A Trickster's Euphoria | Loki...

By nxjwaazmxn

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"Lia, I have always given you what you wanted. This is the first time I want something from you. Can't you ju... More

Chapter 1 : I am a Stark anyway
Chapter 2 : Loki broke my windshield
Chapter 3 : Keep on dreaming, Loki
Chapter 4 : It's literally the same, Lia
Chapter 5 : Toodles
Chapter 6 : Tony, I'm not ready to have a child
Chapter 7 : Whoosh
Chapter 8 : Trickster and Joker
Chapter 9 : Don't bullshit me
Chapter 10 : It's called food.
Chapter 11 : Shopping with Loki
Chapter 12 : If you hadn't, I would've died
Chapter 13 : New Phone, Who this?
Chapter 14 : Ice cream
Chapter 15 : New friend
Chapter 16 : Hurt
Chapter 17 : Hospital
Chapter 18 : Discharged
Chapter 19 : What A Night
Chapter 20 - Look Closer, You'll Know Better
Chapter 21 - The Truth (1/3)
Chapter 21 - The Truth (2/3)
Chapter 21 - The Truth (3/3)
Chapter 22 - There will be no other guy
Chapter 23 - With Pleasure
Chapter 25 - I'm sure
Chapter 26 - Better Than Ever
Chapter 27 - Surprise!
Chapter 28 - Euphoria
Epilogue: Part 2
Author's Note

Chapter 24 - What's the Plan?

258 11 2
By nxjwaazmxn

Loki's POV

S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters

My eyes shot open. My heart beating rapidly. Droplets of my own sweat slid down my temple, down my spine. I felt uneasy. The churning feeling in my stomach was as if I was being hunted.

I was awakened by a nightmare. Lia being abducted by the frost giants of Jotunheim. The creatures of my kind. The worst that could ever happen to her. A single touch from a frost giant could burn and kill her. Although I knew it was just a dream, it felt too real to be one.

  I know it wasn't just a nightmare. Deep down in my heart, something was terribly wrong. My love, you're far from safe.

"Something isn't right..." I whispered under my breath.

I swiftly turned around and got up on my feet. Once again, I'm alone in this ridiculous circular dungeon. I called out for attention. Frantically waving at the camera.

  Suddenly, the main entrance slides open and came rushing in Steve and the rest of the team that's usually in the building. Before he could even speak, I interrupted him with my worry.

  "Captain, something terrible is going to happen to Lia. I don't know what it is but I know she's won't be in good hands. I could feel it..."

  "Loki," Steve called.

  "...Is anyone there with her? Is Tony there with her? He needs to keep an eye on her. All of you do. Please don't let anything bad happ—"

  "Loki!" Thor called with his thunderous voice.

  I paused and looked at my brother. He had a gloomy look on his face. From furrowed brows, my eyes widened.

  "No. No. No. Thor, I know that look. Please tell me you're joking."

  He slowly shook his head, "She...was taken away."

  Suddenly, Tony burst into the room. His eyes darkened with an angered look. "Where's that son of a bitch?"

He made eye contact with me and furiously stomped towards the dungeon door. With his suit firearm in his hands, he shoots the system panel. Everyone stumbled back with widened eyes, stunned by Tony's action. The dungeon door slides open. Steve quickly stepped in and grabbed Tony's arm before he could make it through the door.

  Tony swung his other arm and punched Steve's tricep, immediately losing his grip. Tony rushed his way in with his eyes glaring at me. I gulped and stepped back. He lifted his fireman, pointing directly at me when Thor's hammer pushed his arm away.

  "Tony, no!"

  Tony scowled and shoots Thor from inside the dungeon. He flew back, hitting his back against the wall. Tony turned back to me. In a flash, he backhanded me with the firearm in his hand. I caught his arm and came face to face with him.

  "I don't want to hurt you, Tony."

  "Drop the act, Loki. I know it was you."

  "I've been in here the entire time. I couldn't leave even if I wanted to."

"Stop lying!"

