Scarecrow's Secret

By echoangel124

13.6K 190 44

There's a secret about Dr Jonathan Crane, otherwise known as Scarecrow. He has a family. A son and a daughter... More

"Please, call me Jon,"
Caralyn's Nightmare
Familiar Faces, Unbeknown Names
Want A Taste Of My Medicne?
Jonathan's Plan
Curse Security Cameras
This Is Revealing
Dirty Secret
Happy Birthday Caralyn...
Welcome to Arkham
Caralyn's Second Session
Who Knew Escaping Was So Hard?
Dying In a Tedious Manner
Oh, Look, Duality King
Don't Lie... Unless You Absolutely Have To
Death Bed
Agility Lessons
Capture To The Courthouse
Courthouse Nightmare
Seperated - Part 1
Seperated - Part 2
The "Secret" Lair
"We Are Just Epic,"

Fresh Blood

590 7 0
By echoangel124

The boy had to be at least my dads age, but he looked too young so maybe around mine. I couldn't see his face clearly as he was wearing a mask. My grip was on his shirt and jacket, the toxin still up at his face. He just stared at me with a huge, idiotic grin on his face. I rolled my eyes and stuffed the toxin back in to my pocket and threw him on the ground. He stumbled backwards and lifted his head.

"Ouch, someone's angry," he said. I rolled my eyes, once again and stood with my back to the wall, one foot leaning on it and my arms crossed, waiting for him to stand up. He stood up and I studied him. Green. Green converse, and a green top. Although he was wearing black jeans. I must have thrown off his jacket as it was laying on the ground next to me, he searched around for his hat before finding it and placing it on his hand. Of course, the hat was green. I picked up the jacket and studied it for a moment. Green (Of course) with little black question marks on it. I couldn't tell if this was Ethan or his dad!

"Um, sorry," I apologised. I handed him his jacket and he took it with a weak smile to let me know it was okay. I returned the smile. He slid the jacket on and stood there awkwardly.

"Uh, could you pass me my cane?" he asked. I jumped and turned around to pick up his cane and hand it to him. He took it and stood in a Riddler like pose. I scratched the back of my head, looking for something to say. I really couldn't tell if this was Ethan or Edward. They both looked so alike, almost as tall as each other, almost the same outfit. Well, his dads was covered in question marks but the guy could go for a new look. But, I doubted Edward even remembered me. I decided to say a stupid thing, which, if I was right that this was who I thought it was, then it would be the stupidest question ever.

"Uh, I'm looking for, uh, Ethan Nashton, I don't know if you may have seen him...anywhere," I hesitated. A small smile curved on his lips. I looked to my side and thought 'idiot' over and over again.

"Of course, I know Ethan, he's my son," he said, spinning around to face steps. My eyes widened in shock. How could he possibly remember me? I followed him down the steps and to a wall. He put his hand against some sort of scanner thing and the wall pushed in and moved aside. He stood aside and gestured for me to enter. I hesitated at first before walking in and setting my eyes on the beautiful sight in front of me. There was a railing and a waterfall. I walked up to the waterfall, ignoring my acrophobia and ogling at the pretty sight.

"Nice, isn't it?" asked a familiar voice. I spun around to face Ethan. He half smiled at me and joined me at the edge. His dad crossed the room and pressed a button which revealed an elevator. Before stepping into the elevator, he turned round to face us.

"Caralyn, you shouldn't stay out too late, get back at a point where Jonny boy won't get suspicious," he informed, smirking. My eyes widened, he just stayed with that smirk. I blinked and came back to my sense of speech.

"How did you know about my sneaking out?" I asked him, eyeing him suspiciously, trying to raise an eyebrow, failing. I could never lift one eyebrow and I always made a weird face when I tried.

"Please, Caralyn, it's not like your dad would let you go anywhere, is it? Plus, I'm the Riddler, I know everything," he enlightened. I blinked and then Ethan piped up.

"You only know everything because you spy on everyone with your monitors up there," he said, pointing upwards. Edward scowled and I giggled a bit. He sighed and walked into the elevator, probably going up to his monitor room.

"So, what are you doing here?" asked Ethan. I explained what had happened with Edward and he was having a laughing fit at how I couldn't tell if Edward was Edward or him. I scowled. He calmed down, wiping tears from his eyes.

"Ooh, let's go and find Alex!" I suggested, dragging him out of his lair. His hysterical face turned into a look of hesitation. I kept grinning at him while dragging him upstairs and out of the alleyway they hid on.

"Uh, Caralyn, I'm not sure that's a good idea," he said to me, a tone of worry in his voice.

