Love Don't Change..Odell Beck...

By melaninX_

1.1M 34.3K 13.6K

Danielle has been through hell and back with relationships after finally leaving her ex fiance who was always... More

A|N .
Yass boo Yass
Sequel Posted


36.3K 883 249
By melaninX_

Danielle POV

I was sitting in my nursing class just taking notes, our professor wasn't doing anything but lecturing. It was nothing but a bunch of review stuff for exams and everything he's saying is in this thick ass packet he gave us that I was reading through.

"Perez, A patient asks you for pain medication. You would take which most appropriate action first?" The professor asked the guy sitting next to me

"Umm..." He was stumped, our professor was an asshole to people who got the answer wrong I couldn't let him embarrass him.

"Page 5, Paragraph 2" I whispered so only he heard me.

"What the hell do you know?" He whispered.."give the patient the medicine" THIS NIGGA! I'm tryna help you out and you don't even take my help

"Perez, are you stupid?. Danielle can you help him out please"

"Gather data from the patient about the pains he or she is having" I said.

" that's a student who I know will pass this exam with no problem. Class dismissed"

I gathered my stuff, as I was walking out the building I heard someone shout my name.

"Danielle!" I turned around and spotted Perez

"Yes." I waited for him

"I'm sorry, I thought you were trying to give me the wrong answer or some shit ," he said laughing a little

"Nah professor can be an asshole, didn't want him to embarrass you or anything ..which he ended up doing that anyway" I shrugged

I spotted Odell sitting in the parking lot in his car.

"My brothers here, you need a ride?." Perez asked.

"My boyfriend is here."

"Boyfriend..oh okay well I'll see you around." Perez walked away

I walked up to Odell's car and got in the passenger seat and put my books in the back.

"Hey baby" we did a quick kiss

"Hey..who was that nigga?" He asked

"What nigga?"

"The boy you came walkin' outta' class wit' the one with the glasses and shit." He pulled out the parking lot

"Oh, that's Perez." I shrugged.

"Okay, what he talking to you fa?" His Louisiana accent began to come out

"Nothing boo, it was about the class."

"Mmhh betta' be, Ion wanna have to beat his nerdy ass."

"Odell stop, i don't even care about him," I said laughing

"I know you don't babe. I trust you but ion trust these niggas." He pulled out the parking lot.

"You hungry?" He asked

"Yeess! Go to Taco Bell!" I squealed

"Big ass baby." He mumbled

"Shut up," I laughed

I was laying in bed watching some show about Ghost, Odell was out with his friends so I was home alone. My phone started ringing and Angel popped up.


Angel: Ohh you stank ass hoe! YOU AINT CALLED ME IN A WEEK! I thought you died!

Me:well I'm not dead but Hunny!!!! Let me tell you about the other night!!

Angel:spill it all!

Me:well he got me a promise ring and.

Angel: wait! Bitch it's 2015 who the hell does promise rings anymore!?!?

Me:CAN YOU JUST SHUT UP AND LET ME TELL THE STORY!!!! Please..thank you..anyway HE GOT ME A DIAMOND PROMISE RING, he bought me all this stuff and..


Me: Didn't I tell you not to interrupt me, subject change I'm not telling you nothing!

Angel: YOU DID IT!!! YOU GOT THE D'!!!! I CAN HEAR IT IN YA VOICE!!! What positions he put you in?

Me: DE'ANGELO!!That's none of you're business !!

Angel: mmhh well I know he wore ya ass out because you sound sleepy.

Me:yes he did..but besides the sex which was amazing, the night was great. This is the best relationship I've been in, Angel I really do love him. he means everything to me.

Angel:Well I'm glad you're happy boo! the real question is...why the hell is Kendal DMing me on Instagram tryna tell me to give you his number.

Me: FUCK THAT NIGGA! I don't have no time for this! This shit is not bouta happen! No!

Angel: I'm not even gon answer him,

Me: UGH! I just don't want nothing or nobody trying to come between me and Odell..

Angel: well don't worry bout it girl. Don't think about Kendal just focus on Nursing School and ya ugly boyfriend.

