Love Cycle

By SaucyMontana

770K 50.3K 44.9K

Read the Guilty Pleasure series first! More

Twenty One:
Twenty two:
Twenty Three:
Twenty Four:
Twenty Five:
Twenty Six:
Twenty Seven:
Twenty Eight:
Twenty Nine:
Thirty One:
Thirty Two:
Thirty Three:
Thirty Four:
Thirty Five:
Thirty Six:
Thirty Seven:
Thirty Eight:
Thirty Nine:
Fourty One:
Fourty Two:
Fourty Three:
Fourty Four:
Fourty Five:
Fourty Six:
Fourty Seven:
Fourty Eight:
Fifty One:
Fifty Two:
Fifty Three:
Fifty Four:
Fifty Five:
Fifty Six:
Fifty Seven:
Fifty Eight:
Fifty Nine:
Sixty One:
Sixty Two:
Sixty Three:
Sixty Four:
Sixty Five:
Sixty Six:
Sixty Seven:
Sixty Eight:
Sixty Nine:
Seventy One:
Seventy Two:
Seventy Three:
Yes or no?
Seventy Four:
Seventy Five:
Seventy Six:
Seventy Seven:
Seventy Eight:
Seventy Nine:
Eighty One:
Eighty Two:
Eighty Three:
Eighty Four:
Eighty Five:
Eighty Six:
Eighty Seven:
Eighty Eight:
Eighty Nine:
Ninety One:
Final Chapter:

Fourty Nine:

7.3K 513 613
By SaucyMontana

February 14
7:02 am

"Come on Azaria. Your daddy should be here any minute" I called for Azaria who just HAD to make sure she looked her best for school today. She ran into the living room smiling and stopped in front of me so I could take her hair scarf off revealing her newly done ponytails

"Do I look cute?"

I laughed and nodded "you look beautiful mama"

I could hear a knock on the door so I went to answer it knowing it was Keyshawn. When I opened the door he walked in holding a bunch of shit

"Happy Valentine's Day princess" he told Azaria before he crouched down, giving her a hug and kiss before giving her some balloons, a bear and some candy

"Thank you daddy. Hold on, I'm gonna go put this in my room" she said as she kissed his cheek again before going to her room and Keyshawn stood back up, handing me some flowers and a thing of edible arrangements


"It ain nothing like that, I promise.. it just... this is my way of showing my appreciation, even though I might be late showing it"

"Well, thank you.. you didn't have to do this" I told him before giving him a friendly hug as Azaria walked back into the living room

"I'm ready now"

"Alright baby girl. Let's go"

"I'll see you later momma" she gave me a hug

"Alright.. we still on for tonight?" I asked her, referring to the mother daughter date we have on Valentine's Day every Valentine's Day and Azaria nodded

"Yes but remember. No Alfredo this time"

"Okay then"

Keyshawn smiled at her while opening the door "alright let's go before you be late to school"

"Have fun at school Azaria"

"I will" she responded before leaving and Keyshawn followed her out of the house. Once they were gone I looked at the stuff he gave me, went into the kitchen and sat it down on the counter

Keyshawn has changed a lot... and I can tell, however even though I say that I can't hate him... because I don't.... I just can't get over the shit he did to me. He has put me through hell since Azaria was born and I wanna forgive him but... I don't know honestly

I started to clean up, starting with the kitchen since I was in here already then made my way to the living room and bathroom. Just as I finished the bathroom I hard a knock on the door

"Why did he come back?" I asked myself , already assuming it was Keyshawn. I took the gloves off and went to the door

Once I opened it, it's like my whole mood went down south and also to surprise because Keyshawn's ex, Stasia was standing there looking damn near 6 months pregnant

"London.." she said my name with a breath, however I couldn't manage to say anything so she started talking again "look. I know we don't get along and I know you probably hate me but... I REALLY need to talk to you right now. Woman to woman"

I just looked her up and down before sighing "what?"

She rubbed her lips together before talking

"I um... I heard Keyshawn is home"

"And you came to me because"

"You were the closest I could get to finding him and i need him to get in contact with me"

I rolled my eyes and Stasia rubbed her stomach "please London, I'm literally begging. I wouldn't have come to you if I didn't mean it"

"What? What's so important?" I crossed my arms, shifting all of my weight on my left leg. She looked down

"My son... he turns 3 in June"

In my head I did the math calculations once she said that

"And Keyshawn is the father?"

"That's the only other choice. My husband.. before we officially got together we messed around when me and Keyshawn were on that small little break right when the stuff happened with y'all messing around again and I was so sure my husband was the father once I found out I was pregnant when Keyshawn got locked up"

"But he's not"

She shook her head "he did a dna test once the doctors told him he didn't match Jeremiah's blood type so he can get a transfusion and-"

"Wait huh?" I asked, lost as hell

"My son Jeremiah, he had to get a surgery done and now he needs a blood transfusion and I'm not O-negative plus I'm pregnant. That's just why I'm begging you... please London. I need my son. Just please give me this one thing and you won't have to worry about me ever again. I just need to get in contact with Keyshawn" she pleaded as the sound of a car door closed, I looked past her and saw Keyshawn had actually come back, looking confused and surprised as hell when he noticed Stasia and I pointed

"There you go.. you're welcome" I simply told her before making eye contact with him and went back into the house, leaving them two alone outside


