To Make Him Smile

By Always_Manyata

1.8M 97.3K 12.8K

Aarav Ahuja a 2nd year college student, son of a rich business man. He is a very quiet and calm boy, he loves... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Bonus Chapter!
Bonus Chapter continue...
Bonus chapter ✨
Facts about the book !
Bonus Chapter
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✨ short stories ✨

Chapter 27

24.2K 1.4K 177
By Always_Manyata

Sorry for the late update!! Please don't mind the mistakes if there are any.

Aarav's POV

I just can't believe that she is in my house!!!! That to for 10 days.

When she entered my room i thought that i was my hallucinations but she was and is actually in my house.

My heart flipped with joy, i longed to see her for so long and now when she came, i acted like a stupid idiot.

When her father, uncle Raj blessed me saying that i get the most beautiful and intelligent wife that time i looked at Bhaviksha, she is beautiful and intelligent. I thought and my cheeks heat up, did i just !!!! Oh god.

All the time i sat quietly as i am scared also.

When Pratap came in and he began to show off, i didn't mind it because he is always like this but when he began to Flirt with Bhaviksha, believe me i wanted to kill him there itself but i couldn't.

Why do have to be so helpless !!

At dinner time Bhaviksha was compelling me to eat the delicious food which everyone was eating except Me and Pratap.

When i didn't eat, she looked upset and hardly ate anything and went out of there.

Here, right now i am looking my food and then her empty seat.

"Your daughter is stubborn Raj" Dadaji said

"No uncle ji it's not like that, she actually can't see her friend eating salad when she herself is eating delicious food infront of him, so that why" Raj uncle said

"But salad is healthy for a fit body and mind, why is she compelling Aarav to eat them forcefully?" Dadaji said

Sheena Aunty said "sorry for her misbehaviour but uncle ji my daughter is like this only, if her friend is not eating anything then even she won't"

"Hmm i see......" Dadji said and began to eat his food.

Everyone ate food but i didn't.

After dinner her mom and dad went in her room with food but she didn't open it.

I am sure she is upset from me.

It is 12:15 Am and i secretly entered in the kitchen and take some food on a plate.

I go back to my room and then enter in my balcony.

Did i tell you guys that there is an attached balcony???

My room and her room her attached with a balcony, i.e 2 rooms but same balcony.

I hope her balcony gate is open.

I push the door and hush it is open, thank god.

I slowly entered in and found her sketching something, many papers were thrown all around in round balls, she didn't notice me.

She is still awake!!!

"Bhaviksha" i said softly.

She stopped drawing and turned around her head, she frowned and stood up "how did you enter in?"

"Balcony" i gestured towards it "its attached with my room"

"Okay why are you here?" She asked rudely and folded her arms.

"You didn't eat i brought you food" i said showing her the plate in my hands.

"I am not eating" she again sat on the table and began to do sketching.

I kept the plate besides her and said "please eat something Bhaviksha"

She didn't speak anything.


No answers

"Bhaviksha say something, please eat"

She threw her pencil on the table with force and shouted "why should i listen to you??? Did you listen to me when i said to eat ??? It was just a simple request Aarav!! Even that Pratap was ready to eat but you didn't say anything,and from how long are you eating this Salad in dinner??"

She shouted !!! I hope nobody listens.

"Say something Aarav"

"Bhaviksha Taiji makes it for me, to be healthy, fit and fine, and i eat salad in my dinner, even Pratap eats it"

"What will happen if you won't eat it for few days hunh?? Will you become fat in one day itself??? I just said that util i am here eat what i eat, did i said something wrong??"

"Bhaviksha you are making fuss over a very small thing" i said

"Oh really?? Fine take this food, eat it oh sorry you won't eat, throw it or give it some street dogs"

She turned her face away from me.

"Leave Aarav, I don't wanna talk to you" her voice began to shake.

"Listen to me Bh-"

"Why should i listen to you???? Do you listen to me?? Do you listen to me when i ask about your problem? Do you listen to me when i say you to show some expression?? Do you listen to me?? Then why should i?" She snapped at me.

"Bhaviksha would you disrespect you mom if she will make something for you with so much love??? Will you throw it Away?? Will you hurt her??" I asked calmly.

She looked at me, tears were brimming from her eyes.

I sat on my knees besides her. I looked up at her.

I wiped her tears and cupped her cheeks.

"You won't hurt her right?? And from tomorrow Taiji will make me eat all these delicious food what mom will make"

Then i held my ears and said "and i am sorry for not listening to you, i will do what you will say but please don't get upset with me"

She stared at me for quiet few seconds and then said "i will forgive you only if you will eat with me now"

She removed my hands from my ears and smiled.

I felt reliefed.

She took the plate and stood up.

We both sat on the bed.

She tore the chappati from one end, dipped it in Dal makhni and put her hands near my mouth.

