meant to be | j. parker¹

By baxteravenue

200K 3.7K 520

JJ Parker (All American) Aaliyah Baker 1/3 of the Baker triplets. Living in Beverly Hills was anything but ea... More

meant to be
Cast List
book 2


2.1K 58 22
By baxteravenue

"Hey, what's going on downstair—Woah, you look a wreck!" JJ announced as he let himself into his girlfriend's room.

"Jordan's getting a divorce, Liv leaked the Tamika Pratt video, and my mom probably wants to kill all of us. Also, thanks a lot," Aaliyah scoffed weakly sitting up in her bed and glaring at the boy.

JJ tried his best to process the information before doing a double-take. "Woah, woah, Jordan's getting a what now?"

"Not a divorce. My mom's pushing for an annulment actually," she nonchalantly told him. "Wait...he didn't tell you he got married the weekend you guys were in Vegas?"

"Nope. I wasn't really around them in Vegas. I was too busy with gir—"

"Don't!" she shrieked, covering his mouth with her hand. "...finish that. I do not care about the things you did in Vegas. So, there's no need to tell me...Like, ever."

"Got it," he hummed, leaning in to kiss her.

"You don't want to kiss me," she sighed laying back down on her bed. "I think I'm sick. And I've kind of been throwing up so, kissing me would be gross."

"Weren't you just sick like las—Whatever not important. Do you need anything?" he asked.

"Just you," she mumbled holding her arms out for him. "Cuddle with me please?"

"You got it," he grinned, wrapping his arms around her body and tugging her close to him. "So...want to elaborate on this whole Jordan and Simone getting married thing?"

She let out a small laugh before nodding her head. "Well, like, I just said it happened over the summer. Spencer and Liv were witnesses, and they called me the day before telling me the news. They told me first because my parents wouldn't let me go to Vegas so there was obviously no way I could've stopped them. Oh, and to make things even better he forged my mom's name to sign the marriage license."

"Just last year Jordan was banging everything in his sight and now he's married," JJ whistled lowly.

"The same could be said for you," she shot back, raising an eyebrow at him. "Besides the whole marriage thing."

"You think your little sickness is contagious because I kind of want to kiss you," he pouted, placing his thumb on her bottom lip. "Mmm, it might be," she hummed.

"Are you sure it's not just like, a side-effect of your period?" he asked, making her eyes widen.

"My period?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at him. "My period," she repeated, drumming her fingers against his bicep.

"Yeah," he nodded, picking her hand up to lace their fingers together. "Isn't it your time of the month? You always have your period around this time."

"Why do you know more about my body than I do?" she asked, standing up to walk over to the bathroom. "I'll be right back. Gotta check on something," she hummed. Entering her bathroom, Aaliyah went straight to the cabinets under the sink checking the two unopened boxes of tampons...realization finally hit that she hadn't had her period in a while. "Hey, babe. How long has it been since we've been back together?" she asked, walking back out.

"Um, like, two months exactly," he responded, not looking up from his phone.

"Two months," she mumbled pacing her floor frantically.

"Why are you freaking out?" he asked placing his phone down.

"It's just...the last time I had my period was before we got back together," she sighed.

"So, you haven't had your period in two months?" he asked, confused at her statement. " mean you're late?" he asked jumping off of her bed.

"Yes, two months late. And we don't use condoms!" she yelled, pacing the floor with her hands on her hips.

"You're the one who always says birth control is just effective as condoms!" he argued.

"I'm not a doctor!" she huffed, throwing her arms in the air. "Why would you believe me?!"

"Um, I don't know maybe because we've gone basically a year with doing it without a condom and not having any scares!" he retorted.

"Well, then we're both to blame!" she yelled. "Clearly we're both dumb!"

"Well, clearly we are," he sighed crossing his arms across his chest while they stood face to face. "What do we do?" he asked.

"Go to the doctors," she shrugged. "I mean, it's been two months...that's kind of a long time. Especially, if I actually am you know. God, I can't even say it out loud."

"We'll go tomorrow," JJ exhaled, stepping closer to his girlfriend and resting his hands on her hips. "I'll be there with you and I'll even make the appointment. Let's just stop yelling at each other."

"Thank you," she mumbled circling her arms around his neck. "I love you."

"I love you, too," he hummed, rubbing her back.

"Now that I think about jeans have been feeling tighter," she groaned. "I thought it was just relationship weight."

"Let's pray that it is," JJ chuckled.


The following day, the two had to go to school acting as if everything was completely okay which it clearly wasn't. JJ had made an appointment at a doctor's office for Aaliyah after his football practice and the girl had to make an excuse to her coach telling her that she was sick with the flu and had to skip practice.

"Are you two done, yet? We have to go," Aaliyah scoffed, walking onto the field after their football practice and seeing both Asher and JJ still running through their plays.

"What are you in such a rush for?" Asher asked her.

"She has a doctor's appointment." "Liv needs me." the couple answered in unison, glaring at each other.

"Alright," Asher mumbled, turning away from the couple to pick some gear up from the ground.

"You should shower first," she said to JJ, getting a whiff of his body odor.

He lifted his arms up taking a whiff of his armpits and scrunched his face up. "You're probably right. Here, take my keys. You can wait in the car," he said throwing his keys at her.

"Okay," she hummed, walking away from him.

