I'm Having Her Baby (lesbian...

By _SoLove_

510K 11K 3K

Lydia is a pregnant 19 year old teen who just wants to be happy. She just wants to have her baby, give it up... More

I'm Having Her Baby (lesbian story)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Not A New Chapter But Please Read Anyway
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 12

13K 327 48
By _SoLove_

“Ah there it is” Paige said looking at her wrist watch.

She listened for a whole minute.

“Whoa, your heart is pumping great. 105 beats per minute!” Paige said letting go of my wrist.

“Awesome” I said.

“You feel ok, you aren’t lightheaded or anything are you” Paige asked.

“No, I feel good” I said.

“Good. You really got stamina Lydia, if you’re this active while pregnant, I wonder how you were before pregnancy” Paige said.

“Oh girl you couldn’t handle me when I wasn’t pregnant. Tuh! I was like the freaking Energizer Bunny, hell not even he could keep up wit me” I said lying. Before pregnancy, I was a bum. I was lazy, I hated anything physical, and all I ate were burgers, fries, ribs and steaks. Also I ate lots of junk food. Before pregnancy, I didn’t give a shit about the crap I ate. It just didn’t matter to me, as long as it taste good. Then Cat came in, and changed my whole life around. Made me eat healthy foods, we use to go walking together, before she got crazy busy with her job, and her lowlife husband. Anyway before pregnancy, I was the epitome of an unhealthy bum.

“That’s awesome. Look at me Lydia” Paige said.

I looked at her, and she pulled one of those small flashlights that the doctors have to look at your eyes. She opened my eyes wider, and flashed the light in my eye.

“Perfect. You have beautiful eyes” Paige said with a smile.

“Thanks. So what’s up with all this medical stuff. I’m really ok” I said.

“Well sweetness, if you didn’t know, I’m in school for nursing. And this week we’ve focused on maternity care, and newborn care” Paige said. Ok call me a bad girlfriend or whatever. But I swear to whoever, I had no idea Paige was in school for nursing. I thought she was going for law or something.

“I thought you were in school for law” I said.

“No, I’m not” Paige said.

“Well good for you dear” I said.

“Think I’ll make a good nurse” Paige asked.

“Yes, a very naughty nurse” I said.

“Only if you’re my patient, ever did it in the hospital bed” Paige flirted.

“Stop being nasty” I laughed. After the short break, we began to hike again. We were getting high, according to Paige we were a hundred and twenty feet off of the ground. That’s pretty high if you asked me. We were just walking, and walking and everything was going great. Then a cool breeze blew, and I swear I went to heaven. That breeze felt so good, it was like Jesus himself was blowing his cool breathe on me. Paige and I were walking, we were keeping up quite well. For old people, these people were really moving. I was really enjoying this hike, and just as I was about to pass. There was a crack in the rocks, and I noticed it but paid it no mind. That was until a snake shot out that crack like lightning fast.

“Snake!” I screamed. The snake scared me so bad I lost my balance.

“Lydia!” Paige screamed. It was too late, I had stumbled back, and the gravel under my feet crumbled. I fell off of the cliff. I was falling fast. It was happening so fast I couldn’t think. All I could do was look to the heavens and pray. Oh God please don’t let me die like this. I looked at the sky, and the sun blinded me. And I got lighter and lighter. The world went silent, and all I could see was the sun, oh the sun. Blinded by the sun, and deaf from the fear. Flashes, lots of flashes. Oddly enough all I could see was a baby. A beautiful green eyed baby. It was like I was looking down at a baby in a crib, and the baby was smiling at me. It was the most beautiful baby boy I had ever seen. I smiled back at him, and that’s when I crashed. My body hit solid rock with a huge boom. I heard bones cracking, my head bounced off of a rock. Then everything went black.


