Moon Child

By Claire_ry

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Meet Son Ye Jin, a ballerina from Daegu with a big big dream; to become a prima ballerina. Born to dance, Son... More

Prologue Moon Child
Chapter 1 Nocturne Op.9 No.2
Chapter 2 Piqué Manèges
Chapter 3 Amen
Chapter 4 Still I Cry
Chapter 5 Brava
Chapter 6 Picture Perfect
Chapter 7 Unspoken Goodbye
Chapter 8 Good Night
Chapter 9 The Red Shoes
Chapter 10 Open Palms
Chapter 11 La Vie en rose
Chapter 12 Falling like the Stars
Chapter 13 Tour en l'air
Chapter 14 Swan Girl
Chapter 15 Pressure
Chapter 16 Angel
Chapter 17 Be Still
Chapter 18 Mr. Obvious
Chapter 19 Soldier
Chapter 20 Circle of Life
Chapter 21 Time Heals
Chapter 22 Waters
Chapter 24 Point of No Return
Chapter 25 Waves in Milan
Chapter 26: Someone You Loved
Chapter 27 Invisible Scars
Chapter 28 Ice-cream
Chapter 29 Superheroes
Chapter 30 Fire on Fire
Chapter 31 Fall on Me
Chapter 32 You Raise Me Up
The Cast
The Apprentices
Chapter 33 Take Me Home
Chapter 34 Clair de Lune
Chapter 35 The Road Ahead
Chapter 36 Waves in Seoul
Chapter 37 Stand in The Light
Chapter 38 Perfect
Chapter 38 Extended Scene
Chapter 39 Rise Up
Epilogue Swan Family
The Tiny Additions (Casting)
Author's Confessions
Bonus 1 Cookie Monster
Bonus 2 A Christmas Prince

Chapter 23 La La Land

1K 81 98
By Claire_ry

Special thanks to sosseu for letting me borrow a special someone for a cameo in MC! It is my honour to welcome such a beloved character into MC🥰


TTM: 1 Week 5 Days

Against the brightening backdrop of the morning sky, the light of dawn was painting golden threads of light in the sky, bringing hope to yet another glorious day.

The beautiful golden rays seeped gently into Hyun Bin's apartment, past the gap in the curtains to caress the couple as a gentle wake-up call.

As with all days, the morning was peaceful and quiet. This morning was no different but to the couple, it felt different. Hyun Bin was the first to stir from his restful slumber, his heart singing with peace which he had long forgotten about.

For the first time in a year, he could safely say that he slept like a baby. No nightmares haunted his dreams for his swan girl was beside him, warding off his demons.

With their limbs in an entangled mess, Hyun Bin didn't dare move a muscle as he studied his swan, memorising her radiant beauty highlighted by the rays of sunshine.

On such a morning, Hyun Bin felt completely at peace. Watching the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she rested, Hyun Bin smiled.

Last night felt surreal to the man. Even now, he couldn't believe how lucky he was to have such a beautiful swan surrender herself to him. She trusted him to guide her in taking a step further into their relationship, one with which she was wholly unfamiliar.

She came into his life like a gift.

He loves her.

She was his future.

Those three thoughts would forever remain ingrained in his heart and mind. He would cherish her and show her how beautiful she was every day as her man.

Minutes later, Ye Jin woke, stretching languidly as she yawned adorably. Deep chuckles filled their morning, prompting Ye Jin to tilt her head to the side slightly. "What's so funny?"

"You're adorable." Hyun Bin chuckled fondly.

Blushing, Ye Jin bit her lips, feeling oddly shy after the night they shared together. Clutching the blanket close to her, Ye Jin's face only became redder when she felt Hyun Bin's thigh brush over her leg.

If the man noticed her shyness, he chose to say nothing as he hugged her closer to him. Pressed flush against his chest, Ye Jin let out a small squeak before she finally relaxed into his embrace.

