Can i love you ?

Galing kay dcfanfic21

50K 2.8K 1.2K

I have always dreamed of experiencing a passionate and intense love, the kind of love that only happens in mo... Higit pa

37( Please I don't need more surprises)
38( Happy Birthday)
39 ( it's been 4 years)
40 ( are you jealous M)


1.1K 79 35
Galing kay dcfanfic21

Yoohyeon's POV

Morning came quickly. However, as always, when full sleep comes late, when you need to get up early, when the day promises to be difficult. With difficulty tearing my eyes away, I involuntarily broke into a smile at her message. Once I got up, I went to wash and drink coffee. I wasn't hungry at all. Nerves. I could feel my entire body tense.

My mother was in the kitchen, greeting me with the words, "Well? Are you ready for the exam?"

"Yesterday it seemed to me that I was, but I don't know anymore," I answered.

"Yoohyeon, if you put in enough effort, then everything will be fine. And if not, then it's only your fault," my mother replied calmly, sipping her coffee.

"You know, I put in a lot of effort," I said. It was unpleasant to hear such admonition from my parents, to be honest. But what did I expect? This was always the case in our family.

"Today we'll see. Are you coming home after?" my mother asked.

"I don't know. Most likely, I'll go to Siyeon," I answered. After this conversation, I didn't feel like rushing home.

I arrived at the university half an hour before the start of the exam. On the bus, I was able to put my thoughts in order by leafing through my notes.

There were still a few people in the class. Besides me, there was Woodz, who, for some reason, came among the first, and Sorn, who hid some papers in her boots. Why wasn't I cheating? I couldn't. I wanted to prove to Her and myself that I knew the material. I wanted to be sincere in front of her. Otherwise, I would be ashamed to even look Her in the eyes. In my opinion, conscience is an important component of any person, but unfortunately, not everyone understands this. But in fact, an exam is a test of people's conscience, a test of willpower, a test of meanness. Many reveal a completely different side of themselves when they are on the other side of the examination door.

After those half an hour, three more people entered the class, and the rest would come up a little later to avoid creating an unnecessary crowd. Woodz and Vernon were talking about something, laughing, apparently not worried about the result. But had it ever been otherwise? The rest of us were trying to extract an incredibly important phrase from the lectures and textbook, which would undoubtedly save us in the exam. No, of course, in this case, I was no exception. Involuntarily, everyone fell silent and listened when we heard the clatter of heels. Her heels. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who had learned to recognize that sound.

Minji. Miss Minji. With a confident gait, creating a unique sound with her heels, she walked towards us, towards the classroom. Besides her purse, she had a diary in her hands, the grade book that she apparently took from the dean's office, and an extract. Approaching closer, she said in a cheerful and confident voice, "Good morning, everyone," and then her gaze fell on me. God! I almost lost the ground under my feet. My legs involuntarily began to give way, and I almost groaned out loud. How I missed her gaze! Judging by her grin, she caught my reaction and was pleased.

"Come in," the woman said, opening the classroom. Apparently, she was in a good mood, and my task was at least not to ruin it for her.

Everyone went into the classroom, and I, as if knocked down, stood motionless. Minji looked at me and said, narrowing her eyes, "Kim Yoohyeon, should I invite you separately?"

"Why not," I replied, coming to my senses and entering.

"So, sit down across the desk. Phones in silent mode on my desk, bags and other things on the table," she instructed.

We followed her instructions. What else could the students do? They all sat down, but the first row was empty. Who would doubt that? Even I sat down in the second row, wanting to be less distracted and worried.

"Will I eat you if you sit in the first row?" Minji asked everyone.

"We wouldn't dare to check," retorted Woodz.

"Yoohyeon, move to the first row in front of me, and Woodz to the next first," she said firmly, not wanting to argue anymore.

Pulling out a ticket was always very exciting. I would even say that it was the most thrilling stage of the exam because then you either knew the material and wrote well, or you didn't know and had to retake it. Fortunately, I hadn't been in the second situation yet.

Approaching the table with the exam tickets, many were discussing something. I reached out for the ticket, my fingers trembling, feeling Minji's gaze from my hand to my eyes. But I couldn't bring myself to look at her. I knew I would drown and completely lose my composure.

"Ticket number 16."

Mitochondria. Cellular respiration. Respiratory chain.

The influence of the environment on the plant organism."

It seemed easier now. Challenging? Yes, but it could be solved. I looked at Minji, and she caught my gaze, asking, "Which ticket?" I sensed a hint of worry in her voice, or maybe it was just my imagination.

"Sixteenth," I replied.

"Okay, write it down," she said, making an entry in her diary.

I sat back down in my seat and began thinking and writing. It wasn't so difficult.

At this point, I finished writing and just sat there, not daring to go up and answer. I felt somewhat calmer now, especially with Minji present. But I shouldn't have looked at her.

"Kim Yoohyeon, come and answer since you're ready," she blurted out sharply.

I stood up and walked over to the chair by her desk. I handed her my grade book, but I remained silent. Why couldn't I speak?

