My Boss, My Alpha. (In progre...

By EvanescentFlower

318K 8.6K 804

Yvonne Selesa is in the Moon Struck Pack, and is in search of her mate. Instead her Father wants her to marry... More

My Boss, My Alpha.
Saying Goodbye.
My Mate, My Job.
Out of Place, Luna. <\3
Business and Love Don't Mix!
His Desire My Choice.
You're Mine, Only Mine.
My Punishment
Our Official 1st Date (Part 1)
Our Official 1st Date (Part 2)
Jealousy Strikes
Luna's 1st Meeting
****Another Teaser!****
Unwanted Guest
Unwanted Guest (Part 2)
Unwanted Guest (Part 3)
Adult Content!!!! Skip if needed!!
UnRevealed (Part 2)
SNEAK PEEK into... UnRevealed (Part 3)
UnRevealed Part 3
UnRevealed Part 4 (TEASER)
UnRevealed Part 4
The Death of Us..
Revive me
Take Me
Take Me (Teaser)
Take Me (Part 2)
**TEASER** for Upcoming Chapter Our War
Our War (Part 1)
Our War (Part 2)
Reader Appreciation
Let Go (Teaser)
Let Go
Prophecy (TEASER for Part II)
Prophecy (Part II)
Plan? (Part I)
Plan? (Part II)
Plan? (Part III)
A Luna's Nightmare (Part I)
A Luna's Nightmare (Part II)
The Wedding (Part I)
The Wedding (Part II)
Honeymoon (Part II)
My Wife
Forward (TEASER)
Melting (Part 1)
Melting (part 2)

I Do?

282 12 0
By EvanescentFlower


Jack pulls me into the kitchen, "Everyone in here take a 5 minute break." All of the kitchen staff clear out.

"What do you think you're doing?" He squeezes the sides of my arms.

"Jack.. Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Tell you what?"

"That. That my parents were going to be here!! "

"I thought you would be happy."

"Happy!? Oh my gosh! Are you delusional!!?" I chuckle..

"Yvonne, all you had to do was greet them."

"Greet them? And how would you suggest I do that? They disowned me and threw me to you like a bone!"

"Watch your mouth! I talked to them and they will reclaim you as soon as you are my wife."

I shove him, "I don't want to be reclaimed by them! And I don't want to be your wife!!!"

I sharp pain goes across my cheek, "You will be my wife today Yvonne or else I will order the execution of Esther, Ashton, that entire pack! And you know who else?! I will execute your little brother that you have not seen in over five years"

"What!? My brother? -Where is he? Is he here??!! Jack, please tell me!" I pull on his tie while tears stream down my face.

"Are you going to get yourself together now?" He hugs me close, "-Because if not, I can call Skyler over.."

"No. No.. Please don't.. Okay." I fall to the ground crying. "Please.. Jack don't."

He lifts me up, "Get off the ground.. Look at you. You're a mess!! Ugh..- Skyler call in the stylist to fix her before she goes out there like this.."

Skyler comes into the kitchen and gives him a slight nod. A few moments later the same two stylist come in with caboodles and start touching up my makeup.

"Alpha, She is all done." They two stylist pack up their stuff and leave.

"Now, you better start acting right.." Jack grabs my wrist and pulls me out the kitchen.

We walk to the closed French doors, I can hear all of the guest socializing before a loud voice interrupts, "Everyone be seated."

Jack leans down and puts his mouth by my ear, "I will be waiting for you at the alter.. I have a surprise for you before I go.."


Yvonne's P.O.V. Continued

"Surprise?" I whisper.. 

"Yes.. A surprise." My eyes are glued to his and his arm reaches out and gestures to the front door.

He brings his lips to my ear while embracing me, "You brother will be the ones to walk you down the aisle and to ensure you do follow through.. I have ordered a gun to be pointed at his head the entire time.."

My heart drops as Jack leaves to go stand at the alter.. 

I watch the door open and there he is. My brother. Dark hair, brown eyes, at least 5'6... He is so handsome. I cannot believe how fast time has passed and my little brother is no longer a small figure I can hold in my arms. 

"Vone?" That voice is not the one I remember but one that has hit puberty.. 

My eyes begin to water, "Lazaro!" He runs to me and wraps his arms around me.

"Lazaro.. I- I cannot believe its you.. Look at how big you have gotten! How old are you now? Do you even remember me? You were so young when I left.. I am so sorry Lazaro.. I just-"

"Vone...Vone.  Its okay. And yes I remember little memories here and there.. I'm 12 now.. I left home and have been searching for you for so long.. I am so happy to have finally found you! Your husband found me two towns over with my foster mother and said we will be reunited at your wedding.."

