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Park Jimin simply wanted revenge. But as much as he harboured hatred, he couldn't possibly have been prepared... More

< Characters >
C34: HIM
< Author's Note >


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End Up Hurting Himself Again


[A/N: I thank all of the readers that stays with me until this chapter, I love you so much 💜]

Author Pov

🎶You only follow rules if others-🎶

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!!" Taehyung asked, slightly raising his voice to Jimin that was driving like the movie Fast and Furious, and he was the Dominic Torreto character, forgetting the fact that the one he's talking to is his boss.

"Watch your tone Taehyung..." Jimin replied with a stern voice while gritting his teeth making the other side of the line quiet for a second that he thought Taehyung is dead or something.

It's not like Taehyung is dead or something but he is scared because he forgot he was talking to the devil and not his Jiminie anymore. He then clears his throat indicating he is still alive so that the other side of the line is aware of it.

"I- I'm sorry Jimin, when will you arrive?" Tarhyung asked hesitantly and this time a lot softly because ddaeng- he doesn't want to be murdered on this day. He rather got killed by anyone except for Jimin because surely it will be a hell of the one.

As for Jimin, he was driving so fast that the people around him were scared to drive beside his luxurious car and because of this, the road seems clear for Jimin when it's actually not at all.

If you're wondering why Jimin is rushing, it's because he's late to attend the own-first party that he ever held just to complete his revenge of course. As the CEO, Jimin wants to impress them for the first time meeting but he got out from his house late all little... The day he waited every second finally came and he's not going to waste the opportunity...

After half of hour of driving like a mad man, he arrived at the location where the party will be held as Jimin could already see all of the businesses already arrived early than him. There's a building and from outside you could see the beautiful lights and multiple people wearing luxurious dresses and tuxedos while holding a glass of alcohol inside their hands.

Jimin wandered his eyes around the parking lot and noticed that every space has its name for the guest so he sighed in relief thinking there's won't be a problem searching his place. He glanced around and found his parking which is in the front row that closes to the building making him smile. He then, turned off his car engine not forgetting to grab his phone and car keys, slid them into his pocket.

While on the other hand, Jungkook couldn't help but feel uncomfortable all of the sudden. He looked around and noticed there's many people in the hall so why would he feel uneasy as if his life is about to turn upside-down? It's not like this is his first time attending this kind of party right? He then took a deep breath and walked out of his car after shutting the engine off. 

He led his way to the hall, walking on a long red carpet as there's few bodyguards alongside, greeting and also bow at him which of course, he didn't spare a single glimpse because he was too anxious about the party.

He doesn't know why but somehow, there's something inside him that tells him to go back home and don't attend this party which of course, those warnings got shrugged off from the male himself. Certainly, he won't do that because he participated in that day for a week already.

He came into the hall and meet the sight of businessmen and women here and there, talking and laughing with each other, probably talking about their future company. Well, what else will they talk about its jot related to money? But then, all of those people gazed at him including the one who didn't know him.

Why? It's because when the invitation state that he can or should wear casual clothes, Jungkook decided to wear complete black. The male wears a black plain t-shirt matching it with black leather jeans and a black leather jacket also a black cap... And of course, as a CEO, he shouldn't do that although the code dress is casual. They might think Jungkook is crazy if they didn't know the boy was one of the successful businessmen in South Korea.

Jungkook glanced around and noticed the hall was decorated with a red-blood theme. The triple lights were making the room look even more gorgeous. Jungkook looked up and saw a big black chandelier was hanging above him making Jungkook dumbstruck by it a little.

He didn't bother to entertain anyone as he's known for that. He also didn't care about receiving many stares from everybody in the hall because damn he's been getting that like a lot since he was a child and more eyes as he grew up.

He suddenly remembered that he had come here only to meet that CEO of Park. Well, maybe that's the first person Jungkook ever greets in his life. His eyes went around the space searching for a crowded place because he thought the CEO might be there.

