So Little Time: Dean Winchest...

By justsochelsea

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Dean Winchester always wanted a family but he never admits it. After finally discovering the family business... More

Meet the Winchesters!
Ava Age Throughout the Seasons.
Chapter 1: Secrets
Chapter 2: The Truth
Chapter 3: The Family Business
Chapter 4: Ava's Birthday Surprise
Chapter 5: Dean's Back from Hell
Chapter 6: Teenage Hunters
Chapter 7: Together, A Family
Chapter 8: You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home
Chapter 9: It's In My Blood
Chapter 10: Hunting Solo
Chapter 11: The Outsiders
Chapter 12: Let's Talk About Racism
Chapter 13: Family Doesn't End In Blood
Chapter 14: A Normal Apple Pie Life
Chapter 15: Slumber Party Over
Chapter 16: Being a Hunter's Daughter
Chapter 17: My Special Valentine
Chapter 18: Trust
Chapter 19: First Day of Senior Year
Chapter 20: Ava Ran Away from Home
Chapter 21: Back To The Future
Chapter 22: I'm Pregnant
Chapter 24: Babysitting Chuck
Chapter 25: Wayward Sisters
Chapter 26: College Secrets
Chapter 27: Ava Scoobynatural Adventure
Chapter 28: Cassie's Journal
Chapter 29: Grandpa Switch
Chapter 30: Sneaking Out Is Hard To Do
Chapter 31: Uncle Sam Saved My Life
Chapter 32: The Terrible Twos
Chapter 33: Switching Places
Chapter 34: Ava Meets Charlie for the First Time
Chapter 35: Ava Meets Kevin
Chapter 36: Supernatural Book
Chapter 37: Supernatural Convention
Chapter 38: Ava Meets Her Cousin
Chapter 39: Ava's Sick Days
Chapter 40: Ava's First Date
Chapter 41: Mama Knows Best
Chapter 42: Dean's Past Mistake
Chapter 43: Because I stole shoes???
Chapter 44: Dress Code
Chapter 45: Token?
Chapter 46: Juneteeth
Chapter 47: Do It With A Sore Butt
Chapter 48: Hide and Seek Trouble
Finale 49: {Part 1}
Finale 49: {Part 2}
Finale 49: {Part 3}
Finale 49: {Part 4}
Finale 49: {Part 5 }
To Be Continued... (For Sequel to A Change In Time)

Chapter 23: Patience

200 1 0
By justsochelsea

Dean was in his bedroom while listening to music with his headphones on Numerous empty beer bottles are set on the floor near the bed. He adds another one to the pile.

Ava was in her pajamas laying on her tummy doing her school work and listening to her iPod. Just then Sam knocked on her door and Ava wasn't paying attention.

Sam: Ava! *takes her headphones off*
Ava: hey! Oh hi Uncle Sam
Sam: night check just came to make sure you were ready for bed
Ava: yeah just finishing up my last assignment for tonight
Sam: alright go to bed afterwards, you got school in the morning
Ava: okay, okay! And is night check really necessary, I'm almost an adult now
Sam: key word "almost" and yes it's necessary, with everything your dad is going through our job is keeping you safe especially with what's going on with Jack right now we don't know what his powers are or if we should trust him
Ava: but you trust him
Sam: yeah I do
Ava: but dad doesn't
Sam: he's still upset about losing mom yet again but he won't admit it
Ava: will find grandma, and Uncle Sam. Thanks for not keeping this a secret from me
Sam: of course *kiss forehead* go to bed
Ava: yes sir

Just then Sam's phone rang and he excuse himself and exited her bedroom.

Sam: Hello.
Missouri: (on phone) Sam Winchester? It's good to hear your voice.
Sam: Missouri. Wow, it's been uh...

Missouri is outside. It is dark out.

Missouri: I know, a long time. Sorry to be a stranger.
Sam: That's alright, how are you?
Missouri: Honestly? I could use some help.