I sat in the waiting room, scared out of my mind. My foot tapped wildly, I was shaking all over. My eyes were red and puffy from crying. I was shaking scared, I think I lost the love of my life. I knew this whole hike was a bad idea. Oh this is all my fault. I shouldn’t have let her come on a hike. You don’t take pregnant women on hikes. I cried even harder. What have I done? The doctors were taking forever to tell me what was going on. Was she still alive? Was she dead? Somebody just tell me something. I had bitten my nails bloody. I couldn’t take this pressure. I got up and began to walk. I paced back and forward. God please don’t let this be. Just let her be ok.

“Honey, you should sit down. Calm down, you worrying like this won’t do anything” my mom said. Calm down? Calm down? Was she fucking stupid? My girlfriend just fell 120 feet off of a fucking cliff? And she tells me to calm down. You fucking stupid man! I ignored her, and I let pacing. Minutes were turning to hours. My parents said that I should go with them to get something to eat. I wasn’t leaving till I heard something. I just couldn’t miss the doctor. I told to go on. And they did, and I was relieved. They were about to worry me to death. My dad constantly prayed, and quoted scriptures and stuff. So did I. I might be living in great sin, but God just had to hear me this once. I just wanted Lydia to be ok so bad. I could barely stand it. If she wasn’t ok then oh God I wouldn’t what to do. I got nervous just thinking about it. My mind was racing, I couldn’t stop thinking. What if she’s not ok? What if she’s hurt real bad? What if she’s paralyzed? What if the baby is hurt? Oh God the baby, the baby. Lydia told me she was gonna give it up to that Cat lady. But I refused to believe that, no Lydia wouldn’t do that to her own seed. She wouldn’t give her child up to some quack like Cat. That just couldn’t be true. Oh now my mind was really racing. What if she lost that baby? I think Lydia would die, if that baby isn’t ok. She swore she didn’t want it. But I saw it in her eyes, she wanted that baby, no matter how many lies she told herself.

“Is anyone here with Lydia Weston” a doctor said.

“ME!” I shouted as I ran up to the doctor.

“Well I have some good news and bad news” the doctor said.

“Bad first” I said.

“Well Lydia has a concussion, she cracked her skull. She’s currently in a coma. And due to the damage to her skull, we’re not sure if she’ll come out of that coma” the doctor said.

“Coma” I said with tears in my eyes.

“Yes ma’am I’m very sorry. Also umm she damaged her spine pretty badly. We were able to fix it somewhat though. She could be paralyzed from the waist down. We won’t be sure until she wakes from the coma, if she wakes from the coma” the doctor said. My eyes widened in horror, a coma. I began to cry really hard.

“What, what about what about the baby” I said with tears streaming from my eyes.

“That’s the good news. The baby is fine, since Lydia fell on her back, the baby was remarkably unharmed. Also if Lydia does not wake from this coma, we can still save the baby even we can’t save her” the doctor explained.

“No, she has to wake from this coma. You don’t understand, she can’t she just” I couldn’t finish, I just broke down in tears. Then Lydia’s parents came rushing in the waiting room. Her mom was crying so hard, her eyes were red. Her dad was stone-faced, he looked worried but looked like he was trying to hide it or something. The doctor went to them, and explained everything as he had to me. Her mom fell out, and the dad caught her. It was sad. It was all so sad. If Lydia didn’t survive this, then I’d die. And they’d bury us together. I asked the doctor could I see Lydia, and he said yes, even though she was in a coma. I let Lydia’s parents go in first. And they stayed in there for a very long time. When I visited her, I wanted it to be just me and her. So I waited, and I waited, and I waited. And finally her parents came out, the mom was broken down the dad nearly had to carry her away. I kept my distance from them. I wasn’t sure if Lydia had told them about us or not. And I wasn’t the one to spill family secrets. After they left, I slowly made my way in Lydia’s room. I wasn’t ready for what I saw. Lydia laid in the bed with her head wrapped tubes coming from her mouth, IVs in her arms, heart monitor stuck to her chest. I didn’t like seeing my lady like this. I cried even harder when I saw her. I slowly walked closer to her, and when I got close, it was even worse. I grabbed her hand, and I held it gently. I didn’t know what to say. Tears just kept falling.

