A Deer In The Village Of Lion...

By codyfernswaifu

11.6K 493 237

Y/N, kidnapped at birth by Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters. She was supposed to just be yet another unwilli... More

the bite of the night - 1
cassandra the sweet - 2
on the hunt - 4
bela, bela, dressed in yella, went on a date to kill a fella - 5
unfortunate - 6
in the dark - 7
how can i ease the pain - 8
a deal with the devil - 9
full grown doe in the village of lions

unwelcome visitor - 3

1.1K 58 23
By codyfernswaifu

"Honeysuckle!" Alcina yelled, I hadn't even heard her come into the castle. My ears perking up at my nickname. 

"Come here, NOW!" Lady Dimitrescu's loud voice reverberated off of the walls. I was still in the main foyer dusting off yet another marble statue. Since Lady Dimitrescu doesn't allow running in her castle, I hurriedly walked through the house, to where I was sure the voice came from. Lady Dimitrescu was seated at her vanity, her leg crossed over the other.

"You called mistress?" I stopped myself from bowing, she didn't seem to be in a good mood.

"Bring me my cigarette, and a drink." She commanded, waving me away with her hand. I left the room, going to the kitchen where I had an already prepared batch of her favorite and most sweetest blood tonic. It was supposed to be for when she returned as a gratuity. 

Only I guess she will get it now.

I poured it and some ice into the cocktail shaker, covering it and churning the mixture around. I streamed the crimson liquid into a martini glass and put an olive into it. I grabbed her a fresh cigarette and put it into the holder, placing it and the drink onto the signature brown serving tray.

I returned into the room, setting the tray onto a small table, I handed her the cigarette and lit it for her, the woman taking a long drag and exhaling, blowing the smoke into the air.

She began to apply lipstick with the free hand, me taking the drink off of the tray. She popped and puckered her lips a few times, the rich red color looking as pronounced as ever on her grey skin. She tossed the tube down, and held her hand out without even sparing a glance in my direction. I placed the glass into her waiting palm, her waving me away. 

I picked the tray back up into my hands, turning to leave the room. A few moments later, there was a loud growl and the glass crashed against the wall, two inches from my face. Blood splattering against and sliding down the wall. I knew I would have to clean that off and the glass shards up too. 

"Not blood you imbecile!" Lady Dimitrescu yelled, standing up and taking two large steps, getting right into my face and towering over me. She suddenly grabbed me by my throat, a gurgling gasp freeing its way from my throat. Her anaconda like grip around my throat, her nails digging into the back of my neck. She hoisted me into the air, my feet kicking like crazy, my hands clawing at the one tightly crushing my larynx. 

"A drink! Alcohol! Liquor! Booze! Spirits!" She screamed, my head swimming at the lack of oxygen. My body involuntarily jerking as I tried to desperately pull air into my lungs. In a swift move, she lifted me up higher and slammed me straight down, my head crashing against the floor. I grit my teeth, forcing down a scream. She kept me pressed to the ground, screaming in my ear. 

"Do you understand that?!" She hollered, her voice making the once dull throbbing headache that I had, turn into a full-blown migraine. She picked me up a bit, my body lifted into the air with a whimper. She held me by the scruff of my neck like a rag doll, my feet dragging pathetically behind me, little whimpers escaping as much as I tried to force them down. In a flash, she flung me to the ground like my clothes were on fire.

"I apologize." I groaned out, clutching my booming head as I sat up on my haunches. She stared down at me with pure, unbridled disgust on her face. Her piercing gold eyes snaking their way into my soul. I stared up at her wordlessly as I felt something drip onto my lap. My shaky hand made its way to my face, I pulled it back to find that my nose and lip had been split open, blood dripping down my face.

Lady Dimitrescu, picked me up by the back of my neck, she held me close huffing the air. She opened her mouth, holding her tounge out and swiping it across my face. Her pink muscle turned red as she licked the blood from my face in clear swipes. She groaned lowly as she cleaned my face clear of the blood, I tried to not think about how demeaning but amazing it felt. My head was still pounding, but thanks to the Metamycete my headache was quickly fading. 

She softly set me down, once my face was clear. Her wiping her mouth with a smirk and swiping her tongue across her pointy teeth. She waved me away with her hand, me getting my bearings and and walking from the room.

I guess she didn't want anyone else's blood but my own.

I was completely dazed at the fact that she literally licked my face like a feral animal, especially after slamming me down.

To many people, this would be hell. For me, this was my heaven and my reality. I quickly fixed her a drink, doing my best to make sure it was perfect. I hurried back into the room, handing her the glass and standing back a bit.

"Thank you." She said, sipping the hard drink, and hissing. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes and humming. She swirled the drink around, sighed before she started.