But he frowned when he found none. "Did that old man catch up in traffic or something?" Jungkook mumbled under his breath and sighed before decided to wait for a minute as he walked away, thinking a little bit of alcohol is a good thing to kill his time while waiting for the one he badly wanted to meet.

"Taehyung is he there yet?" Jimin asked curiosity filled in his voice cause he held the big party just for the male so if he didn't attend there was no use.

"Mister. Jeon? Yeah, he arrived here not so long ago..." Taehyung said while biting his lower lips, already imagined the way Jimin will smile sickeningly at this news, and yes, the male indeed smirked. Taehyung who knows what Jimin already planned feels guilty, crawling over his skin.

"J-jimin..." Taehyung called out while thinking many ways to convince Jimin about doing another plan that not included hurting the innocent ones however, Jimin didn't reply but also humm was heard implied Taehyung to proceed with whatsoever he wanted to discuss. 

"Could we change the plan?"

"I mean- you could hurt the woman the way you want but hurting his husband didn't seem right for me..." Taehyung explained fastly as he was scared that Jimin might be exploded by his words.

But surprisingly, Jimin line was filled with nothing but silence after that... This caused Taehyung to looks at his phone screen, wonder if their call disconnected but no, Jimin heard what he said.


Minutes already passed but the line is still silent and it's killing Taehyung slowly as he bit his lower lips and opened his mouth thinking what to say but before he could say anything he got cut off by Jimin.

"I already arrived, inform the guests..." Jimin said in a commanding tone making Taehyung hope shatter in pieces. There's really no turning back from this. The latter was determined with his plan and Taehyung couldn't against nor stop him because he knows, at the end of the day, it's not Jimin fault but the women's.

Everything was steady but why did this have to happen? More particularly on the anniversary day?

Jimin on the other side, can't wait for his revenge. He smirked all the time until Taehyung words caught him off-guard. He can't deny that it was the actuality but thinking what Taehyung said again, Jimin is innocent, then why did he have to suffer from their cheating show?


So either he's being fair or not, innocent ones will get damage in every people's game. That's a number one rule that nobody could change. It's just a reality of this cruel world.

On the other side, Jungkook was sitting in one of the empty seats, and a glass of vodka in his hand making him look like a sexy God. "This old man is dead or something?" Jungkook cursed under his breath, implying to the Park CEO that he's dying to meet because 10 minutes already passed but the whoever male was nowhere to be seen. Yet.

Jungkook was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice someone was walking on the stage holding a microphone, getting ready to speak. However, his thoughts soon broke by the owner's voice.

"ATTENTION TO EVERYBODY, CEO PARK HAD ARRIVED, AND HE'LL BE HERE ANY MINUTES..." A blonde-haired male stated making Jungkook sighed in relief because his butt was starting to hurting. But then the more he looked at the person, he remembered it's the same male that sent him the invitation.

Jimin was in his car for a while now. After the call with Taehyung, he couldn't help but to agree with it but at the same time, he knows better than to not let the male influence him. Jimin shook his head, shutting off those thoughts that may lead him to change the plan as he was ready to get out but a sudden voice in his heart stops him.

'Don't do it...'

'You'll end up hurting more...'

'You'll end up hurting the one you love...'

All these voices in Jimin heart caused him to stopped halfway because somehow, it managed to made Jimin feeling nervous and uneasy. After all, he indeed understands that all of those were hints and warnings for something about to happen in the future.

He recognized this troubled feeling well enough because that's the day he ended up knowing his husband cheated on him. And now, he's feeling it again and Jimin couldn't help but think what could happen. But then he realized, "But I didn't have anyone left, so what could be worse?" Jimin asked himself as he sighed and took a deep breath, clearing his mind.

By this, he opened his eyes and got out of the car, leading the way towards the main entrance as he walked on the red carpet and went straight backstage without anyone noticing. 

There's no turning back now.

'The devil planned carefully to hurt the angel unknowingly that end up hurting himself again'


Edited [✓]

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