Missouri is revealed to be outside the Psychic Office. There are police and emergency service vehicles outside. A gurney is being taken into the house.

With Jack in the bunker that same night, after Sam left. Jack is still watching the video Kelly left for him.

Kelly: (on screen) Jack, don't let anyone tell you who you're supposed to be. Because who you're supposed to be isn't fate, it isn't me, it isn't your father. You are who you choose to be. And I know you're going to okay. You are going to be amazing. You have an angel watching over you.

Sam is sitting at the table on the phone. Dean walks in with a questioning look.

Sam: Yeah, yeah, no I hear you. Yeah, thank you Jody. Yeah.

Sam hangs up the phone and looks bemused.

Dean: What's up?
Sam: You'll never believe this. I got a call from Missouri Moseley.
Dean: Wow. What's it been, like a decade?
Sam: More.
Dean: How is she?
Sam: Not great. She said that she got out of the life for a while but something happened and she needed help with a case, so I put Jody on it.
Dean: Why would you do that?
Sam: Because we need to stay here. We need to help Jack learn how to control his powers. Jody can handle this.
Dean: Yeah, maybe she can. Or maybe she ends up dead because you wanted to skip out on her to babysit the antichrist.

They exchange a look. Sam looks exasperated.

Sam: Dean, we need him.
Dean: No, don't.
Sam: Mom...
Dean: Don't. You... If you want to stay here and Mr Miyagi this kid, knock yourself out. I didn't sign up for that. I already have a kid to look after. So I'm going to go to work.

Ava comes out after their conversation as Dean walks off. She let her dad by not to bother him as Sam looks dismayed.

Ava: *looks at him* so... bad time to give you my assignment

Sam sighs and puts hand out and Ava smiles and hand him, her homework.

The Next Day.

Jody is talking to an agent standing in front of a police car.

Jody: I appreciate the favor. Thank you very much

Jody walks towards Missouri.

Jody: I talked to him, everything's okay. So the victim, Dede, was a friend of yours?
Missouri: My protégé, she was like a daughter to me. The closest of kin I had in my life these days.

The impala drives up to where they are standing.

Missouri: I always did love that car.

Dean gets out of the impala and walks towards the two women.

Missouri: Dean Winchester!
Dean: Missouri. Jody. I'm not sure which one to hug first. Hey.

Dean hugs Missouri at Jody's sign.

Missouri: Oh honey, I'm sorry for your losses.
Dean: Ah leave it to a psychic to cut right through the small talk huh?
Jody: Come here.
Dean: Hey.

Dean and Jody hug.

Jody: How're you doing?
Dean: Dandy.

At the Psychic Office:

Dean: What'd the sheriff have to say?
Jody: Victim was found with a hole at the base of her skull and her brain's... Sorry.

Jody glances apologetically at Missouri.

Missouri: You thinking what I'm thinking?
Dean: Wraith?

Missouri nods.

Dean: No forced entry.
Missouri: Excuse me, dears.

Missouri walks to the front door and places her hand over the door knob. Her eyes are closed.

Dean: (to Jody) Missouri reads objects. It's kinda her thing.

Missouri sees a vision of a shadowy man which focuses into the WRAITH. She opens her eyes and walks back the room.

Missouri: He pretended to be a customer, said he needed help. Dede always was a soft touch.

Missouri closes her eyes again. She sees a vision of the Wraith with his spike out.

Missouri: He is a wraith. But he's picked a up a taste for our kind.
Jody: He feeds on psychics?
Missouri: Yes, he does.

Her eyes open now, she runs her hand over the table and brushes a blood stain on it. Her eyes close again and she sees a vision of a house. As she concentrates harder she sees Dean at a gas station and the wraith.

Missouri: Oh, oh.
Dean: Missouri, Missouri, you okay?

Missouri continues to see visions. She sees the Wraith and then a man, James , lying dead with his throat slit.

Missouri: James!

