Crush. (Miniminter x oc)

By PosionedApple17

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(Simon Minter x WillNE's sister.) In which Simon Minter has a little crush. Olivia Lenney grew up in Newcas... More



601 7 0
By PosionedApple17

TW: still may be triggering- feel free to skip like last chapter. Please take care of your self because you are precious xx

Will's PoV

Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. James drove me to the hospital because I was so beside myself with worry for my sister that it would be unsafe to drive. He and Alex were in the front of the car whispering between themselves while George sat watching me with a concerned yet comforting face and voice as he tried to distract me from the pig of worry I was falling into.

Traffic in London had never felt so slow.

Then when we reached the hospital parking was a bloody farce so I hopped up out of the car and ran through the rain while James parked and George chased after me into the building.

Doctors, nurses and paramedics milled around the whole ground floor as I fought my way through a to the desk where I demanded to know where my sister had been taken.

"Olivia Lenney, she's 26- birthday is October 4th 1992." I yelled at the woman and she nodded. "Relation to the patient?" She asked but I was too clouded by my own thoughts to respond kindly. "Her fucking brother." I snapped.

"Oh!......sixth floor- room 270." She stuttered taken aback by my abusive language. "Sorry about him." George awkwardly apologised and I only caught the end of her saying "that's alright I understand."

I felt bad but not enough to overshadow the worry and guilt I felt for Liv. "Thank you." George then sprinted after me huffing as he caught me smashing the buttons on the elevator to try and make it go faster.

"Come on, come on." The elevator finally dinged and I sighed in relief. "Will!" The doors slid open and there was stood Tobi, Josh and Freya.

"What happens?!" I instantly yelled at them feeling George guide me into the elevator via pushing my back. The other three stepped back to let us in.

"She was harassed by some twats on the street and she hit one and ran for it.....her hands pretty cut up and they think she broke her wrist." Josh said calmly and I almost broke down then and there.

"Why was she alone?" I asked weakly. "We were all busy today so she went to the studio.....Cal was gonna pick her up on his and Harry's way home but she said she was already walking- then she grabbed take out but it was getting dark." Freya relayed.

"Fuck." I groaned. "I......I should've been there."
"Will there's nothing any of us could's no one's fault.....and she was so fucking brave......she's safe......we just gotta be here for her." Freya soothed placing a hand on my arm like a mother calming a distraught child.

The elevator was moving again as I received a hug from Tobi and Josh then it reached the sixth floor and we all piled out.

Again, the slow motion feeling had returned.

Walking down the ghostly halls was sickening as a tight feeling coiled my stomach into knots and my eyes clouded over in tears I fought from falling.

We eventually reached the corridor for Liv's room and in the middle of the hall, congregated on some chairs all staring at the door across from them were Cal, Harry and Ethan. All of them were hunched over, Ethan on the phone to someone who was shouting but the distance muffled their voice.

"Guys." I let out a shuddered breath, not able to formulate sentences with out fear of breaking down. "Whe- where is she?" I asked looking between their worried faces.

"She's in there- the doctor kicked us out cause she was setting Liv's arm." Cal told us looking up at me before he and a Harry stood silently and both pulled me into comforting hugs.

"We should have gone to meet her.....I'm so sorry Will." Cal sighed guiltily but I shuck my head, " it's not anyone's fault."
"Will right Cal.....Liv's an adult if she said she wanted to walk home alone you had to listen to her." Freya soothed and I nodded along. As worried as I was I wasn't about to let our friends feel guilty about something none of us could control.

"What did she tell you happened?" I asked looking between Ethan, Liv's two flatmates, Tobi and Josh and Freya who all shared a look. "Some guys came out of an alley and started cat calling and trying to grab at her. One got her arm so she hit him with her gun bag then dashed for it- she chased her down an alley but she got away......but she fell over and fucked in her arm and hand......she won't tell us what they said to her though......and none of us wanted to push her." Freya explained for the group and I nodded, a crushed feeling settling in my heart.

How anyone could do that to another person. A sweet, innocent young woman. My perfect sister. It boiled my blood and crushed my soul to know she had to go through something so disgusting- I was just as relived though, that she got away. She was so fucking brave, no girl deserved that shit and to think someone tried to do that to my sister gave a sickening truth about the world that dimmed the lights in every room I'd been in since.

"Can.....can I go in and see her?" I asked and Cal shrugged, "doctor didn't say.....I'll knock and ask for you lad." He told me patting my arm as he stood up. "She'll probably not be happy to see you though- she didn't want us calling you or Si." Harry then spoke up and I froze.

"She what?"
"She kept saying how busy we all were and that's he didn't want to bother anyone.....especially you and Si, she didn't want you worried." Tobi explained and I sighed. "She's my fucking sister! off course I'm worried."

"Will I know you're me we're all fuming- but swearing and going in guns blazing isn't gonna help Liv. She's fragile right now.....she needs us calm, cause believe me- come this time tomorrow, all that fury you feel will be quadrupled in her head." Freya said before she grabbed her coat and started walking back towards the elevator. "I'm gonna go get everyone some coffee while we wait.....wait for Simon and JJ." She called and the lads all gave varying 'thank yous/thanks Freya's.'

"Did you call Simon?" I asked Ethan and he nodded finally off the phone. "Him and JJ are stuck in traffic." He replied and I sat down slowly. Cal was coming back out of the room and offered me a nod. "Doctor said you can come in once they're done......Liv's actually really happy you're here." He said and I sighed in relief.

"Good." I nodded trying to stay calm for my sisters sake. "James and Alex are coming up now, Al just texted." George spoke up from his position beside me and I nodded.

It was gonna be a long night.

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