Melodies Of A Wild Firecracke...

By Amane800

88.1K 2.2K 2.3K


Meet Your Queen
Murderer!Katsuki x Reader(L) - Heart Throb Killer p2
Murderer!Katsuki x Reader(L) - Heart Throb Killer p3
Tarzan!Katsuki x Reader(Au) - Trust Your Heart
Tarzan!Katsuki x Reader(Au) - Trust Your Heart p2
Tarzan!Katsuki x Reader(L) - Trust Your Heart p3
Tarzan!Katsuki x Reader(L) - Trust Your Heart p4
Tarzan!Katsuki x Reader(Au) - Trust Your Heart p5
Tarzan!Katsuki x Reader(L) - Trust Your Heart p6
Tarzan!Katsuki x Reader(Au) - Trust Your Heart p7
Zombie!Katsuki x Reader(L) - My Body Remembers You
Sugar & Spice & Not So Nice
Tarzan!Katsuki x Reader(L) - Trust Your Heart p8
Kitsune!Katsuki x Reader(L) - Give Me A Boyfriend
Spooktober Season 3
JackSkellington!Shigaraki x Sally!Reader(L) - Halloween Whore
Cursed!Katsuki x Reincarnated!Reader(L) - Always Chasing You
HeadlessHorseman!Katsuki x Reader(L) - All Hallows Eve
Human!Katsuki x Vamp!Reader(L) - A Bite of Delight
Inu!Kirishima x Neko!Reader(L) - Puppy Cuddles
Creepypasta Book Update
WhiteRabbit!Katsuki x Alice!Reader(L) - A Welcomed Type of Madness
Oni!Katsuki x Priestess!Reader(L) - A Bite of Poison
Oni!Katsuki x Priestess!Reader(L) - A Bite of Poison p2
Gladiator!Katsuki x Empress!Reader(L) - A Lions Game
Mafia!Katsuki x Reporter!Reader(L) - Captivated By Darkness
Mafia!Katsuki x Reporter!Reader(L) - Captivated by Darkness p2
Vampire!Katsuki x Reader(L) - Blood Worth Killing For
Katsuki x Reader(A) - Cowardly Lion
Disney Meets Rowdy But Lovable Lion
Vamp!Katsuki x Reader(L) - Devoured By The King
Katsuki x Reader(L) - The Auction
Merman!Katsuki x Princess!Reader(L) - Taken From The Sea
Beast!Katsuki x Princess!Reader(Au) - Thorns & Shadows
Beast!Katsuki x Princess!Reader(Au) - Thorns & Shadows p2
Merman!Katsuki x Princess!Reader(Au) - Taken From The Sea p2
Katsuki x Reader(L) - I Dare
Killer!Katsuki x Reader x Killer!Kiri(L) - Don't Be Afraid
Ayo I'm Not Dead

Murderer!Katsuki x Reader(Au) - Heart Throb Killer

4.2K 112 240
By Amane800

This is going to contain - blood, gore, major character death, descriptive kills, sexual teasing, smexy skinny dipping, mild sexy time in the lake, pining for a mysterious man.

Welcome to Teen Slasher 101, my dudes. I'm going to have so much fun writing this.(Altho I picture everyone in this story line being young adults, like 20s just to let you know sksk)

This is a Jason Voorhees type of murder mystery. Where reader stumbles upon a handsome stranger in the woods, and starts to get a funny feeling when her friends start disappearing one by one.

Just to reiterate, this is NOT a completely new story for those whom started following me 2-3 years ago will know this was one of the stories created via Halloween Suggestions.

I still hope you enjoy, please tap the star button for me and comment if you have time. 


"I'm so glad you decided to come to the lake with us, (Y/n)!" Beamed your very excited pink haired friend, bumping you playfully with her shoulder.

"I did agree to come before..that incident happened it's fine. Shoto and I, well we've put it behind us. I want to have the best week ever with you guys." You did your best to show her and Kirishima whom was sitting on your other side an eager smile. Even if at the back of your mind breaking up with your boyfriend of two years was weighing on your mind.

"That's the spirit (Y/n)! It wouldn't of felt right without the whole brigade." Kiri's pearly white enhanced smile brought an infectious one to your own lips. It was a nice feeling the sincerity behind how excited he was, even if maybe he just wanted some unhindered alone time with his bubble gum princess.

"We managed to get the whole gang here. You, Mina, Me, Midoriya driving his car with Uraraka in the passenger seat and lets not forget..." He turned and pointed at the car trailing behind you, getting an excited wave from his thunder haired friend. " Kaminari driving his girlfriend Jirou and Todoroki. Looks like he's sleeping in the back seat."

"Kirishima-kun has a point, we haven't spent a whole lot of time together. This is the getaway we all needed." Ochako turns her head to smile at everyone but her pink cheeks especially brighten at the green haired Midoriya. Whom smiles gently oblivious to her feelings like the little cinnamon bun he is.