Last night might have been her first time trying anything intimate in that sense, but she held no regrets. Her man was patient and doting towards her, prioritising her needs above his. He made her feel safe.

She loves Hyun Bin, and she would always remember their night together.

Even though her memories would always remain as touches and voices, she was still grateful because it was him. That was worth cherishing.

"How are you feeling?" Hyun Bin checked whilst running his hand down her arm soothingly.

"Do you want the truth?" Ye Jin asked sheepishly.

"Of course, love." The new term of endearment slipped out of Hyun Bin's mouth naturally.

Ye Jin didn't think she could blush harder than she already was with the way the word love rolled off Hyun Bin's tongue like pure satin. He was almost purring when he said that, and the flutters in her heart were unreal as she fought for some semblance of control. The effect he was having on her was unfathomable and she loved it.

She loves him.

"Shy. I'm feeling shy." Ye Jin blushed but nevertheless smiled from ear to ear as she nuzzled her face into Hyun Bin's chest.

"Don't be. You were amazing, love." Hyun Bin chuckled, gently running his fingers through her hair.


"I'll draw you a warm bath." Hyun Bin moved to get out of the bed, only for Ye Jin to stop him.

"Wait. Let's stay like this for a minute longer, aegiya (baby)."

Who was he to say no to his swan?

A cuddle and a shower later, Ye Jin found Hyun Bin in the kitchen, the smell of fried egg wafting from the stove as the man expertly plated them.

After her warm bath, Ye Jin felt a million times better as she sat down at the dining table where Rose was already waiting for her. Her friend greeted her with a lick just as Hyun Bin sat down across from Ye Jin. He made sure to feed Rose as well, and the three of them enjoyed a light-hearted breakfast together.

"Butter?" Hyun Bin offered, already spreading a dollop of creamy goodness on the toast.

"Loads of butter." Ye Jin grinned.

Her man smiled as he added another dollop of butter to the toast, spreading it evenly before he handed it to Ye Jin. Watching her eat with gusto, his own appetite grew as well.

Collectively, the lovers basked in a seemingly normal morning together, simply enjoying the precious mundane moment in their largely extraordinary lives.

Even in their silence, their thoughts were aligned. They both yearned for one thing. For such a morning to be their every day.

Shortly before they had to head to work, Hyun Bin brought up the Europe tour again, determined to see his promise through. He was a man of his word and he wasn't one to dawdle.

"I'm going to let Director Kim know our decision today." Hyun Bin spoke with the utmost determination.

Finding him, Ye Jin wrapped her arms around Hyun Bin's torso and nodded her head. "Gomawo. I'm so proud of you. Saranghaeyo."

"Nado saranghae (I love you too)."


TTM: 1 Week, 3 Days

Ever since Hyun Bin had informed Director Kim of their plans to be part of the Europe tour, it would seem their lives had started to revolve around it.

In all his time together with Ye Jin, this was Hyun Bin's first time experiencing a new side to his girlfriend which he hadn't before.

For someone who was usually more casual when it came to trips, Hyun Bin was shocked when Ye Jin showed up at his apartment that morning. With the bags of items in her hands, it was a wonder how she managed to get to his apartment with no one else to help her.

"What's with the bags, love?" Hyun Bin automatically took some of the bags from her.

His heavy front door slammed shut with a loud thud as they walked to the living room where Ye Jin deposited the bags on the floor.

"I'm afraid I need more luggage space, Binnie. Do you mind? Don't worry, some of these items are for you too."

"I'm not really following..." Hyun Bin admitted sheepishly.

That prompted Ye Jin to start pulling out the items she brought for their trip out of the bags. Packs of facial masks, an assortment of medication packed into mini Ziploc bags, flip-flops, and socks soon joined the rest of the items on the floor as Ye Jin spoke animatedly in what could pass off as a mini-tutorial regarding travelling essentials.

