Too Far Apart

By FanFic_etc

29.3K 1.5K 155

A story of time, distance and patience. It wasn't love at first sight. It was gradual, slow and building. It... More

1. The Beginning
2. Night Hunting
3. Guilty
5. Feeling Something
6. A Parting Gift
7. Falling Apart
8. Gratitude Gift
9. A Moment
10. Broken
11. An Ending
12. A Shift
13. Ambiguity
14. Another Night Hunt
15. Something New
16. A Brief Moment
17. Not Secluded
18. Push and Pull
19. Broken
20. Troubled
21. Much Resolved
22. Together
23. Teasings
24. Mystery Lover
25. Drunk
26. The End
Extra: Our Home
Extra: Stolen Kisses and Empty Rooms

4. An Apology

1.1K 63 3
By FanFic_etc

Sect Leader Lan watched the mountains from the back window of the class. The onlookers couldn't say he was restless but he was restless enough not to see the serenity before him, instead, sharp eyes overlapped that view. He had never since a young age taken on the role of Sect Leader offended anyone, let alone wrong them. He had learned to be calm in all situations and learned that a smile solves more problems that one would accept and saves on from many answers one wishes to refrain from.

Today, neither his smile, nor his temperament was of any help to him. So here he was trying to create an opportunity after two days of failing to find one naturally. He turned and took a seat behind the table full of musical instrument. He didnlt know if he was doing the right thing but doing something was better than nothing. Master cheng was avoiding him and often looked at him in annoyance. That look unsettled him more than the mistake these days. People never openly looked at him like that even if they harboured ill will at him or his family, sect or clan.

Disciples began to fill into the room and he saw Master Wei and Master Jiang walking side-by-side. Master Wei shoved Master Jiang who scowled as he stumbled to the side but as Master Wi ran ahead, a smile appeared on his face. Sect Leader Lan was instantly swept away. His smile made him look very young, very innocent and endearing. Sect Leader Lan did not realise he too was smiling in response to the sight before him.

"Sect Leader Lan. Will you be teaching today?" Master Wei's voice made him look over. He smiled and didn't have to answer as Master Wei hurried away to take a seat. He looked back at Master Jiang who was walking away to sit besides his adoptive brother, kicking him slightly as he passed. Master Wei frowned and laughed while Master Jiang smiled some more. It really was hard to look away from the drastic contract the smile brought to Master Jiang's features.

"Sect Leader Lan." He looked at the golden robes bowing before him and acknowledged Meng Yao.

"I have heard you are excelling in class Master Jin." Meng Yao's smile gets bigger and shines brighter before he leaves. Such a sweet child, Sect Leader Lan thinks before beginning the class.

Lan Xichen does his best to ignore of stifle his smile seeing Master Jiang visibly struggle to master instruments. He tried his best to pass him by without a word. Then an idea came to him, he went o his desk, wrote a small note, ignored the curious gazes of some students, tucked it in his sleeve and went about the class again.

Only when it was about time to be done, did he sit beside Master Jiang slightly, place the note inconspicuously at his instrument and fixed the tuning of his instrument.

"The wires are very important." he silently instructed, ignoring how Master Jiang looked at him but retrieved the note into his own sleeves. Relieved, he went back to fixing postures, fingers, wires and sounds.


Jiang Cheng lets Wei Wuxian run ahead to the library and slows his steps as he wants to talk to Sect Leader Lan. He had seen the man coming up to him several times in two days, now that he had calmed down and thought about things thoroughly, he felt that he shouldn't have taken such a huge risk on his own life in the first place. Sect Leader Lan was probably better equipped for taking any hit than he was. He wanted to reconcile and apologise for his rude behaviour.

As most of the class had filled out, he turned around to go see the man and saw him coming forward, deep in thought. Jiang Cheng halted. His first instinct was to dive to the side but he stayed put and waited for him to approach. He realised, he should have dived. As their eyes met and Sect Leader Lan smiled at him before the smile vanished behind the head of another person.

Meng Yao. Jiang Cheng recognised Master Nie's advisor, another man with a fixed smile. Jiang Cheng contemplated for a moment before he turned and left, remembering the first day with other disciples, presenting gifts to Sect Leader Lan. The big shining eyes of admiration of everyone, himself included and Meng Yao, shy, flirtatious look mingled into that admiration, just like today.


