is not in session. Also you are not allowed access to the common rooms or dormitories to the houses, unless invited by a student from that house."

"Curfew," McGonagall said. "Is at ten o'clock for all sixth and seventh year students on the week days. And you may not leave your rooms between that time and six in the morning."

"The Forbidden Forest is expressly forbidden to all students," she continued. "Unless accompanied by a faculty escort. And the Black Lake is off limits for swimming unless a staff member is present. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am," the students replied, as McGonagall turned back to the professors.

"Horace and I will introduce you to the staff and students before we eat," McGonagall said to Prescott, before ushering them all to the door leading to the Great Hall. "If you and your students could please remain in here until we settle the students, then we'll call you in."

"Of course," Prescott said, as the stopped just before the wooden door. "Thank you again for allowing us to stay here."

"You're quite welcome Professor," McGonagall replied softly, before she and Slughorn disappeared in to the Great Hall.

"Septimus," Prescott said, turning to face his dark haired student. "A word in private please." Septimus silently followed his professor to the opposite side of the room; leaving Zach standing near another large window that overlooked the lake. Quickly casting the Muffiato charm, Prescott turned towards Septimus with a concerned expression on his face.

"They know something sir," Septimus said quickly, not even giving Prescott time to speak first. "They see how much I look like Dad. They know something's up."

"Calm down Septimus," Prescott insisted, placing his hands on the boy's shoulders in an attempt to calm him. "Everything will be fine. We just need to stick to the story that your parents and you have come up with."

"But what if something slips," Septimus uttered. "What if I mess up?"

"You won't," Prescott objected. "You're a smart kid Septimus. It is only five days. Just calm yourself and remember the plan. Everything will be fine." Septimus sighed heavily, before nodding stiffly. Cancelling the charm, the two made their way back over to the door.


"ATTENTION STUDENTS! ATTENTION!" McGonagall called out over the sea of students, who quieted immediately. "You are probably all wondering why I have made this meal mandatory this evening. The reason is that we have three guests in the castle over the next five days."

At one of the long tables, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood sat huddled together, listening intently. The House Tables system was only used on the first and last day of school, so students were free to intermingle with those from other houses.

They all watched as a lean man, with hazel eyes and sandy brown hair entered the room; followed by two younger men. The three stopped before the head table and the view from the platform allowed Septimus to take in the Great Hall for the first time.

Thousand of lit candles floated in midair over four long tables, where the students sat. The tables were laid with glistening golden plates and goblets. The professors were sitting behind them at a similar wooden table, neatly facing the student body. Septimus looked up with wide eyes, and saw a velvety black ceiling dotted with stars.

'To think Mom and Dad ate in this hall as students and professors at one point,' Septimus thought to himself as McGonagall moved forward to introduce them.

"Students and staff," she announced loudly. "Please give a warm welcome to Professor Prescott of New Salem School of Witchcraft and Wizardry; and his students Zach Winters and Septimus Prince." The student body broke out into a whisper after Septimus' name had been called. Frowning deeply, Septimus somehow knew in the back of his mind what they were whispering about.

Hermione and Ginny glanced at each other warily; for they too had noticed something interesting about the boy named Septimus Prince.

"Students! On your feet!" McGonagall shouted, causing the student body to quiet again. "And let's entertain our guests the best we can!" With a groan, the students rose to their feet and faced the front of the room. A tiny professor, standing on a very tall chair, waved his wand causing a line of words to appear above them.

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,
Teach us something please,
Whether we be old and bald,
Or young with scabby knees,
Our heads could do with filling,
With some interesting stuff,
For now they're bare and full of air,
Dead flies and bits of fluff,
So teach us things worth knowing,

Bring back what we've forgot,
Just do your best, we'll do the rest,
And learn until our brains all rot."

The voices of the students rang out over the hall, but there seemed to be no standard rhythm to the song. Everyone seemed to be singing how they liked to; some fast and high pitched, while others were slow and deep.

'No wonder why Dad said he hated that song,' Septimus thought, wincing slightly. He had been warned before hand by his parents about the ridiculous school song; both telling him how much they had despised it while they were both students and professors. And it was no wonder why they did!

"Thank you everyone, please be seated," McGonagall announced before turning to her guests. "Professor Prescott, there is a place for you at the staff table between Horace and myself. You two boys can join the students at the other tables."