Watching her with widening eyes, Hyun Bin was truly shocked by how prepared his girlfriend already was for the trip.

"You've got to keep this away from any paper items you plan to bring, arasseo? If any of these serums spills, we won't be able to salvage anything." Ye Jin was still rambling on and on, only pausing occasionally to check if her boyfriend was listening.

At this point, Hyun Bin was simply lost. One couldn't blame the man since it was the first time he was witnessing how much of a planner Ye Jin was. Truly, travelling opens one's eyes to many things.

"Have you started packing already? If you already ran out of space, I'll find a way to squeeze all these items in." Ye Jin's movements stilled then as her mind scrambled to come up with a solution to the non-existent problem.

It wasn't a problem since the man hadn't even taken his luggage out of his storeroom.

They were more than a week away from departure. On a normal occasion, Hyun Bin usually packed a day before a trip.

This was the first time he felt as though they were in two opposite spectrums of a scale.

"I haven't actually started packing..." Hyun Bin rubbed the back of his head meekly.

"What?" Ye Jin's head snapped up so fast that she would have sprained her neck if she wasn't a dancer.

"I'll pack another day. But you can leave everything here. It should fit." Hyun Bin assured her.

"That's too late! Come on, we're packing now. We barely have time to plan a proper schedule." Ye Jin shook her head helplessly at her man.

And that was how the man threw away his usual spontaneity as he spent the rest of the week packing and planning with his girlfriend.


TTM: 1 Week

"Here are your boarding tickets. Please be at the gate at 10 am."

Hyun Bin took their passport and tickets from the lady before he led Ye Jin away from the check-in counter. Their parents were waiting for them at the waiting area with packed lunch boxes filled with egg rolls and other homemade breakfast items.

"Did everything go well?" Hyun Bin's eomeoni asked.

"Ne. We just have to be at the boarding gate by 10." Hyun Bin told the elders.

"You still have some time. Here, I prepared breakfast for you two." Hyun Bin's eomeoni started fussing over the young couple.

"Gamsahamnida." Ye Jin thanked his eomeoni, shyly accepting the lunchbox from her.

With that, they began digging into the breakfast and Ye Jin was full of praises for his eomeoni's cooking. Already, their parents were well-acquainted with each other and were conversing happily in their little group. Ye Jin and Hyun Bin simply ate quietly, slightly amused yet concerned by their parents' sudden closeness.

Hyun Bin's parents did suspect that their son was dating Ye Jin based on how he spoke about her that night they had dinner, but Ye Jin's abeoji remained none the wiser about their relationship. The couple simply hasn't found a good time to break it to their parents even though they have discussed it once weeks back.

Sometime during breakfast, the couple decided to leave their parents to bond since they were more than happy to shoo them away. Only donning their baseball caps, the couple ended up browsing the various stores in the airport, choosing to make full use of their time.

During that time, Hyun Bin brought a pack of candy, claiming it would come in handy for their flight. Ye Jin simply teased him since his mannerisms reminded her strongly of a child. Nevertheless, she had shamelessly hinted for some chocolates, not knowing that Hyun Bin had already thrown in a bag or two of chocolates for her.

Back at the waiting area, Ye Jin and Hyun Bin picked up their carry-ons before the group made their way to the departure hall. Although they would only be away for a month, the tears didn't spare their parents who were emotional for their children leaving for Europe. Ye Jin's abeoji was especially reluctant to see his baby girl go.

"Call me, arasseo?" Her abeoji reminded her after he stopped hugging her.

"Of course, appa. Please have a safe ride home too. Thank you for coming down to see me off." Ye Jin smiled gently at her abeoji.

Next to them, Hyun Bin and his parents were exchanging their farewells as well, his eomeoni blowing her nose dramatically before she hugged her son once more. His abeoji had to practically drag his eomeoni away from him so that he could breathe before Hyun Bin bowed in farewell.

