Riches // l.s.

By hoe4yourmom

1.9K 87 709

Harry has spent sixteen years of his life in a castle. Spoiled, cared for, and away from all the horrors of t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11

Chapter 10

116 5 68
By hoe4yourmom

Reference Picture^^^

Hey loves, sorry I haven't updated sooner, I've been extremely busy, and with it being the end of the school year I have a lot of projects.

Again, thank you guys for sticking with the story. Please continue to comment and vote; it helps with giving me the motivation to write and I enjoy hearing  how you guys are feeling about the story :)

After two weeks of no updates, here's Chapter 10 <3




Harry awoke to soft hair grazing his face. He looked carefully down at the head of short brown hair. Harry yawned, gradually adjusting to the sun reflecting off the golden surfaces in his room. He turned his attention back to the person on top of him. Their warm breath covered Harry's bare chest. His heart fluttered at the sight before him.

The person laying on Harry's chest shuffled and steadily lifted their head to meet Harry's eyes.

"Morning Love," Louis spoke. Harry grinned and pecked Louis on the lips in response. Louis's lips were soft and confusing in the best ways with his rough stubble. When they pulled away Harry smiled once again. Louis reflected the love present on Harry's features.

"Morning." Louis climbed closer to Harry, wrapping their bodies together while Harry talked. Harry chuckled once Louis nuzzled his head against Harry's shoulder.

"Boobear, come on. We can't miss our own wedding." Louis groaned at Harry's words and stayed resting on Harry. They continued to sit in silence, both too nervous to speak at the mention of their wedding.

"I- uh. I'm actually pretty nervous for today," Louis mumbled into Harry's neck. Harry felt relief knowing that he wasn't the only one feeling nauseous at the thought of messing up their most important day.

"Okay, me too," Harry huffed out. Louis's eyes filled with a playful look.

Louis gasped and continued, "Not my Curly. Nervous? Never." Harry went along with Louis's teasing and shoved him to the other side of the bed.

"Shove off Lou." Louis giggled, causing Harry's mouth to turn upwards despite attempting to appear angered. "You're so annoying."

Louis replaced his giggles with a smirk and brought himself over to Harry. He dropped onto Harry's lap. Harry hissed at the contact made with just them in their drawers.

Louis leaned in and whispered against Harry's ear, "Yeah, but you love me for it." Harry nodded, still caught off guard. Harry attached his lips to Louis's. Their mouths moved together, starting at a slow and careful pace.

Their kisses grew more careless once Louis licked into Harry's inviting mouth. Soft moans filled the air between each frantic kiss. Eventually, Harry's mouth fell open as Louis moved his hips against Harry's. Louis took the chance to capture Harry's bottom lip between his teeth and pull away.

"We should, uh, really get ready, Love." Louis sounded breathless, but smug at his work. Harry groaned in frustration, yet didn't argue against Louis's statement. Louis's smug look remained while he lifted himself from Harry and walked towards his suit.

"You tease," Harry murmured while glaring at Louis's ass. Louis chuckled and strolled into the bathroom with his suit. Harry sat on the bed, picking at his nails as he thought of the wedding.

"Harry!" Harry turned his attention from his cuticles to the bathroom door and hurriedly stood, hoping Louis wasn't hurt.

"Yes, Love!" Harry answered, still worried about the state of his soon-to-be husband.

"Why did you leave me?" Louis's voice sounded small and broken. Harry's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I'm right here Lou. Open the door, please. Are you okay?" Harry tried turning the doorknob but failed. He grasped the doorknob again, this time succeeding. Harry barged into the room looking around for his fiance.

"Why did you leave?" Harry peered down to the owner of the small voice. He gasped and kneeled down beside a bloodied Louis.

Louis's back was covered in angry red lines. Harry grabbed the nearest towel and placed it upon Louis's back.

"Love, what happened?" Harry pressed the material to Louis's injuries and lifted Louis's face to meet his eyes. Louis's eyes were clouded with pain. Harry noticed Louis's missing stubble and softer face. He appeared younger.

"You left me." A tear rolled down the young boy's face.

Harry gasped, abruptly leaving his slumber. He clutched his chest trying to even his breaths. Harry wiped at the dampness on his face. He peered to the other side of his bed, searching for Louis, only to be met with the harsh truth. He left Louis. Louis wasn't his and hasn't been his for two years.

Instead of short brown hair, a puddle of long black hair covered Harry's pillows. Harry felt his chest clench and his breathing quicken again. He grabbed his chest again and stumbled to the bathroom.

His breaths became shorter and progressively painful. Tears rolled down his face once he curled into himself on the bathroom floor. Harry could no longer tell if the aching in his chest was due to his constantly shattering heart or his uneven breaths.



"Mate, come on. With the coins we borrowed yesterday, the lads were able to buy some really fancy shit. You have to show up," Niall flopped onto Louis while speaking. Louis grunted and pulled his covers over his face.

"Eleanor said that if you're up for it, there's this cute guy coming that would definitely be into you. She also said that if you aren't ready then don't worry about it, but you have to come," Zayn chimed in while standing at the foot of Louis's bed.

Louis's room was now slightly bigger since he built a house close to his mum's. Despite having his own house, Louis was often at his mother's and would frequently help with his sisters. His father remained a knight and after a heartfelt conversation with his mother, they both decided to not worry about him anymore.

When the men at the castle returned Louis, he apologized and confessed every detail of his capture to his heartbroken mother. Luckily, she was more relieved with his return than the reason behind his capture.

Johannah also seemed particularly interested in who Harry was. She mentioned meeting Harry the day before and perfectly described the boy Louis had grown to thoroughly appreciate. With Louis's stories, Johannah was excited to properly meet the boy that made her son beyond happy.

Against both their wishes, that never happened. Louis spent the first year pestering Liam on the whereabouts of Harry. Each time, Liam only had distraught I-don't-knows to offer. After a year, Louis came to the realization that, for whatever reason, Harry wouldn't come back. So he sat in self-pity for the following year.

Each day felt lifeless without Harry. Louis could no longer listen to rants about Harry's new favorite flower, or watch the boy scrunch his nose and smile. He could no longer hold the boy and be there when the boy felt alone.

Harry quickly became everything in Louis's life without Louis knowing. When he finally came to terms with losing Harry, the air became colder, flowers became less vibrant, and the sun dulled. Every day seemed to be the same. Before Harry was gone, Louis didn't understand the hold the boy had on him. Louis was too young to realize he had everything.

"Fine. I'll go, but if any guy comes within a ten foot radius I will feed their dick to the pigs," Louis glared at his friends as he sat up and spoke. Niall hopped up from the bed and high-fived Zayn. They both smiled towards their grumpy friend and made their way to the door.

"Alright, see you there Lou. Remember, sundown!" Niall shouted just before the door shut behind him and Zayn. Louis scoffed and plopped onto his mattress.


I know this chapter is really short and I am so so sorry!! The next parts I have planned just don't match the vibe of this chapter yk?

This chapter is more of a slight introduction to their lives after Chapter 9. The next chapter will basically flip roles and you guys will sort of see how Louis is coping and there will be more details of Harry's life.

Anyways, continue to comment and vote! Thank you for reading loves<3

And as always:

I love you guys so much and I'm so proud of you all! Make sure to take care of yourselves and remember that it's not selfish to focus on yourself. You all are absolutely wonderful and I hope you all have wonderful days/nights <3

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