Me:wow Angel you are crazy

Angel: I know, well Fabian is home...I gotta go! (Hangs up)

I tossed my phone to the side and sighed..I don't know what Kendal is up too but he better leave me the hell alone!. I went downstairs to the living room and started studying for my upcoming exam. I was getting tired but I wanted to wait up for Odell. once I finished studying I went on Instagram and took a couple pictures. The first like that popped up was from 'ThatNiggaKen_' .. OMFG KENDAL NEED TO GET ON SOMEWHERE!! Just so we wouldn't have any conflict I blocked him, I don't want anything to do with him ! I even recognized some of his friends who were following me and they asses got blocked too and if any of his other friends or family wanna follow me the can get invited to this BBQ [BLOCKING BITCHES QUICKLY]. I heard the front door open and shut.

"Hey Babygirl," He sat next to me.

"Hey boo.." I closed my books

"What you doing up this late? I thought you'd be in bed by now." He laid his head on my lap.

"I was waiting up for you punk." I started to twist and run my fingers through his hair.

Odell turned the tv on and we started watching Being Mary Jane. I hated this show but Odell liked it a lot.

"Babe you're hair dye is fading! And you need a fresh cut."

"You gon do it for me?" He asked.

"No because the last time I did it you kept complaining about how I wasn't doing it right! Then when I was finished you was like ..oh this shit nice! Thanks bae" I copied him.

"C'mon babe! I did ya hair last week!"

"NIGGA! You burned my forehead twice and the back of my neck four times!"

"Well nobody told you to have a big ass forehead and a long neck!!" I smacked him in his arm

"Just for that I'm not doing it!" I pushed him into the floor

"Ouch! Why you push me." He started hitting me with the pillow.

Our pillow fights are brutal as hell! He knocked over the vase and broke the lamp .

"Look at what you did! You breaking my house girl."

"That was you're fault! You the one with no aim!!" I laughed..

"Did you just insult my throwing skills.." He paused

"Maybe I did! Maybe I didn't!!" I threw another pillow at him

I knew he was gonna start chasing me so right after I threw the pillow I was running up the stairs. I ran into towards the bedroom and he grabbed me before I could even step foot in the room. He threw me over his shoulder and walked back down the stairs.

"Put me down !!!" I laughed

He didn't answer me, I heard a door open and he put me down in a closet, he shut the door and locked it. It was pitch black in here

"Odell this isn't funny anymore let me outta here please!!!" I yelled

"Nope!" He yelled

It was no light switch in here and I was starting to hyperventilate, I couldn't be in small spaces or pitch black rooms

"Babe please ..let me out !" My breathing got heavier

"Nope..stay in there until I finish picking up this glass"he yelled

I put my hand over my chest as my breathing increased even more.

"ODELL!!!!! Let me out!!!" I started banging on the door

"No!!!" He laughed

I tried to calm down but the more I tried, the worse it got, I got really hot and I started to sweat. Before I knew it I had passed out.


"ODELL!!!!! Let me out!!!" She started banging on the door

"No!!!" I laughed even harder

She was really snapping, then I heard a loud as boom like she was falling and it got really quiet..I ran over to the closet door and opened it . She was in the floor passed out. Oh Shit!!!! I picked her up off the floor and carried her upstairs to the bed.she was still breathing ! So that was a small relief.

"Danielle...Babygirl wake up"I lightly shook her.

I placed a cold washcloth on her forehead and continued to lightly shake her. Her eyes slowly began to open and she sat up.

"What happened?" She groaned

"well we were playing around and I locked you in the closet as a joke kept telling me to let you out but I didn't listen and you passed out." I put my head down. "Dani I'm so sorry, I was just playing around I didn't think you would faint."

She lifted my head up and stared at me. "It's okay boo..I'm fine." She smiled.

"are you afraid of the dark or are you claustrophobic?" I asked.

She sighed and put her head down, she started to fiddle with her fingers a bit.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." I said

"No it's fine, umm..well me and Jarvis have different dads and when I was little my mom and my dad got a divorce..he was an alcoholic and at first my mom was gonna get full custody of me but she didn't and I move to California with my dad and it was hell. He would beat me, lock me in closets for hours.. even days, sometimes he would even touch me and let his friends do stuff to me....when I was 15 I had 2 pregnancy scares because of his friends the time I turned 17 I saved up enough money from working, I ran away and I came to Louisiana.." She was now crying ..

I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight..maybe that's why she doesn't wanna speak to her mother. He hugged her as She cried into my shirt.

"Its alright baby...I promise I won't let anybody hurt you ever again." I whispered in her ear.

I was kinda surprised I would've never known that, Danielle was the type of person who always kept a smile on her face. You would've never known if she was hurting or traumatized or anything. I pulled the blanket over the both of us and held her as she cried .

"I love you.." She looked up at me.