Why did it bother him so much?


Lan Xichen is clearly beyond his wits now that Master Jiang is gone. He had clearly seen Master Jiang waiting and eagerly walked over when Young Master Jin came to talk to him. As Sect Leader, as a teacher and as a man who offered him company if he ever needs one, Lan Xichen couldn't refuse to talk. But had him a missed chance to be able to talk to the one he wanted to. Now both were gone and he was left with no time but to go back to his sect duties, instead of going to seek Master Jiang.

Surely, he must have accepted his apology, which is why he was waiting to talk. Surely. He consoled himself and went about his day. The next day, his mind still wandered to Master Jiang so when he was free from his duties, he for onec, decides not play Liebing and instead go to the arena to look over the classes. Seeing Master Jiang perform last time was a feat to the eyes. Maybe he'd get to see something extraordinary today as well.

His steps took him towards the path to the arena before his reasonings and thoughts had completely formulated. As expected, Master Jiang was in the middle of things, surrounded by a small crowd of friends, glaring at them all as they laughed. There was no arrow or bow in his hand this time. It was a sword, Sandu, unsheathed, it's tip resting on the ground. Lan Xichen walked around for a while, smiling and nodding, acknowledging bows before he was done and had no option but to go back without having a chance to talk to the Young Master still surrounded by a crowd.

With a little heavy heart, he turned around and walked back. Before going out of sight, he took a glance and caught Master Jiang looking. Before he could smile as a greeting, the young man turned away. It wasn't Sect Leader Lan's habit to frown so he couldn't but did want to. Why did Master Jiang turn away? Was it perhs, he still had not forgiven Sect Leader Lan. The peace he felt yesterday was snatched away once again.


Lan Wangji rarely every had time to sit with his brother these day, between his own studies, overlooking outside activities and keeping an eye on Master Wei, he was beyond full between the the first and last toll in Cloud Recess. It seemed that his brother was having the same though as he seeked Lan Wangji out in his room before the first toll. It was a bit unconventional for his brother to do so but Lan Wangji was glad that he came.

He poured his brother some morning tea and observed that he looked like he had not slept but a smile still graced his face and calm still surrounded his countenance. He asked Lan Wangji everything from his studies to his duties and a little too much about Master Wei. Only when silence fell between them and the sky outside began to lighten did Lan Wangji had a chance to inquire back.

"Is something bothering brother?"

"Yes." Lan Wangji waited for his brother to explain. It didn't escape his notice that his brother took longer to be articulate about his words and was smiling no more.

"I misjudged a disciple at a night hunt and reprimand them immediately. I later learned the situation to be different from my judgement. I wronged this person and seeked to apologise but they seem not to have forgiven me. What do I do for them to forgive me, I do not know."

Lan Wangji looked at the distant eyes of his brother. His brother who had been a sect leader since a young age had always been smiling and carrying the burden of righteousness and virtue behind that smile. He had never wronged anyone which is why he realised now that the situation had occurred, he was distressed beyond normal. He also grasped the situation quickly.

"Did you apologise in front of everyone?" His brother who had been looking at the flickering light of the candle, lost in thought shook his head and looked back questioningly.

"Since scolding was done in front of everyone, apology should be in front of everyone." Lan Wangji knew he wasn't the best organised in his words but he did have the ability to grasp the situation. He could only hope that his suggestion and solution would help ease if only a strand of the burden on his brother.

"Thank you Wangji." His brother smiled again and Lan Wangji felt relieved.


"Jiang Cheng." one of his friends, came running, huffing, hands on his knees, eyes urgent.

"Sect Leader Lan..." he huffed some more and Master Jiang stood up, unsure of what was to come, "has re... re... requested your... presence... at the Elder..." he finally waved his hand instead of finishing that sentence.

Jiang Cheng picked his word and was on his way before the man could say more. Ever since he had missed the change to clear the air with Sect Leader Lan, he felt a little reserved to approach the man. He wanted to let things be how they were. A distance, he felt was a little better, for himself. Yet, now that he was on his way, he felt irritated instead of forgiving.

Upon reaching the room, he witnessed, Meng Yao and another disciple from a small sect present already. Unsure, what it was about, he took a spot besides the other side of the unknown disciple.

