Hunted, Baited Love...Book 4...

By MKG2012

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Altan Colleen Blackstone, a lot can be said about this sweet man who has had a good life, a wonderful family... More

1. Altan
2. Brent
3. Gary
4. Joseph
5. Altan
6. Brent
7. Gary
8. Joseph
9. Altan
10. Brent
11. Gary
12. Joseph
13. Altan
14. Brent
15. Gary
16. Brent
17. Altan
18. Brent
20. Brent

19. Altan

548 43 12
By MKG2012

Altan POV (8 Years Later)

I love that I have figured out how to trust others with my heart, regardless of whether it will get broken. Ever since Brent and I broke our bond, it definitely hasn’t been a walk in the park. For anyone including the kids. Having been put in situations they had no business in, spending time apart from each other. It’s been a lot, with two four-year-olds and an eight-year-old. They don’t know what the hell is going on between us adults. Though I can tell it’s not making things easier. There’s no sort of stability for them to just process everything.

You would think that after eight years. Three kids, two mates, and a best friend's support. Things would be a lot smoother than what they have been. I feel like I am being torn in five different ways daily. Hell, if I feel that way after so long. I could only imagine what they’re all going through in their own minds. 

The twins have been going through the wringer with all these different changes. One minute Ryker is here, next minute he’s gone. They see me interact with Brent and his wife then watch as Gary and Joseph give him looks of betrayal. It’s too much. After eight years they should be over the drama and hurt of losing him. I’m his mate, not them. It took a year and a half if not longer for me to get over the idea that I may never be with him again. He’s happy and made his choice. Their constant disapproval will only drive a rift between the boys. That’s the last thing I want for them. I try so damn hard to keep the peace, but they don’t even treat Ryker as a part of the family and it pisses me the hell off. 

They were so concerned that Brent was taking Ryker away from me but when he started to look like Brent, it’s like their hatred shifted to him. I have more than once threatened to break my bonds with them. If they ever drove my son away from me, It’s over. I’m too old for these petty childish games. I want my kids to get along for fucking sakes. 

“Papa, Ryker pushed Matthew down a hill.” Martin ran in, pointing outside. Here we go again. 

“Martin, are you fibbing on your brother again?” I said between clenched teeth and my eyes flashed their brighter blue. 

“N-no papa.” He said and I sighed before I followed him outside where all the pack kids were playing. 

As we got to the hill, there was a crying Matthew holding his wrist. 

“Does it hurt?” I asked. There were no tears in his eyes as far as I can see nor were they puffy from crying. 

“Ryker hit me papa.” He sniffled and I held in my anger. 

“Are you sure he hit you?” Mind you, Martin said Ryker pushed him down the hill and there are no visible injuries given roots and rocks littering the hill. 

“Yes, he did.” He pouted and I gently examined his wrist. 

“Would you like to go see the pack doctor then?” I asked him. 

“No! I’m ok papa.” He smiled and I bit my tongue. 

When I let go of his wrist, I scanned over the sea of kids around us. Ryker wasn’t even in sight, so why the hell are they lying so much on him?

“Where is your brother, boys?” I asked them. 

“He ran away papa.” They pointed in the direction I knew all too well. 

“I will go talk to him, you boys go get ready for dinner.” I smiled and watched them bolt off to the house. 

When they were out of sight, I ran in the direction of a place only the family knew about. It’s too embarrassing, even to this day I can’t talk to people about it. 

Once I saw him on a boulder just looking up at the sky. I walked closer and then our eyes met. 

“Ry, are you ok bud?” I asked him and looked around, since the day Amar went out of control. Nothing has been able to grow back here. It’ll forever be a dead zone and I hate it. 

“You’re mad at me.” He mumbled before hiding his face from me. 

“What would make you say that?” I said before climbing the boulder and sat next to him. 

“You always take their side.” He sniffled as he began to sob. 

“Ry, I know things aren’t easy bud. Remember this, as much as they can talk and blame you. I know better, I saw what happened before Martin came to get me.” I chuckled and he blushed bright red. 

“I may sound like I’m on their side. But Ry, I will forever be by your side. It’s not easy being the oldest brother. You get blamed for things. What makes a difference is you know the truth as I do. One thing Brent taught me before leaving here and meeting Kensi, is to never jump the gun. His parents hurt both him and your uncle. What made the difference is they learned the truth and based on that. They grew from it. They moved past it and became their own people. So, no matter what. Boys will be boys, even little boys.” I smiled and I hugged him. 

“Are you going to tell Gary and Joseph?” He asked and I saw the fear in his eyes. 

“I have to, but don’t worry about them. I’m not letting them sway me anymore. I’m done letting people control me.” I smiled and he looked at me warily and I shook my head. 

A few years ago the last remaining hunters who were still against the supernatural, kidnapped a few of us and brainwashed us to attack our friends and family. It took nearly three years before I could face them all again. Since then I’m so much more cautious about who I let into my life. 

As we got to the house. The twins were running wild and Gary and Joseph were just in the living room cuddled together. 

“Oh, you’re home. Where have you been?” Gary yawned as he turned to our direction. 