A small soundless sigh escapes your lips as you turn and look past Mina's head to watch the tree's whiz by. Honestly you weren't really feeling as enthused as you should of been, part of you completely petty about not wanting to be in the same space with the man whom you'd caught cheating on you. Deep inside you spitted him wholeheartedly and refused to listen to the many excuses he tried to lob in your direction.

Deku slows his car as he turns onto a dirt road that gives you the first chance to catch the sparkling gleam from the large lake next to the cabin. He pulls up by the back door, immediately followed by Kaminari parking alongside him. Everyone files out with enthusiasm, while you're just grateful to get off your ass it was starting to feel numb from sitting for nearly 3 hours straight.

"This place is amazing, Midoriya! Props man for finding such a legit cabin!" Kaminari grinned smacking his green haired friend on the back, earning a sheepish rub of the back of his head but a genuine smile none the less.

"I'm glad you like it, I hope everyone finds it comfortable. My uncle Toshi said we could borrow it for the week as long as we don't leave it completely trashed." Midoriya explained, with the hope everyone wouldn't be messy. He also assured there was enough rooms to give everyone their own space, it was a rather large estate after all.

That sounded more amazing than you displayed on your face, as right now you kind of wanted to have some time alone to yourself. As well as, being grateful you didn't have to share a room with a couple that more and likely wanted to get it on this weekend. Mina and Kiri would share a room most likely and Kaminari and Jirou as well.

That would only leave 4 separate rooms, as your shy pink cheeked friend hadn't told the little green bean how she'd felt yet. However, you'd encouraged her since the planning for this vacation started to find the right time to be alone and just go for it. Even if you were jealous of the romance around, you still wished her luck from the bottom of your heart.

Everyone parted after walking in to pick rooms, while you choose the closest one to the stairs on the second floor just because you wanted to explore. It was a nice bedroom anyway, a simple bed, couple of desks, a small black table in the middle of the two windows on the far left wall. Which gave you a peaceful view of the entire lake./.if you had someone to share with it would be very romantic.

Just as you were about to turn, out of the corner something blonde catches your eye. Turning back you step up to the window, only to gasp when you spot a man at the edge of the brush leading into the forest. For a brief second you register his unblinking bright red eyes and astute facial features.

The moment your skin starts to warm and your heart skips a beat you turn away hiding yourself behind the wall. One of your hands grips the area over your chest, shaking your head back and forth. After taking a small gulp of air you look again but he's completely gone, he must of walked into the forest.

A heavy sigh deflates from your lips as you cover your face and realize your heart is still thumping enthusiastically. You'd never felt so moved just by someone piercing gaze before, that you began wondering where he came from. There wasn't any other cabins by this lake, which made you think maybe he lived further in the woods or was camping.

Shaking your head again, you realize you need to get your mind out of the clouds. You came here to unwind, you assured to yourself with a silent nod. After changing your clothes for a simplistic red flower themed sundress, you decided to go walk along the lake. Part of you wanted to see how far it stretched and maybe if you could circle all the way around.

From the first step out into the hallway you heard mild murmurs of someone getting straight to business, and you'd only just arrived. At this point hearing sex noises from your bestie Mina was just par for the course, but it did make you pace down the stairs a little faster. Todoroki was looking at some the books in the living room when he heard you stepping towards the door.

"(Y/n), Where are you going?"

"A stroll around the lake for a little while, I'll be back soon." You turned and gripped the knob trying to escape before he had a chance to get closer, but he was by your side and volunteering to come with you like you were still together within a few seconds. Which had you frowning and softly turning him down, but he refused to take a hint.

"We don't know this area very well, you should let me go with you." It was a calm statement with his natural applied logic, that you understood very well but you pulled away from his hand the moment he wrapped around your wrist.

"I'll be fine. I'm just walking around the lake you don't-"

"(Y/n) don't be silly, I know you're still hurt about what happened between us but-"

"Shoto! I said I'm fine. Back the hell away from me. I don't want to be alone with you!" You snapped louder than you meant unable to contain the sneer on your face, as you pushed at his shoulder getting him to take a startled step backwards before you finally turned and practically jogged out the door just to get away from him.

Your heart clenched painfully as you ran and ran, frowning deeply at the expression you saw on his face. You'd hurt him but honestly he had completely betrayed your trust, and you weren't the type to let yourself get played. Besides you held the mentality that if he could lose to temptation once, it could just as easily happen again.

By time you came back to your senses you'd completely ignored your actual plan of staying along the lake, and had instead trailed into the woods.

Panting softly you wiped at the small bead of sweat that had formed on your brow, before looking left in right. The visage of the cabin was still clearly behind you, which means you hadn't gone very far at least. Just as you were about to turn back and head for the shore by the lake, the sound of something clattering to the ground had you pausing.