The disciple smiled brightly and gave a short courtesy, "I am Tao Yan. It is an honor to meet you."

"Master Tao. Jiang Cheng." he responded in a good manner and looked past him at the third person and bowed to him too. Meng Yao smiled and responded with a smile. For the first time, Jiang Cheng noticed that his eyes were expressive and the man was quite attractive. No wonder Sect Leader Lan and he got along quite well.

Just then, white robes floated into the room with unintended flourish and he saw Meng Yao's eyes brighten in excitement and anticipation. The thought struck him sharply, Meng Yao like Sect Leader Lan. Shaking himself away from matters that did not concern him, he turned to the man who had seated himself behind the table.

"Please prepare for a night hunt. We have a case of a wailing spirit in the forest lining the village. We will head out at midnight and try and make it back to avoid impacting your learnings."

The other two besides him nodded, Jiang Cheng, however, hesitated.

"I will be honored." Master Tao added, "I will be delighted," Meng Yao followed up but Jiang Cheng remained silent as Sect Leader Lan turned to him with the usual fixed smile.

"With all due respect Sect Leader Lan, " he bowed, trying to be as polite as possible, "I.. think.. It is not the best for me to..."

"I insist, Master Jiang." Jiang Cheng said no more, he dare not refuse the man.


Lan Xichen found himself unable to broach the topic as they made their way down the steps of Cloud Recess to the village. Since Master Tao and Master Jin did not have their spiritual tools yet, they couldn't be riding swords yet. He'd prefer it that way too. Just as they neared the spot, Sect Leader Lan turned around and announced.

"The wailing usually arises anytime from midnight to early morning. We will camp here for the night until it starts."

Before he could bring further instructions, Master Jiang began moving, "I'll collect firewood. Master Tao, can you help me?"

Having gathered his courage to call Master Jiang, Sect Leader Lan had just turned to him but closed his mouth again, turned to a large tree bark and sat over the soft but firm earth to meditate. There will be time after the fire, he thought, resolute.

His cultivation was high, meditating should have been easy but his ears kept betraying him, picking up on Master Jiang's irritable voice, his light chatter with Master Tao, the sound of his approach. There was no point in meditating if he wasn't actually doing it, so he opened his eyes and realised that Master Jin was watching him. He smiled and master Jin smiled in return. He found this young man under his sworn brother was similar to himself, carrying a burden hidden behind smiles. And yet, Master Jin was more accomplished, being able to let his eyes shine unlike himself. He knew his smiles didn't always reach his eyes but it was enough to calm others and for him to carry forward, that was enough.

As Master Jiang placed the last of the firewood between them, Lan Xichen followed him. His smile wasn't enough for Master Jiang.

"Master Jiang. What can I help with?" for the first time, he looked at the man and for a small second, Lan Xichen could see a peaceful expression instead of a frown or an itch of worry. It softened Master Jiang's features and made him feel light.

"Thank you Sect Leader Lan for offering. I need help lighting a fire." Sect Leader Lan raised his hand to itch a talisman in the air but Master Jin interrupted.

"Let me Sect Leader Lan." Lan Xichen turned to Master Jin with a smile, intending to refuse but Master Jin had already produced the talisman and pushed the firewood to light. He looked at Master Jiang quickly to see his brows pulled together once again, ever so slightly before it was gone.

He turned to Master Jin and bowed a little, "Thank you."

It wasn't until they had all settled that Lan Xichen finally found his chance. He led the conversation about the disciples other night hunting expereinces and noticed Master Jiang's pointed ignorance towards him. By now Sect Leader Lan knew that the man wasn't going to look at him until prompted directly.

"I must say Sect Leader Jiang. I judged you unfairly at the previous night hunt. I sincerely apologise for my judgement and my treatment of you."

"I apologise to Sect Leader Lan for my rudeness." Sect Leader Lan did not expect that. It eased his heart unlike anything. He had not realised he had been missing this peace in the past days until it came back to him.

"Let us look forward now." he suggested and earned another courtesy of acknowledgement. He wished that people would just stop courtesy-ing him all the time or at least the ones he wanted to be close to. How was he to be close to people if they would not meet his eyes.

With an internal sigh and a bigger smile, the conversation resumed to other night hunting stories.

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