Back at the Bunker that night.
Sam and Jack are present. Jack is seated while Sam walks towards him with a pencil in hand.

Jack: Train me. To what?
Sam: I've seen what you can do, Jack. You're powerful, but you have to learn to control it. You know, to focus.
Jack: So I don't hurt anyone, anymore.
Sam: Exactly. See this pencil? I want you to move it. With your mind.

Sam places the pencil on the table in front of Jack.

Jack: That's it?
Sam: That's it.

Jack looks at the pencil intensely while Sam appraises him. He glances at Sam and Sam nods towards the pencil encouragingly.

Ava come home a little later then usual from school.

Ava: Uncle Sam, I'm home *close door and heads downstairs*
Sam: hey, how's the senior project going
Ava: not the best
Sam: why what happened?
Ava: we have to find another place to rehearse the play because their was complaints at school
Sam: why what happened?
Ava: apparently this girl claims that Romeo and Juliet is too suicidal to be at a high school play
Sam: what, that's ridiculous
Ava: I know right! I just think she's getting back at her ex's because this his senior project and he wouldn't let her have the lead
Sam: but you have the lead
Ava: exactly, oh hi Jack didn't see you their
Sam: just helping him with his ability, do you mind
Ava: of course
Sam: did you eat anything?
Ava: yeah my friends and I went for a bite to eat after rehearsal sorry didn't call
Sam: next time tell me when plans have been change so I know where you're
Ava: but you and dad track my phone what's the difference?
Sam: *gives look*
Ava: *gulps* uh... I'll call you next time?
Sam: smart girl

Ava sighs and smiles at Jack before heading to her room.

Jack has his hand over the pencil on the table and is concentrating hard, trying to move it. Sam is watching him.

Jack: I can't. Nothing. I'm useless.
Sam: Alright. Jack, when you did use your powers, what was it like?
Jack: I don't... It was like, breathing, blinking. It just happens.
Sam: Even with Asmodeus, that just happened?
Jack: No, he made me. It was like, like he was in my head.
Sam: Okay um, then uh... Imagine him doing that.
Jack: No!
Sam: No? Why not?
Jack: Because I don't want to! It's just... I can't do this! And you keep staring at me, waiting!

Jack is flustered. Sam looks at him and places his hand on the table.

Sam: You know what, let's take a break.

Sam gets up and walks out of the room. Jack looks surprised. He turns in his chair to face Sam's back.

Jack: Really?
Sam: (from the doorway) Yeah, I'll get some food. Just. You stay here, try to relax. When I get back, we'll try again.

Sam leaves the room. Jack turns back slowly to look at the pencil, immobile on the table.

Sam: *comes into Ava's room* you want food?
Ava: yeah I'm starving, can we do chinese tonight
Sam: of course, what do you want?

Ava tells Sam what she wants and Sam said.

Sam: I'm going to go order the food, do not go near Jack or your dad will literally have my head if something goes wrong on my watch
Ava: I know Uncle Sam
Sam: your dad already lost 2 people in his life, he doesn't need to lose you either
Ava: if you're so worried about me being near Jack, why do you trust him?
Sam: I don't know theirs something in me telling me this kid is a good guy who just need someone to guide him. But I'm also respecting your father's wishes, so please beware of him
Ava: okay

Ava was listening to her music on her way to the bathroom when she stopped by the library to see Jack starring at the pencil.

