Can i love you ?

By dcfanfic21

51.2K 2.8K 1.2K

I have always dreamed of experiencing a passionate and intense love, the kind of love that only happens in mo... More

37( Please I don't need more surprises)
38( Happy Birthday)
39 ( it's been 4 years)
40 ( are you jealous M)


1.3K 68 14
By dcfanfic21

We continued to lie, snuggling up to each other and wrapped in a blanket, until Minji broke our silence with a tender whisper:

"How are you, my dear?" she asked, kissing my temple affectionately.

"As long as you're with me, everything's alright," I replied, gazing up at her with tenderness.

"Do you want me to order something? And we can continue the evening, practically without leaving this couch?" Minji caught my eye and smiled.

"Sounds tempting," I whispered, turning to her and moving my hand over her bare belly.

"What would my puppy like?" she squeezed my hand firmly and leaned over me with burning eyes.

"Mm, I would like some sushi, if we're talking about food, and as for everything else, you should know," I playfully said, pulling her closer with my free hand.

"Then we'll order that, and for everything else, we'll have almost an hour until the food arrives," Minji said, smiling, as she moved away from the phone.

After making the call to the delivery service, Minji tossed aside the phone and approached me like a cat. She was still wearing only panties and stockings, and I was wearing only one thing, but it didn't bother us in the slightest, or rather, it didn't bother her, and my burning cheeks only amused her.

"You're so cute when you're embarrassed," she whispered against my lips, pressing her body against mine on the sofa.

"Really?" I whispered, as soon as her lips released me from their sweet captivity.

"Don't you dare doubt it," my Minji replied with a grin, pulling back a little and burning me with a fiery gaze.

"Minji, are you going to meet the courier like this?" I grinned in her manner, stretching out on the couch, and asked.

"Would you allow me to meet anyone like this?" she archly raised her left eyebrow and inquired.

"Only if that someone is me," I said, pulling her back into my arms.

Minji didn't resist; rather, on the contrary, she pressed herself closer to my body. We gazed into each other's eyes.

When did it all start? Now it seems that from the very first meeting, from the first minute, second, her eyes, eternal irony, and care were always with me. It was her that I had been waiting for. I waited, unknowingly, without understanding where it would lead, waiting subconsciously. I don't understand how such happiness came to be, how she took the risk, how I took that step. I don't understand, and I don't want to understand. I just want to live these moments, this opportunity. The opportunity to be with her. If a choice presents itself, I will jump into the abyss after her, jump for the chance to feel her gaze, her breath, her warmth. For her sake—for everything.

Her voice pulled me out of the sweet captivity of my thoughts:

"But you're right, it's time to tidy myself up."

"And someone promised 'the whole evening on the couch,'" I pouted, unwilling to let go of her hand.

"Well, no one is forcing you to get dressed," she whispered, kissing my temple, causing a shiver to run down my spine.

I slid off the couch after her, picking up my clothes. Minji went to the wardrobe, taking out soft pajamas and handing them to me.

"I don't think jeans will be comfortable."

"Thank you. Do you mind if I take a shower?" I asked.

"Of course, go ahead. Just don't take too long. Don't make me miss you," Minji replied, retreating into the bedroom.

I didn't keep Minji waiting for long. Leaving the bathroom in my pajamas, I entered the living room.

"Looks delicious," I drawled, walking up to Minji, who was already pouring tea.

"You look no less appetizing," she replied, finishing with the tea.

Her words immediately brought a blush to my cheeks, and a gentle smile involuntarily spread across my lips. Minji extended her hand to me, leading us to the sofa.

We began our meal, exchanging phrases and smiles. Minji talked about her childhood plans and her college friends. We talked about everything.

"Yoohyeon, speaking of the present, when is your next exam?" this incredible woman asked with a slightly serious tone. My incredible woman.

"Um," I hesitated for a moment, but answered, even though it felt like discussing studying and work on such an evening might not be the best decision, "It's in three days, on microbiology, by the way."

"On Handong's subject?" Minji asked.

"Well, for someone, it's Handong's subject, but for me, it's Miss Handong," I muttered displeasedly, continuing to eat.

"I'm sorry, I forgot. You're young and jealous," Minji retorted with a grin. "And how is your preparation?" The last part of the question sounded a bit more serious, almost like a conversation within the university walls, which made me shiver. But her grin instantly restored my previous calmness.

"What's the use? I'll probably get a bad grade anyway," I answered quietly, avoiding eye contact after my remark.

"Where are these thoughts coming from?" Minji gently raised my chin to catch my uncertain gaze against my will.

"It's an obvious fact," I muttered, still avoiding her eyes.

"Come on, tell me," she said, assuming a relaxed posture and showing genuine interest.

"Do you remember that day? Your conversation and my breakdown?" I replied without much desire, gathering my thoughts.

"Mm, I see. Do you think Handong hasn't moved on from that situation? Trust me, there are too many students to pay attention to each of your outbursts," Minji replied with a smile.

"She has failed me in a lesson more than once since that incident," I disagreed, wanting to prove something like a child, challenging her with my voice.

"Or maybe someone just didn't prepare properly?" she said ironically, maintaining her smile. She was clearly amused by the fire in my voice.

