It Started With A Bullet - Da...

By Yennie-Fer

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Co-writer: @Banunu ~Warm blood trickled down her shoulder while shielding him. There were spots onto the grou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 (After-Story Arc)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Shigaraki's Route - Chapter 1
Shigaraki's Route - Chapter 2
Shigaraki's Route - Chapter 3
Chapter 4 - Shigaraki's Route
Shigaraki's Route - Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - Shigaraki's Route (Ending 1)
Chapter 1 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 2 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 3 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 4 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 5 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 6 - Another Shiggy Route (Ending)
Hawks Route - Chapter 1
Hawks Route - Chapter 2
Hawks Route - Chapter 3
Hawks Route - Chapter 4
Misfortune Route - Chapter 1
Misfortune Route - Chapter 2
Misfortune Route - Chapter 3
Misfortune Route - Chapter 4
Misfortune Route - Chapter 5
Misfortune Route - Chapter 6
Misfortune Route - Chapter 7
Misfortune Route - Chapter 8
Memory Route - Chapter 1
Memory Route - Chapter 2
Secret Route
Dabi's Route - Alternative Bad Ending
New Dabi x OC Story
(Deleting Later) We need your help!

Chapter 7

702 16 5
By Yennie-Fer

Just as Shigaraki left the room, the door opened. Dabi stepped in with a bag of cough drops and a box of tea bags. "There." He threw the stuff towards Satoko. "This better help. I almost got electrocuted for some tea and cough drops."

Satoko caught them. "Thanks." She made a snarky comment with her raspy voice. "And how do you expect me to boil the tea?" She took a cough drop to suck on. But it wasn't doing anything yet.

Dabi's expression didn't change. "I don't know. Find a way. Not like we can pay for an electric bill."

He didn't understand how she was acting so normal. Usually when they kidnapped someone (which he often forgot had only happened once before) said person would be furious with the situation. They would have to be restrained somehow.

Not Satoko. She was fitting right in almost immediately. Well, after being tossed back and forth a few times.

"Guess I'll just keep having a sore throat then." Satoko rolled her eyes. "You have fire to heat up water. I don't."

Dabi finally smiled. "You got me there. There should be cups or something in the kitchen."

He led the way to the kitchen, which was actually a small and messy room. He managed to find a cup to use for the tea, heated up some water, and handed the cup to her for her tea bag.

"Thanks." Finishing her cough drop, she put her tea bag in and blew on it to cool. After a few sips, her throat was starting to get back to normal.

As she kept drinking, she wasn't too fond of working with villains. She doesn't want to hurt anyone. Ironic, but she never was one to attack first.

Whenever she hurt someone, it was out of defense. Not offense. She stared at the tea a bit. (What can I possibly do? How can I make a difference?)

This world is so corrupt. She had always said heroes aren't different than villains are. They both have huge flaws that harm others. She can't decipher what is worse....

Then the thought of her parents came to mind. Her dad, calling her useless. Him bad mouthing his own wife. Her mother, pulling hairs out of her head as a way to take her frustrations out on Satoko.

One time, she made Satoko kneel onto a bunch of thumbtacks. She would have to stay that way for hours. It was so surreal. They didn't treat her badly until they found out she was quirkless. Or so they thought.

She was just a disappointment and a waste of time. They never loved her. It was all fake. They kept trying to trigger her powers awakening by abuse.

They wished she was never born. A waste of money. They retracted her from going to preschool because she was an embarrassment.

Nothing. She was nothing.

The worst scar she received is on her back. Her tattoo now covers it. Her dad struck her back with a hammer. Over and over. But he had to stop. Otherwise, she would have been dead.

Once her mom got pregnant, they stopped feeding Satoko. She would be starving and locked her away in a room. They'd feed her dog food like she was some kind of pet.

Why were they doing this?


And that day she went abandoned. The fact that she was crying on the streets.

No one cared. It was a terrible area to live in anyways. Heroes hardly came around. It would be rare, but they didn't care either. It was as if she was treated like nothing.

A mere child. Why were poor people treated like dirt?


(They were wrong about me...)

Making it seem like she was useless. They didn't even give her a chance or see she has a quirk.

Bitterness welled up inside her. "I can't believe all this time...I thought I made it this far relying on my own strength." She bitterly laughed as if it was a cruel joke. "I know I should be happy, but I dunno how to really feel."