Tony kicked my abdomen from behind, throwing me back. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and punched me square in the face with the metal fist. I fell down on my back as I groaned in pain. He climbed over me, placing his hand on my collar once again.

"You will return her to me!"

"I don't know where she is."

Tony screamed and punched me. Again and again. I could have fought back but I refused. The left side of my face started to numb as my vision start to blur. If this is the way I could prove my innocence, I sacrifice myself. I could taste the blood in my mouth. My body weakening itself. Something I've never felt before. The pain of a Midgardian. The pain Lia felt must've been worse.

Suddenly, Tony stopped the punching and dropped me on the ground. "You're not fighting back. What's your motive here, Loki? Drop the act. I know you're just pretending."

I groaned in pain, shifting to my side. I push myself up with my arm. I heard his firearm lighting up and from the corner of my eyes, I could see the light pointing directly at me.

"I'm gonna ask you this one last time. Where is she?"

"I don't...know, Tony. You can torture and kill me but I...would never hurt her. I can never hurt her. The only reason I'm n-not fighting back is that she...loves you."

He breathed heavily. I could see the pain in his eyes. Losing the person who was just like his very own daughter.

  "I know that she means the...world to you. So please, let me help you get her back." I breathed out. "I'll stay away from her but please, let me help bring her back. Let me see her for one last time."


  I sat in the corner of the room with a first aid kit. I was a mess. My face was covered in blood. Some of the blood residues even got in my eye. Thor was sitting right next to me, in an attempt to help me clean my wounds.

  The nurses in the S.H.I.E.L.D infirmary were terrified of me. When Thor came back to let me know, I already had the kit with me. I expected it. It wasn't any surprising news. The Midgardians think of me as a villain. Of course, they do. I was the one who brought in the Chitauri and nearly destroyed New York.

  I never wanted anyone to think of me as a killer. It may seem like I enjoyed murdering innocents but to tell the truth, I was just afraid. After learning about what had happened to Lia, I carried a pang of huge guilt around my shoulders but I never knew I would fall in love with her.

  It was all a coincidence but what was meant to be a coincidence seemed like it was already written in the book of life.

  Tears welled in my eyes as I thought of Lia. I sighed and took the soaked cotton ball. I pressed it against my wound and winced in pain.

  "Here, let me help," Thor offered.

  "No. I've got it." I calmly declined.

  "Brother, let me help."

  "No. It's fine. I can do this."

  "You don't even have a mirror to see your wounds. Just let me help—"

  "I said I can do it!" I snapped.

  "Alright brother. Calm down."

  "No! You do not tell me to calm down!" I burst, shooting up from my seat. "She is out there alone with what could be a frost giant which is my very own kind and you know what a frost giant could do. One touch on the skin can burn you. What more on a mortal?"

  Thor sat in silence. I sighed as a tear dropped from my eyes.

  "This is all my fault. If I hadn't left the building with her, this wouldn't have happened. Now, she's in danger. At the risk of dying because of me. I shouldn't have met her in the first place."

  I grunt in frustration and punched the wall. I sobbed as my tears unleashed themselves. I winced at the stinging feeling of my tears touching my open wound.

  "But...I can't afford to lose her, Thor," I choked. "I just can't."

"We will find her, Loki. As soon as you get your face fixed, we can discuss with everyone else and come up with a plan," Thor said. "Now, do you want to save Lia with your face looking like a mess or let me help you fix all that?"

He pats on the seat next to him. I went up to the spot and sat down, accepting his offer. He smiled and took the cotton ball infused with the alcohol.

"I'll try to be as gentle as possible."

I groaned, "Just get on with it."

Third-person POV

"That hurt! You clearly have no understanding of what gentle means."

"Well you told me to get on with it and that's what I'm doing."

"Ow! That's it. I'm doing it on my own."

"Stop being a coward, Loki! You're not fighting that frosty with that attitude."

A loud thud came from the room. Tony looked through from the small open space and saw Loki on the floor with Thor's hammer on his chest.

"Ow ow ow ow! Thor, I'm not technically a god right now. It'll crush my body."

"Then stop being a coward."