Ava: you know starring at it won't get it to move
Jack: *looks up* how would you know?
Ava: *enters slowly* cause I seen what you can do
Jack: your Dean's daughter right?
Ava: yeah
Jack: Sam told me about you, you're really pretty
Ava: *smiles* thanks
Jack: you don't look anything like them
Ava: it's cause of my skin tone huh, yeah I get that a lot. My mother was black and my dad's white which makes me mixed
Jack: mixed?
Ava: it's means I'm both black and white. But since my mom was technically mixed as well I'm only 25% black
Jack: was?
Ava: she passed away 5 years ago
Jack: oh I'm sorry
Ava: it's okay, I've been living with the boys ever since and they have been co parenting me, so enough about me. How about you? What do you know about yourself so far
Jack: well I just watch a video on a computer, I'm learning what a computer is now and the person whose supposedly my mother made a video for me
Ava: what did she say?
Jack: I think she wants me to be my own person and not let anybody try to control who I should be
Ava: yeah that's understandable, the life we live can be very untrustworthy. My dad and Uncle had work with people who had betrayed them including people he thought were his friend. That's why he's so bent on keeping me away from this life because he doesn't want me apart of it, he just want to keep me safe... *sighs* and I have not been the best daughter lately *frowns*
Jack: I think you're pretty cool even better then your dad who pretty much hates me right now
Ava: it's not that he hates you, he just doesn't trust you like my Uncle Sam does
Jack: do you trust me?
Ava: you haven't hurt me yet have you
Jack: I guess not
Ava: then I trust you

Ava gave him smile and Jack smiles back. Sam cleared his throat and Ava looked up.

Ava: *gulps* uh-oh
Sam: *motion for her*
Ava: I gotta go *gets up and goes over to Sam*
Sam: *pulls her out to the hall* what did I just tell you?
Ava: *leaning against the wall* don't go near Jack
Sam: and what are you doing?
Ava: we were just talking!
Sam: *points finger at her* I don't care what you were doing young lady. I told you no, your father told you no. Do you like disobeying orders because you're on the verge of getting a sore ass
Ava: Uncle Sam!
Sam: no, I'm tired of the disobedience from you lately Ava. It's been long over do, go on now head to your room
Ava: ugh! This is so unfair *walks
Sam: you want to know what's unfair? My niece who doesn't care about her own safety or the concerns to the people around her only wants what's best for her to keep her safe
Ava: *enters room* but nothing happened!
Sam: but what if something did huh? You know who fault it would be, not you, me because Dean trusted me with Jack and I would have let him down
Ava: please don't tell dad, he'll kill me for getting myself involved
Sam: here's what, I won't tell Dean what happens today, if you take my punishment
Ava: *sighs* okay, what's the punishment
Sam: belt
Ava: *whines* Uncle Sam...
Sam: you disobey a direct order on a hunt young lady
Ava: but it isn't a hunt
Sam: anything involved something Supernatural is considered a hunt young lady, and you know that, do we need to review the lesson I gave you about what's a hunt and what's not a hunt
Ava: no sir
Sam: that's what I thought
Ava: *roll eyes*
Sam: *sighs* I heard what you said to Jack about trust
Ava: oh... *blush*
Sam: you think you're earning my trust for what you just pulled tonight
Ava: no sir
Sam: I don't think so, bend over the bed Ava
Ava: now?
Sam: is that, or I can call Dean and you can tell him how you spent your day today

Ava sighs and lays over her bed, Sam unbuckles his belt and starts swinging the belt on her covered bottom.

Ava let out a grunt through every swing, she grabbed a hold of her covers and stomp her foot anytime the belt came down on her butt.

Ava: Uncle Sammmmm!!! Pleaseee... I'm sorrryyyy

Sam ignored her and kept bringing down the belt making her cry out and started sobbing in her covers.

She really hated getting the belt, but what kid would like getting spank by their uncle, no kid that's for sure. Ava doesn't even remember the last time Sam spanked normally her dad deals with the punishment. Sam sometimes just grounds her or talks to her. But Sam seems to had enough of her shenanigans and decided to discipline her himself.

After the spanking Ava sobs in her comforter and Sam sat down and rubs her back after he dropped the belt.

Sam: *sighs* come here

Ava buries herself into Sam and Sam let her and he said to her.

Sam: I understand you're almost an adult and don't need to be spanked anymore, but you still live by Dean and I rules and we choose how we get to punish you and spanking seems to be working on you. When was the last time you ever gotten into trouble

Ava can't seem to think of a situation.

