The Babysitter - knj

By IcarusSpirit

434K 17.2K 2.1K

Kim Namjoon saw Y/N as the nice babysitter and Y/N saw him as her boss who's got the money to make her disapp... More

(00) Our Child
(01) Babysitting
(02) Kim Namjoon
(03) Kim Chanyeol
(04)Day 1: Cookies
(05) Day 8: New Mama
(06) She's hot
(07) Oppa
(08) Jungkook Comes to Visit
(09) Stubborn
(10) Fever
(11) Calming
(12) Promise
(13) A Day Outside
(14) Simple Sunday
(15) Planning
(16) It's a Mess
(17) Chemistry
(18) Meeting The Guys
(19) Half a Bottle
(20) Questions
(21) Some Answers
(22) Story Time
(23) House Hunting
(24) Parent Trouble
(25) Messy
[26] Four AM
(27) "It's Us"
(28) L
(29) The talk
(30) Papa and You
(31) Message
(32) Tell
(33) Lies
(34) Truth
(35) Studio
(36) Bad
(37) Nice
(38) Camera
(39) Overthink
(40) Warm
(42) Tomorrow
(43) Bath
(44) Permanent
(45) Morning
(46) Mr. CEO
(47) Park
(48) Stupid
(49) Preparing
(50) The L Word
(51) Alone
(52) Excited?
(53) Everyone Loves You
(54) Anniversary

(41) Decision

5.5K 251 34
By IcarusSpirit

Namjoon's POV

Mornings were great. Namjoon loved them and he especially loved them when he had no work to do.

This morning, he decided to cook breakfast. Chanyeol was clinging to his pants, speaking to him about the most random of things. "Papa, we have to."

He laughs, shaking his head and placing the eggs on the plate. "Chanyeol, we can't just escape to a strawberry farm without Y/N. She told you how much she loves strawberries."

The young child pouts, twisting and turning around his father's leg. "I ate all the strawbewwies, Y/N will be sad... we have to get some- befowe she wakes up!" There was great urgency in his voice and traces of the strawberries on his face as he spoke.

"You can tell her you ate them. I'm sure she won't be mad." Strawberries or something more serious, Namjoon couldn't imagine the woman he liked being angry at anything. Sure, she did get in that fight but it's still difficult for him to imagine her angry.

As if summoned, the sound of her bedroom door opening brings both Kim's attention to the direction of the hall.

"Good morning~" her voice softly called out and Namjoon turned off the stove and made sure Chanyeol wasn't anywhere near it. "Did I oversleep?"

Chanyeol moves around trying to hide from her, scared. To his luck, Y/N shouldn't be able to see him from over the counter.

Namjoon watches as the messy-haired girl walks out of the room in a pair of shorts and an oversized shirt Namjoon instantly recognized as the one he dropped last night. He blushes at the thought. A line was crossed but it wasn't the line one would assume they crossed. It was a different one. Intimacy wise.

Namjoon could remember every detail of it just fine without having to even close his eyes.

Y/N's shirt is hanging off her shoulders, her pants were off and she was in her underwear while Namjoon across from her was shirtless as equally as out of breath as her.

"We shouldn't do this. Not like this." He said those words and somewhat regretted them as he said them, too scared that she'd judge his decision.

The only thing that made his sigh of relief that Y/N let out. He felt a little confused though, why didn't she want to do it either.

Her eyes meet his and she's leaning forward again, placing a small kiss on his lips. "Thank goodness... I wouldn't want us to just have our first time together be like this. Something about doing it while Chanyeol is in the house makes me feel nervous.. guilty?"

Chanyeol. Of course, she was thinking about Chanyeol, she's his babysitter. His beautiful and wonderful babysitter.

"You're great."

"Yeah, I'm pretty awesome for sure." She laughs, kissing him again while her hands wander to his side. Namjoon gets nervous, scared that she'd grasp or touch something that she would feel disgusted or weirded out by. He freezes under her touch and she seems to instantly notice.

Her eyes dart up with a warm smile. "I never see you at the gym." Her brows furrow but she continues to smile. "How the hell are you so buff?"

Namjoon goes to the gym at work, it's part of a routine. Talking about it just seems off right now.

He doesn't want to talk about his body right now. He just wants to be close to hers. "I don't think we should talk about my workout routine right now, don't you think."