Dabi thought for a moment. "It was your own strength. That quirk is impressive. Anyone can see that. The fact that you aren't dead by this point is surprising given the fact that you didn't even know about your quirk until now."

"Huh." She raised an eyebrow towards him. She was surprised at him giving her compliments. This felt weird to her. She was expecting a meaner remark from him.

To be honest, deep down.... she resents herself for living this long. Just for existing. Words like that are just hard to believe.

Surely, she always tried to make it seem like she had a lot of pride. That she was really tough. Her resilient exterior was just a front, masking how she really feels. For so long, she has forced herself to be strong.

"Are you trying to butter me up?" She asked. "It's hard to believe, coming for you."

Dabi chuckled at that. "Dunno. Am I?"

He meant what he said; however, he didn't want to allow that feeling that he felt to persist. He loved whatever it was, but at the same time he couldn't really appreciate it. His mind was subconsciously trying to block those feelings away because they were new. New feelings that he didn't recognize automatically had to be his enemy.

Satoko thought that this was abnormal. This was the guy who used brute force to take her with him? But the fact that he was actually... being less threatening?

It didn't make her completely relax though. It's odd that she was just laughing at Shigaraki's sense of humor earlier. The way he even opened up to her about his own story, she didn't know what to feel.

The fact he was even groomed to be thinking the way he does now, making him out to be the worse person. Is Dabi the same?

(Is there something making him this way too? I have my own inner turmoil that I project on the outside as well...)

"I was thinking," She spoke up. "We all probably have our own stories of being rejected and casted out from society." She shook her head. "But I was talking to Shigaraki... I didn't think he would be kind of easy to talk to? Not only that, being treated lesser than a person is cruel. I would know." Her expression changed softer when she was talking about Shigaraki. It was like... compassion? It was rather unusual since she's always aggressive and moody.

She looked up towards Dabi. "I don't wish to live in a world where everyone is tossed aside or have this constant battle of power. I think it needs to change. That everyone is worth saving. Including villains. I thought about after hearing his own story."

Dabi kept his cool composure, but he seemed slightly more annoyed at her statement. "I don't care about him, and neither should you. He tried to kill you anyway, so why would you want to help him? He's selfish and only cares about himself. I won't say that I won't kill anyone else, but you can be sure that I won't kill you. You can't trust Shigaraki on that much."

Dabi walked around her as he spoke. The way he moved was just like what you would expect from a villain delivering some sort of speech in a cheesy musical. "I'm just using him. We all are. No doubt he's just using us too."

"That's terrible." She glared at him, but it was more of a sad expression. "It's sad no one cares about him. But I'm not that kind of person. As for wanting to help him, who else will? If he's disposable, I might as well be too. I can't trust you or anyone, but it doesn't mean I'm the same way with using or not caring for people."

Dabi stopped walking. He turned towards her, his face close to hers as he smiled. It was same eerie smile as before. The type of smile that was obviously keeping something locked away deep inside. "Disposable? Hah. You're the only other one here that really matters."

Satoko stayed silent. She was honestly speechless. His expression was hard to even read. She placed her finished cup of tea down. "You're just saying that to me. I don't think I actually matter to anyone."

She's used to people lying to her. They may seem genuine, but she'd be backstabbed in return. It's hard to having a caring heart like this. That is her biggest weakness that she has tucked away. Her response would try to keep pushing people away from her.

(I hate feeling this way. I hate that I bother with my own ignorance.)

"Haven't I made it clear enough that I don't care what you think?" He asked. His face turned more serious again. He eyed the tea on the dirty countertop. "You're going to clean that yourself."

"Uh, duh." She grumbled. "I literally just finished drinking it. Sheesh."

She complained some more and cleaned it up. She doesn't know how to properly clean anything so she just rinsed it under a leaky faucet. She dried it with her shirt and put it away. "There."

So sanitary.

Not like she knew any better anyway.

"I'm pretty beat." She yawned. "I need some rest ALONE since I'm all bleedin' and stuff."

"You don't have to emphasize it like that." Dabi gave an amused snort. "I may be a villain, but even I'm not that low. I think there's a room you can stay in. I'll show you."