"Alright! Alright! Get it off me."

Tony stood behind the door, listening to the two brothers bicker. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He jumped in shock and turned around to look, only to realise it was just Steve.

"Jesus, cap. Don't creep up on me."

"Sorry. I didn't mean to," Steve apologised as he peeked his head to see what Tony was spying on. "We heard a loud noise happening here. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah. Brothers, right?"

Steve nods, agreeing although he wasn't able to truly relate. Steve turns to walk back when Tony stopped him.

"Hey Cap. I wanna ask you something."

Steve stopped and faced Tony.

"The peppermint tea. Whose idea was it?"

Steve stayed silent. He knew that at some point Tony would figure out the truth and even if he didn't, Steve would've told him the truth somehow.

"Loki," he confessed. "It was his idea."

He turned around and left without saying another word. It was only to let Tony think for himself. Steve figured that Tony was starting to realise the truth about Loki's intentions and his relationship with Lia. Tony was starting to realise how happy she was with Loki or whom they used to call, "James".


Tony thought on the Avengers, including himself.

After Tony met with the rest, Thor and Loki were done. Everyone heard the chaos that happened in the room. They received stares but they could care less about it. Thor came back with a big smile on his face while Loki had his jaw clenched and furrowed eyebrows.

"Are we ready?" Steve questioned, directing it more to the Godbrothers.

Both of them nodded their heads. Steve shifts his head to Tony, letting him know that he should begin.

"A-Alright," Tony said, clearing his throat. "I...um...Lia. Hmm..."

They pulled out the look of confusion, listening to him stuttering. His eyes diverted to an empty space and he began zoning out. They assumed he must've seen what had happened to her.

"Tony, you alright?" Natasha asked, gaining his attention.

"Yeah. I'm alright," Tony mumbled.

"Tony," Steve called.

"You know what's scary?" He begins. "What's scary was that I saw myself holding onto Lia by her collar at the edge of the tower. But I'm standing on the other side of the room. And suddenly, I watch myself turn into a blue creature with red eyes. Super-tall with these weird ridges on its face and body. Then, it looked at me and let her go."

  Thor's eyes widened and immediately turned to Loki who had the same expression.

  "Frost giant," Loki murmured, and immediately, they turned their heads to Loki. "It's a frost giant. What you saw was a frost giant."

  "You're a frost giant too," Natasha said. "It's one of your kind."

  "They're after me," Loki stated.

  "Yeah, no shit. The whole world's after you," Clint remarked. "Tell him to get in line."

  "He's way ahead of us," Steve said. "He's got, Lia."

  "But if you're one of them, why are they after you? You're the king of Jotunheim as to what your file said. Laufey's son?"

  "Before Loki came for New York, we had another war up in Asgard. Loki be—"

  Loki cut his brother short and proceeded to explain, "Long story short, I killed Laufey which made me king of Jotunheim and by using the Bifrost, I destroyed half of Jotunheim. Clearly, the reason why they would come after me. To gain vengeance."

  "Why would you do that to your own kind?" Bruce questioned.

  "I don't have to answer that. I believe it's not relevant to the situation here."

  "It is pretty relevant. The people of Jotunheim would want to know why you did what you did."

  "I didn't know what I was thinking. I was greedy for power that I lost myself. I was tired of living in the shadows of others and it made me selfish, but Lia made me realise that trying too hard wouldn't bring me anywhere. It would only make me suffer and bring me pain."

Tony looked at Loki. His eyes rounded. He knew what he meant. He understood the reference Loki made. He knew exactly where it came from.

"S-She told you?"


Tony turned away. He took a deep breath as a tear slipped from his eyes. He placed his hands on the table with his eyes closed. His heart carrying the weight of guilt and grief.

Pepper who has been sitting by his side came up to him. She gently pulled him in a hug, comforting him. They knew he has been holding in his tears. Ever since they started to build up their relationship, Tony has always felt guilty.

"I know it felt like it was your fault, Tony but it isn't. You were doing what was best for her. It was just a coincidence that it had to come and take her away. We wouldn't have known either," Pepper whispered in his ear.