"This is delightful." She praised, confidence surging through me.

"Well ma'am, I've had years of practice." I told her, giving her a smile. She nodded, wiping her eyes sneakily.

"Forgive me for the intrusion, but are you alright mistress?" I asked, finding the courage to lean down and look her in her face.

"No." She answered, taking off her hat and setting it down.

"Would you like to confide in me? I'm quite the listener. Ask your d-" I paused, almost telling on myself, and my conversations with her daughters. "Ask anybody." I finished, sitting down in front of her cross legged. She took another sip of her drink before starting.

"This 'family' is unrelentingly irksome. Mother Miranda treats me as if I am some stranger on the street! Giving my idiotic little brother, Heisenberg, the duty of disposing of Ethan Winters. I am much more than my little brother. She should have trusted me to rid her of him!" She yelled, slamming her hand onto the top of her vanity.

"Ethan Winters?" I asked, her eyes following me critically.

"You know of him child?" She asked.

"Yes mistress, I have heard stories. Seven actually. Please continue." I told her, anyone who was anyone knew of the myth of Ethan Winters.

(a/n: if you caught this reference, i fucking love you.)

"He has no idea what class is! He would much rather put on a moronic show, than focus on the man's suffering. Additionally, Mother Miranda does not think I know, but she confided in Donna that I would not be a suitable candidate to become Eva's vessel." Even though she was obviously angry, there was a tinge of sadness in the back of her eyes. I've never seen this side of her.

"I can bear children, look at me!" She said, suddenly standing up. She did a small twirl in front of me, showing me her assets. Her toned and strong legs, her flat stomach and perfectly sculpted body. She was the epitome of attractive. She flexed a muscle, looking away and then down to me.

 "And my strength is unmatched. Her doubt in my capabilities is quite..." She stopped, taking a breath.

"Depressing?" I thought a moment, before speaking. Finishing her sentence for her.

"Yes, quite depressing." She nodded, wiping a few stray hairs from her face. 

"Pardon my saying so mistress, but as long as I have lived here, a blind person can see how well you have raised your daughters. You've raised fine children, and Eva would be lucky to have your body to carry her." I complimented her, gesturing her to sit back down. My mind was racing with the most disgusting thoughts about her, and I wasn't sure that I could contain myself.

"I know not much about the inner workings of your siblings and mother mistress, but you have made me happy. I only wish you truly find some of that happiness for yourself." I told her as genuinely as possible.

"Oh Honeysuckle, you are a joy." She said, smiling at me, like I was an angel.

"I only aim to do my best." I stood from my position and bowed, returning her smile.

"And you are. Come, join me in the study." She said, taking my small hand in her large one and her glass in the other, leading me for a change. She ducked under the door frame, my heart ready to fall out of my chest. Her hand was huge, mine felt as if it was in a huge glove. Her grip was tight but not excruciating, she led me through the rooms, not dragging me, but leading me. Her hand was warm as it could be, and so comfortable. 

Once we got to her study, she took a seat in the far right chair, one of her favorites. The white and gold contrasting against her. I sat on the ottoman in front of her like a waiting puppy, staring up at her with the largest doe eyes. I was willing to bet she could see the love in my eyes. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head, her sipping her drink. The crackling of the fire and the dimly lit room, lulling me.

"Mistress, you seem tired, please put your feet up." I explained, turning to her and patting my lap. 

She gave me a confused look, but still listened to me, putting her heavy legs into my lap. I've never felt more at home. I pulled her heels off, slowly to not startle her as she leaned back comfortably in her chair. I put the heels beside me on the ottoman, and began to massage her calves and feet.

"Thank you, Honeysuckle." She moaned out, squirming a bit in her seat. I looked up from my lashes, smiling at the pleasure, imagining much different scenarios. I pretended that I had a sliver of control over her for a moment.

"Believe me, it's my pleasure." I said quietly, I was unsure that she really knew how true that statement was. I worked my fingers over her, kneading out any stress lumps that I felt, her exhaling and groaning at the contact. 

I could hear Bela laughing loudly somewhere in another room, and the crying of someone unidentified. I'm guessing Lady Dimitrescu did as well, her shooting up from her relaxed position and slipping her shoes back on. She readjusted herself and sat up, taking another sip of alcohol. I could hear the hum of flies once again, as the three women crashed through the doors of the study, Cassandra and Bela dragging a man by the scythes buried in his knees.

They tossed him into the corner, only I couldn't get a good look at his face from the dim lights. 

"Mother, I bring you fresh prey." Bela said, sweeping her hand in the direction of the man.

"You are so kind to me daughters." She said, winking at me before she finished off her drink. 

