Reunited ~ Daughter of Captai...

By karlzzz14

421 11 2

It has been two years since Loki had attacked New York, and Samantha Jordan was adopted by Steve Rogers or Ca... More

On Your Left
Mission for S.H.I.E.LD
Death of Fury
Time Travel
Best Friends Reunited
Crashing A Council Meeting
Battle of the Helicarrier
Journey to Reunite

History & Secrets

38 1 1
By karlzzz14

The past does not define your future.

We had arrived back at the Triskelion, and we had separated into different groups. Rumlow and his agents went to one side while Natasha, Steve and I went to the other. I could feel how angry Steve was, and how guilty Natasha was. I tried to send out calming emotions, but nothing seemed to work.

"FURY!" Steve yelled as we entered the room where Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, and Agent Maria Hill, Fury's right-hand man (woman), were standing. Fury turned around, but before he could say anything, Steve confronted him. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?"

I was very confused at what Fury did to make Steve so angry, therefore I decided to ask, which I regretted almost instantly, "What did Fury do?"

Steve looked towards me like he had forgotten that I was there, "He had Romanoff complete her own little secret mission which could have cost us the lives of the hostages and ourselves."

"Wait, you're telling me that Fury lied to you and me?" I asked as I could feel my anger taking over me.

Steve ran over to me, "Samantha, calm down." He places his hands on my shoulders which is his way of helping me relax.

Fury had finally spoken once Steve was not standing right in front of him, "Rogers, you and your daughter both need to know something." He turns to Natasha. "Romanoff, can you please give me the USB?" Natasha handed him the USB, and he injected it into the computer on his right side where Maria Hill took over. "This USB holds important information about Project Insight."

"What is Project Insight?" Steve asks Fury as he lets go of my shoulders.

"Project Insight is a program that identifies and neutralizes threats before they happen. It consists of three advanced S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarriers which will use precise weapons that will kill these threats." Fury explains and I can feel anger rising in Steve. "Rogers, the world is not like it was before you went into the ice. Therefore, S.H.I.E.L.D takes the world as it is, not as we want it to be."

I watched as Steve charged Fury, and I thought he was going to kill him. Steve proved me wrong because he calmed himself down before speaking to Fury.

"Fury, what you and S.H.I.E.L.D are doing is not freedom. It is fear." Steve says. I watched as I could feel Steve's anger go from a raging boil to a simmer. He stormed out of the room, and I followed behind, but I stopped before I walked out.

"Fury, Natasha, please never call me again for any missions. You both knew that I could barely trust anyone after Loki and the New York attack, but you guys still betrayed me." I yelled at the two people who I used to think of as friends and even family.

I kept running until I met back up with Steve. He looked down at me, and I could tell that he wanted to tell me something.

"Samantha, I wanna take you somewhere." Steve tells me as we head towards his car. "I think it is time for you to learn about my past."

"Your past?" I ask Steve as we both get into the car and buckle up. "Like before you went into the ice?"

"Yes. My life before the ice and now are completely different." Steve says as he stares at the road driving towards a direction I didn't know.

"Steve, where are we going?" I asked as I watched the scenery around me change into different views that I did not recognize.

"We are going to the Smithsonian." Steve tells me, and we both stay silent the rest of the drive.

We reached the Smithsonian, and I started to feel nervous, which I couldn't tell if it was actually my feeling or Steve's. We park the car, and head inside the museum. After a while of walking, Steve turned into this one exhibit. I watched as he walked into the exhibit, and I looked at the sign on the entrance. This was the Captain America exhibit.

"Steve? Why are we here?" I asked him as I finally caught up with him.

Steve was looking all over the exhibit, and I could feel the guilt and pain that he was feeling. "Samantha, I brought you here to show you my past." We walked to where it showed how Steve was transformed into the super soldier. "I have fought my whole life to be the person I always knew I could be. When I was given the chance to become Captain America, I was finally able to fulfill my dream." He walked towards a sign that talked about a man that I did not recognize.

"Steve, who is this?"

Steve put his head down, "This was Bucky Barnes. My best friend since childhood. He was always there to save me, but in the end, I could not save him." I grabbed his hand, and held it through the rest of the exhibit. We reached the end where a video of interviews played. We watched a woman who was named Peggy Carter speak about Steve, and I could feel the longing for her that Steve felt. I gripped his hand harder at this point.

After finishing the exhibit, we walked back to the car. I stopped Steve before we got into the car.

"Steve, why did you want to show me this?" I asked him.

Steve sighed, "I wanted you to know my whole past. I wanted you to know why I got so frustrated when Fury and Romanoff lied to us about the real mission. I went through hell and back when I was in World War II. I do not want you to have to go through something like that." After he finished, we both got in the car, and stayed silent.

About thirty minutes later, we reached a retirement home. I could tell that this place meant something to Steve because his emotions were all over the place. I still stayed silent as we walked into the building and went straight to a patient's room. Steve entered the room, and urged me to come in.

"Samantha, I would like to introduce you to someone very special to me." Steve says to me as he shows me a chair that sat adjacent to the woman's left side. "This is Agent Peggy Carter. She was and still is the love of my life." I looked at the woman who was now smiling in bed, and recognized her smile from the interview video we had just watched.

"Wait, you were there when my dad was turned into a super soldier? Was it cool?" I asked Peggy and before she could answer, I realized that I called Steve my dad. I turned around to look at Steve who was smiling and crying at the same time. "Is that okay? Can I call you my dad?"

Steve smiled, and came over and hugged me tight, "Of course. I am your dad forever."

I turned back to Peggy who was smiling. "Can you please tell me all about my dad's life when you knew him?"

This made Peggy giggle, "Of course I can. Now, where to start? Oh wait, I know exactly where to start. When I first met your dad, he was this tiny little guy who had a big dream, and even bigger heart. No matter what happened, he always came out on top. When he was chosen to take the serum, I knew that he was the right person." Peggy went on and on about all the things that Steve had done before he went on the ice. "The last thing that you should know about your dad is that he is a true hero even before he took the serum."

I stood up, and went closer to Peggy, "Can I hug you, Peggy?"

"Of course, Samantha." Peggy answers with a smile. I leaned over, and hugged the woman. After Steve and Peggy said their goodbyes, Steve and I walked back out to the car.

Once we reached the car, I ran to Steve's side, and hugged him, "Thank you. Thank you for sharing your past with me." I could feel how happy Steve was starting to feel as we continued to hug. "Can we go to one more place?"

Steve let go of me, "I know that perfect place." We got into the car and drove.

We drove for a while before reaching a building, and Steve went inside while I stayed outside. A few moments later, Steve came back out with the man we met running the other day, Sam Wilson.

"Hey Sammi!" Sam yells as he comes up to me. "Wanna go grab some food?"

I looked at Steve, and he smiled back at me. "Let's go. I am in the mood for some pizza or chicken wings or a milkshake."

Steve and Sam both laughed, and Steve wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "How about all of it?" The three of us walked to get some food, and I was happy, if only for a little bit. 

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