Loki looked up at Tony, "I take the blame and I apologise to all of you but I promise you, Tony. I will do whatever it takes to bring her back. Then, I will leave for good. For her own safety."

  "So what's the plan?" Natasha asked.

  "Well, I know that he's trying to get to me since he's using Lia as bait. He wouldn't hurt her. Another thing is, a Frost Giant has to sustain themselves in the cold. That's where they're the strongest. In their own habitat."

  "So we'll have to find the coldest place here in New York."

  Suddenly, the door barged open. They turned their heads to the door to see Jean and Raiden in layers of sweaters and winter coats. Winter boots and thick gloves. Earmuffs and snow caps.

  "And so we heard Lia was taken in hostage by a Frost Giant. So let's get that son of a bitch!" Raiden shouted.

  Tony widened his eyes, "What are the two of you doing here?"

  "Now which one of you motherfuckers told them?" Fury growled.

  Loki turns to Thor who had two of his fingers up. Loki shook his head, facepalming himself, embarrassed by his brother. Loki got up and walked towards them.

  "I'm sorry but Raiden, Jean, you can't come,"

  "What do you mean we can't? And how are you doing?" Jean wrapped his arms around Loki, giving him a tight hug. It surprised the others that even Jean dared to go close to him. Hugging him.

  She pulled away and saw his bruised face, "Who did this to you? Lia's gonna be so damn mad to see your face like this."

  Tony turned away as he was the culprit that beat up Loki until near death. Loki chuckled, putting her hands down.

  "I'm doing fine, Jean," Loki assured before leaning into her ear. "Don't hug me like that. You'll make him jealous."

  She furrowed her brows, glancing at Raiden who was fuming. She shifts back to Loki, "No way. You're kidding me."

  He shrugged, "I do know what it's like to be in love."

  She hushed him, turning back to the main purpose the two of them being present. "With or without you, we will both come for her. She's my best friend and I am not going to sit down and do nothing."

Loki sighed and turn to Tony. He rolled his eyes, "Fine but if anything happens to the two of you, Thor is explaining to Lia."


  "Are you ready, brother? You're going to be fighting a frost giant without your magic."

  "I can't believe I'm saying this but if the Avengers could defeat the Chitauri, I'm certain they'll be able to take down the frost giant."

  "They are quite powerful. Especially now that the one who took Lia knows magic."

  "I'm flattered. I am the King of Jotunheim."

  "You don't have your magic. You've never been into battle without your magic."

  "Your father took that away from me but it doesn't matter. With or without magic, I am coming to save Lia. She's worth the risk."

   Raiden barged into the room, apologising for interrupting the brothers. He was in his suit, provided by SHIELD. He flickered at Thor and Loki before letting them know that they had found Lia's location.


  Denali, Alaska

  They stepped out from the Quinjet and immediately, the cold breeze made its way in. Hitting their faces. They shivered from the cold temperature. For the first time, Loki found it cold but he kept his guard up. For Lia.

  "I'll fly around to find any heat signatures," Tony said as he got into his suit. "Raiden, Jean, how are the two of you holding up?"

  "It is a little cold but we'll get through," Jean answered.

  He nodded and flew out. Steve checked on both Clint and Nat while Thor stood by Loki's side.

  "Out of the many places, Denali," Raiden complained between shivers.

  "Frost Giants are the strongest in the cold. The longer they spend in the heat, the more they'll shrink," Loki said. "Thor, don't. Just don't."

  Thor had a smirk on his face. Loki knew his brother too well that the childish god was going to tease him for being born small as a frost giant. Loki looked down on the pair of daggers given by SHIELD, caressing it. He kept it away before fiddling with his fingers. He swore that his hands will be the ones to kill the culprit who took Lia away from him.

  Tony came through their com, letting them know he has found Lia. Up in the mountains. With the frost giants around, the temperature dropped lower than it usually is.

"What's the plan?" Clint asked, looking at Cap.


  Tony blast through the entrance with Steve. The frost giants turn to them, immediately attacking them.