Wondering what it was, your feet carry you forward perking up your ears so you can listen carefully and follow the sound. Couple of minutes later you find yourself peaking around the bark of a large tree and discovering to your complete surprise the attractive back muscles of the blonde man from before.

The site of his unblemished skin has you holding your breath trying to be as quiet as possible. He hasn't seemed to notice you as he grabs a thick log of wood from the ground, stacks it onto a stump, and proceeds to effortlessly chop it in half. The sound of it clattering separately down against the ground makes you realize that was what you'd heard before.

Oh, his physique was so breathtaking as he turns giving you a chance to admire the rippling view of his abs glistening with his hard earned sweat. After wiping at his face with a small white towel you just noticed wrapped around his neck, he slides himself down onto the stump sending a jolt to your heart when he instantly locates your gaze.

"Who the fuck are you?"

" name is (Y/n), My friends and I are borrowing the cabin for a mini getaway." You explained softly stepping forward into the clearing, trying to nonchalantly close the distance between you. "I saw you earlier...w-when you were heading into the woods."

"Oh? Did you?" A handsome aloof smirk formed on his face, that had your cheeks warming. Why did it feel like he was possibly flirting with just those three simple words? "Is that why you stalked me into the woods, little lamb? Wanted to get closer to the wolf?"

Words and their many possible combinations eluded your brain as he stood, backing your wide fluttering eyed body into the nearest tree. He trapped you against the bark by placing his hands on either side of your head, leaning in so close..he gave you the illusion he might straight up just kiss you.

"You know, if you don't run..I might eat you up." The muscle in your chest has never pounded so hard, as this mysterious man brushes a couple of his fingers through your hair. His enchanting eyes ensnare you in their web, despite his fair warning it felt like there was absolutely no escape.

"I..I don't know if I would mind.." You whispered, finding yourself wishing to indulge in something that felt so forbidden as the flat of your hands found their way to his muscular chest. His skin felt positively hot, sweaty and well defined that your fingers flexed against his pecs unable to stop yourself from gulping down nervously.

You could of sworn something very predator like flashed through his eyes, before he started to close the distance between you. The sharp claws on his hands trickled along the soft curve of your cheek, cupping the edge but just mere millimeters from your fine pink appendages...both of you snapped back to reality when one of your friends began calling to you.

"(Y/n)-chan~! We just made some lunch, please come back soon!"

It was the sound of Ochako, and from the way she was yelling it was clear she wasn't exactly sure where you'd gone. Thinking perhaps if she just called for you loud enough hopefully you would be nearby and head back. When the shirtless Adonis before you began stepping back, no longer letting you bask in his shadow, you felt the immeasurable sway of disappointment.

"You should head back to your shitty cabin, (Y/n)." He murmured, crinkling the leaves beneath his feet as he stepped over grabbing the shirt he'd draped over a low branch. "These woods can be really fucking you should avoid them." Came his very cryptic warning as he started walking away, which made the words just leap from your throat in desperation.

"Ah, w-wait! Maybe you can join My friends and I for lunch?" One of your hands gripped the tail of your red dress trying to belay the thumping of your heart, while you were relieved to get him to stop. Even if all he did was give you a questioning raise of his left brow like he was a little caught off guard.

"I..uh..mean if you're not busy or anything.." You'd never felt this cocktail of both trying to be confident and crumbling under his gaze with shyness. You were usually more stronger willed, which fueled your courage to ask him the question that you'd been mulling over since you'd seen him from the window.

"If you don't want to..could you at least tell me your name?"

He hummed in response, wiping off his forehead again with his towel before officially sliding his shirt back on. Bending down he grabbed the axe he'd placed on the ground, and swung it down in a way that gave you chills down your backside as he plunged it deep enough into the stump for it to be leveled and not fall as he let it go.

"Bakugou Katsuki, if you don't have any good food I wont be staying."

Oh, your lips instantly quirked up into a smile not even minding the way he brushed passed you because you turned and quickly stepped into his pace. In the few minutes it took to get back to your cabin, you managed to learn he had his own further into the woods. There must of been another road that you never saw on the way here, is what you simply assumed.

After taking the steps up to your cabins front door he waited for you to open it first and invite him inside. "Mhm..That smells really good. Maybe they made Nachos or Tacos?" You mused aloud with a dreamy hungry whiff of the air, making Bakugou snort he could practically see you salivating already.

"Good to know you have a..healthy appetite." He whispered in a low voice right next to your ear, making you squeak adorably and jump forward.

Your face must of been on fire as you cradled your ear like he'd licked it but damn if his voice wasn't as dreamy as the rest of him. He even seemed to be aware, maybe because of the mutual attraction he had for you, but honestly it might just be how he liked having someone to tease.