His lips meet hers and she's giggling. "Damn... you really are my perfect type. Sculpted by a God themself."

Namjoon looks at her, confused but the giddy and blushy look on her face just says that she's speaking from the heart.

He feels like he has to compliment her back but his hands move before his lips do. They're wandering up through her shirt and his breathing is starting to heavy.

Doing the actual deed wasn't allowed tonight but that didn't stop the two of them from getting handsy last night.

Namjoon's face flushed just thinking about last night. His eyes met Y/N's.

She smiles and looks around. "Hi," she speaks, nervousness oozing through her voice.

"Hey." He can't help but smile back and stare at her as she gets closer. "You sleep well?"

She nods, looking over the counter. "Yeah, how about you?" Her hair looks messier than usual but her skin looks just as shiny and soft as it did last night.

"Same old, same old. Chanyeol did wake me up, I was sure he would have woken you up too." Considering they woke up on the same bed.

She looks around, rocking back and forth. "Where is he?- Oh, you're making toast and eggs? Are there strawberries there?"

Chanyeol gasps, having the most frantic look on his face as he's trying to clean his face with his shirt.

"Oh... strawberries?" Namjoon is amused by his son's behavior, looking down at him with a grin. "I don't know. Chanyeol should know, I'm sure." He knew that based on the look on Y/N's face, she had figured out that Chanyeol had eaten them.

Chanyeol pulled on the leg of his pants and looked at his father, a guilty expression on his face.

"Is that so...?" Y/N walks around the counter, eyes on the fridge at first, but she looks down to see the young boy trying to hide. "Oh, Chanyeol! Just the guy I was looking for!" She exclaimed, crouching to look down at him.

He hid his face, not looking at her at first.

Namjoon is looking at them, seeing that Y/N is smiling at him with the sweetest smile and his heart just- his heart could burst at any moment.

He can just tell that she loves him very much and he's really thinking how lucky he must've gotten to meet such a woman who can look at a kid who is not hers with such love.

He wants to kiss her.

"Did you eat the strawberries? Is that it?"

Chanyeol hides his face and lets out a small groan, thinking of what to say to her.

She pokes his chubby cheeks with a grin. "I won't get angry if you tell me the truth." She moves her hands to pull the boy closer.

He pouts and looks down at the floor. "I ate them... yesh." His small hands hold hers and he's avoiding eye contact. "Y/N wikes them. Im sowwy."

She giggles and helps him up. "It's okay. They were meant to be eaten anyways. Do we have some oranges though?"

Chanyeol gasps and hides his face, letting a small groan.

"What is it?"

Namjoon looks in the direction of the oranges. "He ate the last one yesterday morning."

Y/N laughs and uses her hand to try to move the plates of food to the dining table, Namjoon quickly follows behind. "We're running out of fruit, huh."

"Chanyeol is becoming a fan of them I've noticed."

"Is that right Chan?"

Chanyeol nods and hugs her. "Sowwy."

She pats his back after putting the plate down on the table. "It's ok, it's ok. Are you hungry?"

Before receiving an answer, she puts Chanyeol down before she reaches for her phone that Namjoon notices was between her torso and her pants. He assumes it must've vibrated.

Her face drops and she looks at Namjoon.

In her hands the phone now begins to vibrate nonstop and she almost drops it on the floor.

"I- uh- Joon." Her voice sounds almost like a cry and she's moving her phone in his direction.

Had she not looked freaked out, he'd think she looked and sounded very adorable but he found himself rushing in her direction to take the source of her distress.

The message was very clear.

"Consider this a goodbye gift :)"


After the message was a link. A tweet of a document attached to it.

Her phone continues to vibrate and a bunch of notifications come from her social media accounts.


"FUDGE!" She yells over him, her voice a little shaky but she's quickly reminding him that his son was still in front of him. "We should buy fudge for ice cream soon enough! Right, Chanyeol?" She doesn't reach for her phone again and turns to Chanyeol.

The news got leaked. Clear images of them walking up to the sidewalk and on their way to the bridge, another of Namjoon walking to them in clothing a little too casual for him to be visiting.

What is he going to do now?

The shaking of Y/N's hands and the color that drained from her face told Namjoon how tough of a decision it would be to make.

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