3:29 pm

My first Valentine's Day being single was one of the most refreshing things to be honest. And of course everybody loves me so I had stuff delivered to the house all day long making me feel special, however, in order to feel complete I really had one person that I really wanted to go see

"I had a brother and his sister both send me chocolate covered strawberries from edible arrangements today. You can't tell me I'm not lit" I laughed out loud while I sat beside lucas's gave with a wine cooler in my hand. "I know I can't do too much drinking cause I gotta drive home but, when I get home it's up"

Once I said that, in my head I could just hear his voice followed by his soft chuckle. The wind blew slightly and I swear for a quick second I could smell his cologne he used to wear so I looked down at his grave

"I know for a face you hear me now... and I know I'm a bad friend cause I don't come by to see you but, it's just a lot going on between my two best friends beefing, my first love damn near dying, me running my shop, tryina get in control of my life.... and getting over the fact that they took you... it's a lot Lucas"

I sat the wine cooler down, running my tongue across my teeth while feeling a tear fall

"I miss you, so much"

Although I've been putting on a brave front acting like what happened to him didn't hurt me, truthfully it did and nobody will ever understand how much.

I got up, walking over to the trash can nearby and threw the wine cooler in the trash can before going back to sit beside his grave again

" I really need to slow down on the drinking"

I could hear footsteps through the grass causing me to look and Lucas's brother Elijah walking up to his grave.


"Nah you good" he cut me off "I just came to see my lip brother before I head to the airport"

"So you really are leaving?"


"I heard you going to the army"

He shook his head "that's what everybody thinking and I want it to stay like that but Nah.. I'm moving to Cali. I gotta nice ass job waiting for me. I just finished training so I'm bout to head that way to get settled in.. but that's between me and you" he told me while his eyes travelled over to me so I nodded

"Well, congratulations"

"Thank you.. Issa shame it took my brother to go for me to wanna get my shit together but I guess it's better late than never"

"You right. At least you took the steps to get outta here while some people stuck in the street life"

Elijah kissed his teeth while looking around "tell me bout it"

He then looked at me again "you was really fuckin with my brother huh?"

"Yeah. Lucas was actually a good person. And most definitely a good friend to me"

He nodded

"He was a good person. My brother had a lot of potential and I failed him by letting him get into these streets, getting tied up in shit he ain actually had nothin to do with"

"Well I fucked with Lucas but... Lucas was a grown ass man. He made the choices he made and he knew to walk away. He told me himself multiple times"

"And he tried to leave but look at where that got him" Elijah informed me while shaking his head "the one person that promised to look after us fa life, the one person he showed the most loyalty too was the same person that looked him in his eyes and took him out... blood ain shit when you stuck in the street life"

When he said that I looked up at him and he stared at Lucas' grave before turning to walk off

If I'm not mistaking, this man just literally admitted to Quentin possibility being the one to kill Lucas. What the fuck is going on?


5:44 pm

I walked into the house to see rose petals scattered all over the floor

"What the..." I followed the trail down the hall and into the bedroom.  Laying out on the bed was a bouquet of flowers, two boxes of chocolates, a rose teddy bear, three shopping bags and some money. I couldn't help but crack a smile hearing the water run in the bathroom

I sat my purse down and went into the bathroom seeing scooter filling the tub with water. He must've heard me because he turned around to look back at me then focused on the tub again, turning the water off

"How was work"

"It was actually a good day. I was just tired and ready to get home to my man"

He laughed while I leaned down and kissed him

"Well what I need for you to do for me today is relax... I gotchu a nice warm bath ready. While you in here ima go cook"

"Alright then baby daddy" I smiled "thank you cause me and your daughter are hungry"

"I bet so" he chuckled while walking out of the bathroom.

I stripped from my clothes and got into the bathtub just relaxing. This bath was very much needed because I can't even sit here and pretend like I don't feel like shit. Truth is I miss my sister.. so much and I'm pretty sure she don't even wanna talk to me anymore

Even though scooter hated when I brought up Kay in a conversation he couldn't help it. That's my sister.. she was my best friend

After taking a nice, long bath I eventually got out and changed into some comfortable clothes and by the time I changed he was done with the food so we sat at the table and ate

"And who taught you how to cook asparagus? This is good baby" I asked


I looked at him before laughing

"Well thank you google cause me and your daughter love it" I rubbed my 7 months along stomach

"My momma called me earlier talkin bout the baby shower and she wanted to know if you planned on inviting any of yo people. I just told her it'll only be mj"

I used my fork to push my food around on my plate, looking down at it


"Well what? You and mj fell out too?"

I shook my head

"No.. I've just been thinking"


"I miss my sister"

He immediately let out a sigh

"Listen.. I know you may not like karma, but that's MY sister and I miss her. I've been sitting here everyday missing my sister, feeling lonely because I don't have my family.. and even though I love yours and I'm so thankful for them, I want my family too"

He continued to sit there looking at me

"I wasn't able to enjoy my pregnancy the way I wanted too because I dreamed of having my sister right there beside me the entire time the way I was there for her"

"Lani, that's yo sister. Do whatever you want with her"

"I want her around my child scooter"

From the look on his face I could tell he wanted to protest but didn't feel like arguing

"Fine lani... but she still ain allowed over here and ion want her around me"

"That's cool"

He just looked back down at his food and continued eating

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