"This way t-to the kitchen.." You huffed, leading the way trying to hide your red expression but he'd already noted it to memory. He trailed behind you bouncing his scarlet eyes down your back side where he appreciated covertly the fine shape of your ass. The dress you had on even gave a nice slender view of your legs.

"Ah, there you are (Y/n)-chan. I was just about to set some of this aside for you." Midoriya seemed relieved to finally see you, but his expression widened at the unfamiliar man following in behind you. Everyone else became instantly curious, as the chatter died down so they could ask you question after question.

"Calm down guys, I met Bakugou-kun in the forest. He lives nearby and I asked him to join us for lunch." You side stepped around your freckled friend, complementing the innovative idea he had to make what kind of looked like Nacho's but was actually more like Taco poppers as the meat and cheese had been baked into yellow and orange peppers.

"This looks so good Izuku, do we have enough to share with Bakugou-kun?"

"A-ah, Of course. Please take a seat and I'll grab a few more plates." He ushered, you both with a kind gesture to the chairs that were left. Of course, you wanted the two empty ones right next to each other and were incredibly delighted when Bakugou followed suit plopping down into the chair on your left.

"What do you think Bakugou-kun, do you like peppers?" You asked with a hopeful flutter of your eyes, you didn't want him to leave.

"Spicy food is my favorite, so damn right I love peppers. I've never had a popper like this before but, I'm willing to give it a try." He shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal, but he did manage to add how it did smell amazing. It almost seemed like he was hard pressed to offer anyone a complement but you didn't mind that part of his personality very much.

After you were given your plates and had eaten a few of them, both of you discovered that you approved of this dish in every way possible. Soon followed curious questions from your friends, which he kind of oddly avoided answering most of them. Or he was just vague and disinterested in anything that wasn't spoken from your own perfectly pink lips.

Despite his shrouded in mystery answers, you did learn a few things about him. Like he'd lived in the forest most of his life, which made sense given how fit he was. He also lived alone and quickly became visibly annoyed when Mina wouldn't stop asking him questions about his family or why he was out here by himself.

"My damn life is none of your fucking business, so shut the fuck up pinky!" He practically growled at her shoving his chair back, as he viciously chewed the last of his popper before turning and stomping towards the front door.

"It was just a question, god he's got like a stick up his ass or something.." She huffed at his tantrum calling him a child, when they were kind enough to share a meal with him. "(Y/n), you shouldn't really get involved with him, he's got a bad temper.." When her yellow eyes glanced up she nearly feel out of her chair because you'd already gotten up to chase after him.

"Bakugou-kun, w-wait a second! I'm sorry...Mina is just a cur-" A most startled 'eep' escaped your lips as he gripped both of your hands and pushed you up against the frame of the door. His scarlet embers roared at you without words, squishing his frame into your own giving you a most astute feeling of his masculine body.

"Your shitty friends need to learn when to keep their damn mouths shut."

"I-i know..they were just curious though.." You had to gulp down the knot forming in your throat, as you started to become light headed due to his overbearing body heat.

"I don't give a damn about their curiosity. I knew I shouldn't of come here. How are you going to make it up to me?" He husked letting his breath haze against your pink parted lips, that were trying to form words but once again nothing formed on the tip of your tongue.

A small smirk formed on his face before he abruptly closed the distance with a startling rough kiss. Alarms went off in your head but you simply pressed the snooze button, as you found your hands free and wrapping tightly around his neck. It felt like there was nothing more sensational than the feeling of sharing a hungry lip lock with a mysterious handsome man like him.

After just a few seconds his tongue curled between your lips easily, dancing a mind fogging rhythm with your own muscle. Just as his hands were squeezing around your hips about to grip the bottom of your ass and lift your legs, so you both could enjoy each others flavor more deeply...another one of your friends is yet again there to disrupt his fun.

"(Y/n), what are you doing? You don't even know him?"

Bakugou reluctantly parts, but enjoys the thin slick sheen of saliva connecting you together. Even before you turn away from those pretty red eyes, you already have a frown contorting your expression because you'd recognized Todoroki's voice. He looks almost appalled by your intimate position with the tall blonde.

"What I'm doing isn't any of your business Shoto. Don't you know how to to read a room before you interrupt someone?" Despite not really wanting to move, you leaned off the door and stepped away enough to turn the knob. "You should go Bakugou-kun, I don't want to cause a scene."

He looked like he didn't appreciate being kicked out, but he still stepped through the threshold. However, before walking away he yanked at both of your hips pulling you into his body before stealing another kiss. Even with Todo watching, you didn't wish to push him away. So you indulged for a few seconds, not seeing the spiteful way Bakugou flipped your dual eyed ex off.

"Call me Katsuki, find yourself some better fucking friends."