"Why?" I asked. He scratched his head and then scowled at me. I kept an innocent smile on my face and he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Fine, your funeral," he said and gestured me to move forward. I jumped up and clapped my hands squealing. He sighed again and followed me.

--Ethan's P.O.V--

I was about to inform Caralyn why it was a bad idea to go to Alex's at this time if night. Harley may seem all smiles and like a good mother and so might Alex. But I've seen the horror, with my own eyes. Joker and Harley, yelling their guts out about something and Alex sitting in the corner, bawling her eyes out. I didn't really want Caralyn to see that, she might get as scared as I was when I saw that. Well, hey, just because she was Crane's daughter doesn't mean she was immune to feeling fear. We arrived at Alex's and Caralyn walked to the door, I couldn't hear any yelling. Just a distant sound of a TV. Caralyn knocked on the door and Alex answered it.

"Caralyn?" she questioned. Caralyn nodded and she jumped down and hugged us both.

--Caralyn's P.O.V--

"Oh, thank, God!" she almost yelled and stepped inside for a few seconds. Ethan and I heard mumbled voices and exchanged glances. Alex stepped out with long boots, like her mother wore, on and a black leather motorcycle jacket. She slammed the door behind her, scowling. She then painted a smile of relief on to her face and skipped down the stairs. Ethan I exchanged another glance and then shrugged. Alex turned round to face us.

"So, where we off to?" she asked. I thought for a minute. Being adventurous, as I called it, others would have called it completely crazy, insane, idiotic. Suicide.

"How about crime alley?" I asked. Ethan and Alex shifted and looked down. I gave them a quizzical look, waiting for an answer. Ethan clicked his tongue while Alex looked up to face me.

"It's not safe," she mumbled. I gaped at her. She gave me a look as in to say what-the-hell?

"Safe? Safe?! You're the daughter of TWO of the most notorious super villains in Gotham. Possibly the world, and you're worried about being safe?"I asked her in surprise. She rolled her eyes at me and I turned to Ethan.

"Same goes for you. But you're dad isn't that scary, just a creep," I informed him. Alex stifled a giggle. He sighed. "Come on, guys! Be adventurous, be dangerous, be stupid! How much fun are you if you're worried about" I asked them. Ethan sighed his signature sigh and came over to stand beside me. Seemed I had convinced him. Alex looked at us both and then growled in exasperation.

"Fine," she growled. I smirked. We walked towards Crime alley. This places real name was Park Row but so many crimes happened here that everyone nicknamed it. But the name stuck. We walked down the steps of crime alley.

"See, nothing's happening," I said to Alex and Ethan, trying to help them relax. Then, we all saw a shadow move and sharply turned around. We heard a cold, low voice.

"Ooh, the doctor's daughter. If the doctor won't cure you, then I will," the person said. Zsasz. Great. The crazy lunatic thinks living is a disease! I'd bloody cure him if I wasn't so frightened, looking around for him. I heard a scream and a familiar voice shout. Alex. He always goes for the women! Not that I wanted Ethan to be taken by Zsasz but he could at least go for a change in the sex. A laugh echoed in the darkness.

"Try and find- OW!" he yelled, being cut off from what he was about to say. I adjusted my eyes to the dark to see a figure moving in it. Alex ran over to us and told us she had kicked him in the balls. Pleasant. Well, she wasn't one of those damsel in distress women, thank God. I kept my eyes on the moving figure. Alex and Ethan were sitting looking about for him. I pretended to be doing the same, by looking behind me and to other sides of the dark. I was taken by surprise briefly when he lunged himself at me. He was about to stab me. Alex and Ethan whipped around to face me. To their and Zsasz's shock, I grabbed his hand with the knife in it and his other before he could punch me. I kneed him in his balls - well, no kids for him. Who would want kids with him? - and then brought my leg up to kick him the face. He was still conscious. I picked him up by his baldy head and brought him back, his back arched, to face me.

"You're such an easy person to beat, to me," I told him before smacking his forehead off the wall and he slid down, unconscious. We heard more shuffling and ran up the steps, out of Crime Alley. Alex and Ethan were in a state of shock, as was I. I apologised a million times but they kept saying it was okay. They left me to walk home on my own, I was a little paranoid. I kept facing behind me to make sure I wasn't being followed. I entered my house and slid down the door. I closed my eyes and put my head into my hands. I heard something smash and realised dad was still in his lab. I locked up at the clock that said it was half past one. What was dad doing in his lab at this time of night? I decided to shrug it off and count myself lucky as he hadn't noticed I was gone. I snuck up stairs and slipped into my room quietly. I kicked my shoes off and slipped off my jacket. I flopped myself on my bed and lay awake before drifting off to sleep.

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