A Study of Poisons

By ArsonistDiary

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A STUDY OF POISONS BOOK 1 (CURRENTLY BEING EDITED AND REVAMPED) _____ Vampires are ruthless and should be era... More



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By ArsonistDiary

      I slept through the next day, only to get up at eight in the evening. Arising at the start of dusk was normal for Vampires, sunlight always bothered their skin. Fire wasn't spontaneous like in the movies, a Vampire's immortal amatory made them colder than ice. Ice melts. Hellfire and the sun are the only two things that can burn down a Vampire. The sun makes them i'll at first, then slowly they lose control until they become nothing. While pure hellfire is instantaneous, but it's been centuries since it's been conjured.

This was the schedule here, I should be used to it by now. However, I would miss the sun, even when the night was just as enjoyable.

I changed into my Keepers uniform, it constricted my breathing as I held onto my sleeves. The heat of summer burned my skin through the thick material.

The uniform was black in color. A dark blazer that crawled up to my neck, under was my white blouse that hugged my warm skin. The stitching on the uniform was silver as the buttons matched on each side of my chest, every piece was delicately placed. My trousers were black and so were my leather boots that were strapped to my knees. My sword as my hip as I walked down the hall of the manor.

"Alex needs to know better, we shouldn't just give into him." I could hear the arguing come from the dining room, servants opened the doors for me as Natalia and Holstein spoke across the table. Breakfast was served but it was night so it brought amusement to my soul. I didn't plan on eating, so I just sat back and watched.

None of the Vampires knew that I drew in the room until I spoke, "Good morning- well I guess good evening." I said looking out the window with a low chuckle between my teeth. The clouds covered the night sky. I scared them as I looked back down to them. They all jumped in their skin.

Holstein was the first to speak to me as I sat down at the table. "Have you adjusted to our time schedule?"

"Yes, you all live differently than my last hosts." I nodded along as a servant filled me a glass of water. I turned to thank her and she greeted me with red eyes. I forgot I was in a building full of Vampires- miles away from humanity.

They all struck me as confused, "Your last host?"

Had they really never had a Keeper before? Most Vampires do have them. I was surprised. I thought about the red head, "Her name was Katelyn Chen. She's a good friend of mine now." I mentioned to them, I could feel my stomach growl. I guess I'll have something to eat then. I reached out and grabbed a piece of toast. They all watched me, they must have heard my stomach.

"I've never heard of a Keeper and a Vampire being friends. You're an odd girl." The boy Nelo said as his feet rested on the table he pushed himself off of the chair and balanced it on the back legs.

Natalia was quick to respond, her hand slapping over his in an instance. "Nelo don't be rude, there is no problem with a Keeper and a Vampire being friends. What was she like?" She was seemingly the only one interested in my life. The others didn't have a care in the world yet this girl wanted to know everything. I wouldn't give her everything, but just enough.

"Social and loud." I answered to her, pulling out my phone to show everyone my Home Screen of my friend. It was a photo we took at the needle, I was in my public version of my uniform and she was dressed in regular attire. I probably looked like a cosplayer to the open world. Then I noticed all the clothes they wore. Normal human clothes like sweatshirts and jeans. I felt so out of place.

Natalia again, quick as she'll ever be. "She's pretty." The girl looked down to her food then asked a question I thought I'd never hear again. "Do you miss her?" I thought about it, about staying up late with her and watching bad Vampire movies. Teaching her about her abilities and instincts. Watching her learn how to contain herself. Her struggles, her rises.

"Yes, but we still send each other letters." I nodded.

Next was Sabien. "You have a phone just text her." They must have thought I was stupid.

Taking a sip of my water I answered them swiftly. "Keepers aren't supposed to speak to Vampires outside of our missions, I don't want to get either of us into trouble." They all looked at me the same, pitiful. I didn't want to think about Keeper rules anymore. At least not right now. "What are you all arguing about?" When I redirected the conversation I looked at what they were eating. Nothing. They just nibbled on things here and there and drank wine- no blood. I tried to ignore it but it was right in front of my face.

My breath drew unsteady, this was the first time I've been around blood like this. "Nothing important." Holstein took away from my words.

"It's important to me Holstein. Our spoiled Prince thinks just because he has a title he can do whatever he pleases. I suggested we have all meals together like a family- since we're away from them. However, Alex wants to eat alone." Natalia said with her French accent rolling off her tongue. She was really cute, she reminded me of a rabbit. A deadly rabbit- but a rabbit.

Then as she spoke, I had another question. "Why are you all away from your families, none of you are in danger?" No one told me I'd be dealing with others. My mission was only to protect the Prince. So that's what I would do and not worry about these people. Still, anyone could betray court in any amount of seconds. I had to be ready incase I would have to exterminate one of them.

"Alex is our friend. The Queen asked us to keep him company while in solitude." Nelo said as he lowered his feet, his chair slamming against the marble floor. His eyes carving at me. "Kind of like you." He pointed.

Again, in unison they all remarked. "May the sun rise." I was never going to get used to that.