After a couple of minutes, JJ finally reappeared this time smelling ten times better than before, and the two were off to the doctor's office. JJ had his hand resting in her thigh, as he normally did when he drove her around knowing how much it calmed her down. The two finally arrived at the doctor's with Aaliyah waiting in the chair while her boyfriend went off to go check them in for their appointment until they got called into the back and waited for the doctor to come inside.

"Alright, um, Aaliyah Baker, correct?" the doctor read off her tablet as she entered the room. "I'm Dr. Johnson. You're here for a pregnancy test?"

"Yeah, that's right," the girl nodded in confirmation swinging her legs as she sat on the edge of the exam table.

Dr. Johnson nodded. "Okay, can you tell me your last period?"

"Mmm, maybe a month ago?" she sighed. "Honestly...I'm not entirely sure."

"Okay, that's completely normal," she responded. "So...eight weeks. We should do an ultrasound, it's a little early but most sonograms happen between the six and eight-week mark. So, we should be able to detect the fetal heartbeat."

"Should I leave?" JJ awkwardly asked, watching the doctor walk around the room in search of the ultrasound machine and then pulling it over to the girl.

"It's up to her," Dr. Johnson told him.

"Don't leave," Aaliyah said in a small voice pulling her sweats down to give the doctor access to her stomach and wincing at the feeling of the cold gel on her stomach. JJ walked over to his girlfriend clutching her small hand in his as they anxiously watched the doctor move the stick around her stomach while she kept her eyes on the monitor.

Dr. Johnson's eye lit up a bit before turning to the couple. "Do you guys hear that?" she asked, turning the sound up on the machine. "It's a heartbeat. You're around seven weeks. So, it's early but, that's the heartbeat."

"I'm pregnant?" she asked.

"Yes," she confirmed looking at their faces. "I'm assuming that wasn't the answer you two wanted."

"No...I mean, I don't know," she mumbled, turning to JJ whose back was turned to her and appeared to be wiping his face off.

"Well, you should schedule a follow-up in another four weeks," Dr. Johnson told the two. "I'll leave you two to chat. It was nice meeting you guys."

"Thank you," Aaliyah hummed, taking the napkin out of the doctor's hand to wipe the gel off before turning to her boyfriend. "Hello? Earth to JJ."

"Sorry," he said, clearing his throat. "You're pregnant, which means that it's my child in there...It is mine, right? There's no way it's Darnell's."

"Shut up! Of course, it's yours. He used a condom...You never use one, ever," she sighed taking his outstretched hand and following him out to the parking lot to get into his car. "What do we do? What do you want to do?"

"I think we should tell your parents," he replied, making her spit out the water she was drinking.

"You must be on crack," she scoffed, wiping the spilled water up with a random towel he had in his car. "My dad still calls me his baby girl. He'll kill you for impregnating me. And my mom might kill me! Liv just relapsed, Jordan's marriage just got exposed, add in a pregnant daughter...and boom! We're all going down."

"Look, babe," JJ sighed, grasping her hand in his hold. "I know, you're scared to tell them. But, wouldn't you rather them find out from you...rather than in a couple of months when your stomach starts to poke out? Plus, they might take it better if you actually told them instead of finding out a family dinner or finding out at the hospital by me."

"When did you get so smart?" she asked turning her head to face him.

"I've always been smart. You people just never give me any credit," he mumbled, pecking her cheek before starting his car up and driving to her house.

"I-I'm scared," she whispered as he pulled onto her driveway. "But, you're right. Let's tell them now."

"Now?" he asked, shaking his head vigorously. "I didn't mean now...I meant like, tomorrow, or in a week."

"Come on. We either tell them now or I'll never tell them," she scoffed getting out of the car.

"Fine," he grumbled walking after her and out to the backyard where her parents were sitting.

"Hey," Aaliyah greeted her parents, hand in hand with her boyfriend.

"Hey, sweetie, JJ," Laura responded sending them warm smiles. Billy squinted suspiciously at his daughter. "Liyah, what's going on?" he asked.

"We kind of have something to tell you guys," she nervously uttered to them, sitting across from the two and pulling JJ down with her.

"Don't tell me you two ran off to Vegas and got married, too," Laura teased.

JJ chuckled. "I wish it was that simple."

"What exactly is supposed to mean?" Billy asked his daughter's boyfriend.

Aaliyah sat up straight and cleared her throat. "Um, mom, dad...I-I'm...I'm...we—"

"Honey just tell us," Laura encouraged.

"Pregnant," she blurted out. "I'm pregnant."

"It's mine, obviously," JJ piped up.

"Be quiet!" Billy spat at the blonde.

"Dad!" Aaliyah yelled, placing her hand on her boyfriend's arm. "It's not entirely his fault!"

"Billy," Laura sighed, patting him on the arm so he'd be quiet. "Do you two know what you want to do?" she asked.

JJ looked over at his girlfriend. "It's not my decision, it's hers...and we just found out. I just thought it'd be best if we told you guys. Considering everything that's been going on. We wanted you two to be informed," he said.

"I didn't want to tell you guys," Aaliyah admitted. "But, JJ, thought it'd be best if you guys knew."

"Thank you, JJ," Laura graciously told him before rubbing her temples. "How far along are you?"

"Doctor said seven weeks," she responded. "We heard the was strange."

"Go on up to your room. Your father and I will talk. Get some rest," Laura told her.

"Get some rest, separately!" Billy shouted after the two.

"You know it's also your decision, right?" Aaliyah told her boyfriend, walking him over to the front door.

"We can talk about this tomorrow," JJ reassured, pressing a kiss against her lips before leaving.


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