Crush. (Miniminter x oc)

By PosionedApple17

47.1K 492 53

(Simon Minter x WillNE's sister.) In which Simon Minter has a little crush. Olivia Lenney grew up in Newcas... More



661 5 0
By PosionedApple17

Simon's POV

With all the pressure she'd been under the last week, I understood why Liv was pushing me and everyone else away. We knew she needed her space. But I was worried.

"I'm not made of glass Simon." Liv grumbled as I held a hand out and carefully helped her down off of the kitchen bench where she had been sat. I made sure my hands were gentle on her waist where I lifted her but clearly she'd caught on to my soft handling of her.

"I don't think you are love- I'm just being careful." I spoke softly and calmly to try not to make her more frustrated.

I knew what it felt like being an independent person when everyone is fussing over you when you're hurt, so I knew it would be worse for her but she had been snapping at everyone all day. I knew I had no idea what she went through but I didn't want to push her.

Harry had offered to stack the dishwasher for the first time in his life- she snapped. Cal had kindly made us our lunch while we edited together in her room- she snapped. And now I'd gotten her pain meds out for her and helped her off of the bench- and she was snapping at me.

I sighed knowing I wasn't mad at her for being frustrated with us all- but she was being stubborn.

"Liv I'm just trying to take care of you love." I tried to reason and she instantly span around her pretty face contorting into an angry expression. "I don't need to be coddled!" She raised her voice and yelled through her gritted teeth. "It's ok to need help sometime Liv, you've got a dislocated shoulder and a broken wrist! Take it easy please! I don't want you hurting yourself. I just wanna help you." I pleaded and she just sighed angrily.

Her unharmed hand came up to her nose bridge and she groaned into her palm, her glasses wobbling on her nose.

"I don't need to be 'taken care of' Simon, I'm not some pathetic little wounded bird who fell out of a nest! I'm fine! Yes I'm in a cast and sling! Yes I can't use my fucking hand! But that doesn't make me incapable! If I needed help getting my meds or getting some food.....or jumping off the fucking bench that I'm already taller then! Then I'll ask! I'm not some stubborn, self-sorry idiot! All I want is to heal and not feel like some kind of invalid!" She screamed at me her eyes watering and her bottom lip shaking.

I could tell she was on the verge of crying and I knew i didn't want to see her so sad or frustrated. She shouldn't have to feel that way. So with out arguing back I placed down the tablet bottle and the glass of water I'd held and slowly leaned down to kiss her cheek.

"Sleep well, I'll see you in the morning." I spoke in a soft voice. Then I grabbed my hoodie off of the side of the kitchen table and made my way out towards the door.

She needed some time on her own. I understood that completely. I didn't mind giving it to her.

@miniminter7: I just want you to feel better. Ily xx
[comments are disabled.]
Liv's PoV

I felt like a bitch.

Not only had I yelled at both my housemates that day, for helping me; I'd screamed at poor Simon who'd done literally nothing wrong. He'd been there all week and was sticking with me no matter what. But all I could do to say thanks was scream at him until he left.

I was a bitch.

After reading his tweet my heart had dropped to my stomach. I'd been spending the last 24 hours trying to concoct the perfect apology to say to that boys and send to Simon. He probably didn't want to see me. This weekend we were supposed to head up to see my family for dad's birthday to stay for three week, but now I was scared he wouldn't wanna come. Or even stay with me.

My shoulder had slowly began to feel better over the week so I'd stopped wearing the sling the next day and relied on my cast alone. Because the fracture in my wrist was minor it wasn't a full pot/plaster cast, it was just a removable brace with a soft bandage inside and a metal stick in it to keep my wrist still and straight so I could remove it and gently wash my hand in the bath and shower and clean my stitches on my palm.

But it was so sore.

The morning after my attitude basically kicked Simon out I woke feeling angry at myself and guilty for what I'd said to the others the day before.

My apology train began with Harry in the kitchen who shrugged, patted my head and told me to "shut up stinker and eat your breakfast.....I'm over it." He then gave me a smile and moved on.

That was easy.

Then there was Cal, who I decided to make a coffee for- as an apology- who also said "it's fine Ollie, I didn't care yesterday."

Again easy.

But then it was about Simon.

It was a Friday and the following day we would be heading up north for my dad's birthday with Will. So I knew Simon and the other boys would be prerecording their two sidemen Sundays for this and next weekend while he was still there.

Harry offered to drive me to the filming location and I couldn't have been more thankful. I got dressed into a pair of sidemen, women's black joggers a loose crop top and a long slouchy cardigan.

"Why are you so nervous?" Harry asked and I looked up at him from staring at my lap. I peered into his profile as he drove, my eyelashes clouding the corners of my vision. "Because I was so horrid to him." I said and he shuck his head. "It'll be fine Liv.....Si's head over heals for you......he won't care."

"I hope you're right haz."
"I always am."

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