Hermione and Ginny watched as the dirty, blonde boy make his way over to a group of Ravenclaw boys, who had been sitting near the front; but the boy with shoulder length black hair seemed to glance hesitantly around looking for a place to sit.

"Unnerving, isn't it?" Hermione murmured, as they watched the boy leave the platform and slow make his way towards the tables.

"He looks a lot like him," Ginny whispered back. "Ask him to sit with us."

"Do you think I should?"

"I think we should," Ginny replied. "He looks a bit unnerved himself."

"Alright," Hermione said, as she raised a hand and waved it in the direction of the boy. Quickly catching his eye, she beckoned him over. He was a tall, lanky boy, with dark eyes and hair, but his walk was graceful and he seemed to have strong shoulders and legs.

"Would you like to sit with us?" Hermione asked, sliding over on the bench allowing him a place to sit.

"Thanks," his voice was deeper than most boys his age, but it had a slight melodic tone underlining it.

"I'm Hermione Granger," she said introducing herself, before gesturing to the others. "That's Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood."

'Oh no,' Septimus thought as the girl introduced them. 'Granger, Weasley, Lovegood! Dad would have a heart attack if he knew I was sitting with them.'

"Nice to meet you," he said quietly. "I'm Septimus Prince."

"Nice to meet you Septimus," Ginny replied, shaking his hand.

"The Headmistress said you're from New Salem in the States," Hermione stated as the food appeared on the tables. "What's it like there?"

"It's a great school," Septimus exclaimed, as he accepted a bowl of mashed potatoes from Ginny. "Though it's not as big as Hogwarts seems to be. Our castle is smaller, but we only have about three to four hundred students attending there."

"We have about a thousand here," Ginny said, as she forked a piece of chicken. "Why don't you have so many?"

"Well, there are five school in North America," Septimus explained. "There's Ouachita School in Arkansas, Belknap Springs School in Oregon, Torngat School in Canada, Isla Angel De La Guarda School in Mexico and then there's us...New Salem in Massachusetts."

"Are all the other schools the same size as yours?" Hermione asked, clearly already fascinated by this new information.

"About," Septimus shrugged, silently thanking Merlin that they were asking about school and not family. "Torngat and La Guarda are a bit bigger due to the language barrier. Torngat students are fluent in both French and English, while La Guarda speaks both Spanish and English. But both are the only schools in the countries, so that makes a difference."

"What's your favorite class there?" Ginny asked, as she sipped from her golden goblet.

"Potions," Septimus smiled, as he helped himself to the salad bowl. "That's why we're here with our professor. We're on a potions retreat for fifteen days. You see, each year Professor Prescott picks two sixth year students to accompany him to gather potion ingredients, and he only picks his highest ranking students. Zach and I are both in the running, so far, for Valedictorian next year."

"So's Hermione," Ginny smirked, as Hermione threw a bit of her roll at the red head. "Plus she's Head Girl."

"Ginny," Hermione scoffed, before turning her attention back to Septimus. "Do you live near New Salem then?"

"Umm, no," Septimus replied, knowing that now his parents' story would have to kick into gear. "I'm from Wisconsin. What about the three of you? Do you all live in Scotland?"

"Luna and I both live in Ottery St. Catchpole in Devon, England," Ginny explained. "We grew up just over the hill from one another."

"I'm from London," Hermione stated. "My parents and I live out near Paddington, where their dentistry office is."

"Dentistry?" Septimus frowned, as Ginny giggled slightly behind her hand.

"Yes, they're dentists," Hermione laughed. "They tend to people's teeth. Don't worry it confuses just about everyone who doesn't have family members who are non-magical."

"What about your parents Ginny?" Septimus asked, hoping to keep them talking long enough so they wouldn't be asking questions themselves.

"Dad works for the Ministry of Magic, and is the Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office," Ginny began, as she finished off her carrots. "Mum stays at home."

"She's never worked?" Septimus asked.

"If raising seven kids isn't work, than no," Ginny laughed. "If you knew my brothers than you would know why she didn't need to go out and look for work!"

"Ginny's the only girl," Hermione stated, as she picked at her dinner roll.

"That's right!" Ginny smiled widely. "The only and the youngest. There's Bill, he's the oldest, followed by Charlie, Percy, George, Fred..."

"...And...and Ron," Hermione finished for her, as Ginny's smile slipped from her face. The girls' faces grew somber and the group quieted suddenly.