"Well, yes, I wasn't fully prepared, but I correctly wrote the lactic acid fermentation cycle, and she, not finding anything to complain about, gave me further tasks. As a result, I received an (F), even though at least half of it was done perfectly fine," I explained.

"I'll talk to her, puppy," Minji replied more seriously.

"I don't remember asking you to," I blurted out more rudely than intended.

"I'll do it regardless, even without your request. Let's say I'm curious about her perspective on the situation. But now, before your exam, I'll personally drill you with questions. A little impromptu session, shall we say?" Minji said ironically, her smile still present.

"Too many students, you say?" I retorted in her manner.

"And, as you put it, student thoughts don't bother me much. There is one exception, though," Minji replied, looking at me.

"Mm, I wonder, will you tell me who that is? Maybe we know each other?" I asked, maintaining my usual humorous tone.

"Now, joking aside, starting from tomorrow, you'll have to begin preparing for microbiology," Minji responded cheerfully, grinning and finishing her food.

"So unfair," I pouted pitifully and sadly, realizing that starting from tomorrow, I would have to sit down with a stack of textbooks and notebooks again.

"No, it's not fair. It's when a strict teacher gives a grade for scientific work practically for nothing," she said, ironically but somewhat seriously.

Why does she have to bring it up again? Even at home, she turns into a strict teacher. Minji seemed to find my expression amusing. She simply grinned, pushed the empty containers to the edge of the table, and moved closer to me.

Her hand pulled me towards her, disregarding my feeble resistance. Well, I had to show a little bit of offense, at least. Who am I kidding?! Her eyes darkened, and a mischievous smile played on her lips. Drawing me close, Minji lazily whispered in my ear:

"What are you doing to me?"

"I just love you," I finally answered the question.

There was no need for words; I simply pressed closer to her body, uttering a soft moan in response. Her scent, her warmth, her gaze—these were all essential elements of my existence. Actually, I'm lying. It's just her and everything connected to her that I can't imagine living without.

I wrapped my arms around Minji's neck, stopping a few centimeters from her face.

"I want you to be mine."

Minji swallowed and briefly opened her mouth to catch her breath, her gaze fixed on my lips.

"That's silly," she said.


"Yes. I'm already yours."

"I know. I just wanted to hear you say it in person."

Minji smiled, desire immediately flickering in her eyes, and without hesitation, she kissed me passionately, holding me tighter. Breaking the kiss, Minji whispered breathlessly:

"I can't get enough of you..."


"Hmm? Say it, don't be shy," she continued, covering my neck with kisses and leaving another mark on my body.

"Take me..."

And once again, we engaged in a passionate kiss, tearing off our clothes and tossing them aside, leaving us in barely-there underwear. Minji straddled my thighs, kissing my neck, collarbones, and chest, caressing my body with gentle but impatient touches, relishing in my moans and ragged breaths. She ran her nails down my tense belly to my thighs, slowly and teasingly, barely making contact, igniting the fiery passion within.

We remained on the couch until evening. Minji had no intention of letting me go home, and I had no desire to break free from her embrace. We had yearned for each other for far too long. Dinner had long evolved into sweet conversations interrupted by endless kisses. We simply reveled in each other's presence.

"What are your plans for tomorrow?" I asked, counting Minji's ribs, causing her to periodically twitch from tickling.

"I need to sort out some paperwork. I'll be stuck at school, and during that time, you'll be studying microbiology," she replied tenderly and confidently.

"So we won't see each other tomorrow?" I asked, a hint of sadness tainting my words. And she sensed it.

"Why? We'll have breakfast together in the morning. Are you planning to run away from me at midnight like Cinderella? I won't let you leave willingly. And then I'll take you home, not wanting to distract you from your preparations."

"I won't run away. You're right, as always. But still, when will we see each other then?" I couldn't help but express my sadness. And she understood.

"I believe I promised to ask someone some questions for your exam, right? Well, tomorrow, you'll study at home, and the day after tomorrow evening, I'll come to pick you up. How does that sound?" she asked, catching my gaze.

"What time will you pick me up? Will it be late?" I asked, sounding silly, but these were the things that concerned me.

"I'll pick you up around eight in the evening. Is that alright? I don't want to intrude too much into your preparations. Naturally, I won't let you go home; you'll spend the night with me. Is that what you wanted to hear?" she added, a hint of irony in her voice.

"You read me like an open book," I whispered, holding onto her tightly, soaking in her warmth and tenderness.

"Believe me, sometimes you can still surprise me. Especially when it comes to 'why not throw a tantrum at me?'" Minji retorted, grinning, while pulling me closer.

"That's so funny," I murmured.

Our pleasant and cherished evening seamlessly transitioned into the night. Our conversations faded away, leaving only the lingering embrace of our bodies, entwined and holding onto each other even tighter.

"Goodnight, Minji," I whispered, our conversations subsiding, while our bodies refused to let go, embracing each other and snuggling closer.

"Goodnight, my girl," she replied tenderly and sleepily.

Hi there!

Possibly something will happen in the next chapter... 🤔

But you'll have to wait and see what happens next time.

This isn't related to the story, but I recently started watching the K-drama "Mine," and it's so good! There's even a sapphire couple! The drama is just amazing... 😌

(Edited grammar mistakes.)

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