“Spending time with Ryker. Why are the boys running wild and not ready for dinner?” I asked them. 

“They didn’t tell us you asked them to get ready for dinner.” He shrugged and I huffed. 

“Well please, can you both help them get ready for dinner?” I asked while I finished cooking with Ryker. 

Before they left I caught them both glare at Ryker and I brought him closer to me. 

“That’s enough of that.” I growled out causing the house to shake. 

After they dashed up the stairs after the boys. I turned to my shaking boy and hugged him. 

“It’s ok my boy. I’m forever here for you when you truly need it. I promise you that until the day I die. They may say what they want but you are my everything.” I smiled and hugged him tight as the vision of what’s to come ends. 

Since that day in the kitchen, It seems like I’ll never be able to be what he needs me to be with the twins, Gary and Joseph causing chaos every chance they get. I fucking hate being supernatural, it would make things so much easier if I wasn’t completely bond to them as I am. 

“Altan, I’ve had it up to here with those four.” Brent said, slamming a hand on the counter and turning to me as I was putting the final touches on Ryker’s tenth birthday cake. 

“Brent. Don’t you think I know what’s going on? I have future visions, remember? It’s not easy seeing them be that way towards him. He’s my fucking son. You may think I’m blind to the fact it’s not affecting him but I do. I have tried over and over again to get them to grow the hell up. We may not be together but we agreed to stay friends for his sake. I want to stay friends with you and they hate the idea because they blame you for what happened six years ago with me being kidnapped and you weren’t even in the same country. You were opening a new cafe in London. If I had the chance to break my bonds with them, at this point in my life. I would rather be mateless and deal with the pain. You and Ryker have been there for me when I was recovering. They just worked more and distancing themselves. When I was taking care of the kids while having nightmares and hallucinations. They didn’t give a shit so don’t sit here and attack me like I’m turning a blind eye to what they’re doing.” I glared at him. 

“Something has to be done, Altan. I get you can’t live without them and you don’t want to lose anyone as your family has in the past.” He sighed and I turned to him. 

“Say it Brent, stop beating around the bush and just say it.” I growled out, getting agitated. 

“I think it’s best if he stops visiting the pack until you can figure out what you’re going to do. The three of us are being sent to an early grave because they’re too selfish to leave Ryker out of their hate for me. I don’t care if it’s towards me but to involve our son is another matter.” I sighed. 

“You’re right, ok. You’re right. I just…I wished shit was so much more different. We were so happy when we were together. Yes, we had our fights and the pack was no help driving you away. I just don’t know what else to do Brent. I want to protect our son…even if it means he grows to hate me in the future which I know he will. I just want him safe and find the love we didn’t get to have together.” I sniffled as Ryker came running in with papa and mama. 

Seeing him now like this. This is the memory I will cherish. I never want to see him hurt as much as he has in these last few years with me. Even if I’m no longer a part of his life, I hope he’ll be happy. 

That’s what I hoped at least. That is until today of all days.

It’s been another few years since then, now he’s a mature thirteen-year-old. He’s so much more like Brent and I than I ever thought possible. Last year was the last since he visited me at the packhouse. I never thought it would hurt this much only being able to see him when school is out or on holidays which is only a few weeks or days at a time. 

It’s even more complicated since Kensi has become sick. Poor thing has been there for my boy, sharing every part of her memories with him since I can no longer be there for him physically. 

I know you may think I’m jealous or prayed she would be harmed so I can have my chance with Brent again but my goddess has she been an angel. She’s never been mean in any way towards me even if the other four have tried to ruin things for us. 

“Altan, Kensi is in the hospital. Please, we need your healing powers. Please.” Brent begged through the phone. 

“I’m on my way. I’ll be there soon.” I said, grabbing my spellbook of every spell I’ve ever been taught in my life.

“Where the hell are you going?” Gary said as he walked into the kitchen. 

“I’m needed elsewhere. What does it matter Gary? Do I ask you about your supposed late night shifts at work or your randomly scheduled business trips?” I said as I pushed past him.

“You’re going to see them aren’t you?” He glared at me. 

“And if I am? Why the hell do you care?” I half yelled. 

“Because unlike you, I prioritize our family.” He yelled back and I looked at him in disbelief. 

“What the hell does that even mean, Gary? Did you forget, they are a part of my family? Ryker is my son and Brent is his dad whether you and Joseph accept it or not. I am so sick and tired of you and Joseph turning the twins against Ryker just because he looks like Brent. There is no other reason to be so pissed off at such an innocent child as Ryker. If anyone is to blame it is you four. I can’t even have Ryker here anymore because he no longer feels safe here.” I growled out and he finally bared his neck to me as I pinned him against a wall in my blind rage.

“Do whatever the fuck you want but don’t expect us to be here when you’re gone.” He snickered and I punched him in the gut before leaving. 

When I ran into the hospital, I changed my appearance to mask as a doctor. Once I found her room, I hugged Brent and Ryker once they locked the door. 

“How long has she been like this?” I asked them as I looked her over. 

“A few days, we thought it was just a cold since we just got back from vacation. We went to Canada.” He smiled and so did I. He remembers that old story of my time at Niagara Falls. He’s been to New York so he took Kensi and Ryker through Canada. 