Past the usual airport farewells, the couple found themselves navigating the vast airport and going through the usual pre-boarding security checks. With Ye Jin's condition, she was granted priority boarding with Rose and Hyun Bin which was why they were one of the first few to board the plane.

Seated in business class, Hyun Bin tried his best to help Ye Jin get comfortable in her seat. In the cabin, the air was significantly colder, and Hyun Bin took extra care to cover Ye Jin with the blankets provided.

"Do you need your jacket?" Hyun Bin checked.

"Aniya, I'm fine." Ye Jin assured him, stopping him from standing up.

Interlocking her hands in his, Hyun Bin finally stopped fussing over Ye Jin and settled down in his seat. Smiling lovingly at his swan girl, they were the picture of a couple very much in love with each other.

Any crew member who walked past wouldn't be able to stop smiling at the love they were witnessing. It wasn't every day one got to see such a loving couple. They were a good-looking pair too.

Some of the not-so-subtle crew members recognised them for who they were and were lowkey fangirling over the ballet prince and his princess in private. Their sweetness was positively making them swoon.

Soon enough, all the passengers had boarded the plane and the crew was doing their last cabin check before their departure. Unsurprisingly, Ye Jin began to feel a little nervous since it was her first time taking a flight.

Even though she loved the feeling of flying, it was still disconcerting to Ye Jin to be strapped down by a mere seatbelt as they waited for the plane to take flight.

With jetés, Ye Jin was still in control of her body. With the plane, she had to trust a stranger to maneuver them out of any turbulence they may potentially face. It was the lack of control she had over the situation which concerned Ye Jin.

It didn't take too long for Hyun Bin to figure out why Ye Jin was nervous. He was especially sensitive to his girlfriend's needs and it was no different this time. He was as attuned to her thoughts as she was to his, and the man wasted no time in pulling out the bag of jellybeans he purchased at the store.

He knew they would come in handy.

It was not a well-known fact, but Hyun Bin always brought jellybeans onto a flight. He personally hates getting plugged ears and didn't want to stick to the same few flavours whenever he had to travel. At least with jellybeans, he would rarely run out of flavours to choose from.

This time, Hyun Bin purchased a particularly fun pack along with his usual one since it spiked his interest. Shaking the small box in his hand, Ye Jin momentarily stopped tapping her feet, curious over the box he was holding.

"What's that, Binnie?" Ye Jin asked.

"Jellybeans." The man shared excitedly, his eyes twinkling with child-like excitement.

"Omo, that's what you bought? Did you get the normal ones or are those the Bean Boozled ones?" Ye Jin's eyes widened.

"Wait, you know about those?" Hyun Bin gaped openly at his girlfriend.

"Of course! I played it once with Hyo Jin. Some of the flavours in there are just downright disgusting." Ye Jin grimaced at the memory of chewing on the barf bean before her bestie allowed her to spit it out.

"Well...they can't be that bad. It's artificial." Hyun Bin pouted.

He has yet to come across bad jellybeans which admittedly made him doubt Ye Jin's claim. Don't get him wrong. He wasn't saying that the barf or centipede flavours would be good. He simply didn't believe that they would be close to the real thing.

"Wait till you try it, love. Let's play!" Ye Jin grinned impishly at her boyfriend.

"Alright, this first one is the brown one. Chocolate Pudding VS Canned Dog Food. Pick your poison." Hyun Bin held up his palm to Ye Jin.

"On the count of three. 3...2...1." Ye Jin challenged before she popped the brown bean in her mouth.

"Mmm chocolate!" She hummed.

On the other hand, Hyun Bin was choking on the jellybean that most certainly tasted like its namesake. Making a face, Hyun Bin spat it out after a few seconds as Ye Jin giggled in her seat.

"Rose would enjoy that one more than I did." Hyun Bin coughed, trying to get rid of the aftertaste of dog food on his tongue.