“Lydia, baby if you if you can hear me. I just need I just need you need you to come back” I said as tears rolled down my cheek. I couldn’t speak, all I could do was cry. And I cried, and I cried. I couldn’t find the words to say. I just prayed harder then I ever prayed, that God please bring her back. I pulled a chair up, and I sat, and I held her hand, and I cried. I fell asleep crying, still holding her hand. My mother came and told me I had to go home. But I promised that tomorrow I would be back. When she woke, I just had to be there. When I got home that night, I didn’t feel the same. I felt empty without Lydia. I laid in my bed that night, and I didn’t get a wink of sleep. Thoughts of Lydia flooded my mind. We had spent so much time together. I wondered did I do right by her. Did I tell her I loved her enough? Did I kiss her enough? Did she really know how much I really loved her? Did she know she was my world? Did she know that I thought of her every hour, minute and second of the day and night? What was I to do without Lydia? Where on this earth would I be? That girl was my world. She was the only person who did whatever she had to in order to please me. She made me happy, she made me so very happy. More then anything in this world right now, I wanted to hear her voice. I began to cry again, I cried so my pillow was wet from tears. I just wanted her back I just needed her back here, right now with me. I just kept crying, and I just kept crying. I had cry so I nearly dehydrated. I did everything in my power to make sure that hike was safe for Lydia. I thought of everything. Lots of water so we wouldn’t dehydrate. Lots of snacks, so she wouldn’t run out of energy. Lots of bug repellent so she wouldn’t get eaten alive by mosquitoes and stuff. Take as many as breaks as needed. An umbrella for shade, just in case the sun was too much. But how I could I forget falling off the cliff? Maybe we should have held hands. If only I would’ve seen that snake. How could I forget to watch for snakes? I tossed and turned all night. No sleep. I saw the sunrise for the first time in a very long time. I dragged myself out of bed, and I dragged myself to get ready. Everything I did reminded me of Lydia. The fun we had together right here in my bedroom. How we kissed, cuddled, and just loved each other? How she did whatever I asked her to do? Just whatever made me happy. No matter how crazy or torturous it was she did it. How many times I told I loved her right here in this room. I got in the shower, I thought of Lydia. How we always showered together and stuff. The smell of her skin, and hair. How I always told her, that my shampoo smelled better in her hair. After I showered and got dressed, I went to the kitchen. I had to eat something, even though I had no appetite. I settled for a fruit salad, made with the fruit Lydia and I picked together. I thought of how she enjoyed picking fruit so much. She kept telling me how beautiful everything was. The way she smiled, the way she laughed, the light in her eyes. I struggled to get the fruit salad down. As soon as I was done, I went straight to the hospital. I went straight to Lydia’s room, and I stopped. Her mom was in there, and so was that Cat lady. Cat was crying silently as she stared at Lydia. Lydia’s mom just stared, her face blank. Lydia’s dad was nowhere in sight, nor was Cat’s asshole husband. I just peered through a crack in the door. I stepped off, and then waited for them to leave. It would possibly be hours, but I didn’t care, I wanted to see Lydia alone. I sat in the waiting room and I waited. Then I saw Cat’s husband Seymour come in. He wore a gray pinstripe business suit, with a briefcase in one hand, and a Blackberry in the other. He tapped at the Blackberry as if his life depended on it. After Lydia told me, that bastard tried to come on to her. I wanted to fuck him up. Lydia, said that wasn’t necessary though. But I think it’s necessary to kick some ass, whenever any fucking man tried to get with my lady. I would kill a motherfucker who tried to come on to Lydia. You know I ain’t lying. I just get so angry when people try to come on to my lady. She was mine, keep your muddy paws off of her. I never got so infuriated over someone flirting with my partner, until I got with Lydia. I mean she was just so fucking beautiful, and it was just like no one in this world, deserved as much as I did. If I could just move to an island with just me, Lydia, and her baby, that would be absolutely fine. Because I wanted her all to myself, I wanted her near me at all times. I had to know where she was, was she happy, was she thinking of me. I just had to know. I was never this jealous, nor possessive with anyone else but Lydia. If she didn’t make it through this, I swear I would die with her. They’d bury us together. She had to make it. She just had to. I don’t care if she’s paralyzed or whatever, she just had to be alive, she just had to. After sitting for two hours in the waiting room, Cat, Seymour, and Lydia’s mom all left. As that Cat lady passed, she stared at me. I stared right back at her like “damn bitch what’s up.” She kept walking after I gave her that look. Finally Lydia was alone. I raced to her room. She laid there in the same position she was in last night. Now that I had already seen Lydia in this position. I could handle it, it wasn’t shocking, I was expecting it. I inhaled sharply and let it out slowly. I held Lydia’s hand. It was a bit easier now then it was yesterday.