"I'm...I'm sorry, did I ask something wrong?" Septimus asked, looking back and forth between the two.

"No, it's alright," Ginny sighed, putting down her fork. "Fred was George's twin. We lost him in the battle here at Hogwarts a little over a year ago."

"I'm sorry," Septimus repeated, clearing his throat lightly.

"Don't be," Ginny remarked. "He'd died fighting for what was right."

"Do you know about the war?" Hermione asked hesitantly.

"Somewhat," Septimus lied; shrugging as he put down his own utensils. "Our school held a memorial service for those who died, but as for the details, we really weren't given much to go by."

"Oh," Hermione muttered, but didn't seem to want to go into too much detail at the moment. "What about your parents? What do they do?" she asked, as though trying to avoid the earlier subject.

"They're Potion Masters," Septimus said, knowing that his story would officially start now. "Private suppliers for St. Augustine's Hospital."

"That's fascinating!" Hermione exclaimed, as the meal began disappearing from the tables and was replaced with dessert. "Have they been doing that long?"

" has," Septimus said, as he took a piece of chocolate torte. "Dad was a private tutor for about fifteen years before that, but he quit after mom found out she was pregnant with my sister."

"Is your sister older than you?" Ginny asked, as she helped herself to the blueberry pie.

"," Septimus said, before swallowing heavily. "She's...umm, seven months."

"Oh," Hermione muttered and blinked rapidly. Both she and Ginny looked up slowly with surprised looks on their faces. "So she's your youngest sibling then?"

"My only sibling actually," Septimus replied, looking back and forth between the two girls.

"That's quite an age difference," Hermione remarked; still slightly stunned from his answer.

"I think she was more or less a surprise," Septimus shrugged. "Mom said they had given up hope of having another kid years ago."

"It must be strange having a sibling that much younger than you," Ginny said, but then shrugged. "Then again, I am eleven years younger than Bill."

"Yes, but you do have sibling in between you two," Hermione pointed out.


"I guess it was strange at first," Septimus stated, as he finished off the torte. "But, I've really only been around her about three weeks totally so far. It will definitely be an interesting..." Hermione and Ginny had both stopped eating the last of their desserts upon wondering why Septimus hadn't finished his sentence. Upon looking up, they realized why.

Septimus was frowning in the direction of the table behind Ginny; his dark brows drawn down and his obsidian eyes were set in a firm stare. His eyes were locked on a slender boy with sleek white-blond hair and pale skin. The boy cold grey eyes had been intently watching Septimus' every move all evening, and it had been grating on Septimus' nerves.

"Why does he keep staring at me?" Septimus growled slightly, causing both Ginny and Hermione to flinch slightly.

"Umm..." Ginny muttered, thinking that the boy had sounded too much like Professor Snape at that very moment.

"It's because he thinks you look like him," Luna Lovegood stated, causing the three to gape at her. It had been the first time she had spoken all evening, and Septimus found her voice to be soft and dreamy, like she was off in her own little world.

"Look like who?" Septimus asked, even though he knew exactly who she was talking about.

"Luna," Ginny scoffed awkwardly, as she avoided Septimus' questioning look.

"Well, you have to admit that he does," Luna replied, smiling slightly. He protuberant grey eyes seemed to be dreamily distracted as she toyed with her odd looking necklace.

"Look like who?" Septimus repeated.

"He probably thinks," Hermione began, but paused to take a deep breath. "That you look like Professor Snape."

'Shit,' Septimus thought to himself, and began demising a plan in his head. Quickly, he looked towards the staff table, and rapidly scanned the heads of the teachers.

"You won't find him up there," Ginny confirmed quietly. "He's..."

"AH, Mr. Prince!" a voice called out, interrupting Ginny's sentence. The group turned to find Professor Slughorn promenading towards them. Septimus had noticed that both Professor Prescott and Zach were now standing near the large wooden door at the entrance of the Great Hall, talking to a squat witch wearing a patched and battered hat.

"You've been lucky enough to sit with Misses Granger, Weasley and Lovegood, I see," Slughorn grinned.

"Yes sir," Septimus replied, as Slughorn patted him on the shoulder.

"Good, good," Slughorn continued. "Well Mr. Prince, if you have finished with your dinner, I wish to go over your schedule for the next couple of days, if that's alright?"

"Of course Professor," Septimus said. He stood to leave, but before following Slughorn towards the doors, he turned back to the girls. "Thank you for letting me sit with you."