Satoko wasn't used to that. She was rather surprised. Dabi led her to a room. It was messy, but it was much better than the ground. There was an actual bed there and a small desk in the corner. "Here it is. Have fun."

"I'm surprised you got your hands on a bed." Satoko commented. "Hope it doesn't have bed bugs."

"I can't promise anything," he commented bluntly. He waved his hand as he walked out of the door. "Good night."

Satoko closed the door. Due to her protective nature towards others, she used something to keep the door locked. There was a chair that she put it against the handle.

(What am I doing...?)

She felt a bit stupid doing that, knowing what their quirks are.

(Period makes me lose brain cells sometimes.)

She went to lay down. When was the last time she laid on an actual mattress? Sure, it was dusty. Mildew scented.

But it was a bed.

She sighed, looking up at the cracks of the ceiling that the moonlight touched upon.

Closing her eyes, surprisingly, she fell asleep.


Jolting awake from a nightmare she couldn't recall, she couldn't remember where she was. The sunrise was just happening outside.

It is hard for her to have a full rest since sometimes, she wakes up often due to her anxiety. A weight on her chest would make her feel like she can't breathe. A cold sweat soaked her back.

In a daze, she started thinking about everything that had occurred.

All For One.

Shigaraki's past.

The villains.

All Might.

That all ties together with how Shigaraki's being used. Although, it doesn't tie in with heroes status.

Or does it?

Corruption can have a domino effect.

(All Might may know some information.)

She doubts Dabi would be helpful with that. Technically, she didn't really agree to be a part of the League of Villains. She doesn't want to label herself as such.

Approaching All Might by herself is better. But how would she find him? (I need to learn about All For One's past more. To know what more about his person.)


Ugh. She can imagine the teasing remarks from him again.

Strangely enough, she doesn't see that as a bad thing.

(What's wrong with me...?)

He's just an annoying flirt. A hero even. But what choice does she have anyways? All Might has fought All For One anyway. She also knows where he lives too.

Sneaking out shouldn't be too hard. It's not like she won't come back.

(Wait a second...)

Last time, she snuck away, they didn't notice her. Is that another part of her power?

Testing it out with concentration, she put her foot onto the ground. There wasn't any sound made. To test it further, she stomped.

No sound.

Siren's Song sounds like a good name for her voice quirk.

This requires sound too. It's strange that a quirk can have flexibility depending on the power.

(Stealth step.)

That sounds like another good name.

Rushing out the window without a hint of sound, she left.

(I'll be back later. Hopefully not too long for them to notice.)


Hawks was readying himself to leave for the day. Opening the window, he heard a knock at the door.

"Hm?" He looked at the door in question. (Now, who could that be?)

As he opened the door, his eyebrows raised in surprise. That fierce looking woman was right there. The way the lighting hit her hair made it look like it was shining.

"Well, well." Hawks smirked. "What brings you here?"

"Uh..." Satoko paused. She actually didn't know how to ask. She looked away. "Where can I find All Might? I need to talk to him."

"And why must you speak with him?" Hawks folded his arms in a teasing way. "I see you're not with the League."

"I got away." She replied. "I have reasons."

"Being secretive? Are you working with the villains?" He asked.

"Like you aren't?" She retorted. "Besides, I work solo. I'm not a 'hero' or a villain."

"Touché." Hawks sighed. "I have my own reasons with that too." He walked towards her a little bit. Nudging his wings onto her back, towards him in a teasing way.

"H-hey!" She growled, but looked towards him. His yellow eyes really stood out staring at her. It made her feel strange, that she pushed away from him.

"I have good judgment to trust you." He stated. "I don't see you as the type to not be trustworthy."

"Well, it's hard for me to have faith in anyone." She said. "It's even hard for me to come here."

His eyes grew a little serious, but not in a way of being reprimanding. Was it actual concern? "But you came to me. If that's not trust, then what is it, Takahashi?"

Satoko grew silent from that. No words came from her mouth. Subtly noticeable, her hand was shaking a little bit.

It was like she was trying to hide that fact. Were heroes that bad to her?

Hawks put on a smile on his face and patted the top of her head. "I'll take you to him, don't worry. You can tell me on the way why you'd want to know."

It would be good source of information on his part.

Instead of pushing him off right away, she had a little scowl on her lightly pink face. "Fine." She moved his hand off. "Stop that, chicken."