“Hi Lydia” I said calmly.

“So listen umm, I know you probably can’t hear me. But somebody has to. Look I need you to pull you through. I need you to make it. Cause I can’t go without you ok. I need you, I need more than anything in this world right now. Lydia, you’re my baby you’re my everything. Ok. I need you, I need you more than the air I breath” I said as tears rolled my cheeks.

“You can’t leave, you can’t leave me like this ok. You just can’t. Lydia I’ve given you my everything. I’ve given you my heart, and no one has ever gotten that. I just love you so much. And it’s so hard without you. I didn’t know how easy you made my life till now. You better come out this coma, because I ain’t give you everything for nothing” I said crying. I held Lydia’s hand and I kissed it. She had to come back she just had to. I sat there all day, just waiting. Just talking to her, begging her to come on back now. The nurses got worried because I had been there for a while day, didn’t eat anything, didn’t drink anything. They were kind enough to bring me a chef salad, and fruit punch. I ate it, or else the nurses wouldn’t leave me alone. I sat there well into the night. Then I was forced to go home.

“I’ll be back tomorrow, I promise” I said giving Lydia a kiss on the cheek. I went home, and I did the same thing. I cried, and I cried, and I cried. I didn’t sleep, I didn’t eat, I just cried. This pain, this hurt I felt was stronger than I thought. I didn’t want to live without Lydia. I didn’t want to eat without Lydia. I didn’t even sleep without Lydia. I just couldn’t do anything without Lydia. She just had to come back or else I wouldn’t survive. Monday rolled around, and I had to work, and I had school. First I went to work, everything in this freaking coffee shop made me think of Lydia. How rudely she greet the customers? How she always was late, and made our boss Frank furious? How I would give any guy the stink eye, who even attempted to flirt with Lydia? How we would sneak into the supply closet, and have this intense make-out sessions, and quickies. I couldn’t shake the feeling of her not being here. I just wanted to get to the hospital, and I just wanted to be there with her. Because I couldn’t miss the moment when she would wake up. I knew she would wake up eventually, she just had to. No doubt, she just had to wake up. Work was a struggle, things were slower. I couldn’t get Lydia off of my mind. I couldn’t focus. After work I had two classes. I didn’t pay attention in either one. I sat and I stared distantly as thoughts of Lydia crowded my mind. As soon as class was over, I went to the hospital. Did I miss it? Was she awake now? It’s ok if I missed it, just as long as she woke up. She just had to wake up. I peeked in the door before entering, then I saw her. It was Jenny, and Sadie, Lydia’s room mates. They were both crying as they stared at Lydia. Jenny held Lydia’s hand. Some Mexican guy had his arm wrapped around Jenny as she cried. I turned and went back to the waiting room, and I waited for them to leave. I wanted Lydia alone. I sat in the waiting room, and I waited. They spent about thirty minutes in there, and then came out.

“Oh my gosh Paige” Jenny said. Oh crap she noticed me. I stood up, and faced her.

“Hi Jenny” I said.

“Sadie this is Paige, ya know Lydia’s girlfriend” Jenny said.

“Oh hey, oh my gosh, I’m so sorry about Lydia. We hope she gets better soon to” Sadie said.

“Thanks” I said.

“Are you ok Paige?” Jenny said looking at me with sympathetic eyes. No bitch, I’m not ok, my girlfriend is in a coma, and probably won’t wake up. Do you think I’m ok?