With that final huff he turned shoving both of his hands into his jean pockets, taking himself begrudgingly off your cabins porch. For a few seconds you watched him retreat while biting your bottom lip, wishing he didn't have to leave so soon. Sure you'd just met but you were drawn to his mysterious and aloof nature along with that aggressive personality.

Slowly you edged the door closed before he even cleared the tree's and turned back to a stone face Todoroki whom looked like a disapproving older brother. You shot a similar look right back at him, before stepping forward and trying to go back into the kitchen but he blocked your path.

"(Y/n), you just kissed a complete stranger. I'm worried about you."

"Maybe things are moving a bit fast, but so what?" You tugged your hand away from him, crossing both arms across your chest taking an defensive stance. "You can't control who I fall for Shoto. What if I want to indulge in a summer romance?" Part of you felt that there wasn't any reason to defend yourself, but the other understood where he was coming from.

"You don't know anything about him, what if he's a serial killer?"

Your eyes nearly rolled to the back of your head scoffing and shaking your head. "That's such a dramatic line coming from you. I get your concern, I'll be careful." You waved off more of his words, honestly not wanting to hear more negative information about the new man in your life whom made your heart flutter.

Rejoining your friends at the table, you did apologize for Bakugou's outburst but it wasn't like he'd broken anything in his stomping and it wasn't like they couldn't handle someone cursing. You ate a few more Taco Poppers, grateful to Mina's continuous upbeat spirit. She never let much get to her and that was one of your favorite things about her bubbly personality.

When everyone was done eating, Kaminari volunteered to do the dishes probably so he could simply not have to do them later. After that you explored together around the rest of the cabin, played pool on the billiards table, and even some of the board games Midoriya had found in his uncles study.

It was actually pretty fun, most of the games were perfect for the fact that you had a lot of friends/people. When dinner rolled around you had fun grilling with Kiri on the deck and making yummy burgers. Once or twice did you glance towards the forest and think about Bakugou, almost hoping the smell might bring him back over.

He never did turn up, but little did you know he'd been keeping a constant eye on you and your friends since the moment you'd arrived. He was hidden in the brush, watching you hand out burgers after stacking them with lettuce, tomato and/or onions. If things hadn't exploded thanks to your friend he definitely would of waltz back over for more free food, but held his ground.

You were either the 2nd or 3rd done eating, he wasn't paying attention to the others that well. His scarlet eyes followed after you astutely till he could no longer see you. That's when he trailed back around to the front of your cabin looking up at the window to the room he assumed you were staying in since that's the first place your eyes locked.

At this point it was pretty dark, he could tell where you were very accurately once you'd flicked on the light to the bedroom. It was like watching a mildly sexy show, where he could picture you disrobing for some more comfortable pjs. You must of preferred to shower in the mornings, cause it seemed like your light ticked back off soon after indicating you were now trying to sleep.

There were other lights still on in your cabin over all, but it didn't look like they were going to leave for the rest of the night. Which was good he wasn't going to have to...reprimand them for going into his forest if they simply kept to themselves. There were certain things in his home and even around the woods, that would cause lets just say a bit of concern.


The next morning everyone had a leisurely breakfast of whatever suited them. Like Deku made a couple of breakfast burritos but some of you decided to just pour a bowl of cereal. Then there was Jirou chopping of fruit for a bowl and making her electric boom stick join her even though it looked like he would of rather had pancakes.

When things were done everyone spent some time sitting on the wharf that jutted out over a bit of the lake. It almost felt like everyone was sun bathing, but for those of you who weren't was a little more awkward. Specially since you were avoiding having to much to do with Todo but he didn't seem to get the message.

While listening to their conversation, you kept sparing soft glances to the forest and wondering where Bakugou was. Maybe he would be chopping wood if you went to check? He also might not even be there and could be resting at his home. Part of you wanted to see if you could find his house, but you didn't want to be a clingy bothersome person.

"Guys,Guys! I just thought of a neat idea!" Kaminari declared, earning a skeptical brow raise from his girlfriend whom was laying at his side. He grinned wickedly before pointing to the lake, "We should all go skinny dipping?! The lake feels nice, its a hot summer day anyway?!" More than anything he spared a small glance to each of the girls saying it would be so much fun.

"Oh that sounds amazing, I'm in!" Mina grinned, thrusting her fist happily in the air.

"Same, it sounds fun. I'm starting to sweat anyway." Kiri agreed, already starting to disrobe like he didn't give a damn whom saw his muscular body.

"Pfff, Denki only wants to see the other girls naked when he has girlfriend right here." Jirou huffed turning her cheeks away, from him crossing both of her arms.

"Aw come on babe. You know it's not like that.." He chuckled sheepishly even if everyone including the girls already knew he was a bit of a perv. Both of them argued but it wasn't serious while almost everyone besides Midoriya and Ochako, agreed. Which seemed like a nice scenario for her to finally tell him how she felt.