Ava: I don't remember
Sam: exactly because you're learning. When you were younger you always would get yourself into a trouble and try to follow us on hunts as you got older you start to realize how dangerous it is
Ava: yeah I understand why you guys don't want me to hunt, but I still think it should be my choice not yours or dad, cause one day the two of you won't be here and you can't stop me
Sam: will see about that. I came in to tell you guys that food was here and you might need to heat it up
Ava: okay, sorry I haven't cooked any dinner. I didn't realize how late Julian was going to keep us for the play
Sam: it's alright it's not your job to cook and clean after us
Ava: I know but I like doing it because you guys rarely have home cook meal
Sam: thanks sweetie, alright, well I will give you a few to collect yourself together and you can go have dinner
Ava: okay

Sam let go of Ava and kissed her forehead before walking out of her room. Ava smiled and went to the bathroom to wash her face.

Ava was in her pajamas doing her school work, while Sam is waiting at the table in front of a laptop. The door to the bunker opens and Dean enters, coming down the stairs.

Ava: dad! *goes to hug him*
Dean: *hugs her* hey kiddo, I miss you very much. Were you good to Uncle Sam?
Ava: *looks at Sam then at Dean* uh-huh...
Dean: *raise eyebrow* that doesn't seem very convincing
Ava: well everything is fine now dad, you have nothing to worry about. I'm just glad you're home *wraps arm around next*
Dean: I'm so glad to be back kiddo
Ava: You've never done a hunt without Sam and I was scared you wouldn't return
Dean: Honey I have done hunts without Sam before, it was just always better with Sam because we always had each other's back. Is that right Sam
Sam: yeah... How was it? Uh, Jody told me about Missouri.
Dean: Yeah, just another day at the office. How's the kid? He go dark side yet?
Sam: Nope. He is uh, he's pretty messed up though.

Sam has turned in his chair so he is facing Dean.

Dean: You're telling me.
Ava: *sees the look from Sam* I know that look
Sam: Ava, why don't you go to bed now it's late
Ava: *hangs on to her dad tight* but dad just got home
Sam: and I told you to go to bed when he got here. I let you stay up so don't bug me about it
Ava: *frowns* fine, night daddy *kiss his cheek*
Dean: *chuckles* night kid, go to bed, stay off your phone!
Ava: *yells back* bleh! *close bedroom door*
Sam: Dean... He's messed up because of you. Dean, you said you'd kill him.
Dean: It wasn't exactly like that.
Sam: Then how exactly was it?
Dean: I told him the truth. See, you think you can use this freak but I know how this ends and it ends badly.

Jack was outside the room, listening to the boys' conversation.

Sam: I didn't.
Dean: What?
Sam: I didn't 'end badly'. When I was a freak, when I was drinking demon blood.

Sam is standing up and moving towards Dean.

Dean: Come on man, that's totally different.
Sam: Was it? Because you could've put a bullet in me. Dad told you to put a bullet in me, but you didn't! You saved me! So help me save him!
Dean: You deserved to be saved, he doesn't!
Sam: Yes he does, Dean, of course he does!

Jack is still eavesdropping outside the room.

Dean: Look, I know you think that you can use him as some sort of an interdimensional can-opener and that's fine, but don't act like you care about him! Because you only care about what he can do for you! So if you want to pretend, that's fine! But me? I can hardly look at the kid! Because when I do all I see is everybody we've lost!
Sam: Mom chose to take that shot at Lucifer. That is not on Jack!
Dean: And what about Cas?
Sam: What about Cas?
Dean: He manipulated him, he made him promises, said, 'paradise on earth' and Cas bought it and you know what that got him? It got him dead! Now you might be able to forget about that, but I can't!

Jack looks distressed outside the room.

Jack: Castiel.

Jack's eyes glow gold.

With Castiel:
Castiel is lying on the floor, his eyes closed.

Jack: (echoing) Castiel.

Castiel jerks awake and sits up slowly. He looks around, bewildered.

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