"You're welcome," Hermione replied. "Maybe we'll see you around the castle or even in Hogsmeade on Saturday."

"That'd be great," Septimus smiled shyly. "See you then."


"Here you go boys," Slughorn said gleefully, as he handed both Zach and Septimus two large glass mugs, filled with a hot foaming liquid. "Butterbeers!"

"Butterbeer?" Zach frowned as he looked into the large white foam cloud at the top of his glass.

"Oh yes! A favorite amongst the students here at Hogwarts!" Slughorn exclaimed. The four had retired to Slughorn's quarters on the sixth floor, and the professor happily handed out drinks among them. The portly professor's office was fairly roomy; with two large sofas surrounding a warmly-lit fireplace. A round dinner table, big enough to sit ten, sat off to one side, and two enormous glass French doors opened up to a private balcony.

"Darius, what can I tempt you with?" Slughorn asked, rummaging through his liquor cabinet. "Gillywater, Wine, Meade...ahh...Ogden's Old Firewhiskey! The finest whiskey in Europe!"

"I think I'll just stick with a nice glass of Merlot, if you have it," Prescott replied, as he sat before the roaring fire.

"Oh, well, alright," Slughorn sighed dramatically, as he poured Prescott a healthy glass of red wine. "Well now boys, let's get down to business, shall we?

"Tomorrow, I teach classes in the morning," Slughorn continued as he joined the three on the sofas. "But I have none scheduled for after lunch. Between one and six o'clock, we will be the lab, preparing vials and stasis jars for the aconite we will be picking on Sunday."

"Sunday?" Septimus asked with a slight frown.

"Yes, we would have gone on Saturday, you see," Slughorn paused to sip his Firewhiskey. "But I have be scheduled for Hogsmeade duty, and with several threats still placed on the school and surround community, just about every professor is required to chaperone."

"But, the two of you will be welcomed to join the older students in Hogsmeade for the day," Prescott said. "Just make sure to follow the curfew rules though."

As the night wore on, time grew close to the curfew hour. The drinks were well gone, by the time the four rose from their seats and made their way to the door. But Septimus was stopped short by the pictures on Slughorn's mantle. There were various photographs for the overweight professor posing with students in different dress. Others were of a Quidditch team, and some were just portraits of other witches and wizards.

"Ah, found something interesting Mr. Prince?" Slughorn asked; as he came to stand belong side Septimus.

"Septimus, we should be going," Prescott called from the door, where he and Zach stood.

"It's alright Darius," Slughorn chuckled, waving Prescott off. "I'll see the boy back. Not to worry."

"Well, alright," Prescott replied. "But not too long Septimus."

"Yes sir," Septimus said, before turning back the pictures.

"Mine," Slughorn beamed proudly. "All mine."

"Who are they?"

"Most of the students you see here are or were in the Slug Club," Slughorn said as he pointed his chubby fingers at one of the portraits. "You see here! My first group from when I came back out of retirement. Melinda Bobbin...her family owns a large chain of apothecaries. And there's Cormac McLaggen. His uncle Tiberius is well connected within the Ministry of Magic.

"And there are two familiar faces that you should recognize," Slughorn continued. "Hermione Granger, the best student in her year, and Ginny Weasley, very talented duelist and potion maker. And there...standing between them is the one and only Harry Potter. But I'm sure you've heard of him."

Septimus decided to just smile slightly instead of replying. Slughorn continued to point out student after student, but Septimus' eyes fell on two very familiar faces in an older frame. 'Mom and Dad.'

"Ah, I see you found my 1978 collection," Slughorn smiled sadly. "You see the young lady up there in front. Lily Potter...Harry's mother. Tragically killed with her husband back in October of 1981. And there behind her...Katherine Dumbledore and Severus...

"Forgive me, my boy," Slughorn sighed heavily. "The young man in the picture is the reason for my outburst earlier today. Severus Snape...I think he was most brilliant potion student that there ever was. Excellent student all around actually.

"You look very much like him you know," Slughorn continued, pointing to yet another photograph. "There...there he is again. Captain of the Dueling Club in his seventh year, with Katherine of course. And there, Valedictorian of his class. He succeeded me as Potions Master in 1981 and even became Headmaster last year."

"Did...did he resign?" Septimus asked, even though he knew the true answer.

"No," Slughorn sighed again. "No...both he and Katherine Dumbledore were killed in the war last year."