“I’m fine” I said calmly.

“Oh you really loved her huh? Poor baby, it’s ok we can hug it out” Jenny said pulling me into a tight embrace. What was the deal with this chick? Lydia told me she was overly clingy, but not like this.

“It’s alright, you can cry” Jenny said patting my back.

“Just let it out, just cry on Jenny’s shoulder, cause Jenny’s about cry on yours” Jenny cried.

“Ok Jenny, let go just let go” Sadie said pulling us apart. Thank God.

Jenny was crying.

“I’m sorry, I’m not usually this emotional” Jenny said wiping her eyes. Like hell you aren’t.

“Right” I said sarcastically.

“We better get going” Sadie said.

“Yeah” I said.

“Paige if you ever need to talk or whatever. We’re here for you, for you” Jenny said intently.

“Thanks” I said. And then they left, and I rushed into Lydia’s room. Her room had been filled with get well cards, balloons, and flowers. Some sat a teddy bear beside her. There was a tag attached to the ear. It was from Jenny. It read:

Hey Snuggle Bunny,

It’s Jenny aka Brownie. Get well soon ok, because I miss you an awful lot. Plus

Without you there is no Brownie.



Lydia never told me they had nicknames for each other. That Jenny chick has serious issues. I looked at Lydia, in the exact same position I left her in. I wanted her to wake up more then anything in this world. I took my shoes off, I just wanted to hold her one more time. I got in bed with her, careful not to mess up any of the medical stuff. I laid beside her, and eased my head on her chest. I could hear her heart beating, and I began to cry.

“Please Lydia, just wake up, just come back. Please! Please I need you!” I cried as I hugged her. I felt her baby kicking. It was amazing how she was unconscious, yet her baby was still alive and kicking it. I fell asleep with my head resting on her chest. The only time I could rest was when I was with Lydia. I woke up a few hours later, and looked around, everything was just like it was when I fell asleep. I looked up at Lydia, and she hadn’t woken up. I sat up, and carefully got out of the bed. I sighed. It had been three days already, and she had yet to wake up. But I wasn’t losing hope, I wasn’t gonna let her go that easily. I just couldn’t. Something within me, just wouldn’t let her die. She had to come back, she just had to. I couldn’t even fathom her leaving me alone. No not my baby, my lady, my girlfriend, my everything. For a whole week, I spent just about every waking moment by Lydia’s side. An entire week, I barely ate, I didn’t sleep, I could barely breath. Then one day I came to the hospital room, and Lydia’s parents were there, and speaking with the doctor. For some reason I had to hear what was going on. I walked in the room, and stood in silence.

“Well Mr. and Mrs. Weston, Lydia has been in a coma for an entire week now. Usually when a patient is in a coma this long who has suffered head injuries, there is usually only a five percent chance that they will wake from this coma” the doctor said. Lydia’s mom started crying.

“Doctor what do you suggest we do and what about our grandson” Lydia’s dad said.

“Well she’s at thirty-two weeks. We can do a C-section, and save the baby. Of course he’d be early but umm we have delivered babies earlier then that, and they’ve come out to be fine” the doctor said.

“So are we suggesting we pull the plug doctor” Paige’s dad said.

“I do suggest it because more then likely she won’t be waking up. I’m very sorry about this” the doctor said. Lydia’s mom cried harder, and the dad stood stone-faced.

“You can’t pull that plug” I said stepping up. All of them jumped, like they didn’t hear me walk in or like I was a ghost or something.

“And you are” the dad said.

“I’m Paige. You can’t pull that plug Mr. and Mrs. Weston. You have to give her a chance” I pleaded.

“Paige, who are you? And what are you to Lydia” Lydia’s dad said looking at me.

“I’m her girlfriend, her lover” I said. Both Lydia’s parents face got all twisted, and they looked utterly shocked.

“Now hold the hell on! My daughter isn’t one of you nasty lesbians! Uh-uh! Don’t come in here with those lies” her dad said loudly. Lydia’s mom was silent.