(I won't tell him everything.) She would feel guilty lending out someone else's past just like that.

"Still not calling me, Keigo, huh?" Hawks smirked at her face. There's no way this woman would be like those villains are. If she were someone else, he would have declined her right then and there.


On the way there, Satoko told Hawks she wanted to learn more about All For One. Leaving out Shigaraki's past part of the equation to why she even wanted to know. They had finally arrived at UA.

Hawks opened up a door where All Might was at. "'Ello. Hate to interrupt, but I brought someone who wanted to talk to you."

"Oh! I recognize you." All Might smiled from where he was sitting on a couch. There was a green-haired boy with freckles across from him on a little stool. "Is something the matter?"

Satoko walked in as Hawks shuts the door behind her. Her eyes blazed while she was asking this question. "Can you tell me all you know about All For One?"

Hawks grabbed a chair and chilled out on it so he wouldn't interrupt.

"Uh, Hawks...!" Izuku started nervously. "This is a conversation that should probably just be kept between a few people-"

All Might waved his hands around with a nervous smile. "Young Midoriya, calm down." He relaxed a bit. "Although, I do think it's best if you leave, Hawks. My apologies. There are some things about All for One that still need to be kept secret."

Hawks raised an eyebrow. "Interesting you're telling this lady you barely know a secret." He shrugged as Satoko glared at him.

"No worries, I'll leave." He got up while waving his hand as he walked away. He halted and looked towards Satoko. "I'll be around to leave with you afterwards."

"Just go already." Satoko sighed. She would hate it if he would just be flirting with her in front of them.

With a lopsided grin, Hawks left the room. Satoko looked at All Might, puzzled.

"He has a point. Why would you be telling me such sensitive information?" She pondered.

All Might sighed. "I need to ask you a question first. If you know too much then you may already be in danger. If that's the case, I may as well tell you the whole truth. much do you know?"

Izuku watched in surprise. (Could she have some sort of connection to All for One?)

"I..." She halted her words. Squeezing her hands together, she thought about her words carefully. "I know about someone's past involving him, but I don't feel obliged to share it. It isn't my place, but I feel like he is using this person. And possibly others."

Her nose crinkled as her eyes became firm. "If I have to cross paths with All For One, I want to be able to reveal that truth more. It's hard to work with information when I don't have any proof to work with."

"I see. It's important that you understand the danger your friend is in. The danger that you could be in for continuing to see this person." He sat back in the couch, relaxing more. "I don't know the details though, so I understand that it might not be that simple."

"As for your request..." He nodded towards Izuku. "Would you like to tell her more about it?"

Izuku nodded excitedly. He started to ramble about the past of All for One and how the quirk came to be. Despite All Might's warning, Izuku lost control of what he was saying and spilled the origin story of One for All as well.

"That's quite enough, boy," All Might interrupted.

Izuku froze. "I'm sorry, All Might! I got too invested in my explanation and didn't think logically!"

As he went off muttering again, All Might just shook his head and chuckled. He had an obvious fondness for Izuku that surpassed that of a mentor and student. It was more like how a father would act towards his son.

"A sinister man that steals quirks..." She shuddered at the thought. It became clearer that he was using Shigaraki. The League of Villains as a whole possibly.

The fact that All For One's in jail too... Shigaraki must be planning to take him out of there. She can't really tell what was going on.

"This is really helpful... I'm not sure what I can possibly do." Her eyes darted towards them. It wouldn't be wise to tell them that she isn't fond of heroes. Especially after this information. "Rest assured, I won't do anything vile with knowing this. I'm not malevolent as such."

Her eyes lowered as if she was looking towards something dire ahead. "Never...will I be like that."

(She's so serious about her morals. It kind of reminds me of pro heroes. But of course, everyone has their own path that they want to go on in life.) Izuku smiled. "Is there anything that we can do to help?"

Satoko shook her head. "No. There's nothing else. Thanks."

She wavered from speaking anymore. Pondered, if she should give a slight warning to the attack. But without being that obvious.

While getting up, she had her back towards them. Her mouth signaled 'be cautious soon.'

With that, she waved and left the room.

"I hope that she's ok..." Izuku said. He looked towards All Might. "It seems like she might have been dealing with something alone."