I looked at her, she said "i know even you didn't eat anything"

I held her hand and moved it towards her mouth " first you eat and then i will"

She smiled and ate, she then made me feed the next morsel.

Like this we completed the food and drank water.

She kept the plate aside and began to fiddle with her fingers and said "i am sorry, i really made a fuss over a small thing"

"No, it's really not like that, i am lucky to have you as my friend"

She smiled.

"Good night Bhaviksha"

"Good night Aarav"

I went back to my room and slept.

Bhaviksha's POV

Isn't Aarav so cute?? I know i am sorry! was angry with him.

He brought food for me, made me eat, said sorry to me.

Because of your stupid stunts, that poor soul always say sorry to you!- my inner voice mocked

Oh hello ms.mind when did i made him say sorry to me?? Can you please enlighten me??

I think you should eat almonds dear, don't you remember in the car you made him say sorry when you asked him how you sing?? Then when you came to his room, and you showed your fake hurt that he doesn't remember you??? And just now!!

Okay okay stop

Oh my poor Aarav with whom he has stuck

Excuse soul of mine, he is not yours okay!! And he got stuck with the right person.

Hunh someone is jealous of her oun soul, i see.

Stup up and let me sleep.

Okay dream about my Aarav!

He is not your Aarav.

If not mine then whom is he??

Mi-...i mean his parents but not yours so just shut up.

I closed my eyes and like always, Aarav enters my dream world.


I wake up, freshen up and reach the main all.

Everyone was gathered over there except Aarav and Pratap.

"Good morning everyone" i say with a smile

They all greet me back.

I go to Lalita Aunty and hold my ears "i am sorry Aunty and everyone else for how i behaved last night"

Taiji got up and held my hands "No need to say sorry Bhaviksha, we understand Aarav is your friend and even i am sorry for not listening to you, from today onwards he and Pratap will eat what everyone else will eat okay"

I smiled

"But" she said

"But what?" I asked

"I will make food for both of them separately, low oil but same food"

"No problem Aunty "

Gajraj uncle stood up and said "now as everything is sought, then i think we all must have breakfast"

"But Where is Pratap and Aarav" my mom asked

"Oh they, Pratap went for Gym and Aarav went for jogging" Shalini aunty said

Then i saw Aarav coming from the Main gate and Pratap came from behind.

Pratap pushed Aarav with his shoulder that he was About to fall but Aarav stabled himself.

I frowned, idiot Jerk! Now you will see flirt, what i will do.

"Hey everyone" He said with enthusiasm

Aarav touched Dadaji's feet but he didn't bless him, then his parents, taiji tauji and then my parents feets, all of them blessed him.

After a Dadaji "if your gyming and jogging is done go and freshen up, everyone is waiting for lunch"

"Yes Dadaji" Pratap said and Aarav just nodded.

I looked at Rahul, he was stealing glances at Priya.

I smiled, oh my Brother is falling for someone i guess.


After 15-20 mintues Pratap and Aarav came back.

We all went to dinner table, when pratap stood on his spot on the dining table.

I went behind him and pulled his chair back and then ran to my own sit very quickly.

When he bent down to sit.... and He fall down and everyone began to laugh. Except Dadaji and Aarav.

"Who the hell did this?" Pratap screamed

"Pratap why are you screaming??? You must look before sitting" Gajraj uncle said.

I gazed at Aarav and winked at him. His eyes widened. I giggled at his reaction.

We ate "healthy" breakfast, but all the Married women didn't because they were fasting.

After Breakfast, i was roaming around the house, alone!

There are many rooms in this Mansion.

What caught my attention was a photo! On a the wall.

I can identify all the members of Aarav's family but there were three more persons.

One i think is Aarav's Dadiji may be and two more, looking like a couple to me of my parents age.

Then i looked above, thier photo (3 persons separately) with garlands.

Are They dead??? Who are they???

Then i saw Dadaji coming to my way.

I stopped him "umm Dadaji"

He turned to me "what?"

"Aaa who are they?" I pointed at the photos

He gazed at the photos and then at me "it's non of your concern"

He said rudely and went away from there.

What is his problem???

I shrugged it of and went to my Aarav!

I stopped on my track when I realised.

My Aarav?? Did i just say that??

Yes dear you did!- my innersole said

Why did i ?? How did it came up to my mind???

My chain of thoughts was broken when i heard idiots voice "hey sweetheart"

I rolled my eyes and said"Hey jerk"

"Oh you look so hot when Annoyed"

"I am glad you know that i am Annoyed and because of whom" i didn't look up at him.

"No worry sweetheart soon i will be the reason of your happiness"

"In your dream" i said and walked away from him but he followed.

"You know you are the first girl who isn't interested in me who is Handsome, hot, sexy plus the going CEO of Ahuja industries" he said proudly

I stopped and snapped at him "first of all you are not a hot, sexy and handsome and secondly you didn't became CEO already, so please keep you dream on hold for now, who know, that instead of you someone else becomes the CEO"

His smirk vanished and said "only i will be the CEO and then time you would be running towards me"

She runs towards Aarav only- my heart said

I rolled my eyes and said "we will see to that later...for now please excuse me"

I turned and walked away from him as fast as possible.