“Say what you want sir, but it’s true. Look I love your daughter ok, and I can’t afford to live without her. She’s my everything. You can’t pull that plug. Just give her time please just a little bit more time” I begged. Lydia’s dad looked highly upset. He was turning red in the face, and starting to look distant.

“You little lying demon! Vermin, you are vermin. And this is my daughter, and if I wanna pull the plug then I will! Ain’t no little redheaded demon gonna tell me what to do! With my daughter! Oh please!” Lydia’s dad said furious.

“Maybe she’s right dear, maybe we should we should give Lydia more time” Lydia’s mom said finally speaking up. Lydia’s dad turned his fury to her, and looked like he wanted to smack the hell out of her. He balled his fist up, and it shook wildly. The mom looked terrified, and seemed to be bracing herself for whatever was to come.

“Doctor could we get back to you on this” Lydia’s dad said calmly.

“Take as long as you need” the doctor said.

“Let’s go Meryl, we need to talk” Paige’s dad said angrily. He stormed out of the room, and his wife followed unfortunately. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was the next to be in a coma. I breathed a sigh of relief, at Lydia, had time now. But I was nervous, because I knew time was passing by fast, and Lydia didn’t have too much longer. That night I begged Lydia, to come back, and come back fast. I knew by the time her parents came back it would be too late. But I strongly believed that she would pull through. I mean she just had to right. She wasn’t leaving, nah, she couldn’t leave. Because I needed her, and I knew she would never desert me, that just wouldn’t happen. I slept beside Lydia that night and I prayed harder than ever. Dear God, please bring her back, I need her right now. She couldn’t leave me, that just wasn’t happening. It just wouldn’t happen. Nobody was pulling the plug, because Lydia wasn’t leaving. No she just couldn’t. I won’t believe it, I just won’t I can’t. A whole day passed by, and Lydia showed no signs of waking up. She didn’t moved, blink or anything. The room was silent all I heard were the monitors beeping, and the machine that breathed for Lydia pumping. A whole day went by, and Lydia didn’t wake up. But her parents didn’t come either, they didn’t even visit. That was good, that meant Lydia had some more time. How much more time? Probably not a lot, but she had time, and that’s all that mattered, I spent night and day with Lydia, she had to wake up. I refused to believe that Lydia was gone. No, I just couldn’t, my mind couldn’t even grasp it.

“Please baby please, just wake up for me, just this once. You can’t leave. No, you can’t leave me. You love me, you said forever. This isn’t forever yet. Please just come back” I cried. Hours started to fade away. Day turned to night. I stared at Lydia, and I stared at the door. At Lydia in hopes that she’d wake up. At the door in hopes her parents wouldn’t come. I hugged Lydia, I just couldn’t let her go. Again the hours started dwindling, and I got nervous. I got so nervous. Tears started running down my face, she ain’t leaving no. No God, not today. Please Jesus. I cried even harder at the thought of losing her. I sobbed so hard my body trembled with every tear. I remembered ever kiss ever shared, every hug ever gave, and every “I love you” exchanged. The last time I said I love you to Lydia, was when we laid in bed that night. The night after having wild sex in the woods. I told I loved her, and she told me the same. And I held her, that night, and I didn’t ever wanna let her go. I kissed her good night. Not being able to do that again frightened me, it absolutely frightened me. I cried even harder, this just couldn’t be. Then it happened


OOOOOOOOO that's the cliffhanger of the century right there. Haha! I bet you guys are like "the fuck" Sorry but I couldn't spill all the beans. Anyway so I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. What do you think happened? Did Lydia die? I mean Paige was talking about death when she said then it happened. Oh I don't know, maybe, maybe not? Isn't this crazy, Lydia fell off a cliff. Paige is depressed. I deserve a handclap this chapter was awesome. Anyway tell me what you think! COMMENT i need COMMENTS! I love reading your feedback, and it don't hurt to leave a thought behind. Please COMMENT Ok remember vote COMMENT , and fan me if you wish. Thanks A Million For Reading. And please COMMENT! Thanks again!

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