"Start," she said, filling out the form, her voice serious.

"The first question..." I spoke with confidence, or at least I tried to sound confident, even though my voice shook a couple of times. I recited without reading my own notes; it was easier for me. I could sense her interested gaze, and I tried not to look into her eyes, as it would only make me stumble and lose my train of thought. Minji paused and then asked follow-up questions. She loved asking questions, and I provided the answers, trying to appear as confident as possible. Did she seem pleased? It didn't seem like she was angry.

"Okay," she said, taking notes in the grade book.

I didn't even care about the grade she gave me. Only one thought consumed me: how and where could we talk? I couldn't bear another day without her, without a conversation that would bring me peace of mind. But what should I do? I had to stand up and leave the classroom, but my legs felt frozen. I continued sitting there.

"You can call the next student in," she said, handing me back the grade book. Her tone was serious enough, and it worried me. I think she could see my concern clearly written on my face, but she didn't say anything else. She merely raised her eyebrows, as if to indicate that I was waiting for something in vain.

Confused, I stood up, gathered my things, and left the classroom. The students outside the door started asking me about the exam, but I wasn't present. I was somewhere lost in my thoughts. Absentmindedly answering their inquiries, I headed toward the window, not far from the classroom. It was peaceful there.

Climbing onto the windowsill, I opened my grade book. Curious to see what she had written, I discovered a piece of paper tucked inside. Opening it, I froze. It was her handwriting.

"Yoohyeon, the exam will last up to an hour. I doubt your classmates will set me free sooner. If you wait, then I am at your disposal. Or rather, you are in mine."

A solitary tear rolled down my cheek. Was I crying? It must have been an overflow of emotions and nerves. These past few weeks had been tough. It was hard without her. God, she had such beautiful and neat handwriting! But had it really been so difficult to drop a hint in the note? Although, sensible students usually look at the grade book first.

How long should I wait? Glancing at my watch and doing the math, it disheartened me. Three and a half hours. Yes, it was a considerable amount of time. But it wasn't a week or a month. Just three hours. Although everyone knows that the most challenging waiting is always the last few minutes. Sitting on the windowsill, I turned on some music.

Then, I felt a touch on my shoulder. Was I dozing off? Fatigue and nerves from these past weeks must have taken their toll. Startled, I opened my eyes. Minji stood nearby, smiling warmly. I removed the headphones from my ears as she spoke.

"And how often do you sleep on windowsills at the university?"

"It's a first for everything," I said, without breaking eye contact, as I crawled out of my cozy spot.

"Especially with me, I suppose," Minji replied with a grin, which, of course, embarrassed me.

"Yooh, I haven't even had breakfast today. Will you keep me company for a meal?" Minji asked.

"I haven't had breakfast either. Let's go," I said, catching her by surprise.

Grinning, she headed for the stairs, her heels making the familiar clattering sound. Oh, this woman knew how to draw attention to herself. Stepping outside, we walked to her car in silence. Silence was enough; her presence was enough for me. Opening the car door, I sat in the front seat, and Minji did the same. We fastened our seatbelts. Minji drove out of the parking lot, heading toward the familiar cafe. She didn't say anything, but I yielded to her desire. After parking the car, we stepped out into the chilly daytime air from the warmth of the car's interior. I shivered, unable to hide it from her eyes. She noticed.

The cafe welcomed us with pleasant music and the absence of a large crowd. Minji led the way to the table where we sat the last time. I followed her. I was under her spell. Completely.

After placing an order with the waitress, Minji looked at me with tenderness in her eyes. I gathered my courage and spoke up, my voice filled with remorse.

"Minji, will you forgive me? I was so scared. I had no right to behave that way at the university. Now I understand, but back then, my words...they were cruel. They were all mistakes. I acted like a foolish child," I said sadly, almost in a whisper.

I was afraid to meet her gaze, feeling a lump in my throat. Minji didn't rush to respond, but I could sense her intense stare. I trembled involuntarily, but it seemed to have become a regular occurrence for me lately.

"Yoohyeon, forgive me for what I said to Handong. You're important to me. You're right, you're still young, but you're mine. And yes, I'm no longer upset about your words. But remember, some phrases leave a mark in my memory, and not everything can be easily forgotten," her soft and gentle voice took on a steely tone towards the end, causing me to lift my eyes and whisper, "I'm sorry."

"Let's eat already. Dwelling on it and discussing it won't do any good for our appetites," Minji replied, taking the cutlery in her hands.

"But are you not angry with me?" I asked anxiously. Had we really resolved everything? I still felt unsettled.

"Yooh, I don't think a café is the best place for hashing things out. Let's eat, and afterwards, let's go to my place. Today, I won't let you go anywhere, sorry about that," she said with a satisfied smile as my cheeks involuntarily turned red.

We proceeded to eat in silence, occasionally stealing glances at each other, each glance carrying a different message. Our silence was interrupted by the sound of my phone, causing me to startle. It was just my nerves acting up from these past few weeks. Minji smiled and watched me intently. She loved observing me when I tried to concentrate.

"Hi Mom," I answered the call.