You gave her a giggly thumbs up, wishing her luck silently as she returned your smile with a pink cheek enhanced version of her own. Even though everyone around you was getting naked, you didn't mind you'd all been friends a long time. Mainly you tried to avoid Todo's stare, noting with great dismay how he seemed to particularly stare at your curves. Even if he'd seen them many times before.

This prompted you to practically barrel into the lake creating a cannon ball like splash that may of splashed him in the face to your delight. Soon everyone else followed suit and were all collectively murmuring how nice and cold the water felt. The muddy floor was a bit tickling to your bare feet but it wasn't anything to grating.

By the wharf the water wasn't very deep, so you swam out a little further. Wafting your hands through the murky liquid, until you finally came to an area where the depth went up to your shoulders. Smiling brightly you dove under and swam for a few seconds letting your hair absorb the cool liquid and feel your skin prickle all over with the way the current lapped at your skin.

The moment your head was above the water you gasped softly for air wiping at your face and eyes, while you noted just how far you'd gotten from your friends and the wharf. Your legs ebbed back and forth in an area of the water that wasn't ground level, just to keep yourself afloat.

A deep sigh escaped your lips as you stared longingly at the forest and wondered when you were going to see the handsome mysterious Bakugou Katsuki again. That's when something brushes against your leg under the water causing your body to leap forward a bit with a small squeak.

Thinking it might be a snake panic flares into your body, as you paddle forward. Just as one of your legs touches on the muddy ground, the other is yanked from under the water. Your head immediately dunks under while you struggle for a second, the moment your lips part ready to scream a large hand clamps over your lips.

"Calm down stupid. It's just me."

You recognize the sound of his gruff deep voice right away and begin to relax in his grasp, only then does he let you go and let you turn around to face him. Oh, the sight of his hair damp and pressed flatly against his head..makes him even more attractive. Your eyes glance down taking in the site of his bare chest, causing your heart to skip a curious beat wondering if he's just as naked as you are.

His lips curve up, lifting his finger and pointing towards the shore. When you turn following his gaze, you discover the answer to your internal question. A pile of clothes which must surely be his resting near the grassy area next to the shore. Before you even have a chance to turn back both of his hands glide against your backside, gripping your hips pulling you back just a bit.

An elapsing tingle singes through your body the moment you can feel the shape of his manhood up against the bottom of your ass. "I saw you and your shitty friends talking, when all of you jumped into the lake I decided to join." He husked, both of his hands already greedily feeling your shape.

The tiniest moan of his name hazed from your lips, as he felt along the smooth skin of your stomach and up to cup both of your breasts. Your head was already leaning back against his wet muscular chest when he started a slow roll, and tickled your little nips with a jostling circle of his thumb.

"Mh..Katsuki, wait we can' friends are right over there.." You murmured, but the fact that you hadn't even tried to pull away was more than enough reason for him to continue.

"Who gives a shit about your friends, you moved away from them. You don't want to be by them either." He hazed squeezing your tits to his hearts content, while the edge of his lips feathered a kiss or two against the side of your neck.

When you tried to murmur an excuse of just wanting to be in deeper water he chuckled against your ear, wrapping his teeth around as he gave it a little yank. Quickly the idea to tease you with whether you wanted him or not, formed inside his head.

"Are you saying you didn't want to see me? I'll be glad to fucking leave.." The detach of his hands drove desperation into your heart, as you whirled yourself around in the water and practically dove in his chest kissing him abruptly. He couldn't control the absolutely pleased grin that formed on his face as gladly pressed a hand up against the back of your head and snaked around your hip keeping you close.

Meanwhile, you friends seemed to notice your new swimming buddy as you started swapping spit. Both of you were nearly on the other side of the lake, so it wasn't like they could tell in detail what you were doing was clear you were making out.

"Ah..(Y/n)-chan really draws all the wild things to her." Mina snickered, she wasn't even mad you were still infatuated with the person whom yelled at her.

"At least it's mutual. We should get to know him some more he's probably not that bad." Kiri hummed dog paddling around his pink haired girlfriend sneaking caresses to her legs that no one could see, hinting he may of wanted more.

"I think this is dangerous. She doesn't know him, and yet still throwing her-" A splash of water smacking Todo in the face halts his lips, making him pause turning to see Jirou giving him a pretty heavy frown.

"Todoroki, that's our friend..I'd appreciate it you don't call her a slut. That's your former girlfriend, get over yourself and let her be happy." She looked on the verge of slapping him across his two-toned face, but with Denki next to her she was able to calm herself before things got to heated.

They talked a little more about the possible dangers, while you were completely oblivious and continued the heaviest of make outs with said mysterious tiger. What could you do but just completely give in, and enjoy the massive wave of tingles from just having your naked body pressed up against his own.