"I told you some of those are disgusting. Wait till you get the barf bean." Ye Jin teased her big baby.

Admitting to his defeat, Hyun Bin took out the next two beans and their mini-game continued. So caught up in their game, Ye Jin barely registered the fact that the plane had already begun moving.

Following standard protocols, the pilots in the cockpit were performing a 70 knots check to prepare for takeoff.

"Captain Park, are we ready?" Captain Lee checked.

As with all his flights, Captain Lee's expression was serious with the familiar responsibility of his passengers' safety weighing down on him.

A thumbs up from Captain Park later, the plane began its ascent, accelerating across the runway before climbing higher and higher into the air until Seoul became a mere dot in the distance.

Back in business class, Hyun Bin had offered Ye Jin a normal jellybean to suck on while Ye Jin gripped his other hand tightly. The rather unfamiliar sinking feeling in her stomach as the plane adjusted to a good height for flight caused the ballerina to tense up in her seat.

Even with the jellybeans, Ye Jin could feel the pressure on her eardrums but was thankful when the candy prevented them from getting plugged. The feeling of Hyun Bin running gentle circles behind her hand kept her calm, tiding her through the worst part about take-off.

Moments later, they were back at their jellybean game, this time choosing between Strawberry Jam and Centipede.

With the plane cruising smoothly in the air, the Captain finally had time to make his standard announcement. The couple paused their mini-game to listen to the announcement, which admittedly most tend to ignore.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, this is Captain Lee speaking. On behalf of my entire crew, I'd like to welcome everyone onboard Korean Airways Flight 902. We are currently cruising at an altitude of 33,000 feet at an airspeed of 450 miles per hour. The time is 10:30 am. The weather in Milan is partly cloudy with a 10 percent chance of rain. We expect some turbulence throughout the flight, and we recommend keeping your seatbelts fastened when you are seated. The cabin crew will be coming around shortly to offer you a light snack and beverage. Until then, sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the flight. Thank you." Captain Lee spoke with his usual gentle baritone, packed with a layer of firm authority.

Something about the way he spoke caught Ye Jin's attention and she turned to her boyfriend with a contemplative expression on her face.

"There's something familiar about the Captain's voice." Ye Jin determined, trying her best to jog her memory to identify why that was the case.

"Is that so?" Hyun Bin wondered.

"Hmm...I can't quite place my finger on it. Where have I heard that voice before?" Ye Jin frowned.

It was so familiar. Too familiar...

"Maybe you heard him on the news. If I'm not wrong, Captain Lee was recently on the news for his quick-thinking in making an emergency landing when there was an engine malfunction." Hyun Bin recalled.

"That's not it...Wait a minute, can you say a line from the announcement? Maybe a good morning ladies and gentlemen?" Ye Jin grasped onto her boyfriend's sleeve excitedly.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen?" Hyun Bin was the obedient boyfriend as always, although confusion coloured his face.

"That's it! It's you! He sounds like you!" Ye Jin clapped happily at her discovery.

"Are you sure?" Hyun Bin gaped openly at her.

"Maybe not a hundred percent but there is a strong resemblance. He sounds like you when you teach. That same intonation, that same gentle sway in your words, and that authority." Ye Jin mused.

If only she knew what Captain Lee looked like too. She would have been in for a shock.

"Is that how I sound to you?" Hyun Bin teased gently, finding humour in the whole situation.

"Ne! This is amazing." Ye Jin smiled widely.

"If you say so, love. Shall we continue our game?" Hyun Bin suggested lightly, chuckling slightly at how adorable his swan looked over her discovery.

"Ani, let's read, aegiya." Ye Jin said, excited to start on a new book.

Reaching over for the books they prepared for their long flight, Hyun Bin handed the book titled We were there then: Memories of Cuba to his girlfriend. With her hands running through the braille letterings, Ye Jin got comfortable in her seat as the book took her on a journey much different from her life.