All Might nodded. "It did seem that way. I wish that I could help with whatever it is, but...I'm pretty much unable to do much of anything now."

All Might was so strong when it came to losing his power. He just accepted it like it was nothing, due to the fact that he already knew what was happening to him. It did seem to frustrate him sometimes that he couldn't save people like he used to anymore though.

"All Might..." Izuku looked at him sadly.

All Might's frown turned back into a smile. He held up one hand dismissively. "It's alright, Young Midoriya! I am still here. I'll continue to help you from behind the scenes."

Izuku smiled. He nodded happily. "Right!"

Stepping out of the door, she was greeted by Hawks. His sudden appearance made her almost punch him in the face. The blow of her fist moved his hair a little. He stared at her hand with a grin.

"Ah, I see. Hello to you too, sunset." He waved.

"Sunset?" She moved her hand away.

"Your hair. It reminds me of the sky." His tone sounded genuine.

She snorted at that. "Ew. Stop. You're making me cringe."

"Darn." He followed after her. "Did you get your answer from All Might?"

"Yeah, but I'm not one to give others secrets." She noted. "Why are you following me like a chicken?"

"Aw. We have nicknames for each other." He laughed. "But I like that about you. You lie about things, but never will you give away secrets."

"You didn't answer me." She grumbled.

His feet stopped. Looking up towards her back, he saw the scar on her shoulder. His eyes squinted. He didn't like the idea of her going back to the villains. "You're returning to them, aren't you?"

She halted too. Without turning, she nodded. "What choice do I have?"

Hawks stepped forward as he spoke. "They'll hurt you again. Why not I take you to the police so you can be guarded by them? You can have an actual home for yourself."

She flinched at that. That really sounds nice to having a home. Shaking her head, she looked over her shoulder. "Police haven't cared for me before."

Hearing that made him think a little bit. Are poor people really treated like that? Without a hero's word to help them.

"Besides. I want to save the villains." Her voice interrupted his thoughts. Bewildered at to what she even said, he stared at her questionably.

"I'm sorry, but what?" He scratched his head. "I thought I heard you say 'save' and 'villains' in the same sentence."


She explained what her thoughts are about it. Of course, leaving out everyone else's personal details. He didn't interrupt her. Nor laugh.

His expression was hard to even read from this.

"Huh. You know, I never thought of it that way." Hawks replied. Then he shook his head. "That doesn't give an excuse to act like that."

"Same can go for heroes." She retorted. "Why are you doing what you're doing with them then? What's YOUR connection? Only fair since I told you my thoughts on the matter."

He could easily lie, but he didn't want to. The way she gazed at him. This woman. He didn't want to kill her trust. If she had any in him at all.

"Ok." He caved in. "I'll tell you."

He told her about being a spy. Those details of why he's doing it. Everything. It's strange to why he could easily tell her this.

Well, if he hadn't, would she appear like this to him again?

"You don't have to betray them." She expressed.

That made Hawks put on a serious expression. To not have him misunderstand further, she continued. "There's hardly any true heroes out there. Majority of them are just in it for fame or money. But what if we could do something? Save these people? Make society better and not hiding the truth in the shadows?"

Hawks studied her face and body language as she spoke. He could tell some parts, there was a little trembling. Like she was pouring her heart, but she was scared.


That thought alone made him feel for her.

She kept going. "We can prevent countless deaths. End of abusive power. Have REAL justice, but if you aren't with me then... I have judged wrongly once again. You need to let me go back with them in order for me to figure this out."

Her words are powerful. He felt a bit torn. It made sense, but didn't. He was worried about his own loyalties.



"Ok." He agreed. "I won't stop you from going back. I'll think about what you said."

Satoko started walking ahead. Hawks hated seeing her leave him. He hated the fact she might be too heartfelt for her own good to try to save someone not able to be saved.

Or wanting to be. Not everyone can change like that. Villains are always villains in his eyes.

(I don't want her to suffer.)

"One day!" He called out to her.

(I want to see her smile.)

"I'll be the one saving you!"


"If you think everyone needs to be saved, someone has to save heroes when they need it too!"

Hawks thought he saw a small smile. Unmoving, he stood there. Until she was completely gone from his sight.

He doesn't want to control what she does, but he felt extremely upset.

(Please, come back.)