Both of his hands wafted down your back side, squishing the shape of your ass enough to have you moaning into his mouth. Soon he'd parted from your tasty appendages to trail down the side of your neck, biting hungrily into your soft flesh and getting off on the clench of your hands around his shoulder blades.

"Your body is so fucking soft..I want to touch all of it.." He hazed directly against the frame of your ear, while creating the smallest amount of distance between you so he could fulfill said desire. When his hand began to sensually fondle your breasts again, you found yourself not minding despite the red consuming your face.

"Ah..Katsuki...I really like your muscles.." You wanted to compliment him as well, and the feeling of his astute abs against your stomach were the first things that came to mind. He was surprised with how courageous you were as you outlined his chest with the slow press of your hands. However, he enjoyed greatly the trace of your finger tips, so much so, he had to claim your lips again.

The moment he parted, one of his hands pushed your round tit above the water just enough to wrap his lips around the nub. He enjoyed the startled pleasured mew of his name that reverberated against the rim of his ears, while he worked some sensual caresses along your legs getting you to spread them further apart.

"Oh Katsuki..n-not there.." You whispered, in tune to the way a few of his digits slid up against the soft outline of your womanhood. He shook his head at your mild form of denial, kissing both of your tits back and forth not caring about the subtle flavor of lake water.

With each pucker of his lips around your flesh, you lost yourself more and more till you were holding him around his slender neck tightly and mewling with the incredible layer of pleasure he was thrusting into your folds. Your mind quickly became blank as he curled up and down and felt along the warm inner lining of your cunt.

While he enjoyed the way you clung and even more so the clench of your walls, his scarlet eyes glanced mildly up as he leaned forward to warmly kiss at the other side of your neck. However, he noticed further into the distance two of your friends, pinky and red heading into his forest.

Instantly a sneer forms on his lips, looking down at your closed eyes and adorable quivering lips. You must not of told the others about his warning to not go into the forest, which is perfectly fine. A maddening grin comes to his face as he thinks about how he simply has means to get rid of them now.

Caressing your cheek, he has your eyes sliding open shyly before kissing you in a surprisingly romantic and sensual way. The depth of his fingers increase several times over, as he jostles the water around you both with his movement getting you to practically whimper and salivate into his mouth.

The feeling of your overwhelmed saliva dripping down his chin, feels divine in a way that makes him want to devour you whole. The speed he's fucking you at with his fingers makes your entire body writhe, sinking your nails into the tops of his shoulders in tune to a most pleasurable orgasm that warmed your entire frame.

"I have to go sweet cheeks. That was an appetizer...prepare yourself for the main course~." He husked, taking a hold of both of your cheeks as he roughly and passionately kissed you over and over till you were a delirious mess and had no idea what to say.

"I'll come find you later." He assured licking across both of your lips as a final parting gift. He must of understood that you had no idea what to say, and wadded himself through the water before redressing at the shore. Your hand lifted automatically when he glanced back giving him a shy wave, which he smirked at before turning and pacing into the woods.

Instantly you dunked yourself under the water screaming like a little school girl whom just discovered her first love. You had no problem admitting you were very into him and liked how proactive he was whenever you were together. Like he knew you weren't going to be around for very long, playing games wouldn't benefit anyone.

After resurfacing above the water you paddled back towards your friends, and prepared to answer questions. It wasn't like you weren't going to deny he was right next to you and very naked. Meanwhile, you did notice two of your friends gone but assumed they were either in the cabin or doing it some where in the woods.

"Mina, how far are you going to drag me into the forest? You playing with my feelings, that's not very manly.." Kiri sighed, he was promised a good time in the forest if he followed her but now all they both were doing was getting lost.

"Pffft, I'm not a man and you should know that." She snorted, giggling as her hand tightened in his grasp but he still looked incredibly disappointed that they weren't making out. "I was actually kind of curious where the house, this mysterious Bakugou-kun lives. I thought we could explore and I'll be sure to reward you..Ejirou~"

She made it a point to specifically sound out his name as she purred it to him, knowing he appreciated her seductive side very much and was basically wrapped around her little finger. He too did admit he was curious, Mina had a point. It didn't seem like there were any other paths on the road when they drove up to Midoriya's uncles cabin.

They walked for awhile, not seeing anything out of the ordinary besides some chopped firewood here and there. Then to their surprise the land flattened out into a meadow where there was a space full of flowers..and low and behold a quint little cabin. It looked simple enough surrounded by tiny dandelions and yellow sunflowers, like it came out of a little fairy tale.

"Do you think that's Bakugou-kuns house?"

"I's kind of out here in the middle of nowhere, fits (Y/n)'s description of being in the woods." He mussed, walking forward and noting the piled up wood in a storage container at the side of the building. It even had a chimney jutting out from the back, no signs of smoke which meant he hadn't lit it before leaving.