“This doesn’t seem like a normal cold.” I looked up at him then we heard someone rattling the door. 

“Can you figure out what it is?” He asked me. 

“Brent, she’s human. Sharing a part of Amar’s soul could kill her even if she’s pure of heart.” I warned him. 

“Please!” He begged again and I looked at Ryker as he was on the verge of a breakdown. 

“You two should sleep. I will wake you up when it’s done.” I sighed and they looked hesitant before I raised an eyebrow. It’s a losing battle, they know when I’m serious. 

When they fell asleep, I approached Kensi’s bedside and stroked her thinning hair.

“When are you planning on telling them hun? I know you heard everything.” I chuckled as one of her eyes popped open causing her to blush. 

“You’re the only one besides my family that knows the real reason I’ve been so sick lately.” She sniffled and I sighed. 

“You do know how pissed they’re going to be at me that I never told them I knew.” I smiled. 

“If they get mad, I’ll come back as a ghost and beat their asses.” She smirked and I laughed. 

“Well hun I don’t want to even think about that. I want you here as long as you can.” I spoke. 

“I’m not going to make it, Altan. We both know that, magic or not. My body can only handle so much.” She smiled weakly and I shook my head. 

“Have you met my side of the family? We won't give up without a fight.” I smirked and got what I needed. 

“This is a new, stronger spell than I’ve used in the past. We’ll get you to see more days. I promise you that.” I smiled and lit the candles. 

“Are you ready?” I asked her before she nodded. 

"My commands
Are your sweet song
You hear only my voice
From this moment on
We are one until the end of time
My words are your thoughts
With love and trust
I ask God to bless this soul for all time  
This spell is true
And harms no one
As I will it 
It is done. 
As of now, we are forever one until the end of days." I chanted and watched as she fell asleep. Thank you god for your blessing and mercy. 

After a few hours, everyone had woken up and I had unlocked the door. 
When the doctors had come in, they were baffled by how lively Kensi had looked given her state from earlier. 

“Mrs. Walker, your tests came back and it looks as though your results are better than we thought. It’s a miracle you’re here with us. You sure do have an angel looking after you.” The doctor smiled overjoyed. 

“So does that mean she can go home?” Brent asked.

“We’d like to keep her overnight for observation. As great as she looks now, it’s just procedure.” He said before looking over her chart one last time before walking out completely lost. 

After he left and the door closed, we all lost it and laughed. Poor guy. 

“Altan thank you so much for helping her and saving us from the heartache.” Brent said, hugging me and I smiled. 

“It was my pleasure, I’m glad I was able to help.” I smiled before yawning and stretching. 

“You should go home and get some sleep. That ritual probably took a lot out of you. I can’t wait to tell Zane she’s going to be alright.” I chuckled at his excited behavior. 

“Tell him I said hi and I’ll call him when I can.” I smiled. He’ll be going to a gifted school starting next year. It’s a wonderful achievement. 

“Will do.” He smiled and I nodded before I turned my attention to Kensi and Ryker cuddled together on her hospital bed and I hugged them. 

“See you all when I can.” I smiled before I left. 

Yet another year has passed and I can’t believe the news I received a few days ago. The spell was no longer enough to save Kensi, even all of us with God powers. The cancer was too progressive. 

“So again you’re choosing them over us?” Both Gary and Joseph looked at me as I was packing my suitcase. 

“For the last time, they are my family. I spend my time here more than I do here between taking the twins to all their afterschool activities, cooking, cleaning, working. I can’t even remember the last time I saw Ryker and I want to see my son. Are you two really that selfish? The woman who has been nothing but an angel, hell even a goddess to them is now dead. I need to be there for them. I’m supposed to be the one putting her soul to rest for goodness sake. I can’t just abandon them in their time of need.” I looked at them and they folded their arms.

“So that’s it? You’re going to choose them over us? You didn’t even know Kensi.” They said and I groaned. 

“There hasn’t been an us since I was kidnapped and needed you both. You weren’t, they were there when I needed someone and having suicidal tendencies. They helped bring me back. They personally invited me to her funeral. I’m not going to sit here and listen to you two talk so much shit about a woman, who has done nothing but be there for them because you assholes won’t put the past behind you as I have tried so many times before. She deserved to live, at least then Brent and Ryker would be happy.” I said going downstairs with my suitcase. 

“So help us Altan, if you leave this fucking house you’ll never see the boys again.” Gary growled. 

“Really? That old threat again? Screw you Gary.” I huffed. 

“I was fucking there when he was on the verge of wiping out the pack and picking up your pieces.” He said pretty proud of himself. 

I’ve had enough of this and just knocked them both out with a sleeping spell and stormed back upstairs.

As I got back upstairs, I tried calling Brent to tell him what happened but it went to voicemail. I can’t deal with this shit anymore and just began to unpack. I will have my boy back in my life even if it kills me.Gary and Joseph won’t control me any longer. I just hope Brent calls me back soon. 

There were a few time jumps in this chapter because the book is coming to an end! One more chapter before the epilogue!!

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