A blanket of coziness covered the ballet couple as they occasionally shared about what they read. As the plane flew over the cotton-stretched skies, the gentle hum of the engines gradually lulled the couple to sleep.

A few hours later, Hyun Bin had maneuvered Ye Jin to rest against him, taking extra care to hold her protectively. He followed her to Cloudland minutes later, dozing off with a smile on his face.

It was around 6 pm when their flight landed in Milan Malpensa airport. Between their haze of sleepiness, the couple had most of their meals on the flight. The airplane food wasn't particularly impressive, but it was edible. It would suffice to say the couple was thankful they had landed in Milan where they could finally enjoy some proper food.

Although they were the first to board the plane, Ye Jin and Hyun Bin ended up being the last to leave for Ye Jin's safety. The crew were especially friendly to the couple and were conversing freely with them as they waited for the rest of the passengers to leave.

When they finally did, the couple had to go through the standard checks and procedures before collecting their luggage. Still yawning slightly from the long flight, Ye Jin was doing some light stretches as they waited while Hyun Bin had his eyes set on identifying their luggage.

Because of that, they missed the crew, led by the ever-charming Captain Lee, walking confidently across the hall with full ease.

The crew was a sight to behold, for the airport was their runway and the runway was honoured to have them. Captain Lee was conversing seriously with Captain Park, although a hint of a smile was already playing on his lips, rare for the normally stoic man.

As always, there was only one reason behind his smile. His Yoon Seri was in Milan, and he was excited to surprise her.

As fate would have it, the Captain walked right past the ballet couple, his duty to them and the rest of his passengers complete with another safe arrival at their destination.

"Are you ready, Hyun Bin?" Ye Jin asked, giving him all the time he needed before they officially stepped foot into Milan in all its glorious beauty.

"Let's go." Hyun Bin spoke firmly, having already mentally prepared himself during the flight.

"Deep breaths." Ye Jin reminded her man gently before they made their way out of the arrival hall.

The Paris Opera Ballet representative was already waiting to take them to the hotel amongst the masses of people at the airport. Surrounded by families reuniting and tourists gathering at the entrance, the small group exchanged the usual pleasantries before they made their way to the hotel where they would be staying during their time in Italy.

Throughout the car ride, Ye Jin automatically did all the talking to give Hyun Bin some space to get accustomed to being back in Italy. In truth, Hyun Bin felt like he was taking it better than he originally thought he would. But there was no denying that Milan still left a deep ache in his heart.

Every beautiful, cobbled street housing the shops reminded Hyun Bin of the times he spent exploring Milan with Tae Yang a year back. He was simply learning to tolerate the pain as he shook off the dark thoughts in his mind.

The man only let out the breath he didn't even know he was holding past the doors of the hotel. It was easier to ignore the fact that they were in Italy in the confines of the luxurious hotel.

"Your call time is at 9 am tomorrow at La Scala. Here are your room keys. It is my pleasure to welcome you both on behalf of the Paris Opera Ballet." The representative spoke in Korean, her thick French accent evident, much like that of Director Kim.

"Gamsahamnida." Hyun Bin and Ye Jin thanked her and made their way up to their rooms.

Now comes the next question. They had two rooms and two keys, but were they really going to stay in separate rooms?

It was a topic neither of them broached and they simply assumed they would be more comfortable in their own rooms. For the first time since they started dating, an awkward silence fell between them as they stood side by side in the lift.

Ever the gentleman as always, Hyun Bin simply walked his girlfriend to her room and helped her familiarise herself with her surroundings before he left.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." Hyun Bin said formally although his eyes betrayed what he was actually feeling.

Ask me to stay...

"Ne, I'll see you tomorrow. Good night, Binnie." Ye Jin smiled.

Please stay...

Their whole exchange was the very definition of an Abilene Paradox.

Ye Jin let out a sigh when the door closed, trying to bite back the disappointment that they weren't sharing a room together.