He smile then disappears, "But Vone.. from what I know.. Is he not the guy Mother and Father arranged for you? The reason you-"

I shush him, "We can talk later.. Okay?"

He shakes his head, "Vone, so he is that guy?" I nod, "Yes. Yes. But it is not the time to discuss this..I am just happy to have been reunited with you.. "

"Vone I am too but you left me alone because you were running from our awful parents and him no?"


He steps back, "So you left me.. Only to marry him anyway! Vone.. I was not angry with you.. I have held no resentment toward you because I thought you were running away from a monster.. But here we are at the wedding you so called ran from and left me with those same awful parents you claim to have been sacrificed by?"

I shake my head, "No... You don't understand. It is not like that at all. Listen, we have to do this quickly.. But you must know I am not marrying him because I want to.. I have to Lazaro.. "

His nose scrunches up, "No Vone You don't!"

"Yes. Yes I do.. I am sorry I abandoned you then but I won't do it again.. Okay? I'm sorry I was scared and didn't know what else do besides run.. But I can't run without hurting someone I love and I just can't do it anymore.. Okay?"

"I get it now.. I am part of what he is holding over you?" 

I nod, "Yes. " There was a long pause, "Are you really just going to sit back and be his wife?"

"I can't run anymore.. So ready to walk me down the aisle?"

"I don't want to walk you to the monster you ran away from Vone.."

"Lazaro, I am facing my fears..." He hugs me and then puts his arm out..  "Okay."

The two big French doors open and the music starts to play..  

I look at the end of the aisle wishing it was Dominick at the end of it..  I couldn't help but to imagine it.... 

I was lost in a trace until I felt Jack grab my arm and I turn to see Lazaro sit down in a seat.

Jack takes my hands into his...

I keep zoning out.. I want to be anywhere but here..

"Jack, do you take Yvonne to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Jack smiles..

"Yvonne, do you take Jack to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?"

I pause... Jack squeezes my hand.. 

"I do."  Those two words escaped my mouth and in that moment I felt dead inside...

"it is my pleasure to now pronounce them husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride!"

Jack pulls me close and presses his lips against mine.

Our lips part and his eyes look into mine.. I felt empty.. dead inside.

He pulls me in for a hug, "Don't forget what is on the line.." I give him a slight nod.

We turn to the crowd as they are clapping and smiling. I scan the room looking for Ashton but he is not there.. Did he leave?

Jack grips my hand and pulls me down the aisle. He leans down and whispers in my ear, "Don't forget to throw your bouquet."

As we approach the French doors, I toss my bouquet behind me watching as all the women attempt to catch it.

"After the party, we will leave for our honey moon." He pulls me by my hand to the ball room where there are tables set up and a dance floor. Everyone follows behind us, taking their assigned seats at the tables.

I look up at Jack, "Where is Ashton? Did he leave?"

Jack smirks, "Don't worry he is being taken care of.."

I pull his sleeve, "What do you mean?"

"I figured he was here to ruin our wedding so I am keeping him occupied until we leave. I am not hurting him.. At least not yet. As long as you are a good girl I will not break our deal."

"Where is he?!"

"Hey.. Hey.. Calm down before you upset me and ruin our day." He squeezes my hand tightly.

"Please Jack.. Just tell me where he is and what you are doing to him?"

Jack grabs my face in his big hand, "He is back on his territory.. I had some rouges trespass on his land and cause some havoc.. That's it? Okay? Now will you just calm down. I knew if I did anything more, I would have a upset wife.. It just enough to keep him busy for awhile.."

I nod, "Okay.. Thank you for restraining yourself from doing more.."

Jack pauses, "Although you believe all I want to do it hurt you.. I hope you  know I do want you to be happy Yvonne.. Just with me. That's all.. I like to hear my wife express appreciation to me.."

We sit at the front table with his parents but not for long.. Jack pulled me around to mingle with everyone. I zoned out so many times.. I barely remember their names nor their faces.. 

"Yvonne?" I look up to see Jack staring at me with a confused look. "What is wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry.. I must be getting tired." I look to the floor hoping he will have mercy.

"Go freshen up and you better come back with a better attitude.." I nod and excuse myself.

I walk out of the ball room and outside.. I need some air.. 

 I close the door behind me and close my eyes.. 

"Yvonne!" I swear I can hear Ashton's voice.. 

I feel two warm arms wrap around me, the scent is Ashton's. I open my eyes and just melt in his arms.

"Ashton.. I am so happy you're okay..." I feel tears escape my eyes..

"Yvonne, I am so sorry.. We had-"

"I know. Jack told me it was his way of occupying you.. Until we left."

Ashton pulled away from me, "Yvonne, why would you marry him?"

"I had to Ashton. He has a lot to hold against me.."