I entered Aarav's room, he was looking something at his phone without Blinking while laying on his bed.

"What are you looking at?" I asked and i guess he was startled due to which phone slipped from his hands and fell on his face.

Ouch it hurts!

He stood up with a jerk and held the phone behind him.

"What happened?" He asked

"What happened to you? Why do i think you are nervous or something!" I narrowed my eyes.

"N-no nothing like that"

I Started taking steps towards him "what were you looking at?"


"Sure?? Where you surfing through girls photos??" I wiggled my eyes

"Bhaviksha i-its not-nothing l-like th-that"

I stood in front of him and asked "then why are you stattering?"

I took one more step close to him and be took a step back, i moved forward until his back touched the wall.

Shouldn't your places be exchanged?- my mind mocked

Oh please keep quiet!

I kept one hand on the wall and looked directly into his eyes. His eyes were telling clearly that he is hidding something which is going to be caught my me.

I couldn't help so i began laughing. I cluched my stomach and laughed and laughed so hard.

"Aarav Don't worry, your secret is safe, don't worry"

He just kept looking at me "but by the way who is the girl?" I raised my brows.

I sat on his bed, waiting for his reply but he just looked here and there.

Oh my, how can someone be so cute without any expression.

Stop drooling him!

I am not drooling !

Oh i can see that.

I looked Around his room properly for the first time. Comfortable bed, large closet, white walls with no photos in particular except few of himself, everything arranged properly.

His room is so nice.

"Your room is so Peaceful, i wish i can stay here forever" i said and he began coughing.

I Quickly filled the glass with water from the jug which was kept on the table and made him drink.

I rubbed his back "are you okay?"

He just nodded.

What happened to him suddenly?

I made him sit beside me on the bed and said "so what do you do all day in your house?"

He looked at his feet and said "umm nothing special just play my guitar, walk around the garden, then sometimes i go out and then sleep"

"Ohhh kkkk means nothing interesting"

I kept my hand my chin and began go think.

"No problem we will make it interesting...but now let's just talk for a while"


I was about to ask him about the photo when Priya came in the room "Bhaviksha di"


"Your mom is calling you in her room"

"Okay i am coming"

I turned towards Aarav and said "sorry i have to go"

"No problem"

I smiled and went towards her room "mom you called?"

She was searching something in her bag "Bhaviksha thank god you came, have you seen my blue colour Saree?"

"With white boarder?" I asked

"Yes do you know where it is?"

"Ahh yes.... You kept it in dad's suitcase as yours was filled with alot of clothes"

"Okay" she looked into dad's suitcase and found it.

"But why do you want it now?" I asked

"Beta you know i am fasting right, so for 10 days i will wear new clothes" she said

"Mom can i also fast?" I asked

"No you ate your breakfast today but you can fast on last day of Navratri and in the mid so that you get a good future husband" my mom patted my cheek.

"Mom please" i went away from there.

I entered my room, talked to my friends and slept.

I woke up at the time of dinner. I entered the kitchen and saw Shalini Aunty.

"What are you making aunty?"

"I am making Paneer, poori, rice, mixed veg, broccoli and some fast food"

"Umm can i help?"

She Smiled and said "no need beta i will do myself"

"Yes there is a need aunty, let me help you as you are even fasting, please let me help"

"So sweet of you beta, if you wanna help then please cook some fried rice and chop those vegetables"

I began to cook and chop the vegetables, i even helped in making the fast food.

My mom also entered in the kitchen and helped us.

Everyone sat on the table and began to eat.

"Wow these rice taste so good and different" Alok uncle said

"Because Bhaviksha made it" Shalini aunty said

"Really?? Wow beta this is really very good from now on you will cook for us until you are here and some day please make kheer" uncle said with a smile.

"Sure uncle"

Everyone complement me except Aarav and Dadaji.

I really wanted Aarav to complement but not this Shy man will never do that!

After dinner i ran to his room.

Again running!-my mind mocked

He stood up from his bed when he saw me "Bhaviksha?"

"How did i cook?"


"Didn't you like the rice which i made?" I Asked and stood Infornt of him.

"They were really nice"

"Then why didn't you say it earlier infornt of everyone"

"What would have others though Bhaviksha?"

"Why are you shy? And can you please tell me what they would have thought?"

He opened and closed his mouth, his boy i tell you.

"Okay leave it, good night i am so tired today"

"Yeah, good night"

Like this my day went quite nice, but i still have to find about Aarav.

From tomorrow mission find out about Aarav's family and past begins.


I hope you liked the chapter.

Umm I would like to inform you guys that she will get to know his whole past in coming Chapter's, so stay tuned.

Please keep supporting through your votes and comments.

Thank you so much.

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