"I love you more." I smiled at her.

She smiled and laid her head on my chest, after she had fell asleep in my arms, I started watching The Fresh Prince of bel air until I finally fell asleep..

The next morning I got up and got ready for training practice, today was a workout day so I didn't have to do hella running and shit!.Danielle was still sleeping and I didn't wanna bother her, I guess she kept having nightmares because she barely slept last night. I stayed up with her though. I didn't want her going to class today either, she needs some rest. I kissed her or head, grabbed my stuff and headed out the bedroom.

"Odell.." I heard her say.

"Yes" I walked back to her

"What time is practice over?" She asked

"Twelve o'clock why ? You want me to stay home with you today.."

"I did but you won't be gone too long so never mind."

"You sure?" I asked

"Yess babe now go before you're coach starts calling me asking where you at."

I hovered over her and just stared at her.

"What !?!" She said.

"I love you." I smiled

She couldn't help but smile at me.

"I love you too."
I gave her a kiss and left the house and headed to practice. When I got there I went to the workout room and spit my stuff down against the wall.

"Odell ! Wassup man." Victor approached me.

"Wassup Vic."

"You and Daniqua going to that club Friday night?" He asked.

"What club?"

"It's called Platinum or something like that. Sarah wanted to go so I told her the only way I was going is if you and Daniqua come." He laughed

"Yeah I'm sure Dani'll wanna go." I nodded.

"Ight bet , thanks man" he said

I gave him a head nod and started stretching before I lifted anything, I didn't really wanna come today..I wanted to be at home with my baby, I should've just stayed with her.

Danielle POV

I just laid in bed staring at the ceiling .. I couldn't believe I had finally told him , when I finally came back to Louisiana I moved with my grandmother instead of my mother and I didn't tell anyone about the things I went through until a year later. After taking a shower and getting dressed, I ate French toast cinnamon cereal and grabbed my pink apple laptop. I emailed my teacher and told him I was sorry for missing the exam and I would be in tomorrow so I could do a make up test. I was still kinda tired but after Odell left I finally went back to sleep. Last night I had a couple bad dreams that were basically flashbacks but I'm not gonna tell Odell that .. I don't want him worrying about me so much , he needs to focus and get ready for the season. I walked out to the balcony and sat in the chair that was out there. Once 1 o'clock rolled around, Odell came In the house and started yelling for me.

"BABE!!!!!!! WHERE YOU AT !?!" He yelled loudly.

"Stop yelling !!! I'm out here!" I yelled back.

"Oh damn...I ain't been out here in I remember why I bought this house." He sat next to me

"I wanna come out here at night."

"Well we can do that tonight if you want he held my hand."

"Yeah we can" I smiled

It was quiet for a moment until he spoke again.

"Oh yeah, victor and his wife Sarah are going out Friday night to that club wanna go?" He asked

"Yeah boo we can go."

Staring out at the New York skyline made me smile inside, It was beautiful out here and i knew this balcony would be somewhere I'd come to all the time.

"Dani...what you think of kids ?" Odell asked.

My head turned fast as hell, I raised an eyebrow and answered his question.

"I mean they cute ..a lot if work but they're cute"

"So you like kids?" He asked again.

"Yeah, I'm pretty good with them." I shrugged. "Why?"

"I was just wondering"

I thought it was kinda weird how he just came out of nowhere and asked me about kids, I hope he isn't thinking about getting me pregnant! I'm not ready for kids.. I wanna wait awhile. Once we went inside Odell hopped in the shower and I sat on the bed texting Jarvis, I miss my big brother ..I was closer to Jarvis than I was Darrion..

"Babe come here." I heard Odell yell.

I got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom, Odell was standing in front of the bathroom sink brushing his teeth with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist ...damn.

"Wassup boo." I sat on the sink counter.

"After I get dressed make sure you ready cuz I'm taking you somewhere." He started rinsing his mouth out with some minty mouth wash.

"Where we going" I asked

"A place." He started to walk pass me but I pulled him back

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he kissed my lips, he kissed me again and it turned right into a make out session. I ran my fingers up and down his chest and his abs. He placed my legs around his waist pulling me closer and rubbing his hands up and down my thighs. His phone started ringing and he pulled away from the kiss.

"Oh my gosh!" He lightly slammed his fist in the counter

I got off the counter and walked over to the closet. I searched for a pair of heels to match my dress and picked my white heels. Once Odell was dressed we headed out the door and got in his car. The drive was small talk here and there but for the most part it was kinda quiet. Eventually we pulled up to a car dealership and got out the car. We walked inside and a tall Hispanic looking guy walked up to us.

