Questions // Mazerunner

By HufflepuffAmity

19.3K 531 118

Prequel to 'Answers' She should not be here. She should not remember. She could be the beginning, Or she cou... More

1-In which she flees and falls
2-In which we name our heroine
3-In which we have a pyjama problem
4-In which heaven becomes hell
5-In which Maddy wakes up to a nightmare
6-In which we take the tour and find a job
7-In which we meet the greenie
8-In which we become friends with the gladers
9-In which cooking goes wrong
10-In which we remember again
12-In which Maddy meets a monster
13- In which the deadheads are born
14-In which the dreams return
15-In which we are not okay
16-In which the lights go out
17-In which we recieve a gift
18-In which we fly with the birds
19-In which we explore the maze
20-In which the dark may bring respite
21-In which we wake up
22-In which we cannot remember
23-In which we all dream
24-In which a note arrives
25-In which the light flickers
26-In which we go to the Cliffs
27-In which we need a hand to hold
28-In which we begin to unravel
29-In which we hold hands
30-In which we take another step
31- In which we go
32- In which we jump
33- In which it is too much and not enough
34- The End
Book 2

11-In which we spend our first night in the maze

515 15 0
By HufflepuffAmity

She woke to the sound of harsh stone and the feel of damp grass on her back. Maddy squinted up at the sky and winced, from the brightness of the sun or the pain of the memory she didn't know. Maybe both, maybe neither.

She heard calls for her in the distance and pushed herself back onto her elbows, biting hard on her lip. Next time she had a flashback, she told herself, she was going to try and stay in bed. Frypans head popped out of the kitchen. "Watcha doin' on the floor shank. We've got to cook some bacon for these hungry runners"

Maddy groaned and flopped back down. "Just tripped." She rolled onto her side and raised herself off the muddy ground. Her top was soaked. And almost see through ( this sounds really bad sorry ) Wonderful. She trudged towards the kitchen.

The door flipped open and she stumbled in. Ben and Newt sat at a table, looking like puppies waiting for a walk. "He's not a runner," Maddy said to Newt. "No, he's not," Ben smirked, "But since I'm not the first girl, I don't get free choice and all that, so I'm doing a day as a runner. The door creaked again, and two more boys jogged in. One was tall and muscular, with almond eyes and gravity defying hair, whilst the other was shorter and less masculine. He had large cheeks and a small nose. Not the friendliest of faces. "Stan, Minho," Newt greeted, "This is Maddy, Maddy, this here shuck face is Minho, and that one's Stan." Maddy was already concentrating on the bacon, which was sizzling in the pan. She nodded to each of the new boys in turn, before putting the bacon onto slices of bread and handing it to each of the boys.

"You know what would be really nice Frypan," Maddy asked. Ben looked surprised, "Who's Frypan?" Maddy and Frypan laughed. "Siggy is. Because his face is big enough to fry an egg on." Ben shook his head as Newt laughed in between mouthfuls. "Don't laugh," Frypan hit Newts arm and grinned, "now go on ya runner shanks. Get out me kitchen." Newt, Ben, Minho and Stan trooped out and Maddy followed to wave goodbye. "Breakfast starts in half an hour Maddy, so be back." Maddy just nodded before jogging up to the walls. She waved goodbye, and went to sit in the forest for a bit. The remains of a fire smouldered and air was thick with ash. She sat down.
The rest of the day passed slowly and painfully. Nothing interesting happened. Until Newt and Ben got back, she could only talk to Nick and Frypan, but they were so busy it seemed pointless. She drew pictures in the ash, of the faces. Mark. What sort of brother would leave her in a place like this? It weighed on her like a house of lead and she felt squashed beneath it.

It was 4:54. Nick was restless. Newt and Ben came back early, but Minho and Stan had 19 minutes left. It was too close Nick said. He didn't want anybody to get hurt.

It was 5:03 and Newt was pacing next to Nick. Frypan sat outside the kitchen and wrote letters. Maddy didn't ask who to. 12 minutes.

It was 5:09. Most of the gladers where surrounding the doors now and Nick was trying desperately not to scream at them. This hadn't happened before. They hadn't stayed a night. They'd never seen a griever. 6 minutes.

It was 5:13 Maddy and Frypan were at the front of the crowd and Nick was at the back sitting down, wringing his hands. Newt just stood besides them, repeating over and over, "They're going to make it back. They're going to come back" 2 minutes.

It was 5:14 A figure sprinted through the maze towards them. 1 minute. Minho. Stan was behind him, too far behind him, limping. Minho sped into the glade and the wind started whistling. The doors began to move, but nobody else could. Stan just stood, stuck in the corridor. 30 seconds. The gladers began to call him, louder and louder, but he kept shaking his head. 15 seconds. He opened his mouth and screamed, ripping through the air. "Maddy must die. Or someone else will." 5 seconds. Stan turned and ran into the maze. The doors closed.

It was night and the fire blazed. Nobody talked. What was happening out there? The monsters were quiet tonight. Almost peaceful. Nick was already in bed, mournfully twisting and turning. "I could have done something. I could have saved him," he groaned monotonously. Newt and Clint sat by him and stared into the distance.

They slept.

Morning came and went and the runners left and returned. When they came back, Minho brought something out of his backpack. A shirt. Stan's shirt. He shook his head before the runners went into their hut.

The fire was left unlit that night. Everybody slept. Except two.

A/N Thank you for reading. Please keep reading as I'm super excited for the rest if the story :) V big surprise. Y'all make me so happy thank you so much. Please please comment. I give you cupcakes if you do. Ps I'm not sure about this picture thing :/ eh


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