"Two brilliant potioneers...gone from this world," Slughorn said, glancing at a Quidditch photo. "Katherine was an amazing flyer. Best seeker Slytherin ever had; she had eyes like I hawk I tell you."


"Oh yes, I forgot to tell you boys about the four houses here," Slughorn gasped. "They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each named for one of the four founders of the school!

"Now the Gryffindor house values bravery, daring, nerve and chivalry. Its' colors are scarlet and gold, and their house banners are flanked with a lion. Most notable members include Albus Dumbledore, Headmistress McGonagall, and of course Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley.

"Hufflepuffs value hard work, patience, loyalty and fair play. Their emblematic animal is the badger and you'll find yellow and black colors on the banners. Professor Sprout, the Herbology teacher, is their Head of House. The most notable member is Nymphadora Tonks-Lupin, a well-done Auror, who lost her life last year as well.

"Ravenclaws value intelligence, knowledge and wit. Their symbol is the eagle and their colors are blue and bronze. Professor Flitwick, the Charms instructor, is their Head. Miss Lovegood is a member of their house, along with Misses Chang and Patil, whom I'm sure you will run into later.

"And then there's my house," Slughorn said, smiling proudly. "Slytherin. Those who value ambition, cunning and resourcefulness. Our symbolic animal is the serpent flanked with emerald green and silver. I was Head of House, the first time around, from 1935 to 1981, and then again this year. Severus was their Head from 1981 to 1997, and Katherine filled in the gap between 1997 and 1998.

"Such brave souls," Slughorn whispered, as his stubby fingers ghosted across the portrait of the Dueling Captains. "They had married, we found out. Just last year...only months before their deaths. And we were told that they had found out, the morning of the final battle that they were to be parents. Such a sad tragedy."

"You said she was a Seeker?" Septimus asked, as he watched Slughorn's face closely. He could tell that the old wizard had quite an attachment to his parents.

"Oh yes," Slughorn replied, still beaming proudly. "Best Seeker Slytherin ever had! Do you play my boy?"

"Yeah," Septimus smirked slightly. "I'm a Seeker too."

"Ah!" the professor exclaimed delightedly. "If you've brought your broom, you should ask Miss Weasley for a game. Chaser, she is! A very skilled flyer; I believe she'll even be recruited for a professional league!

"Well, it's getting late," Slughorn sighed, patting Septimus on the shoulder. "Best get you back to your room. We've got a busy weekend ahead of us."


Friday passed by rather slowly for Septimus; he had joined Hermione and Ginny for breakfast in the Great Hall, before wandering about the castle. Finding himself on the moving staircases, Septimus climbed and climbed until he couldn't anymore. The last stairway was a winding, wooden stairs that lead up to a large landing, that was surrounded by a parapet and graced itself with a magnificent view.

Slowly, he stepped towards the railing and looked out across the sunlit valley. It was quite peaceful up here; he watched students wander about the grounds as they went to and from their classes. The Black Lake glistened under the cloudless sky and he could see the Groundskeeper, Hagrid, out milling about in his garden.

'It must be an amazing view up here at night,' Septimus thought to himself, as he turned around to look about the opened-aired room. A memory hit him like a ton of bricks as he took in the landing. He knew he had seen this area was in his parents memories. It was here that his father took his great-uncle's life on the old man's orders. It was here that his mother tried to split her soul to save his father. And it was here that their lives changed forever.

The clock tower bell shook Septimus from his thoughts; tolling twelve times for hour. Lunch had started in the Great Hall and he had to meet with Slughorn at one. Rushing from the room and back down the wooden stair, Septimus hoped that the girls would be in the usual spot, because he had a favor to ask of them.


After several hours of cleaning and prepping, the group of four was prepared for Sunday morning's harvesting. Friday night drifted by in a haze, but by Saturday morning, the students were all bright and chipper, and ready for their day at Hogsmeade.

Septimus ate a quick breakfast with Hermione and Ginny, both of whom agreed to guide him around the village for the day; then the three gathered Luna and proceeded to the gates. With the professors doling out the rules one last time, the herd of students began making their way into town.

The four chatted quietly about classes and the difference between their schools, until the trees thinned out. Before them stood a picturesque little village of cottages and shops. In a way it reminded Septimus much of Amadahy; it was small, but comforting.