"Now, let's take a look at him." She said, standing up and slowly walking over to the four of them.

"Well, well. Ethan Winters." Lady Dimitresu stated, putting her hands on her way too wide hips. 

Ethan Winters! The Ethan Winters?! Here?

"You escaped my little brother's idiot games, did you?" She teased, I only stood in the corner, hands in front of me, quiet as a mouse. 

Cassandra seemed weird today, she cast a look over her shoulder, her eyes gleaming yellow. It worried me that I couldn't find the kindness that lie beneath them. She gave me a weird look and turned back around.

"Let's see how special you are." Alcina remarked, throwing both of her arms in the air.

"Yes mother." Bela spoke, hurrying to the man.

"Yes mother." Cassandra also whispered, taking her place at the other side of the man. Bela held him still while Cassandra whipped a blade from her thigh garter, him groaning all the while. The youngest, held his hand out, the bloody gauze being what my eyes honed in on. Cassandra giggled a bit as she spliced his wrist a bit.

Alcina immediately dropped down, grabbing his hand, licking and slurping the blood from him. Smacking her lips a few times, tasting it. I must have let out a little gasp, because Daniela turned to me, shooting me a glare.

I didn't sympathize with the man, hell, I had been licked multiple times by her. She's drank my blood multiple times, even her daughters have.

Shitty man. Damn him. 

I couldn't hide the pout forming on my lips as she spoke. "Hmm. Starting to go a little stale." She chuckled, and my mouth immediately curled into a smile. She called me honeysuckle, his blood was stale. How funny.

Alcina held her hand out, as Cassandra whipped over to me, snatching the napkin from my breast pocket. She didn't even look up at me.

She whipped back over, placing it into her mother's hand, her dabbing her mouth with the cloth.

"Then let's devour his man-flesh quickly mother!" Bela spoke excitedly, jumping up and down.

"But I am the one who captured him!" Cassandra argued. 

She caught him? What was wrong with her?

"Now, now, daughters. First, I must inform Mother Miranda." She said, tossing the rag aside. "But later..." She started, clasping her hands together. "Well, there will be enough for everyone." She finished, Cassandra giggling like a maniac. She threw her arms back into the air like before.

"Put him up." She ordered. Then moving aside to check her nails.

"Hey, hey wait..." The man said slowly as Cassandra and Bela took hold of his arms. Bela was the first to slam the hanging hook into the back of his hand. The man let out an ear piercing scream, and I couldn't help but smile. Cassandra then stabbed him through the other, Lady Dimitrescu, laughing all the while.

I know those hanging hooks well, so many other servants I have seen hanging on them. 

The three women laughed like hyenas as Bela, turning the crank on the wall, making him rise into the air, hanging above the mantle. The lousy man cried out, whimpering and panting to himself.

"Hey, Let me...down!" He croaked out, still panting away.

"Careful what you wish for...Ethan Winters." Lady Dimitrescu answered, turning around and leaving the room. She ducked her head as she exited, the three daughters following her, laughing at the gentleman.

"Come Y/N." Bela called out to me, once she grabbed a hold of the rag, smelling it and waving him goodbye.

"Yes mistress Bela, please allow me to clear this and I will be along momentarily." I told her, just as she exited the room as well.

"Hey! Can you help me down?" The man called out as I picked up Lady Alcina's glass and her recently discarded cigarette holder.

"I'm afraid not, Mr. Winters." I told him. I hated him already, even if I did not truly know him.

"Please! I have to find my daughter. Please..." He begged, the chains rattling as he wiggled.

"Rose?" I called over my shoulder, wiping off the small table in front of her.

"You know Rose?" He asked, more frantic than before. "Answer me! Where is my daughter?" He demanded. I knew everything about little Rosemary, Lady Dimitrescu talked about it often, and confided in me about the ceremony, the flasks, Eva, and everything.

"I'm sorry. I will get into trouble for speaking to you any further." I told him, rolling my eyes with my back turned to him.

"You're not like them." He told me in a quiet voice, as if he were judging me. "You're human aren't you?" He tacked on, my anger starting to boil, I didn't truly know what I was. The Megamycete killed everyone else that it was injected into, only not me.

"Yes. Maybe.." I told him, quite unsure of myself and the answer. I finished gathering my things and prepared to make my exit and leave him hanging there.

"You're not normal." He said sarcastically.

"I find it amusing that you can say that, especially in your current predicament, Mr. Winters." I told him, giving him a once-over. I pulled open the study doors, turning to him as he screamed out.

"Help me down!"

"Goodbye Mr. Winters." I remarked, looking over my shoulder. I walked out, shutting the doors behind me, listening to him scream his head off.

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