"Why haven't you called me? How did your exam go?" she asked impatiently.

"All is well," I reassured her.

Minji leaned back on the sofa, a smile playing on her lips as she watched the scene unfold. She enjoyed observing me, especially when I was trying to concentrate.

"I told you, there was no need to worry. What time should I expect you at home?" my mom inquired.

"What time should I come home?" I asked aloud, seeking Minji's opinion.

Minji grinned, raising her left eyebrow as she observed my reaction and behavior. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to go home. I wanted to spend the entire night with her, until the morning. But I couldn't say that without knowing her plans. Maybe she had other things in mind.

"I'm not entirely sure yet," I said, feeling flustered.

"I won't let you go," Minji whispered, biting her lower lip, clearly pleased with my confusion.

"I'll probably stay at a friend's place," I said, smiling and looking at "my friend," feeling more confident.

"At Siyeon's?" my mom asked.

"Mom, do you really think I have no other friends besides Siyeon?" I said, surprising Minji, judging by her raised eyebrows.

"Alright, rest well," my mom said, ending the conversation.

I put my phone away and looked at Minji. She smiled, and it warmed my soul.

"Well, friend, shall we head to your place?" she said, getting up and grinning.

"Let's go," I replied as we started getting ready.

As we stepped outside, the frost nipped at my cheeks. I shivered involuntarily and quickened my pace towards the car. Sitting in the driver's seat, Minji asked, "Should we stop by the store or order something for the evening?"

"I prefer the delivery option," I said.

"Okay, then let's head home," she said, starting the car.

It was unusually cold outside today. I was more of a summer person, preferring warmth and comfort, even though I enjoyed winter activities like skiing and ice skating. But being next to Minji made me feel warm, even in the winter, even in the cold weather. She somehow radiated warmth from within. Lost in my thoughts, I hadn't even noticed when we arrived at her house.

Entering the apartment, I felt a wave of thrill and warmth, surrounded by familiar coziness and comfort. It was nice to be there. Minji took off her coat and turned to me.

"Why are you just standing there? Need help taking off your jacket?" she said playfully, her eyes smiling. I had the strong urge to snuggle up to her and never let go.

"I'm already starting to feel warm," I replied, taking off my jacket and feeling a bit bashful as I looked away.

"I'll put the kettle on. It'll help keep you warm," she said, giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze. Her touch sent shivers down my spine, and I let out a noisy exhale. She smiled and headed into the kitchen.

"I know an even better way to keep warm," I said boldly, following her into the kitchen.

"Wow, such a brave girl," Minji said, suddenly stopping and turning to face me.

"It's just that your puppy missed you," I said, maintaining eye contact.

In that moment, she pushed me against the wall, causing my whole body to shiver, my heart racing, and my knees trembling involuntarily. Minji looked at me with darkened eyes, and I couldn't take my eyes off her lips—her tender and sensual lips. Without hesitation, she kissed me, causing a moan to escape my lips. It felt as if my mind had flown away, leaving only the ability to feel. Her hands moved slowly but deliberately from my shoulders to my waist, her fingers gripping the edges of my jacket, and her tongue continued to dance with mine. I wasn't consciously aware of my own actions, but with a clouded mind, I realized that my palm had long found its way beneath her blouse. She was so warm that I could feel goosebumps rising on her body. It was an indescribable sensation. Her lips smoothly moved to my neck, her hands still under my jacket, eliciting another shiver. Gasping for air, I leaned in closer, wanting to press my body even tighter against hers.

"Minji," I moaned, struggling to form the words. "I love you." They were difficult words for me to say, but they were necessary—first and foremost, for myself.

She moved closer to my earlobe, nibbling on it, sending another surge of goosebumps through me, and whispered in a husky voice, "My girl, I love you too."

We both stood there, holding each other tightly, catching our breath. I realized how foolish I had been, doubting her, doubting her feelings, when we could feel each other so deeply, when we needed each other so much. Did I need anyone else besides her? It was impossible to even consider. And just as she did, I knew it for certain now. A minute later, Minji broke the silence and my introspection with a soft voice.

"My dear, shall we go have some tea?"

Without letting go of each other, we made our way to the kitchen. She started the kettle and took out cups and some sweets. Sitting down next to me, she wrapped her arms around me, and I purred with pleasure, asking, "Minji, have you forgiven me?" I couldn't fully relax until that painful chapter of our lives was truly closed.

"What do you think?" she replied.

"I think you have," I answered honestly, raising my eyes filled with hope.

"Well, then, why ask questions when you already know the answer?" she said, smiling. My woman.

"But why? Why was it so easy? Why no scolding? Why?" I asked, the questions gnawing at me.

"Because I value you and our relationship much more than you realize. And why should I scold you? You do that well enough on your own," Minji said, gently kissing my temple.

"Do you know how much I love you?" I whispered, holding her even closer to me.

"I know everything, my dear," my beloved woman replied, laughing.


Finally, we see that everything has returned to normal.

What do you think of this chapter?

Feel free to leave comments!

(edited due to grammar mistakes)

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