"Get a hold of yourself. There's no reason to be clingy." Ye Jin chastised herself as she moved away from the door.

On the other side of the door, Hyun Bin was in a similar state. Already, he was battling with himself, trying his best to step away from the door such that he wouldn't end up knocking.

"Take it slow. You wouldn't want to scare her away." Hyun Bin whispered to himself before he turned on his heel towards his room.

The couple was going to have a rather interesting night ahead of them in the form of phone calls.


Tiramisu. That was the reason behind the very first call.

Hyun Bin was browsing through the dine-in menu when he came across his favourite dessert. Deciding to order one, Hyun Bin reasoned that it was part of his boyfriend duties to ensure his girlfriend was well-fed.

That was how he ended up calling her room to ask her if she wanted anything from the menu. Just hearing her voice again had Hyun Bin smiling like a dork before the inevitable happened again.

They had to hang up...

But that's alright because the next call came minutes later.

Jellybeans. That was the reason behind the second call – or Ye Jin's first since she was the one calling this time.

"Binnie, do you want your jellybeans back? I realise you left them in my bag." Ye Jin asked through the phone.

"Aniya, you can keep it. I can always take some from you during rehearsal." Hyun Bin assured her.

And they hung up again.

So began their relentless calling with well-thought excuses over the most trivial matters except for the true reason why they were calling one another in the first place.

Towels. That was the reason behind the third call.

Hyun Bin had finally forced himself to take a shower after pacing in front of the phone, waiting for Ye Jin to potentially call him again. Minutes into the shower, the man ran back out to the phone with the towel barely hanging off his hips.

The ballet prince was cursing underneath his breath for his lack of better foresight as he pressed the buttons which would link him to Ye Jin's room again. He let out a sigh of relief when Ye Jin picked up the phone.

"Have you showered? I forgot to take down some towels for you. They're pretty high up." Hyun Bin fussed.

"I haven't but it's okay. I already found them. I was washing Rose's paws, so I took them down." Ye Jin chirped.

"That's good. Call me if you need anything." Hyun Bin reminded her.

"I will." Ye Jin chuckled before she hung up.


Sighing for the umpteenth time, Ye Jin was trying her best to ignore the fact that she missed Hyun Bin tremendously as she dug through her bags for the item she was searching for – the item which would be the reason behind the next call.

Dog treats. That was the reason behind the fourth call.

Ye Jin swore she packed Rose's treats in one of her luggage but for some reason, she couldn't find them. She reasoned that it wouldn't hurt to check if Hyun Bin had them. There was a high probability that their items got mixed during packing after all.

"Have you seen it?" She asked after she explained the situation to her boyfriend.

"Give me a minute. I'm searching for it now." A soft rustling could be heard as Hyun Bin dug through his luggage for the bag of dog treats.

"Ruff ruff!"

"Omo, Binnie! My bad! Rose found them." Came Ye Jin's voice seconds later.

"I'm glad. Have a good night, love." Hyun Bin's voice was tender as always before he hung up.

For an hour, no phone calls were exchanged between the two of them.

During that hour, Ye Jin and Hyun Bin simply tried their best to distract themselves. Currently tossing and turning in their beds, they wondered what the other was doing.

"Is she asleep already?" Hyun Bin wondered aloud.

"Do you think he finished his tiramisu already?" Ye Jin asked Rose, running her fingers through her doggy friend's thick fur.

Fighting the urge to pick up the phone again, sleep refused to find either of them before the man gave up. Rummaging through his luggage, Hyun Bin left his room minutes later with a destination in mind.

Knock knock

"Who is it?" Ye Jin called out, slipping herself off her bed to answer the door with Rose spotting her movements.

"It's me." The unmistakable baritone washed over her before she found herself rushing to unlock the door.

"Hi." Ye Jin greeted her boyfriend shyly.

"Hello." Hyun Bin was equally as shy as his girlfriend.