"I'm not keeping him company, I'm here to make sure he's safe and so are others." Others as in humans, even though all these Vampires were purebloods I had to make sure no harm came to the outside world. Even if it meant putting my own life at risk.

Or worse.

Sabien seemed offended. "We can protect ourselves." He presumed I was there for them too.

I played along, "I've heard that before." I chuckled then remarked to those that surrounded me. They really didn't need a schooling but I would give them one. "Losts have twice the strength and speed that you all have, it's best to rely on me while I'm here." I mentioned to them but didn't tell them about the magic in my veins. The magic that would help me kill any means necessary.

"You carry that sword with you everywhere?" Holstein asked worried as if I was planning on killing everyone here. I understood his worrying but I had no intention of using a weapon while having my stay here. Once the investigation was done I would return home. Then life would continue.

I thought about my words and how to get them to trust me, "No, when I'm not on missions I'm usually a normal person. It's only when I'm in account for a host." I missed wearing sweatpants I thought as I brought my hands to my knees. Playing with the leather on my boots.

"Have you ever been to high school? Like a real one?" Natalia was quick to get in my face, her breath smelt like iron and rosemary. Blood. I wasn't going to say anything but I felt the bile rise in my throat.

I nodded, "Not a public one but I did attend a Preparatory Academy. I did go to prom and I did go to football games." I answered the questions that I knew she was about to ask. She lit up like her world was on fire. Across from the table she put her hands to her face and blushed.

"The human world sounds so exciting." She told me, nothing about the human world was exciting compared to this one. Still it was nice to get away from the drama of Vampires.

"More like boring Nat." Nelo added and I agreed.

A flustered Natalia was fast to get angry, she pointed at the boy across table. I could see why she got so mad around him. She liked him. "Nelo keep your mouth shut and eat your damned food." Even though she was yelling at him I could see her ears getting red. It was really cute.

"Miss Cordelia, how old are you?" Holstein brought me back to the center of the world.

Awkwardly I chuckled, I didn't like this unneeded politeness. The introduction kiss or the miss added to my name. "I'd much rather if you all called me Delia- or Cordelia. I'm eighteen." I responded to them, they seemed surprised. Everyone always told me I looked mature for my age, I guess they were expecting someone older than I. Still that was my pride, to be my age with all my accomplishments.

Holstein responded, "So young for a Keeper."

I shook my head, "I took my anointment when I was sixteen. It's traditional to go on your first mission when you reach adulthood but I finished my schooling early." Mentioning the anointment I felt like I had given away too much information. I was thankful that I am the only Keeper in the building or I might have been scolded.

"You must be very smart." Natalia brought to attention.

I nodded. "Valedictorian of my class."

The girl clapped her hands and smiled, "How excellent. Do you know any languages?" She was getting in my face again, I could smell the stench of blood. I prayed she'd back away so instead I leaned away from her. I couldn't show them that I was disgusted, it was rude.

"I can speak Mandarin, Romanian, Dutch, Spanish, and French." My answer was simple.

Natalia was quick to smile, "So you can understand me?" She said in her native tongue. I wasn't expecting her to be to fast in her speak, I almost didn't catch what she said. I had to think about it for a second until I realized she had only asked me a basic question. Then I felt stupid.

"Yes I can." I replied back to her using that same tongue. She hiked up in her seat and looked like she was about to jump out and hug me. I hoped she didn't.

The door to the dining hall opened and the Prince walked through the door. He wore a red t shirt and black jeans. His lion crest dangling from his neck. He didn't bother to look at me and I did the same. "Good evening Alex." Natalia said as the boy looked up to all of us. Our eyes meeting, heat finding a way to the edge of my face. I hoped he didn't notice that.

He sighed, "So the human eats with us now?" Everyone looked around the room, I knew this wasn't time for me to argue so I stood up and moved away. Natalia and Holstein began to yell at the Prince. I noticed the guilt in his eyes. "Fine she can stay but I don't want her around all the time." He told me, I didn't know why he didn't like me but it didn't matter.

I'm not here to be friends.

"Actually I have work to do, thank you all for listening to me." I looked at all their faces, damn they felt guilty- but I felt good. "Also, I need to speak to you about your situation alone sometime tonight if you don't mind. The easier I get this done the faster I can go back to my home." I told them as I added the guilt cherry on top. I didn't want the others to live in their sadness... just that cocky Prince.

Moving away I went outside the dining room and could hear the arguing fester. I came to an area without any Vampires. Putting my hands in front of me I started a spell around the corners of the manor. Taking a permanent marker, I marked the corners with pentacles. "Born from the land, the sea, and the sky. Ward of danger who seeks revenge and lies." The spell didn't have to rhyme as long as it tuned like a song. Still it always felt right.

The next part of the spell would be hard, moving my hand to my blade I cut my thumb. Drawing a line through the sigil I could feel the strings of magic move. As did I feel the lurking Vampires around me. I sucked on the blood on my finger and moved on.

It was just as disgusting as I thought.

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