Dabi was standing in the living room while looking at the door. Even though they had most of the windows covered, it was clear that a new day had started. The sound of cars driving by and people chattering about as they went on their way was enough to tell what time of day it was.

Twice returned to the living room with a piece of melon bread in hand. "Are you getting worried?"

Dabi forced a smile. "No. She'll be back before we need to leave."

He looked over at Twice. He wasn't wearing his usual costume that covered his face up. Whenever he went without it, things would usually start calm. It would always result in him breaking down at some point though. They couldn't deal with that on such an important day.

"Put your mask on," Dabi scolded. "We can't put up with one of your meltdowns today."

"Is this your way of helping me?" Twice asked.

"No, it's not."

Well, the second Twice was probably right this time. Dabi didn't really care for anything other than himself and his goals. Maybe Satoko. That was pushing it.

"Of course not," Dabi confirmed. "We have something to do, so get going. And don't wake Shigaraki up yet. If he sees that Takahashi isn't here, he'll lose his mind."

Dabi sighed as Twice ran off. Despite what he told Twice, he was worried about if Satoko would come back. He had never felt worried for anyone before. Perhaps Satoko was making him turn soft.

He told himself over and over again that he was just worried because he needed her for the plan. He told himself that it's not a big deal because he couldn't possibly be worried for someone else's well-being. Deep down, though, he knew that there was a big difference between his conscious thoughts and his feelings.

He hated feeling confused. His emotions used to be easy to read. He hated someone? He killed them. And, if he was being honest, he kind of hated everyone. The only exception was the League of Villains, and that was because he was using them.


He remembered the look on Satoko's face when she said that it was sad no one cared for Shigaraki. He still didn't necessarily care for Shigaraki, but maybe he cared that Satoko cared about Shigaraki.

He hated that even more.

Finally, the door opened. Satoko walked in.

"Where were you?" Dabi asked. "Do I need to kill Hawks for trying to take you away from us again?"

"No." She hissed. "What I do or where I go, should not matter.

I still came back, didn't I?"

(Crap.) She was hoping no one would notice. That was wishful thinking. This information she has, she doesn't want to give out just yet. "As for Hawks, he didn't do anything."

"He's always doing something. Here lately, that something seems to involve you a lot." His eyes appeared as though they were glowing. "You like him or something? You're one of us now. You can't go spending time with heroes."

"Like him?" She wasn't sure how to answer. But the next statement was a lie. Or was it? She wasn't sure. "No. I don't. Why would I?"

"Why do you go see him then?" She retorted. "You're spending time with him too."

"Because I can't kill him yet. He can give us information." Dabi didn't hesitate. "He is practically digging his own grave. I know that he is a spy. I seem to be the only one who notices though. I let him have some information, he lets me have some, and then he dies in the end. He doesn't know that I know, so I can catch him off guard."

He gently touched a few strands of her hair, running it along his fingers. "Don't tell him that I know. He might just steal you again. What would you do then? Abandon the people who helped you train your powers? Besides, it's better that he dies soon instead of letting him dirty his hands even more. I'm doing your little bird friend a favor."

His expression was unreadable. There was something hidden behind those eyes. Something that was so gentle and yet so threatening in the way that he touched her hair. Was he trying to manipulate her? Probably. But just how much of it was truth and how much was a lie?

It made her freeze. She couldn't tell whether her heart pounding was from anxiety or something else. Chills went down her spine, but she couldn't comprehend what that was either. Without flinching to the touch of his coarse skin, she grabbed his wrist for him to stop.

It was strange, she couldn't even look him in his eyes. "I don't want anyone to die. It doesn't matter who. As for telling him, I'm not that type of person who betrays anyone who helps me. Abandoning someone is not something I do. I'm used to being left behind though."

That was a lie. She wasn't used to it. That feeling of self-hatred was trying to resurface. Was doing this the right choice? "I'm no one's property either."

"Aren't you happy that someone wants you at least? Must be better than being alone." He didn't give her a chance to respond. He moved his hand away from her. "Well, it doesn't really matter. It's almost time to go."

(Someone who wants me?) She stayed quiet thinking about it. Subconsciously, her hand traced where he touched her hair. "We're doing that today?" Still not meeting his eyes, she asked.

"As soon as everyone else wakes up," he replied. "It shouldn't be long now."

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