  "Don't let them touch your skin. They will burn you!" Thor said through the com.

  Thor turns to Loki and held on to his back. Loki gave him a disgusted look. He laughed before jumping down. Loki screamed as they flew through the hole Hulk made.

  Clint shoots his bomb arrows, blowing up the frost giants. Loki and Thor landed on the ground and immediately attacked them.

*Lia's Pov*

    Loud noises echoed from outside. My eyes shifted to the large door.

The Avengers.

  My eyes flickered to the large frost giant, standing before the dungeon door that he placed me in. My lips were cracked dry and I have never stopped shivering since the moment he threw me in here. Wearing just a pair of sweatpants and a tank top.

  If I knew this was going to happen, I would've brought a winter coat but who would've known?

  I held my knees close to my chest as I watched the predator walk up to the dungeon door. I scoot away till my back hits the wall.

  "Your friends have finally arrived. Took them long enough."

  "W-Who are you?" I asked in shivers from the cold.

  "Me? How could not know me? I'm your boyfriend," he said as he evilly laughed. "Utgard-Loki, if you must know. I'm the one who the people of Jotunheim called for. To find the undeserving King of Jotunheim and annihilate him. To seek justice for the people of Jotunheim. The Frost Giants are also living things that have families. Half of Jotunheim were burned to a crisp. For the justice of Jotunheim, I will be the one to burn him."

  I watched him got close to the gate, scaring my whole self as his lips curved from a frown to a smirk.

  "Oh don't worry. I'll make sure you'll be there to watch him die."

  He walked away and sat down on his big chair. Noises from outside continue to get louder and louder but the temperature wasn't getting any warmer. I rubbed my hands together only to see my fingertips slowly turning blue. I gasped in shock as I hide away my hands in fear.

  My head started to pound. I have 20/20 vision but yet my eyes were failing me. I blinked it away only for it to blur again. Suddenly, a familiar pain surged through my body. I gasped, falling on my sides. I laid on the cold ground, intensively shaking. I let out tears after tears in fear that they would be too late. I whispered the word, "Help" repeatedly but I know no one would be able to hear it.

  The same black spots were forming. I didn't have much time left. I could feel my body beginning to give up. I pushed myself to hold on for a little longer but I didn't have the strength to. My ears were muffled. My body was numb.

Without a warning, another pain shot through my body. A pain I've never felt before. What I thought nothing could be worse, this has to be it. I screamed.


  *Loki's POV*

  My head turns to the wailing sound of a girl. Everyone heard it.

  "Tony, did you hear that?" I shouted over the com.

  Before I could get a reply, Tony flew across the open space and smashed down the large entrance. I stabbed the frost giant and kicked him off. I pulled off the dagger and looked at him.

  "No hard feelings, alright? Just trying to save my woman."

  I began running off when he spoke up.

  "N-No hard feelings? You've decapitated half of Jotunheim... She deserves to die like how the rest of us didn't deserve to," he spat.

  I turned around to face him as I growled. He laughed. I flipped my dagger and stabbed it directly in his chest. I viciously pulled it off once again. I ran after her screams. I arrived at the scene with widened eyes.


"H-How..." I stuttered.

My eyes diverted from him to the lifeless body on the ground, lying next to him. My breath hitched as tears welled up in my eyes. I turned my head to Tony who was on the ground with his fist balled.

  "You...you killed my daughter," Tony breathed out in anger.

  "Well, she was only used as bait to bring you here. Now, she's of no use," the creature replied as he turns to look at me. "Let's finish what I've started."

  *Third-Person POV* 

  The brutal fight between the creatures and the Avengers began. Tony using his blast, melted some of the frost giants. They screamed in pain as they dropped to the ground.

Steve threw his shield, hitting two giants and knocked them out instantaneously. Before he could retrieve his shield, the creature tackled Steve and pinned him down. His hands inches away from Steve's face.

Loki witnessed the scene and immediately reacted. His eyes diverted to the shield lying on the ground and didn't waste any time to grab it. He swung the shield. It hits the giant on the head, throwing it off Steve.