This was totally how two souls who have already explored the depths of each other would act. There was truly no reason why they should be feeling shy around each other but perhaps, being in a foreign environment together for the first time contributed to it.

"I brought popcorn and tiramisu. Let's watch a movie together." Hyun Bin suggested.

"That sounds amazing." Ye Jin agreed easily.

It wasn't the first time they were watching a movie together so it didn't take too long for Hyun Bin to set up La La Land so that they could watch it descriptively.

It was interesting for Hyun Bin to watch a movie in a different way than he usually did, and the descriptive audio made him notice things he normally wouldn't have.

Seated side by side, the couple kept the gap between them as they shared the popcorn, trying their best to immerse themselves in the movie.

Gradually as they relaxed, the gap closed, and they ended up snuggling close to one another. With the snacks out of the way, Hyun Bin kept his arms around Ye Jin's waist, pulling her close to his side in a moment of tender loving.

With La La Land, thoughts about their career, their dreams, and their love rose to the surface, probing the couple to share another deep conversation that would reveal another layer of themselves to one another.

Running her hands lightly through the bruises and blisters on her feet, Ye Jin was reminded of how far she has come physically as a ballerina. To become a Prima Ballerina, Ye Jin knew that this was one of the sacrifices she had to give to further her craft.

Every ballet dancer's feet represented a story of the hard work they put themselves through. It could be seen in how their feet changed with their pointe shoes, and the sores friction generously decorated their feet with.

It was a long, arduous journey to become a true ballerina. Perhaps that was why they refused to give up so easily.

"You know, even up till today, I feel relieved whenever my shoes are worn out by the end of a rehearsal. It makes me feel as though-" Ye Jin shared.

"Everything is worth it." Hyun Bin finished her sentence for her.

"You get me. Bruises truly don't matter in the end. All that pain? They are all reminders of the time I spent." Ye Jin spoke with great thought behind every single word.

Sitting back against the bed frame, Hyun Bin studied his swan girl intensely, heartened to find that they shared the same thoughts.

"I don't think I ever got to tell you this. You were my pick. Back at the auditions, that was what I wanted to tell you." Hyun Bin shared openly.

It took him long enough to tell her.

"Jinjja? Why?" Ye Jin marveled over the new information.

"I knew you were special. You instinctively knew how to interpret and express a piece of music as best as you could with your body. That takes talent. You've always been my pick, Ye Jin." Hyun Bin said, his words swaying gently to the affection he had for his swan.

His words left Ye Jin breathless. She was humbled by the fact that her boyfriend, who was only a well-respected sunbaenim to her at that time, had so much faith in her.

Thinking back to their journey thus far, Ye Jin knew without a doubt that Hyun Bin was her greatest supporter in everything. He drove her to be the best just like she brought out the best in him.

It was a beautiful love which they shared since its very foundations were based on trust and support.

"Gomawo for your faith in me." Ye Jin thanked him sincerely.

"It's time for you to soar, my swan. I'll be with you every step of the way."

He meant every single word he spoke. Son Ye Jin can and will become a great Prima Ballerina.

Every event up to this point has shaped their love, building it upon strongholds and foundations which were unique to them.

This was their love, and no one could tell them otherwise.

In their bubble of softness and love, the lovers fell asleep that night, feeling protected and cherished in each other's arms. The heavens smiled down favourably upon the couple, celebrating every milestone with them.

A love like theirs was proof that the world could be beautiful. Now, it was time for the world to embrace them too. 



Happy weekends lovelies! A fluff chapter from me to hopefully lift your spirits for the weekend. This chapter delved a little more into the blind community with how they read and how they catch movies. Personally, it was really interesting to research the movie part. Hope everyone has a great weekend ahead!

P.S. Next update will take a while. I've been gradually getting back into writing so it's been a little difficult to write recently. Regardless, I'm trying so your patience is much appreciated! Hugs!🥰

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