"Odell ! Wassup man , we got those cars ready for you."

"Thanks Dom ." Odell gave him a head nod.

"No problem just follow me .. Wait aren't you Jarvis Landry's sister?" Dom asked leading us out the doors .

"Yeah I am." I didn't mind when people recognized me as Jarvis's sister or even Odell's girlfriend.

Dom led us over to a line of cars the row of cars was a 2015 Mercedes Benz,a 2015 Camaro,a 2015 Cadillac and a 2015 range rover.

"Pick which ever one you want Babygirl," Odell wrapped his arms around me."

"Are you serious?" I asked

"Yeah, you deserve it beautiful.."

I stared at the cars for a minute and walked closer to the Black 2015 Cadillac, it was beautiful.

"You can take a look inside of them if you want before making a choice." Dom said.

I opened the drivers door to the Cadillac and sat in the front seat, the seats were like a cream color which made the car look even better.

"If you don't like the colors we can take it to our body shop and they can take care of it." Dom yelled.

"The colors are fine.." I yelled back.

"You want this one?" Odell asked

I smiled at nodded my head yes, Odell turned back to Dom and nodded his head. Dom headed inside the building and Odell walked up to me.

"You didn't have to do this for me baby."

"Yes I did. You my girl and It's my job to spoil you." He kissed my lips.

"Thanks baby ..but seriously you don't have to .." He cut me off.

"Shhh, just be quiet. You might as well get used to it Babygirl. I love you and I'm gonna spoil you, I'm gonna shower you with the best and nothing but the best, I got you ma" he smiled at me and I smiled back at him.

"Okay babe..I love you too." I kissed him.

Dom walked back over to us and handed Odell a few papers, he signed them all and handed the clipboard back to him.

"Alright, here are the keys.enjoy you're new car." Dom handed me the keys.

I gave Odell a hug and a kiss.

"You go ahead and chill by yourself for a couple hours, I'll see you back at the house." He kissed me and slipped something into my back pocket.

I reached into my back pocket and pulled out a credit card out along with a big ass wad of money. he was gonna make me take the money anyway. I got in my car, started it up an pulled out the dealership parking lot. I pulled up to Victoria's Spa and got out the car. She also had a nail salon inside so I figured I'd get my nails done, I wasn't really familiar with New York yet but I remember riding pass A lot of places woke I was with Odell.

"Hey Danielle!" Victoria greeted me with a smile and hugged me

"Hey Victoria!" I hugged her

"I don't have any appointments so what you need girl."

"Manicure?" I shrugged

Me and Victoria talked the entire time and got to know each other, she was really cool and funny as hell. For a couple more hours I rode around and stopped at different places, trying to get familiar with New York and all that stuff. I knew we would start experimenting soon in my nursing classes and we would have to start wearing uniforms so I bought some different colored scrub outfits and then headed home. When I got there, Odell was in Kitchen cooking while on the phone . I took my stuff upstairs to our bedroom and jogged back downstairs.

"Yeah...Jarvis don't worry bout it, I got her...yes nigga!!shes just fine....thanks man...Ight yeah I'll tell her." He hung the phone up.

"Wassup beautiful," he kissed me.

"Heyy..what did Jarvis call for?" I asked

"Well we actually been on the phone for awhile now, just talking and finally getting over all that bullshit but he seen ya selfies on Instagram and called me ." I laughed

"That doesn't surprise me.." I shook my head.

"Well go in the living room and relax Babygirl,"

"Odell, I'm fine boo. I wanna help you cook dinner."

"Nope, go in the living room or in the bedroom or on the balcony." he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me cheek.

"Ugh fine .. Oh I almost forgot.. Here's you're card and you're money." I reached in my wallet.

"Keep it baby." He shrugged

"No take it" I handed it to him.

"Danielle! Keep it babe it's yours."

..fine." I Zipped my wallet up.

I went upstairs to our room and put my stuff away, I even bought Odell some stuff. After dinner Odell laid in my arms and read over his play book for practice, while I studied my notes and played with his hair. Odell really did treat me like a queen, giving me everything and anything. It's kinda weird just having him give me things but like he said , I gotta get used to it, I don't really want too..I like being independent once I finish nursing school and I get a job, I'm not gonna be accepting money from him as much. Later on that night we were on the balcony just talking about anything and everything.

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