Stepping up to the nearest window Mina pressed her nose up against the glass and saw a normal looking living room, only thing that really stood out was the bear rug under one of the tables. Everything else was simple, from it's chairs, tables, book shelves, a dart board with like way to many darts, and even a pretty neat looking stereo.

"I guess he lives alone, if his parents passed away..he could of just said I would of dropped it.." Mina mumbled, muttering that she would of been sympathetic. She was only curious about him since they'd just met.

"Let's go back, there's nothing here to see."

"Just a little longer, we wont like go in but lets look around back." She took his hand and even though he sighed heavily like this was wasting his youth away he still stepped in behind her. Once they'd walked around they took a peak into a nice little kitchen, that looked rather clean and taken care of. Only coming to a stop at metal box next to the back door.

"What's this? A garbage box?" Mina questioned lifting her hand to tap her knuckles against it, surprised at it's hollow sounding cling.

"It kind of looks like a furnace they use to melt down waste. Maybe he uses this instead of throwing his trash away? He seems like a neat freak." Kiri chuckles, lifting his hand and pulling on the metal bar only to yelp and fall backwards when he see's what's inside it.

"What in the world!?"

"Why are you freaking out, Eijirou?" He just points a shaky finger into the darkness of the furnace and when she peers inside a chill runs down her spine before quickly trying to laugh it off. "It...It has to be an animal skull..m-maybe he caught a wild possum or fox.." She tried to reason, it was definitely a skull but it was charred and black, it's shape hard to discern entirely.

"Oh...y-yeah..maybe it is..haha..." He tried to laugh off his unease, but couldn't shake the chilly feeling bubbling in his gut. Which got worse when he used a twig to sift around the piles of black soot and could of sworn he saw actual finger bones. "Mina, lets get out of here.." He tried to reason tugging her wrist forcibly.

"I can't let you leave now." Bakugou spoke, stepping around the side of his house to cut off their path an incredibly chilly expression on his face given his fiery eyes. "You just had to trespass, like the fucking morons you are." He sneered, gripping the hilt of the axe in his right hand.

"W-what are you talking about, Bakugou? We were just looking around."

"Yeah, you don't own the forest..we d-didn't see anything. We just want to go back to our cabin.."

Bakugou grins at her words, a look of primal instincts reflected in his ember eyes. "Oh but I know you saw something and your fucking mouth is the type that likes to blab. So you'll tell her..and I can't have that. Just when I was starting to connect with someone again." His words were surprisingly calm, which is why when he suddenly barrels forward both our caught completely off guard.

Fear rumbles through Mina's very core as Bakugou swings his axe down slashing right at her, but to her bewildering surprise it never connected with her body. Instead her eyes swell with globs of tears watching blood gush from her red haired lovers chest as he collapses to the ground. Nausea swells in the pit of her stomach watching his intestines ooze from the gaping wound.

"G...Get out of here..m-Mina..r-run.." He gurgles spitting up blood, as the light in his red eyes starts to fade. Nothing can explain the feeling of watching the one you loved the most die right in front of you, which is exactly the reason she is unable to do anything as Bakugou closes the distance.

His shadow looms over her for a few seconds, before her lips part and she tries to scream with all her might but he saw it coming. The handle of his axe slammed into her face knocking several of her teeth loose, while her once pretty face became a saturated bloody mess.

"Shut the fuck up, You'll be joining him soon." He snarls, jumping at her and stomping on both of her wrists to pin her to the ground. She yelps out pitifully, but her words are garbled by the profuse amount of deep red blood in her mouth. "Thanks for bringing me a beautiful woman, she wont need any of you anymore."

Searing hot tears ripple down the sides of her eyes, watching him bring the axe up to his chest and swing down in a swift fluid motion. The moment he severs her head, blood spurts up onto his chest and face, while he watches with emotionless eyes the collapse of her entire frame.

Panting he glances around, wiping the sweat that had formed on his brows with the back of his hand but it just caused blood that splattered onto his knuckles to smudge onto his skin even more. He growls down at the once annoying bubbly air head, that was your friend and back to Kirishima before sighing heavily.

"Now I have even more shit to clean up, and I'm all fucking dirty. Specially after my nice dip in the lake with..(Y/n)." Thinking about you makes him feel better, as he remembers he told you he'd come find you later. Which meant he'd have to clean this bloody corpse mess up, before he even made it back to you less your other friends stumble upon this scene.

"I guess I better fucking get to severing their limbs..the furnace is only big enough for small body parts."


Oh noes, two of our dear friends have been brutally murdered by our attractive new crush!

I knew from the very start that I would want to write this idea out in a slower more progressive horror move type of way. I'm thinking of three parts, while i build on the suspense the sexiness and find out interesting ways to...let's just say narrow the cast c:

Part 2 will be uploaded soon~!

Please tap that vote button so people can find my new book. This is where all new BNHA stuff will be posted from now on.

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