Ashton's eyes soften, "Yvonne, please just come with me. I promised Dom I would take care of you.."

I shake my head, "I have a lot to lose.. You don't understand. He has my little brother.."

"The one that disappeared?" I nod, Ashton just held me as I cried.

"Ashton.. I miss Dominick so much.. It hurts."

"I know. I know. I will do my best to get you out of this nightmare without harming anyone else okay?"

I peck him on the cheek, "Thank you Ashton. Thank you."  Ashton takes my hands into his own and brings them up to his lips. Pressing soft kisses on each of them, "I promise Yvonne. I will."

I squeeze his hands and slowly take my hands from his.  "I must be getting back or else he will be upset.."

Ashton's eyes were no longer soft but black and full of hatred. "I hate myself for not being able to save you.."

"Ashton, it's okay..."

I force myself to turn around and walk back inside.. I wanted to let Ashton take me away from this nightmare but I have people to protect.. 

I walk into the ball room and see Jack scanning the room. He must be looking for me, I need to get rid of Ashton's scent. I see Jack's father standing by the bar, "Hello Father in-law, could you do me the pleasure of dancing with me?"

His father sets his drink down and gives me a slight nod before taking my hand. 

(The song "The River Flows in You", is playing.)

"You can call me Shawn or Father. Whichever you prefer." He takes one of my hands in his and the other is set on my back. 

I nod, he clears his throat, "So tell me Yvonne. Is this scent on you one from one of the guest you were mingling with or one that would be displeasing to my son? Because I find it very odd that you asked me to dance and the only reason I can think of.. is to mask that scent with mine."

I chuckle nervously, "No. No. Father, I genuinely want to get closer to my new Mother and Father.. We are family now after all."

His lips move to the side, "I will accept this answer for now.."

There was a moment of silence as he took the lead for the dance. 

"Yvonne, I hope to not pry to much but my wife and I would expect to have a grandchild very soon. Perhaps as soon as seeing your belly swollen right after your honey moon.. "

I feel my throat get dry and my hear begin to beat exceptionally fast.

"Calm down. Calm down. I know you are not with my son voluntarily but even so if you were the mate of Alpha Dominick then I know you will bear strong heirs. I would like those heirs to be for our pack. Do you understand? I will not ask you to act in front of me but please do so for my wife. She believes you and my son are in love but I on the other hand am not so easily fooled.."

"I understand. Is there anything else?"

The song is coming to an end and he releases one of my hands. "no that is all." His smile reminds me so much of Jack's but colder and far more wicked. I cannot understand how Jack's mother Janet ended up with Shawn.. She seems to be such a delicate woman.

Shawn bows to me and kisses the top of my hand. Jack walks next to him, "I see you enjoyed a dance with my father."

I nod, "Yes. He is a very skilled dancer."

Jack snatches my hand from Shawn's. "It is now time for you to dance with your Husband."

(The song "Say you won't let go," is playing by James Arthur).

Jack pulls me close to him and leans down to where is lips are close to my ear. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I am getting to know my new Father in-law, is that a problem?"

He spins me around, "No, not at all. It just surprised me is all." He kisses the top of my head while pulling me in close.

He was silent and so was I. The song came to an end. "Yvonne?"

"Yes?" He smiles, leans down, and presses his lips to mine.

"I am a happy man.." I look into his eyes, these are the softest I have ever seen them.. I haven't seen those eyes since we were children.

His mother comes running up to us, "Oh son.. That was so sweet.." Her eyes start to tear up, "I am so excited to finally have a daughter.. and soon grandchildren. Jack's father didn't want anymore children after Jack because all he wanted was one heir.. I wish we could have had at least four children and Jack would have had some one to play with."

I smiled and pulled her into a hug. "I am so excited to finally have a mother." I couldn't help but adore his mother. I couldn't be mean towards her when she is so sweet.

Jack rubbed his mother's shoulder, "Don't cry mother.."

She chuckles, "I'm sorry I am such a blubber baby.."

"You're embarrassing us Janet. Stop it." Shawn exclaimed at her.

At least I know where Jack learned to be an a***hole from.

Shawn pulls Janet from her hand to the dance floor, "Come on."

I look to the floor and I can feel Jack's eyes on me. I look up and there they are.. on me.

"What?" I ask as he pulls me into his chest.

"You made my mother very happy just then. I cannot tell if you're still faking it.."

"Jack, please do not confuse yourself."

I walk back over to our table and sit down. Jack follows me and hovers over me standing up. Each one of his hands lay on my shoulders, "I suggest you do not confuse yourself either. You're my wife now Yvonne. You're mine and I am yours.. We will officialize it tonight."



Another short part... I'm sorry! 

Even so, thank you for continuing to read! Have a wonderful day!

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