They passed by 'Potage's Cauldron Shop' and 'The Magic Neep,' but stopping at a sweet shop called 'Honeydukes.' Septimus bought a few sweets; mainly ones that he never heard of, that he would take back home with him to share with Helena and the boys. He figured Nick and Henry would get a kick out of the Chocolate Frogs and Fizzing Whizzbees.

Hermione was eager to show him 'Tomes and Scrolls,' causing Septimus to walk away with a few new books, including 'Hogwarts: A History,' which had been thrust into his hand by the curly haired witch. He gladly followed Ginny into 'Spintwitches,' and the two found themselves in there for well over an hour.

"What type of broom do you have?" Septimus asked, as the two flipped through racks of professional Quidditch t-shirts.

"A Nimbus 2001," Ginny said, as she pulled out a Holyhead Harpies tee. "It's Harry's old broom, but I hope to get a Firebolt by next year. What about you?"

"A Firebolt II," Septimus said, as he pulled out a Fitchburg Finches shirt. "I just got it for Christmas."

"Ughh..." Ginny groaned. "You're so lucky! I've heard they're amazing!"

"I've brought it along," Septimus stated. "You could take it out for a fly when we get back."

"That'd be brilliant!"

As noon rolled around, the three girls lead him away from the hustle and bustle of the main street, and down a narrow alleyway to a small, shady looking building. A broken sign hung above the door baring the name 'Hog's Head Inn.'

"Sorry that we're not taking you to the 'Three Broomsticks,' Hermione apologized, as she opened the door. "But we promised the boys that we would meet them for lunch; and with all the chaos at the other inn, it's best that we just meet here."

The inn's bar was very small...and very dirty. The dingy room had bag windows that were so encrusted with filth that you could barely see through them. The bar was filled with rough looking wooden tables that were flanked with stubby candles sitting upon their surfaces. The stone floor was so dirty that it looked as though it was only earth. And there standing behind the counter was a tall, thin man, with a great deal of long, stringy grey hair and a beard. But it was what was hidden behind his dirty spectacles that unnerved Septimus the most...his mother's eyes.

"Hello Aberforth," Ginny, Hermione and Luna all chimed as they took a seat at one of the larger tables.

"Four Butterbeers please," Hermione said softly, causing the barman to grunted in reply. The four sat quietly, as the clicking of bottle filled the void. Before long, the old wizard appeared before them with four dirty, dusty bottles on a dingy tray. Silently, he passed out the drinks; the girls thanked him quietly as he shuffled along towards Septimus.

"Thank you," Septimus said, as the barman set down the drink in front of him. But the old, withering hand lingered for a moment, causing Septimus to look up at the man's face. His ice blue eyes bore into the young wizard's face; taking in every detail of Septimus' face. Then without a word, he left just as quickly as he came.

"Sorry about that," Hermione apologized again, as she wiped the bottle of with her sleeve.

"It's alright," Septimus shrugged slightly. "I'm kind of getting use to it."

"It's just that Professor Snape would have been Aberforth's son-in-law," Ginny stated softly. "But he died, last May..."

"I know," Septimus interrupted gently, as he wiped down his own bottle. "Slughorn told me he had been killed, but he didn't say how."

"We'll explain everything later tonight," Hermione whispered. "Somewhere more private."

The four chatted quietly among themselves, with most of the conversation steering towards Luna and something called 'Wrackspurt,' when the tiny bell above the front door rang out.

"Hello Neville," Luna smiled dreamily, as a tall, well-build boy with buck teeth came to stand beside her.

"Hi Luna," the boy named Neville smiled back, as two other boys joined them as well. The first stood beside Hermione, pecking her lips gently. He was tall and lanky, with fiery red hair like Ginny's and a freckled complexion.

"Hey 'Mione," he whispered, causing the witch to blush slightly.

The second boy stopped beside Ginny and kissed her cheek quickly, as though slightly embarrassed to do so in public. He was shorter than the other two, with untidy jet-black hair and green, almond-shaped eyes that were hidden behind round-rimmed glasses. But it was the lightning bolt shape scar on his forehead that made Septimus' heart nearly stop.

"Septimus," Hermione smiled towards him. "This is Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter.

"Boys," Hermione continued. "This is Septimus Prince." Septimus rose to his feet and looked up into the faces of the three boys.

"Hello," Septimus said, as he stuck his hand out towards Harry. Three sets of eyes widened and mouths gaped at the sight before them.

Ron swallowed thickly, and then exclaimed, "Bloody hell!"

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