Loki rushed for Steve and helped him up. He looked at Loki as he breathed heavily. He nods in approval with a thumbs up.

"Good throw."

Loki smiled.

On the other hand, Raiden and Nat came through a hole from above. They landed gently on the ground right behind Utgard-Loki. Raiden witnessed the Avengers fighting with the creatures, he was frightened.

"Raiden! She's there. Let's go," Nat said.

He turned to look and he could hear his heart breaking. Lia was on the cold ground, not showing any signs of life. He immediately took unzipped his coat and rushed over to Lia. He dropped to his knees, landing exactly by her side. He placed his coat over Lia as he held her up.

"P-Put it on her."

Nat slipped Lia arms in the coat as Raiden kept holding her up. Looking at her cracked dry, blue lips and pale skin, he couldn't help but to tear up.

"Oh god, Lia," he cries.

Nat placed her two fingers on Lia's neck and wrist, checking for a heartbeat. Her fingers were blue. Her body was cold. Nat was relieved that she could feel a slight beat.

"She's still here. Let's get her up."

Raiden lifted her up when suddenly Utgard-Loki caught them both.

"I see someone else has come to save the poor mortal."

"Let us go!" Raiden shouted.

"Nice try, mortal," he said.

Just when he about to swing his arm on them, Thor threw his hammer. It made contact with his hand and he flew to the side. Thor retrieved his hammer and flew towards the giant.

Raiden and Natasha made their run. Natasha pulled out her gun and shoots the incoming giants. One after another came at the two but the Avengers each took their turn knock the giants.

"Hulk! Get them out of here!" Steve demanded.

Hulk smashed the head of the giant before grabbing the three of them out to the Quinjet. He gently placed them down before jumping back in.

Jean's gasped, seeing Lia unconscious in Raiden's arms. She covered her mouth in shock as tears poured out her eyes. He gently placed her down on the stretcher.

"Change her out of her clothes," Natasha instructed.

Jean immediately took the extra pair of clothes while Natasha stripped Lia off. Raiden looked away in tears as he retrieved all the heat packs and the heated blanket. Natasha wiped off her wet skin with a towel before helping Jean put on her clothes.

"Okay she's done," Natasha announced.

Raiden turned around and handed them the essentials. Jean placed the packs on Lia's neck, chest and groin area before Natasha proceeded to put the heated blanket over her body. Natasha kept placing her fingers on Lia's wrist, checking her heartbeat.

"Nat, how's Lia?"

Tony questioned through the earpiece.

"We're trying to keep her as warm. Her heartbeat's really soft."

As Natasha continued placing her fingers on Lia's wrist and neck, she gasped the moment she couldn't feel her heartbeat.

"Shit. I can't feel her heartbeat," Natasha muttered under breath, immediately positioning herself for CPR.

Tony froze in the air, unable to process what he heard. The giant took the chance and came running up to him.

"Tony!" Steve called out.

Tony was still in shock. Everything around him muffled. All he could think of was Lia. Clint took a bomb arrow and shoots the oncoming giant. It exploded right before Tony's eyes, pulling him back to reality.

"Tony, we have to keep going."

Suddenly, a loud scream of a man was heard. Their attention diverted to the wailing cry. Loki was hanging in the air with the hand of the giant leader wrapped around his neck.

He screamed in pain as his neck starts turning blue, burning his skin. The Avengers ran to rescue him but were pushed away by the other giants. All of a sudden, Loki's neck flared the colour green. The flare spread all over him, changing his appearance.

His screaming stopped. His short hazel hair turned into his long, black hair. His suit disappeared and were replaced by his green and gold Asgardian suit. His skin slowly changes to blue, forming ridges on his face, similar to the frost giants.

  His eyes flashed red. He pulled down his arm, creating an ice sword with his newfound frost giant ability. His lips curved to a smirk as he swings the sword up. It stabbed through the giant's chin and out his head.

  The deceased giant loosened its grip on Loki as his knees buckled, dropping to the ground. Loki landed on one knee.

  "My brother's back!"

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